Avenge the king ( dream x tec...

By smutychase3

33.9K 641 1K

Just some shit More

The new king
The duel
The duel 2.0
My little rat
Can i
Two smuts in this chapter ;)
The well
Im sorry for slow updates
The proposal
Q&A time
"Will. you good"
New book's bitches
I love you
Prepare for the wedding

I promise

1.7K 45 55
By smutychase3

Techno's POV

I walked down the old wood stairs of dreams house to see bbh cooking. He seemed to be making muffins I looked over to see dream chatting with I think sapnap. I see sapnap is scouting closer to dream I get jealous and walk over to dream. I placed my head on he's and put my arms around him he tensed at my touch only to embrace it.

" good morning techno did you sleep well"
Dream said I looked at him and the put my head deeper into his soft blonde hair
" why did you leave the bed I wanted cuddles"

With that everyone in the house looked at me because the big scary blood king wanted cuddles from his boy friend I looked at then and felt embarrassed.

" what can a man not have a little love in his life Jesus Christ" I then felt dream grad my arm and pull me onto the couch I laid my head down on his lap and closed my eyes. He then started messing with my long messy hair and braiding it once again. I sat there for a long time before I opened my eyes and looked at him I pulled him in to a little kiss and he looked away from sap as blush covered his face I chuckled and he looked at me.

" your so cute~" I say he then turns bright red and looks away I laugh and then let him braid my hair I watched as sapnap looked angry I looked at him and I watched as he looked at me I mouthed " if you ever touch what is mine I will end you quicker then I killed skeppy" he looked scared and then walked over to help bad with something i went back to enjoying dreams hands in my hair not like they weren't there a night ago but it felt good right now and maybe later;).

" muffins are done come and Get em" I walked over to the kitchen with dream and he got a muffin bad looked at me and how much taller I was he looked sacred so I patted his hard and said thx for the muffin I then walked back to we're dream was and talked to him for a while god I love him.

Bad boy halo POV

When techno patted my head I realized he's not as evil as they say but sapnaps idea to kill him for are leader back just hit me like a truck.

"oh God I can't stop him" I feel so bad techno really is in love with dream and if dreams happy then I'm happy with it.

I need to tell George this I know he's in love Sapnap he needs to help distract him so when it's time for a dream and techno subnet won't kill techno.

I ran up the stairs all the way to George's room (that's where he left once techno patted bads head) I was walking up to George's room when I Heard soft moans coming from behind it I quickly took that opportunity to run back down the stairs to sapnap.

maybe I can do something I just hope I don't wake up from it to night. I run to sapnap and say a very good lie.

" hey sap can you go check on George I think he's crying"

" what why is he crying but seriously what do you think he's crying"

"I think he might've liked dream but I think he seen dream with techno and completely thinking different about it go check on him for me I gotta clean"

" OK thanks for telling me I'll pay you back later"

I watch sap run up the stairs I wonder what will happen next.

Sapnaps POV

I ran up to the stairs over to George's room when I hear.......


I look at the ground in disbelief I've never heard such a gorgeous sound I walk over to the door and Peek in I see George on his back his hands between his legs and I'm throwing his head backwards says one word I wish I had a long time ago because now I have a problem I have to take care of.

Georges POV


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