Reader x Voltron: Legendary D...

By AnonymousHugger

521 13 1

This is gonna be my first ever story I'm gonna post well anywhere! So if anything seems off or bad I apologiz... More

The Rise of Voltron Part 1
The Rise of Voltron Part 2
Form Voltron! Part 1
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Form Voltron! Part 2
Form Voltron! Part 3
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142 3 1
By AnonymousHugger



It's my first day in the Galaxy Garrison and as I'm walking around to find my team as a co-pilot I am reminded of a few years ago

~Flashback (Brought you by a writer that literally doesn't know how to write a good story)~

I was a lonely kid back then I kept running away from anyone that ever tried to talk to me and I liked that... Or so I thought... Several days of this charade and I mean SEVERAL days, I started to feel it. The pain of being lonely... But I was too afraid. I didn't want any friends because I don't like myself. I was afraid people would start making fun of me. I was definitely weird back then.

After another bunch of several days a brown haired senior student that wore a specific type of glasses came up to me and asked, "You okay?" I didn't know what to say, I knew I wasn't okay but even then I didn't want to bother him. I decided to try and say something but before I could he said "If you aren't just tell me okay? We could hang out at my place!" then he left. I later found out that, that person's name is Matt Holt and He is the nicest person I've met at school.

~Timeskip (Cuz fuk u)~

Me and Matt became friends and I started to take up his offer he said those many days ago, I got permission and everything . (REEE IMMA SKIP TO THE TIME THEY GOT TO THE HOLTS HOUSE) Once I arrived to the house Matt greeted me and introduced me to his parents "Mom, Dad this is [Y/N]! He's the kid I talked about" "Oh pleasure to meet you [Y/N] I'm Matts Father but you can just call me Sam" "And I am Matts Mother but please call me Colleen"

After exchanging names and handshakes I spot the stairs and I saw a girl by the stairs just staring at me, it was a little creepy but the girl looked very pretty... BUT also very familiar! I recognized her as a fellow student in my school you never talked much to her but you still recognized her. When she realized that I realized her realizing that she was looking at me she went back upstairs and heard a door shut. "Umm... Does she hate me for some reason?" I asked, Sam then replied "Ah, don't worry about Katie she's just shy,". 'cute' I thought.

~This is gonna get real nerdy real quick~

Matt invited me to his surprisingly clean room to play some video games (Smash Bros). It got REAL competitive REAL quick, I played as Link, Matt played as Fox. Then we heard knock at the door "Come in!" Matt said, as the door opened we see Katie come in and say shyly (which I guess was because of me) "C-can I play with you guys?" "Sure!" I say with a reassuring smile. She joined us and beat the shit out of me as Pichu. N-Nani?! Kono Onna! S-segoi! (I bet you know what this means you weeb). I struggled fighting against Katie's Pichu and after a while of try harding she starts to struggle too. Matt just watched not interfering in the battle but then after Katie and I realized he was just watching like a king watching two gladiators fight we both looked at eachother and had the same exact plan. Suddenly we rush Matt's fox and the final boss shows his true power "Hohohoho, this isn't even my final form!" Matt said menacingly.

Me and Katie both gasp at this new found power emanating from Matt but we both fought him nonetheless Katie got blasted off off stage to her last stock and I was already on my last stock from my fight with Katie but so was he. I then rushed Matt and attacked making sure I got him but in the cost of my life. "PICHU WIN" The announcer says then me and Katie laugh in excitement and Matt smiles at the sight of his happy little sister and friend (aka new little brother). After a short celebration Katie then looks at me and asks "Hey.. Umm... C-Can we be friends?" I then smile brightly "Of course!". I felt so happy its strange.. How something that started as being something so little made me feel so happy.

~Timeskip to Matt's goodbye to Kerberos~

After me and Katie or Pidge as she insists in calling herself say goodbye to Matt, Matt personally talks to me "Hey [Y/N], while I'm gone I want you too look after Katie," "Huh? Why me?" I asked "Because I trust you and she's gonna need you to be there for her when I'm gone," Matt said. I couldn't turn down that offer plus I really do care about Katie. As Matt walks off waving away smiling I walk to Katie and ask "Are you okay?" "Yeah. I am gonna miss them though..." She replied. I reassured her placing my hand on her shoulder smiling and say "I'll be here if you need any help," she smiled "Thanks" I then noticed 'glasses' I thought. "As if you needed to look more nerdy!" I said jokingly "Hey! Matt gave me these!" She countered sounding annoyed "I'm just teasing! They look good on you," I said smiling, Katie then seemed flustered but smiled "Thanks,".

~Timeskip to the sad news~

No. Nononononononononono! M-Matt and S-Sam are.. dead..? Once the news struck I ran out of my house and my Mother seemed to know what I was doing. I ran to Katie's house and knocked on the door and at the door was Colleen "O-oh. [Y/N]... I guess you heard the news..." Colleen had tears on her face and so did I but somehow Colleen knew why I was here I guess Matt told her.. "Katie is upstairs..." I then walked in with a heavy heart, as I looked around I am reminded of when Matt was here and when Sam was here... I tried so hard not to cry but a few tears broke out. I wipe my tears and walked upstairs to Katie's room and decided not to knock... But then I hear a memory "Hey [Y/N], while I'm gone I want you too look after Katie,". The memory of my promise so I turned back to Katie's room and knocked then I heard "Go away mom.." "It's... It's [Y/N]," I replied "Can I come in..?" I then heard footsteps coming from her room then the door opened and Katie hugged me crying all the tears she had I started to cry too but I kept most of it in me. We ended up in her room sitting down on her bed next to each other she leaned her head on my shoulder still crying a little her breathe stutters from all the crying. 'Why'd this have to happen' I thought 'What did Katie do to deserve this?' I also thought... I thought a lot of things that day.. Katie eventually fell asleep on my shoulder. After I realized that she was sleeping I layed her down on her bed and tuck her in. I walked out her room and went downstairs to see that Colleen had fallen asleep on the couch, I grabbed a blanket and placed it on top of her to keep her warm.

After all this I realized I had to stay that night and so I did, I called my mom that I was staying over. That Night I couldn't sleep. At all. I stayed up all night thinking and checking on both Colleen and Katie. At morning I made breakfast, creamy scrambled eggs and Bacon, but then as I plate all the dishes including mine I went to sit down on a chair at the living room I accidentally fell asleep.

~Pidge's POV~

I wake up comfortably on my bed. I was still dealing with the hurt of losing BOTH my brother and my Dad... But [Y/N]... Oh my god [Y/N] where is he? He's not around my room I got out off bed and walked down to the living room. I saw my [Y/N] asleep on a chair and a blanked which I later found out that my mom placed there. I smell Scrambled Eggs and Bacon. I then walked to the dining table and see my mom eating and I took a seat and took a bite from these creamy Scrambled Eggs and was amazed by how good they were "T-these are really good mom," I said smiling a little with my raspy voice from all the crying, "Thank [Y/N]. He made them," Mom replied and I was shocked and flustered, amazingly cooked scrambled eggs and nicely cooked bacon by... [Y/N]. It made me blush.

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