Fate Series Oneshots

By MistressDestruction

119K 3K 653

A bunch of oneshots from the Fate series. THis includes Fate/Zero, Stay Night, Unlimited Blades works, Grand... More

Intro ish
1: Master!Reader x Gilgamesh | Summoning
2: Reader x Lancer (Cu)| Babysitting
3: Master!Reader x Seigfreid|His Back
4:Master!Reader x Alexander | Pretty Boy
5:Master!Reader x Robin Hood | Merry Men
6: Master!Reader x Vlad III |Daughter
7: Master!Reader x Gilgamesh |X-mas
8: Reader x Lancer (Cu)| X-mas
9: Master!Reader x Achilles | Chariot
Extra: Mother is a Master|Reader x Gilgamesh
10: Reader x Karna | Like a Family
11: Master!Reader x Alexander| You are You
12:Reader x Bedivere | I know you
13: Master!Reader x Vlad III | Dracula
14: Master!Reader x Achilles|Skeletons in the Closet
15: Master!Reader x Diarmuid|Beauty Mark of Disaster
16: Master!Reader x Saber | Arthur or Artoria
Extra: Mother is a Master 2 | Reader x Gilgamesh
17: Reader x Chiron | With all my Heart
Extra: Mother is a Master 3| Reader X Gilgamesh
18:Master!Reader x Diarmuid 2 | Peace Treat
19: Reader x Karna 2| We're A Family
20: Reader x Cu | Troublesome Woman
21: Reader x Various | Plague 1 of 2
21: Reader x Various | Plague 2 of 2
22: Reader x Chiron | Pinky Promise
23: Master!Reader x Robin Hood 2 | Milady
24: Master!Reader x Arthur Pendragon | King of the Round Table
25: Master!Reader x Emiya | Battle of the Sass
26: Master!Reader x Gawain | Knight of the Sun
27: Reader x Gilgamesh | not so useless
28: Reader x Arthur Pendragon | Shy Spooks
Extra: Mother is a Master 4|Reader x Gilgamesh
29: Master!Reader x Achilles | If that makes you happy
Extra: Mother is a Master 5| Reader x Gilgamesh
Extra: Mother is a Master 6 | Reader x Gilgamesh
30: Master!Reader x Fergus | Flirty pain in the ass
31: Master!Reader x Berserker Cu | Can't say no
Extra: Mother is a Master 7| Reader x Gilgamesh
32: Master!Reader x Bedivere 2 | Regrets of Love
Extra: FGO!Reader x Karna | a pregnant Master
33: master!reader x Iskandar | Waver's Friend
Extra: Mother is a Master 8 |Reader x Gilgamesh
34: master!Reader x Waver | Not without you
35: master!Reader x Fergus 2 | Both, Mo Ghra
36: master!Reader x Arjuna | Good Change
37: master!Reader x Diarmuid 3 | Distant Past Songs
38: Reader x Fuuma | Assassin with a Heart
Extra: Mother is a Master 9 | Reader x Gilgamesh
40: master!Reader x Dantes | Struggle with regret
41: master!Reader x Fionn | priceless, perfect, irreplaceable
Extra: Mother is a Master 10 | Reader x Gilgamesh

Extra: FGO!Reader x Emiya| The Clingiest master there ever was

1.3K 43 4
By MistressDestruction

@KiYuEt Hi

It doesnt want to at you for some stupid reason, I've tried for 10 minutes XD

REGARDLESS the lovely KiYuEt Hi asked for this request~


When he had been summoned to a master, he felt neutral about it. 

No emotion swayed one way or another. He was a tool after all – of course he would be chosen at some point to fight once more in someone's attempt to get their grubby hands on the Holy Grail.

When he had first looked down upon his master, for a moment he had thought that this new woman would be much like Tohsaka. 

Despite how many visual differences there were between her and this new master. He just assumed that the similarities would leak out at some point along the way.

He didn't even ask questions about the strange environment that he was summoned to. 

An almost hospital like interior to a stronghold of sorts...that one glance out a window told you, was located somewhere high in a mountainous snowy terrain. He could tell from the odd circumstances that this was no ordinary grail war.

So when you had explained the situation to him, he merely listen and nodded. 

There was not much he could do about the situation anyways – so there was no reason to fight it. It was odd, especially seeing other masters that were not enemies and were instead allies and friends. Even more odd was the number of servants – and how the servant – master relations were depicted differently from what he had seen previously.

But his easily accepting behaviour did not stay long. For he quickly found out how challenging being your servant could be.

It wasn't something that surfaced during the first week after being summoned. But the second week.

Oh, that is when things changed.

"Emiiiiiiyaaaaaaaa~" you whined with a pout.

You were on a mission to one of the many singularities. There were a few masters and servant combos within Chaldea so the singularity responsibilities were easily shared. So, this was by no means an awfully dangerous mission...but your servant had not accounted to this...event...occurring

"master, please." He sighed exasperated, one hand pinching the bridge of his nose while you complained loudly


He promptly looked away. 

He was not letting those puppy-dog eyes of yours do him in again.

He had learned from previous missions and your time spent together in your dwelling within Chaldea that those batting lashes and begging, pleading eyes were his absolute downfall when it came to you.

But you were determined.

And so you wiggled closer, your right hand balling up on his pantleg and your upper torso escaping your sleeping bag as you did so.

"Emiiiiiyaaaaaa~" you whined again laying your head on his lap still pouting up at him pitifully "I caaaaant sleeeeeeep"

He refused to look at you.

He knew where this was going.

He knew if he looked then he would cave in.

"well, you cannot sleep when you're not even in your sleeping bag...master" he chided

He could feel your hands gathering more fabric.

He could feel your gaze silently demanding his to meet your own.

He also could tell, you really were very tired and frustrated because you couldn't sleep.

"but I was in my sleeping bag. And I couldn't sleep." You pouted more wiggling more onto his lap "you have to fix this dilemma"

"oh, I have to fix it, do I? I do not believe that in the contract there was a clause stating I must help master fall asleep" he sarcastically responded.

You thought he was teasing...but it was always so hard to tell...his jokes were stoic and his annoyance was also stoic. They both sounded the same.

"and let go of me, there is no need to be this close" he grumbled swatting at your hand

"there is need!" you shouted

"master, do you want to fight throughout the night?" he then turned to you mid warning to give you a glare "perhaps a single sleepless night is much better than sleeping fore-" he stopped himself short seeing the tears welling up in your eyes.

He knew he had gone too far.

You told him once before, on your first mission together, about how scared you were. How much you wanted to go home. How much you hated the look and feel of Chaldea – yet you always strived to do your best when you were given a task.

Perhaps it was because you were a master that was not originally from Japan that made you so different from the other masters. Perhaps that was why you had these thoughts and fears?

"you...you really can't sleep?" he asked hushed but glancing away from you to check the surroundings carefully

"...no..." you sniffled

You were scared, over tired, frustrated and sleepy all at once and it was overriding your more well-behaved emotions.

The white haired archer sighed loudly through his nose before unwrapping his arms from their crossed position. He leaned over and grabbed your biceps, pulling you up to him and into his lap, then he gave you a slight annoyed look. Settled in his lap and facing him, he reached one hand up to your cheek and wiped your tears away. Then pulled you into his chest.

"Emiya...?" you blinked a bit surprised by his actions

"just....do not get used to this. But for tonight you can curl up here on top of me." His voice was a bit muffled as he curled his form around your own. His face in your hair as he kissed the side of your head.

"...I figured you would get mad at me..." you mumbled in a whisper

He could feel your arms reach around him and your fingers dig into his top. Your form clinging to him even more than before.

"well...I suppose that there is no real point in being upset with you. I understand that you did not ask for this burden" he started quietly "you were taken from your home and sent to a strange place and then told the fate of mankind was upon your shoulders. That is more than any grail has put upon a master."

You peeked up at him as he brushed his fingers through your (h/c) tresses, your eyes locking onto a rare and gentle, sweet smile upon his lips.

"not to mention all your fears...no wonder you cannot sleep." he then had a lightbulb look upon his visage and, while holding you tightly against him, he leaned over and snatched your sleeping bag up. He unzipped it and folded it wide open "the fire will die soon..." he then draped it across the two of you ensuring no heat would escape "you'll get cold if you are just laying on me"

You smiled, just barely holding back a giggle...but your happy and cuddly vibe was easily picked up through your bond. Emiya didn't say anything but was thankful you had closed your eyes as he was getting all warm and fuzzy from your residual energy.

You yawned and your servant could feel your grip on him was slowly loosening, as was your weight upon him also began to slack into him.

He couldn't help but think back to all the previous times that you had been so clingy in the past.

There had been a time before this that you had a hard time falling asleep and he had to sit by the bed until you fell asleep.

There had been the first fight you were in with him. You had screamed and tried to climb right up the side of him in fear of the monsters you were facing.

There was the times you had been on your 'womanly' time and kept trying to cuddle up to him. He tried so hard to stay away during those times....

Then there was the time that you had been brought in front of Romani to be scolded and forced your poor servant to hold your hand and used him as a human shield from the doctor.

"thank you Emiya..." you mumbled quietly with a yawn snuggling further into his chest

"...sweet dreams master" he responded soothingly "I will keep you safe, so there is nothing to fear"


"hm...?" he blinked

"call me by my name...you don't need to call me master" you nodded against his chest falling more and more asleep


"I mean it"

Emiya sighed softly, a small chuckle escaping at the same time as he gazed down at your form slowly slipping into the embrace of sleep.

"alright...(name)..." he smiled gently kissing the top of your head.

He waited a few moments until he knew you were fast asleep...

"you, (name), are the clingiest master I have ever had..." he sighed letting his head lean back until it rested against the tree behind him "yet...I do not regret this choice by the grail..."


I'm so sorry for the long pauses between uploads...

One of these days I hope to have a proper reason to give you all. 

Until then...just know that I am trying my best! ^^


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