Ciel in Twisted Wonderland

By Multiverse_fan

45.6K 1.1K 117

Please read the description This is my first book so please no hate. I haven't seen many books with a Black B... More

Prologue 1: A Stranger's awakening
Prologue 2: Break the Solemnity!
Prologue 3: Cruel Answer!
Prologue 4: Confusing Amnesia!
Prologue 5: Various Things in the Room!
Prologue 6: Exceptional Trial!
Prologue 7: Warm Hearted Principal
Prologue 8: School Time Refresher!
Prologue 9: Encounter a Person!
Prologue 10: Cheeky Mates!
Prologue 11: Hundred Broken Windows!
Prologue 12: Punishment Escape!
Prologue 13: Rash Tactics!
Prologue 14: Unintentional Troubles!
Prologue 15: Severe Spot
Prologue 16: Selfish Three!
Prologue 17: United Front First!
Prologue 18: Tenacious Chase!
Prologue 19: Reconsideration Miracle!
Prologue 20: Finale Prologue!
Chapter 1: The Crimson Tyrant
Chapter 1: The Crimson Tyrant
Chapter 1: The Crimson Tyrant
Chapter 1: The Crimson Tyrant
Not a chapter
The Crimson Tyrant
The Crimson Tyrant

Chapter 1: The Crimson Tyrant

1.1K 20 3
By Multiverse_fan

Part 2: Triple Snacking!

Ciel's POV

We were all sitting in the lounge room. "That collar's the same kind as the one that red-haired upperclassman put on me during the opening ceremony. Why're you wearin' that?" Grim asked.

"I ate a tart." Ace said.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Exactly! Only that! I got hungry, so I went to the dorm's kitchen. The tart was just sittin' right there inside the fridge. And like, three whole ones! That's why..."

Ace's POV and Flashback

I sighed while walking into the kitchen quietly. "It's only the first day and I'm so tired~ I missed dinner, so I'm very hungry. Wonder if there's anythin' in the fridge." I opened the fridge and looked inside. "Oh, found a tart! Looks delish~! There's a lot, so I'm not sure if I can finish it all." I took one of the tarts from the fridge. "Thanks for the food~ Whoa, what the heck?! It's so good!"

"Of course, it would be delicious. After all, anything that Trey makes is bound to be exquisite." I heard someone say behind me, but I was to into the tart to turn around and find out who the voice belonged too.

"Nah, man, this is something else! It's better than the ones at the shops." As I finished the tart, I then turned around to see the head of the dorm. "Wha– Prefect?!"

"Quite the boldness you have there for touching something that belongs to me. Queen of Hearts Rule #89: " You shall not eat tarts prepared for the Queen ahead of her." Larceny of the Queen's tarts is a capital crime! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"  Next thing I know there is a weird collar around my neck.


End of Flashback

"And that's what happened..." Grim and Ciel. They both just looked at me without saying a word.

Ciel's POV

Grim and I both just looked at Ace seeing if he could catch why we were silent. "You've only got yourself to blame." Grim stated with a bored expression.

"But ain't it overreacting to seal my magic just 'cause I ate his tart?! It's practically the same as tying my hands and my feet! Plus, there were three whole ones! He can't possibly finish all of those! There's a limit to how heartless he can be!" Ace exclaimed.

" I agree, binding your magic may have been a little too overboard. But you still shouldn't have eaten that tart."

"What! How could you say that!"

"Wait! If there were three whole tarts, they might've been prepared for the party, yanno? Like for someone's birthday? Man, I'm such a great detective, huh!" Grim said.

"Birthday?" Ace asked.

"If that's the case, then it's no wonder he's mad." I told him.

Ace rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "Uh... I came here thinking that you'd agree with me about the Prefect being a little tyrant."

"I get that he's kinda a tyrant, but..."

"You're also at fault for eatin' his food." Grim finished.

"I'm sure he'll forgive you if you apologize."

"Grudges over food are scary. Ah! Speaking of which, I still haven't received my canned tuna from the Headmaster!"

Ace sighed. "I get it. I just have to apologize, right? You suggested it, so you better come with me, Prefect..."


Ace stood up and stretched while looking around. "In the meantime, where can I sleep?"

"You're serious about stayin' the night? The other rooms aside from ours are still full of dust. If you're gonna sleep here, you better clean it yourself." Grim stated, crossing his arms.

"Ugh, I don't wanna clean at all. Prefect~ Let me stay in your room~ I'm a pretty handy guy so I won't take up much room! Please~?" Ace looked at me with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Pardon? You're welcome to stay in the lounge's sofa"

"Boo, stingy. Fine then. I'll sleep all by my lonesome on the lounge's sofa. Good night!" Grim and I went back up to our room while Ace stayed on the sofa to sleep.

Ace's POV

I woke up the next morning to someone banging on the door. "What the, who the hell's pounding on the door so early in the morning? Ugh...! This dorm's seriously raining dust! Got it, got it! I'll open the door, so don't break it!" I yelled to the person before getting up and opening the door.

"I knew I'd find you here."

"D-Deuce..." I yelled out in shock before lowering my voice, not knowing if they were up yet or not.

"I heard about the situation from our dormmates. You ate the Prefect's tart, so now you've got that collar on, haven't you? You're an outright idiot!"

"Shut it! I don't wanna hear that from you! So... Is the Prefect still mad at me...?

"Not completely. He's in an irritated mood and about three people who didn't follow the waking up routine suffered the same fate as you."

""Not completely," my ass! He's totally mad!" I sighed. Just then Prefect and Grim walked out. All of us then left to head out to the school.

Ciel's POV

As we were walking, Grim pushed his way past our legs. "Hey! Make way, make way! I, a full-fledged Night Raven College student is passing through! Look at my collar! My collar is totally awesome compared to yours!" He said to Ace and Deuce before looking at me and saying. "And you can't use your magic now, can you? Guess I can have you cleaning the schools as part of your chores or something? Nyaha, this feels so good!"

"I guess he's still got a grudge for being made fun of yesterday." I told them. Ace then started grumbling. "You better remember this when I get my magic back!"

"The Headmaster just scolded you for a ruckus you caused yesterday, remember? In any case, you won't be able to attend classes since your magic has been sealed. How about you go and apologize to Prefect Roseheart so he can take that off?" Deuce suggested.

"Damn it...! I still ain't convinced...!!" Ace yelled out to Deuce who had already walked away.

"We still have time before the next class. Plus, I'm interested in the other dorms. Let's go observe while we watch Ace apologize." Grim said, with a slight smirk.

"I'm not some kinda exhibit, damn it!"

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