Love UnHeard || SeongJoong [A...

By felix69eyelash

103K 6.3K 3.2K

[Completed] "Hi, I'm Hongjoong, a new student at SNU. You won't belive how bad I started the class year." [Wh... More

[Part A] 1. I'm here, finally.
[Part A] 2. I hate it here.
[Part A] 3. Who do they think they are?
[Part A] 5. Hypocrite.
[Part A] 6. Put it together asshole.
[Part A] 7. Not so easy.
[Part A] 8. Friends.
Special chap: HALLOWEEN!
[Part T] 1. Art.
[Part T] 2. Twenty.
[Part T] 3. The thoughtful boy.
[Part T] 4. Merry... well, not so marry.
[Part T] 5. The boy that was in love.
[Part T] 6. New Year's Eve.
[Part T] 6,5. 1st of January.
[Part T] 7. The boy that fought for himself.
[Part T] 8. Sorry.
Super Special chap: Whathefuk.
[Part Z] 1. Dear Diary.
[Part Z] 2. Grandparents.
[Part Z] 3. Head empty
[Part Z] 4. Warm gold.
[Part Z] 5. Koi no Yokan.
[Part Z] 6. Broken eyes.
[Part Z] 7. Wellcome in.
[Part Z] 7,5. Son.
[Part Z] 8. Fireworks.
Mega Special Chapter: Happy Holidays!
[Part E] Pre-sode 1. Seonghwa.
[Part E] Pre-sode 2. Hongjoong.
[Part E] 1. Confession.
[Part E] 2. Just say yes.
[Part E] 3. Nervousness.
[Part E] 3,5. Falling in love.
[Part E] 4. You & Me.
[Part E] 5. Me & Us.
[Part E] 6. A new world.
[Part E] 6,5. A new world. (pt.2)
[Part E] 7. I'll be there, will you be there too?
[Part E] 7,5. I won't be there, I'll be right here.
[Part E] 8. Heard love.
THANK YOU FOR READING + announcement

[Part A] 4. Lonely.

2.8K 178 139
By felix69eyelash

This week was passing by slowly, maybe too much for my liking. The usually fun classes became tedious in a way. Minutes became hours even at the dining hall.
My time at the dorm wasn't the best either, I just spent time on my laptop(which my older brother got me with not very legal money), studied and slept. Maybe the loneliness was kicking in.

Something I never thought I could have, and didn't want to admit was erupting slowly. I thought: I'm homesick.

I want to go back. I want to put my parents to sleep at 6am after they came drunk. I want to hang out with my immature friends. I want to go to my shitty University with Yeonjun and the rest. Fuck I want it all back!

I looked up from my desk and around class. Everyone was leaving already, I just followed still submerged in my thoughts.

I had no classes left for today, Wednesday are not as busy as the rest of the week days. My destinations were the dining room and then my dorm. My steps felt heavy, my eyes looked tired and my will to live decreased with every every second that ticked on the clock (maybe this is an exaggeration).

I got in line to get my food, my eyes landed on him unconsciously. My blood boiled.
I got a look at him: Tall, long slim legs, his eyes were big and black from the distance, smooth black hair falled on his forehead a little messy, but somehow he still managed to look good. He wore black shiny boots, black tight jeans, a black turtle neck and a leather jacket. Black, black, black, black. Was he on school or attending a funeral?
One thing was clear: he has money, for sure he does.

Me? My outfit didn't go higher than 30 bucks all together. That thought only made me more furious. My whole body heated up. If you were to draw my expression, you could place flames instead of eyes in my angry face.

"The fuck you looking at?" A familiar voice creeped me out from behind my back. I turned around with a surprised look and changed it immediately to a mad one when I saw who it was, my eyebrows sulked. The guy with the white lock of hair on his bangs, the one who protected the mean guy: 'The meanest guy'.

"Excuse me?" I said annoyed.

"Stop looking at my friends, fucking weirdo. I don't want your dirty looks on my people" He whispered as the queue advanced. He said what to me now?! Oh no, No fucking way. I let go of my empty tray.

"Say that shit again Mr.Royalty " I challenged. I looked at me weirded out by the nickname.

"I said" he looked at me as if I was human waste. "Take your eyes off of my friend" he got closer threateningly "You. Dirty. Sewer. Rat."

Okay, enough. That's the straw that broke the camel's back. Only I can call myself that--and my mom.

"I bet that's the only pair of shoes you own" he mocked "Do you want me to buy you new ones? Maybe I coul-" I punched him in the face. If he won't shut up I'd make him.

"Aww~ What happened? the cat bit your tongue? Aren't you gonna keep trashing about buying me things? Didn't you want to be my sugar daddy?"
Yes Joong! That was hella smooth! Now get out of here before he snaps back at you.

"That skinny rat it's strong. Fuck" I could hear him babble while cleaning blood from his lips.

Another day having to skip lunch!


Next day I was surprised the principal didn't call me for that "little" incident. Perhaps they let it pass because I'm new, or no one told them, or they did and didn't care. Of course it was the last one, this is a University not high school. And that snitch would have told them for sure.

I didn't got scolded from above, but people considered my level who saw me punch the guy looked at me with different eyes. There was no rumour, just the people that saw me in the cafeteria. They didn't look down on me now, some looked at me as a hero and others as an aggressive dude. Both equally disgusted me.

Firstly, I am no saviour. As much as I dislike that asshole I shouldn't have punched him like that (but oof he knew how to get on the right nerves). And secondly, I'm not always aggressive! I'm friendly! I swear... I'm not going to punch you if you did nothing.

It seemed my will to do friends was decreasing each day here. Somehow I got myself in trouble almost everyday. I don't know how I'm still holding my A+ grades. At least I was good at that.

Today's classes went by even slower. I swear to the Gods I spent 5 hours on Art theory when in reality it was a 2 hours lecture. I was loosing my mind for real.

All because of that Money Prince, was it that difficult to say sorry? Really? Noooo, he had to ignore me.

All of them where the same: Bourgeoisie used to winning, to be treated better than the rest. Just because they have money.

I thought getting into arts wouldn't give me this kind of problems. I really had the audacity to think I could not be the black sheep. But guess what? Everyone here was like that bastard who called me 'Sewer Rat'. Thinking they are better than me just because their family has money... They judge people by their looks, they saw my dirty shoes and placed me in the lowest rank since the beginning.

And that aside, I missed my town. I missed my shitty neighbourhood in AnYang, the streets, the bars, the environment... I was feeling so lonely here.

I'm not a loner, I love being around people. I need people around me. But the only thing around me right now were weird looks, profesors and enemies.

Today I simply decided to eat lunch outside, I didn't want people looking at me again and I also wanted to avoid that three guys as much as I could. Oh wait, should I name them?
A trio... Just like the power puff girls. But they where no near like them. They are mischievous, mean, arrogant, bossy, aimless.

Maybe a trio like The Team Rocket was better. Jessie: The tall one. Simply mean.
James: The one who shouts at me. Rude.
Meowth: The one who told me to apologise. Annoying as fuck.

Huh, I like that. Pretty accurate. At times like this I loved my brain. When instead of over thinking everything I made silly comparisons.

And like this, the day became night. And what did I do in the night? Phone all night till I fell asleep. The only thing that kept me away from this loneliness was messaging my dumb friends from town.

Street Rats

EYO EYO EYO where is HONGJOONG it's time

bru among us again?

I'm here assholes

bru I can't right now, I'm out with xiao

you still teaching him?

yeah he still can't ollie but at least he got the strawberry milkshake 😔

stop bullying him it took u 2 months to land it

lmao true

ey how's it going over there city boy?😎

hummm... Everyone hates me bcs I got into a fight...


just twice?

IKR??!?? they r too exaggerated. I only split his lip a little

dude once I got into a fight at school and the teacher just sat and saw us hit heat other



i missed ur lame ass jokes

I don't, please take him with you

about to donate him to Ten and Johnny

pls do they are better people than y'all


like y'all

y e s

well then we playing among us or nah?


k but just two rounds, Xiao said its okay.

call me, finally some good fucking time

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