Looking In Your Eyes

By Kay_kay127

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An unexpected story, that revolves around one necklace. Authors note: Hi guys! I'm very excited to share this... More

Chapter 1, Part 2-The Annual Bayside Awards Ceremony
Chapter 2-The Necklace
Chapter 2, Part 2

Chapter 1, Part 1-The Annual Bayside Awards Ceremony

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By Kay_kay127

"Every day the clock resets. Your wins don't matter. Your failures don't matter. Don't stress on what was, fight for what could be." 

-Sean Higgins

The day before the annual Bayside Award Ceremony, almost like the BET awards or Billboard awards, Grammys, you get the point. They are giving out prizes, credits, awards/trophies, and scholarships. This event happens once a year for the senior class. It's a fancy formal event that takes place at a rented hall with nice dim lights and candles on the table. (Oooohhh, setting the atmosphere). It's hosted by the fabulous Belding.

Disclaimer: This is all fictional and made up. I don't own most of these characters or the show itself. This show is called Saved By The Bell. None of this really happened on the show, except for some events and situations that took place. So no further ado, I hope you enjoy this story.🤗😁

***Also inspired by the fanfic (Saved by the bell: Graduate Years)

Moesha (Season 5, episode 8-Isn't She Lovely?)

And by PrincessC96-Fanfiction.net***

Early morning at school.

It first starts off like any other day.

The three girls, Kelly, Jessie, and Lisa were walking down the hallway, talking and giggling with each other.

"I'm so excited about tomorrow night! There will be music and food-it's at a fancy hall. We will most likely win awards and will look hot doing so!" The bubbly brunette exclaimed. The girls had giggled at Kelly's last comment, while nodding their heads in agreement.

"I just can't wait! This is one of the last events we have together before we all....", Kelly paused and her mood changed. The bubbly brunette's smile faded as her eyes glossed over with tears.

"Before we all what, Kelly?" Lisa asked, concerned.

"Kel, what's wrong?" Jessie placed a hand on her friend's back.

"We will be.....graduating-leaving the school, and we'll attend different colleges and.....we wouldn't be best friends anymore." Kelly whimpered.

"Oh Kelly." Lisa went to hug her.

"Hey, we still have a couple months together, we can still spend every moment with each other while we still have time." Jessie touched Kelly's shoulder, assuring her that everything will be okay.

"Yeah, she's right. We shouldn't waste time thinking about something that hasn't even happened yet."

"Yeah, I guess you guys are right." Kelly formed a big smile.

"Ok, so now that's settled, we still gotta figure out what we are going to wear for tomorrow." Lisa exclaimed.

"You're right, Lisa. I've seen this formal wear shop at the mall, we can go check it out today after school." Jessie suggested, and the girls walked off with each other.


Soon came the guys, heading to the lockers.

"So Slater, since you still haven't found a date for tomorrow, I was thinking that maybe you should ask Katie out. She's a very beautiful girl and has a great figure, and no one has asked her out yet." Zack said to Slater.

"Well how about Karen. She is definitely a babe if you know what I mean." Screech added while elbowing and winking at him.

"Thanks guys, but no. I already have a list of pretty girls who all want to be my date, check here." Slater announces as he pulls out a piece of paper from his back pocket. He nods his head and gives his dimple-like smile.

The two guys take a look. "Whoa Slater, you really got a list of girls on here!" Screech blurted.

"Well you know, the ladies love me. How can they resist this one beautiful body." Slater conceitedly jokes.

"Ok well how about Cindy, she's a very pretty blonde who has a lot of fun." Zack points to the name while moving his eyebrows up and down.

"Oh well see, actually I was thinking about taking Mindy instead."

"Ok then Mindy it is." Zack nods in agreement.

"But now you got me thinking about taking Cindy out."

"Ok well that settles it, Cindy is the winner."

"But then again, Mindy is the one with the cute dimple on the left side of her cheek, and I think we would make an excellent couple-twinning in fact." Slater smirks at knowing what he's doing.

"Just choose one already! It shouldn't be so hard because they are identical twins." The annoyed blonde rolled his eyes.

"Ok fine, Preppy. I will choose...mmm...Linda." Slater threw a playfully grin.

"Tch, you're annoying Slater, you know that right." Zack chuckles under his breath while shaking his head.

"Wait, which Linda?"

Slater starts making hand gestures and body motions.

"Ohhhhhh, that Linda. Excellent choice my friend." Zack says and dabs Slater.

"Wait, are we talking about Linda with the unibrow and cracked tooth." Screech asked, not getting with the program. They both looked at him with confused faces that read "what?" on it, and then shook their heads.

"Ok anyways...so tell me Screech, are you still bringing Violet?" Slater asked.

"Oh yeah, she's coming here today actually!" The happy dork beams.

"It's been months since I've seen her and I'm really nervous that I forgot to wear clean underwear today." Screech added.

Zack and Slater took a step away from Screech, scrunching up their faces.

Zack laughs it off then turns to question Slater on why he didn't ask Jessie to be his date in the first place.

"Well you know Preppy, there comes a time where two people decide that it's best if they just keep as friends, and that's what me and Jessie are and will always be." Slater said, trying to be deep. "But enough about me and my love life, what's going to happen to you and Kelly?"

Suddenly, it got quiet.

Zack thought about it before opening up his mouth.

"Well for me and Kelly, we really didn't talk much about it, but we're hoping to go long distance." Zack replied, truthfully while opening up his locker.

"Well I don't know Zack, many long distance relationships don't really last that long." Screech said.

"He's right, you know. You guys are young and who knows, maybe you'll both meet someone else while you're away." Zack huffed in frustration.

"What's your point?"

"My point is, it would be really hard to make it work." Slater answered.

"Well you're both wrong. Me and Kelly's love for each other is far greater than any obstacle or person that gets in our way. We would totally make it work." Zack preached in an upset and stern tone. He then closed his locker after getting everything he needed for class.

Slater and Screech looked at each other and then back at Zack.

Breaking the silence between them, "Ok Preppy, so do you know what Kelly's wearing tonight?" Slater asked, changing the subject and heavy atmosphere..

"No. She and the other girls have to go shopping today-which I'm surprised because we are the ones who usually go shopping for these things last minute, while the girls already have their dresses prepared since March." Zack confirmed.

The guys nodded, shrugging their shoulders.


Back with the girls-this time at Kelly's locker.

Both Kelly and Lisa interrogate Jessie about her date for tomorrow night. His name is Louis Babineaux, a French guy who's in Jessie's French class.

"How come you and Slater are not going together? Don't you still like him? Kelly pressures.

"No no." Jessie waves off. "What happened between Slater and I is in the past and plus, I don't want to date that sexist, annoying pig again. We could barely have a conversation without finding something to argue about."

"So you won't mind if he brings another girl to the ceremony tomorrow?" Lisa raised a brow.

"No." Jessie quickly brushed it off.

"Ok." Kelly and Lisa played passive-aggressively.

Jessie rolled her eyes then looked at Kelly. "So Kelly, any plans you and Zack have when being away at college?" Jessie batted her eyelashes.

Kelly glanced downwards, avoiding her anticipated friends' gazes. She bit the bottom of her lip before speaking. "I guess...we're going long distance." Kelly faked a smile.

"Well we know that but how are you guys going to do it?" Lisa questioned.

Kelly sighed. To be honest, she didn't know the answer to Lisa's question or about the whole situation. She wants it to work but...doubt and uncertainty makes it hard to believe that it would.

"Guys, I thought we promised that we aren't going to talk about what's going to happen before anything happens." Kelly says then closes her locker.

The warning bell rang, and the girls headed off to their first period class, English Lit.

Just in time, they run into their other friends by the classroom door. Everyone said their hey to each other, Zack and Kelly kissed, and Slater and Jessie flirts.

The polar pair walks into the classroom first. "Looking good today, Mama but then again, you always look good." Slater winks.

"I appreciate the compliment, Papa." Jessie smiles.

Lisa turns around and faces Bayside's favorite couple, holding onto each other's waists. She looks at Kelly and nods, "see" -implying to Slater and Jessie's chemistry. A smile spreads across Kelly's face as she shakes her head. Lisa turns back around and Zack taps her on the shoulder. The short, curly headed girl turns back around once again to wave at him.

The group of friends are all seated at their usual desks, near each other. Zack is behind Kelly, Lisa is next to him, Jessie and Screech, diagonal, and Slater next to Lisa.

"Good morning class. I hope you all did the assignment that was assigned to you last week because it is due today." The bald-headed teacher with the funny looking glasses, announced.

"Ooooh, homework assignment." Zack scrunched up his face as he forgot to complete the remaining portion of it.

"Hey, does anyone mind sharing a few of their answers with me?"

Kelly turns around with a worried expression painted on her face. "Zack, you didn't do the hw? He gave it to us like a week ago-I know we worked on it together, what happened?" Kelly whispered.

"I know Kel, but we only worked on the first half together. I guess I just forgot to finish the rest...so what do you say, let me copy your answers?" Zack flashed a hopeful smile.

"Sorry, I handed mine in yesterday." Kelly confirmed then turned back around.

Zack flopped his back against the seat before his eyes made their way towards Jessie. "Oh, hey Jess!" Zack whispered-yelled.

"Can I copy your hw answers?"

"No-Zack letting you do that would go against the hard work that I put in, and plus I handed mine in yesterday." Jessie shrugs before turning away.

"I can't believe that Preppy didn't do the assignment, even I did it." Slater laughed, jokingly.

Zack rolled his eyes at the comment. "I'm guessing you Screech also handed your assignment in." Zack helplessly sighed.

"Sorry buddy."

Zack's only option left was to seek help from one of his closest and helpful friend.

He looks over to Lisa, filing her nails on the desk.

"Uh...Li...sa," Zack separated her name to get her attention.

"Uh...ye...es?" She replied, smiling sarcastically while flashing her eyelashes.

"Can I please copy your hw answers?" Zack begged with puppy eyes.


"Please Lisa." Zack pouted like a puppy.

Lisa rolled her eyes and let out a sigh, "Fine, here." She passed a piece of paper to him.

"Thanks, you're the best. I knew I could count on you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever." She went back to filing her nails.

Zack forms a soft smile at her. He knows that with whatever he needs, Lisa would always come through for him, and he is extremely appreciative of that.

Zack managed to successfully copy her answers right before the teacher caught him.

"Zack, what are you doing?" The teacher asked.

"Nothing, sir." He hid the paper along with his.

"Uh huh, show me what you were writing," demanded the impatient teacher.

"Oh, this." Zack innocently lied as he slyly picked up a sheet with math equations from his desk. "Yeah, you know I was just finishing up my math homework for next period sir." Zack lied, once again.

"Ok, well, um, put it away then. I don't want you doing homework from other classes in my class and also, hand over your homework."

"Right here, sir." Zack flashed a grin, and handed the assignment to him.

"Zack, my paper." Lisa stressed.

"It's alright Lisa, I had placed it on the bottom of mine when he had taken it." Zack replied.

"Yeah but he would know that you copied my answers."

"Not if I didn't copy word for word and twisted it up in my own little version." Zack grinned, mischievously.

"Zack, you are something else. Always almost getting into trouble." Lisa shook her head while trying to contain her obvious smile.

"Well the main thing is to not get caught, right?" The blonde smirks.

"Zack, you always get caught." She shoots an infectious but also confused smile at him.

He smiles back.

"Ok class, so now that I have received all of your assignments, we should get started with today's lesson." The teacher said while turning his back towards the class, facing the erase board.

"Psss, Lisa." Zack whispered.

Lisa didn't hear him. She was taking down notes while the teacher was teaching the lesson.

"Lisa." Zack whispered again, making Kelly look back.

"Zack, can you leave her alone. She's busy taking notes and so should you." She pointed her pencil while having a tiny smile on her face.

"Ok I won't call her." Instead, Zack crumpled up a piece of paper, and threw it at her head which caught Lisa by surprise. She slowly turned towards Zack, glaring and shaking her head. A fake smile appeared and she threw the paper back at a powerful force.

"What!" She whispered-yelled.

"I owe you one." Zack smiled, followed by a wink.

A warm smile broke out as she shook her head.

"Ok we'll talk later."

Authors Note: I'm terribly sorry for this chapter being pretty long but...it gets worse from here but I promise that its a story worth reading!-KayKay 

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