A Pirate's Crush

By Nordryd

37.6K 888 362

(POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE) My name is Jean Bart, the Vichya Dominion's last cutting-edge battleship, wh... More

1. My Heart Has Gone Rogue
2. Worrying Myself Sick... Literally
3. Just Be Confident
4. A Simple Walk
5. He's Proud of Me?
6. R & R
7. A New Foe Appears
8. Detox, Business, & Jealousy
10. Cut the Crap
11. A Chat Over Lunch
12. Y'know What? Screw It
13. Sisterly Advice
14. Foul Play
15. Just Me, My Board, and My Thoughts
16. A Private Lesson
17. Jean, Did You Want This To Be a Date?
18. Should've Just Stayed In Bed
19. Morning Tea Chatter
20. Busted!
21. Operation: Get Jeanie a Date!
22. Well? Whaddya Say, Commander?
23. This Is Getting Out Of Hand
24. I Ain't Soft!
25. At War With My Mind
26. A Lesson In Honesty

9. Spiraling

887 30 7
By Nordryd

It's so peaceful at night, especially by the central port fountain. Its gentle sounds soothed me as I sat on the edge. The streetlights made the water glisten with gold. Around me, the bushes and trees twinkled like christmas lights with the greenish-yellow wisps of fireflies.

I combed the surface of the water as I waited for the commander.

That's right. The commander. I was surprised when he texted me saying he wanted to meet me here. Not only is it almost midnight, but I didn't think he'd wanna talk to me after how much I chewed him out today.

It could be urgent though, so I went with it. I'm awake and... I don't mind spending more time with him.

But where is he? It's been almost ten minutes since I got here.

Ah, speak of the devil.

I looked, and butterflies stirred in my stomach. There he was, as heart-throbbing as ever. Half of his face was glowed with gold from the streetlights, the other with silver from the moonlight.

Don't blush too much, Jean. He's only said your name.

"Jean Bart?"

" Bonsoir , Commander," I said.

"Good evening, Jean Bart," he said. "Thanks for coming. You haven't been waiting too long, have you?"

"Only a few minutes," I said.

"Sorry," he said. "I lost something important and was trying to find it."

"What'd ya lose?" I asked.

His face turned red. "Um... well... it's a gift. For you."

...a gift? What the hell did I do to deserve a present?

"Oh..." I said. "Why?"

"For being a good secretary so far," he said.

I chuckled. "All I've done is nag and yell."

"You've been honest and keeping me in check, which I kind of need," he said. "Not to mention you went the extra mile after the damage you sustained. So... here."

He pursed his lips as he handed me what looked like a jewelry box. I couldn't help but smirk at how much he was blushing. Always feels good when he's the one with red cheeks instead of me.

Anyway, let's see what he lost and had to frantically search for. I opened the box... and I gasped.

"Whoa..." I cooed.

I was looking at the most beautiful blood ruby I've ever seen, cut in a flawless teardrop-shape. I took it out to look at it completely. It hung from a chain as black and shiny as obsidian. The streetlights and moonlight reflected in its facets, creating milky glows of orange and violet respectively.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"It's beautiful," I said.

"Oh, that's a relief," he said. "I-I would've figured you'd have found something better on a past treasure hunt or something."

I chuckled. "Nothing this clean and perfect. Merci , Commander. You have good taste."

He blushed harder.

"You're welcome," he said, rubbing the back of his head. "I'm glad you like it."

He's cute when he's nervous. Why's he like this, though? Was he that worried I wouldn't like it? Hmph... well, to me, any gift from him is more precious than even the loftiest of treasures.

I tossed my hair behind me to make room as I took both ends of the necklace in my hand.

"You're putting it on now?" he asked.

"Of course," I said. "Why not?"

"Do you... um... need help?" he asked.

"Nah, I got it," I said, instantly regretting saying that.

Damn it, that could've been an excuse for him to touch my hair or something. Oh well. I've almost got it, anyway.


"...there," I said. "How does it look?"

Then... he did the last thing I was expecting. He got closer to me. Very close. Close enough to touch the necklace pendant.

Suddenly my heart was pounding. His gaze shifted between me and the necklace. What's he up to?

"Looks great," he said. "It brings out your eyes."

Heh... I guess it's my turn to blush.

"It does, huh?" I asked in a hushed voice.

I gasped when he took my hand.

"Jean... can I be blunt?" he asked.

He... he just took my hand so smoothly... like it was nothing. What the hell happened to the nervous commander I saw a few seconds ago?

"Go ahead," I cooed.

He smirked. "You have really pretty eyes."

...did he just say...?

My lips threatened to break into the biggest smile, and I was struggling to fight it.

"R-Really?" I asked. "Don't lie to me, Commander."

He squeezed my hand. "I wouldn't lie about that. Your eyes are gorgeous, and the necklace really brings them out. Honestly, Jean..."

I shuddered when he lifted his hand to... caress my cheek.

"I think you're a beautiful girl," he said.

Damn it... I'm gonna melt. He really thinks I'm beautiful? I can't believe it! And his hand feels so good on my cheek. His eyes are filled with such light... for me. God, I'm so happy! I've never felt happier in my life! I... I...

...wait. This is all so sudden. As much as I love this, there must be more.

I begrudgingly moved his hand away from my cheek and took a step back. He seemed dismayed.

"Commander, what's the real reason for inviting me here?" I asked. "As much as I appreciate it, it can't just be for gifts and compliments."

His smile returned. "You're sharp. I'd expect nothing less."

He moved to stand over the fountain, looking down at the coins.

"You haven't forgotten about the Royal Navy ball, right?" he asked.

"Of course not," I said. "Ya still need to figure out who your partner's gonna be."

"Yeah... my partner," he said. Saying nothing else, he took a coin out of his pocket and tossed it into the water, along with all the others.

"What'd you wish for?" I asked.

"Well, normally you're not supposed to say," he said with a smirk, making me roll my eyes. "But... I suppose I can tell you just this once." He looked at me with that pristine, heavenly smile. "I wished for you to say yes."

Say yes?

...wait a minute. Is he saying what I think he's saying?

He suddenly took both my hands, looking deep into my eyes.

"Jean Bart... will you go with me to the ball?"

...I... I must be hearing things.

"M-Me?" I asked, feeling my face light on fire. "You want... me?"

"Nothing would make me happier," he said. "What do you say, Jean?"

God... as if I wasn't happy enough a few seconds ago. Has he felt the same way all along? There's no denying the way he's looking at me. I think I'm gonna cry. This feeling in my heart... it's invigorating. I can't stop smiling. I didn't think it was possible to feel such joy.

"Hmph... well... how can I say no when you've been so nice to me?"


"Alright, Commander. If you want me then... huh?"

I'm in my room? What am I doing here? Wait... was all that a...? No. No no no no no!

I desperately felt around my neck, hoping to God...

...no necklace. Just my bare neck.

It was just a stupid dream? No... why? Why?! Why would my mind play a trick on me?! It felt so real! He gave me a necklace! He touched my cheek! He... said I was beautiful!

"God... damn it!!!" I screamed, throwing my pillows across the room at the door. I grit my teeth, breathing heavily, but slowing down as my anger melted into bitter cold sorrow.

Why is my room so cold?

I shamefully got out of bed to retrieve my pillow, only to fall to my knees. I held it in my arms as a tear trickled down my cheek.

Of course, it was a dream. Go figure. I'm not beautiful, and I definitely don't deserve any gifts. Why would he choose me of all people? His naggy, pissy bitch of a secretary.

But what the hell do I have to complain about? All things considered, my life has never been better. Our fleet's reunited, I have a safe place to rest... it feels selfish to be sad about anything. So why does my heart still feel like it's drowning?

The sting of my past just never goes away, does it?

Great... now I'm wide awake in the middle of the night. Feels like a time where I'd go to my hideaway and paint... or grab my surfboard. I don't feel like doing either of those things, though. For some reason... all I wanna do is visit the fountain.

Damn it. I guess that's what I'm doing now.


I arrived at the central fountain outside the port office. The water still shimmered with gold, the fireflies were twinkling in the foliage, and the crickets were chirping.

Despite the serenity around me, a faint chill in the air kept me from feeling comforted.

I took a seat on the side of the fountain, staring at my solemn reflection.

Why am I here? Hoping the commander will come? He won't. I know that. He doesn't even know I'm out here. He's probably fast asleep right now.

I felt around my neck again.

Nope. Still no necklace.

I sighed. Of course it ain't there. It was never real.

...wait... what did the necklace even look like? What did he even say to me? Was this even the fountain we met at? Was there a fountain at all? Ergh!!! Why can't I remember?! Think, Jean!

No good. I struggled, but the happiest moment of my life was lost to me. All I could remember was the commander asking me to the back and some necklace.

Go figure. I can only feel happy in a dream—when I'll barely remember it.

Is this really where Jean Bart is in life? The flagship of the Vichya Dominion, the mightiest Templar Knight, moping in the middle of the night because her crush doesn't like her back. How laughable.

Thank God nobody's around to see me like this.

At least the sound of the fountain was calming.

I dipped my fingers in the water, drawing circles. It's much colder than I expected, but still refreshing. Gentle, silvery ripples danced across the surface. I don't know why water has this calming effect on me. Maybe it comes from being a warship.

...a warship. Heh... how could I forget? The only reason I exist. I'm a weapon. An instrument of destruction and death. My life has no more meaning than that.

Ugh... this isn't healthy for me. Let's just do what I came to do before I spiral further.

I looked down into the fountain at the golden floor of coins. Hmm... I wonder how many fools have given up their coin for a dumb wish.

I guess tonight I'm one of those fools.

I reached for my pocket and pulled out a single coin. I can't believe I'm doing this but... I just need some hope. Something for my heart.

"I wish... for the commander to ask me to the ball... and feel the same way about me as I feel about..."

...no. What a selfish thing to wish for. As far as I know, he already likes Richelieu. And what about the others? Dunkerque? Algerie? Belfast? The carrier sisters? Whatever's going on in that cute head of his, it certainly ain't about me.

Nobody's around and yet... I feel such crushing guilt from even trying to make that wish.

My heart feels so cold. I'm shivering. I know I'm strong, but... am I strong enough to face rejection?

I took a shaky breath, feeling a tear trickle down my cheek.

"I wish... for the commander to be happy. Even if... I can't be part of it—"

I choked. It felt like my heart ripped.

Damn it... be strong.

"Even if I can't be part of it... if he's happy... then I'll be happy. Yeah... I'll be happy."

I tossed the coin. It hit the surface with a tiny splash, sinking like a stone to join the dozens of other nameless, forgotten wishes.

Hmph... funny. I can't even tell where my coin is.

It took so much strength just to toss a damn coin into some water. After all I've been through, it's gonna be a broken heart that sinks me.

Alright, that's enough beating myself up for one night. I oughta head back now. I need sleep for work tomorrow.


A/N: Wanted to do some fluff this time around. Also, much shorter chapter this time, and I'm gonna try a format with shorter, single (or double) situation chapters instead of multiple. It's becoming daunting to write. I'm thinking more like the manga where each chapter is just a piece of a bigger arc, instead of being an arc in one chapter. If I really wanna try arcs (like with Akagi), then I think this is the best method moving forward.

To everyone who left reviews telling me to fix my French, thank you so much for your feedback and the necessary changes have been made. They're all guests so I can't thank them via dms. I'm American and literally the worst when it comes to second languages (I almost failed German ffs). Feel free to correct me in the future because I will definitely make mistakes since translating between French and English seems to be difficult.

And (you know who you are) your review wasn't "slightly annoying". A "slightly annoying" review would've been "Your French is shit. Why didn't you do your research?" What you provided was constructive feedback, which helps me. So thank you. There's a review/comment section for a reason, and I appreciate you using it to help me fix a mistake.

Cheers, and see you in chapter 10. 

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