RWBY: Detective Pikachu

Von NotGonnaSayMahNaym

119K 2.3K 1.3K

When she was young, Ruby Rose had a friend named (Y/N) (L/N). They were close friends, and even started datin... Mehr

Call From Atlas
The Apartment
The Investigation Begins
Mr. Mime
Pikachu versus Charizard
It Wasn't Your Fault
Howard Clifford
A Little Help
You Have To Go On Without Me
Final Battle
End Credits

Detective Pikachu

9.2K 169 215
Von NotGonnaSayMahNaym

Ruby heard a creaking noise in the living room, and was immediately alarmed! She stood up, and reached for her Crescent Rose, only to remember she'd set it on the couch... in the living room... where the noise came from...

She slowly walked into the room. "Is someone there?"

No response. She started to feel uneasy as she moved closer to where the noise came from.


As she walked into the room, she could see a small, black figure running to the desk.

She looked over at the desk, and could see something moving a chair, and knocking a lamp over, which lit up the wall when it landed.

She could hear someone say, "Ah! That's a sprain!"

Ruby grabbed the closest weapon she could find, which happened to be a stapler.

She could see the shadow of something big on the wall.

"Whoever you are," Ruby yelled, lowering the bottom half of the stapler, "I know how to use this!"

She shot out a staple, trying to threaten whoever that was.

She walked to the other side of the desk, and saw... a very small, very cute Grimm standing there, wearing a cute little detective hat on its head.

Despite how cute it looked, Ruby stayed cautious. It was a Grimm after all.

"Uh... hello," she said, hoping this thing was friendly.

The Grimm made a noise as it crawled on top of the desk, which she could've sworn sounded like a person saying, "Aw, jeez."

"Hey, little guy," she said. "What kind of Grimm are you?"

The Grimm looked up at her from on top of the desk and started... talking?

"I know..." he pointed at himself, "you can't..." he pointed at Ruby, "understand me..." he pointed at himself again. 

Ruby's jaw dropped.

"... but put down the stapler..." he pointed at the stapler, and then at the floor, "or I..." he pointed at himself, "will electrocute..." he pointed at his lighting bolt shaped tail, "you!" he pointed at Ruby.

She dropped the stapler, shocked at what was going on. The Grimm looked at her, tilting his head.

"Did you just talk?" Ruby said.

"Whoa," the Grimm said. "Did you just understand me?"

Ruby backed away, fear and confusion mixed in her head.

"Wait!" the Grimm said. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. That is heavy eye contact right there! You heard me!"

"N-No I didn't!" Ruby said, plugging her ears.

"Yes you did!" the Grimm exclaimed, excited. "Oh my Oum! This is amazing!"

"Stop talking!" Ruby yelled. "Stop!"

"You can understand me!" the Grimm continued, ignoring her. "I have been so lonely!"

"I'm gonna throw up," Ruby said, walking over to the window.

"No, kid!" he said. "I need your help!"

"I'm gonna throw up," Ruby said again.

"I'm in serious trouble," the Grimm continued. "I need you to listen."

Suddenly, a sunstealer leapt through the window, growling. Ruby didn't notice the purple markings on it. She only payed attention to the fact that two Creatures of Grimm were in (Y/N)'s apartment!

"N-N-N-No!" Ruby yelled, staggering back. "Why are there Grimm in the city?!"

"Excuse, me," the talking Grimm said. "Sunstealer, we're having a private conversation here, please."

"Stop talking!" Ruby yelled to the talking Grimm. "You're a hallucination!"

"You're a hallucination," the Grimm joked.

She turned to the sunstealer, which growled at her.

"I'd tread lightly there, chief," the talking Grimm said. "That sunstealer isn't in a good mood. But then again, what Grimm is?"

The sunstealer leapt at Ruby, grabbing her, and tossing her around the room.

"Hey!" the talking Grimm yelled. "Get off her, whack-job!"

Ruby was knocked into a chair, which fell over with her on it. The talking Grimm ran to her.

"Get up, kid!" he yelled. "He's coming back around!"

The sunstealer leapt at Ruby, attacking her on her shoulders as she struggled to get it off.

The talking Grimm climbed onto the kitchen counter, yelling random things at them.

"Okay! Here's what you wanna do! Okay, you wanna bite him! You wanna scream! We're playing charades! We're not playing charades! Okay, I'm gonna get a knife!" The talking Grimm picked up a knife.

"No!" Ruby yelled. "No knives!"

The Grimm tossed it aside. "Okay, bad idea with the knife! I'll find something else!" He picked up a lemon. "Eat this!"

He tossed it at the sunstealer, and it leapt at it, and ate it.

"You are so welcome! He was just a hungry little guy-- OH, MY OUM!"

Ruby turned around to see more sunstealers crawling through the window.

"Come on, kid!" the talking Grimm said, running away. "Let's move!"

Ruby ran with the Grimm, reaching for Crescent Rose along the way. But she couldn't reach it due to how fast she had to run. A sunstealer leapt at her, but she used the front door of the apartment to keep it from hitting her.

She ran with the talking Grimm to the stairs.

"To the roof!" he yelled as more sunstealers ran to them from the other side.

Ruby followed the talking Grimm up the stairs, using her semblance to get to the roof, where she shut the door.

"Hey!" she heard the talking Grimm yell. "Let me out! They're right behind me!"

Feeling guilty for shutting the door on him, Ruby opened it, letting him out.

"Thanks!" he yelled, running outside.

Ruby shut the door, but the sunstealers pushed against it. Ruby pushed her back against the door to keep them from getting out.

"You hold the door!" the talking Grimm yelled. "I'll go get help!"

"What?!" Ruby yelled, before the door collapsed on her, and the sunstealers dashed after the talking Grimm.

"Oh my Oum, help!" he screamed as he ran through a gate, which was locked with a chain, but wide enough for him to get through. It wasn't wide enough for the sunstealers, who pushed against the gate, trying to get the talking Grimm.

Ruby stood up, and the broken door hit the floor behind her. The noise caught the attention of the sunstealers, who turned to her.

"Uh oh," Ruby said. She smiled and waved, before dashing away, sunstealers right behind her.

"Help!" she could hear the talking Grimm screaming in the distance. "Help! Oh my Oum, help!"

As Ruby ran, she grabbed a ladder, which was resting on a wall, and tossed it at the sunstealers. It barely stopped them, but it slowed them down for a second.

"She's being eaten alive!" the talking Grimm screamed in the distance. "A girl is dying!"

Ruby ran through a small opening in a mini power station, the sunstealers close behind. One of them grabbed her combat skirt, tugging it off.

When she got out, they grabbed at her shirt, which she quickly unfastened and pulled off, leaving her in her bra.

She fell over by the talking Grimm.

"No one's coming!" he yelled, not seeming bothered by her half naked state. "People are so insensitive! Uh oh! Put your clothes back on and run like the wind!"

Ruby turned around to see the power station lighting up. Panicking, she grabbed her shirt and combat skirt, before running away from the explosion.

"Blazing speed!" she could hear the taking Grimm yell. "Blazing speed! No, they seem to be attracted to your increasing nudeness!"

They ran to the edge of the building, where they found a trash chute.

"Okay!" the talking Grimm yelled. "Alright, we're jumping down here!"

"I'm not going in a trash chute!" Ruby yelled.

"Good call!" the talking Grimm said, before pointing at the sunstealers behind her. "Let me know how it goes with the super crazy Grimm! You died a hero! Whoo!"

He leapt into the trash chute, and Ruby jumped in after him. She landed in the trash, which toppled over, and she rolled next to the talking Grimm.

"Way to stick the landing, kid," he said.

"Leave me alone!" Ruby yelled, before running away, leaving her shirt and combat skirt behind.

"Oh," the talking Grimm said, picking them up. "Hey, you dropped this!!!"

Ruby ran to a nearby crowd of people outside the alley. "Run!" she yelled. "Rabid Grimm! Everybody run! They're--"

She turned and saw only the talking Grimm walking up to her, holding her clothes. The way he trotted up to her was adorable, and the way he lifted her clothes up to her just as adorable.

"I think these are gonna do you a lot of good right now," he said.

But all the crowd could hear was an adorable, high pitched, "Pika-Pikachu!"

Ruby blushed as she realized she ran into a crowd in her bikini, and she took her clothes from him, and put them on.

"You know, I pictured you as a bit of a gym-wear girl, but those are nice," the Grimm said. "Me? I... I don't wear underwear, you know? I'm not modest."

"Excuse me," Ruby said to a couple as they passed by. "Hi, sorry. Uh, you can hear him, right? You can hear him talking?"

"Pika-Pika," was all they could hear, and it was the cutest thing they'd ever heard from a Grimm. "Pika. Pikachu."

"Aw, yeah!" the woman in the group said. "Pika-Pika-Pika! He's adorable!"

"You're adorable!" Ruby could hear the Grimm say. He turned to her. "They can't understand me, kid."

"Must be the stuff I put up my nose," Ruby said, tapping her chin. The couple looked at her weird, before walking away. "What? What were they looking at?"

"You have a lot to learn, kiddo!" the Grimm said.

"It was just a gas," she said to him, shrugging.

"Ix-nay on the gas-ay!" he hissed. "Unless you want Johnny Law to give you a one-way ticket to the hossegow, let's move!"

They walked along, Ruby on the ground, and the Grimm on the counters of food carts, continuing their conversation.

"No one else can hear him?!" Ruby said.

"Well this is a first for me too, kid," the Grimm said.

"He's saying words," Ruby said.

"I tried to talk to people all the time," he continued. "All they hear is 'Pika-Pika'."

"Anyone?" Ruby asked.

"They pat me or kiss me, stick a finger in me," he said. "It's really gross."

"Can no one else hear him?!" Ruby yelled. "Can you hear him talking? Do you hear him saying words?"

"What are you not getting here, kid?" the Grimm said, picking up an egg. "You're the only one who can hear me! It's like destiny!"

"I wouldn't call it 'destiny'," Ruby said.

"Then why were you in that apartment?"

"It's my boyfriend's place," Ruby said. "That's why I was there." The Grimm slowed down, and dropped the egg. "Why were you there?"

"You're (Y/N)'s girlfriend?" the Grimm said.

Ruby stopped, and turned to the Grimm, eyes widened. "How do you know his name?"

The Grimm took off his detective hat, and handed it to Ruby, smiling. She took it, and looked inside. There was a tag inside, that said, "If lost, return to (Y/N) (L/N) 1722 Green St. Atlas 72..."

Ruby lost focus. She looked up at the Grimm, and remembered her conversation with Lieutenant Yoshida.

"It was a terrible tragedy, losing him and his partner."

"'His partner'?" Ruby repeated.

"His pet Grimm," Yoshida said.

"He had a pet Grimm?" Ruby said.

"Yes," Yoshida said. "You should've seen him! He named him Pikachu! And he was the cutest!"

She gasped when she realized what she was looking at. "You're (Y/N)'s pet Grimm? Pikachu was it?"

Pikachu seemed to be lost in thought too.

"You want a (F/D)?" he asked, taking his hat back and putting it on. He climbed down the food cart. "'Cause I could use a (F/D). I mean that's a... Yeah. Let's get a (F/D). Yeah. Come on."

Pikachu started walking away to the nearest bar.

Ruby looked around for a second, wondering if she should follow him. Maybe he could be the only reminder she had of (Y/N). But did she even want to remember him? It would only bring her pain. But why was she the only one who could understand him?

The questions overwhelmed her, and she needed the answers. And the only way to find them, was to follow Pikachu.

So, she had to follow him. Okay then.


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