By wujucore

22.1K 413 205

❝hello, we are OnlyOneOf!❞ ― imagines for the seven talented angels of OnlyOneOf。 requests are ON-HOLD (09/26... More

junji ✦ euphony
mill & rie ✦ mixed signals
kb ✦ only hue
nine ✦ puppy love
nine ✦ thirst
yoojung ✦ brewtiful you
rie ✦ fuzzy feeling
junji ✦ all along
love ✦ bite of the bark
onlyoneof ✦ valentine
mill ✦ blOOm
junji ✦ stay the night
kb ✦ better mornings

kb ✦ dear designer

750 22 3
By wujucore

ceo!kyubin ;-) x y/n
• inspired by kyubin's role in woomanna
word count: 2,717

requested by taeslonglostbag & igot7000problems

I took a deep breath as I entered the university premises. I adjusted my cream turtleneck and lightly brushed off the creases forming on my cardigan.

I made my way to the offices and searched for a specific department. After a while, I reached my destination, politely greeting the staff stationed at the front desk.

"Good morning, I'm here to claim my class schedule."

The woman smiled at me as she asked for my name, then rummaging through the numerous files organized in dropboxes on a shelf. She takes out a thin booklet with my schedule inside, together with my official school ID.

"Here you go. If you need other requirements, feel free to drop by again," the lady informs with a smile. I smiled back.

"Okay, thank you!" I replied and left the office. I walked out into the hallway while scanning through the materials she handed to me. I looked at my ID which read:

Shin Kyubin, Fashion Design Major

It felt too surreal to me, as if all of this is a bittersweet dream. Finally, I could make a name for myself, and prove that I'm not afraid to follow the plans I have made for myself without looking back at irrational opinions of others. It was my time to shine.

I won't give up. Not now, and never will.

• • •

You were currently squeezing your way through the bustling streets of Seoul, wasting no time in reaching the place you needed to be at. Waiting for the pedestrian lights to turn green, you check your wristwatch to make sure that you weren't running late to your scheduled appointment.

Finally, the timer counted down as you crossed the intersection at a steady pace, eager to reach the building in time. As you walked a few more blocks, you faced the huge building where you had to be. You smiled as you looked at the beautiful sign above;

Shin Corporation

You pinched yourself, making sure that this was all from reality. After working so hard throughout the years, and only passing by this renowned establishment since forever, you finally found an opportunity inside.

• • •

I made a run for it, and luckily, the elevator was open as I reached it. I pressed the button of the floor I was told to meet someone; an important someone. As I nervously fiddled with the hem of my skirt, the elevator chimes as its doors open and greets me with a long row of glass doors. I stepped out and entered the offices, "Excuse me, ma'am. I'm here for an interview." I gave her my appointment slip as she typed the details into the computer.

"Miss Y/L/N, to Main Office, just take a turn to the right and it'll be the room at the end," she explains with a straight face. I thanked her and went on my way. It wasn't long until I was in front of a relatively large office; a uniquely designed exterior apart from the others. I knocked a few times as I heard a low faint voice from inside,

"Come in."

I pushed the glass door and let myself in, only to see a man who's back was facing me. I stood their awkwardly and waited for him to finish whatever he was writing at his desk. He finally swivels his chair and faces me,

"You must be here to apply for the position, correct?" he asks as I nod, "Good. Please take a seat." I stride to the chair opposite to his desk. "Your resume?" he inquires, keeping a poker face. I handed it over to him.

And so he asked all the essential questions; why I wanted this job and why I chose his company.

"It'd be such a pleasure to work here; it's been my dream ever since. I heard a lot of good things regarding how this company runs, and not to mention how it is worthy to be deemed as a prestigious company," the man continues to listen, "Most importantly, I've worked day and night just so I can settle for a job that I saw myself in, and pursuing a fashion career here would be more than a blessing." I finish off.

The man's eyes intently pierced through mine and nods as a sign of satisfaction, well, that's what I hoped it was. He fixes his sitting position and placed his elbows on the desk, clasping both his hands by his chin. "Well Miss Y/N, you seem to be very passionate about this job, and I'd like for you to report tomorrow morning," he says, still keeping a straight face.

"Wait, does this mean-"

"Yes, you've secured a spot in the Design Department. Please return to the front desk and complete your application."

"Thank you so much, sir! I will do my best!" I exclaimed as I bowed to him. He nods once again and signals his hand to the door. I left his office and stood outside for a couple of seconds, smiling widely while hugging my expandable envelope.

I can't believe I just faced the CEO, and surprisingly, he isn't as bad as those portrayed scary ones in the movies.

I was happy for myself, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to fulfill my role in this company.

• • •

It's been three days since I worked under Shin Corporation, and I felt quite ecstatic until now. I settled nicely into the Design Department which I applied for; a minimalistic but chic-looking workspace. So far, I've only done a couple of sketches assigned to us which seeked potential ideas for the new clothing line. I worked for a decent number of hours, enough to get my tasks done given in a day.

Today's another day, sketching away all these feasible designs that our team envision for the anticipated line of clothing. My co-workers from the department were very friendly and always open for ideas, which makes is easier for me to socialize and brainstorm with them for our projects.

As of now, we are doing our research on hues and patterns that will match well with the clothing line. We read various fashion articles, flipped through magazines, and evaluated samples of cloth swatches lying around the department. Still, we couldn't land on a concrete choice of fabric, going back and forth with all the generic styles.

"Ugh, I can't decide! I keep finding cliché fabric trends, I mean, these are literally out of style," I frustratingly exclaim, repeatedly pacing around the room.

"Calm down, Y/N. I know you want a perfect and never-before-seen collection, but you shouldn't stress so much," one of my female co-workers said.

"Yo, where did my 2B pencil go?" I giggled at my other co-worker.

"It's literally hanging behind your ear, Yeob." He scrunched his forehead as his hand reached for his ear. "I seriously need more sleep, my mind is floating all over the place." The three of us laughed.

I then looked over to my other team members at the other table. "Have you guys found any interesting options?" All of them shook their heads, meaning they haven't. I let out a deep sigh and sat down on a monoblock chair.

"Relax, Y/N. Besides, we have plenty of time to look for resources. Although, we have to send out a progress report to Mr. Shin by the next few days," one of them reassures.

Yoojung then hangs his arm across my shoulders and said, "We got this, girl. Don't you wo-"

As he was about to finish his sentence, the door suddenly creaks open, signaling a new presence. All of us looked up to the person. It was none other than Mr. Shin.

"Sorry to bother, but may I excuse Ms. Y/L/N for a moment?" the CEO inquires.

"What's happening?" I whispered to Yoojung as he removes his arm from my upper body, "I don't know, but hopefully nothing bad."

I bowed to the others as I excused myself, walking towards to where Mr. Shin was. We walked out of the office as he faced me.

"Follow me," he says. I followed him from behind as we reach his main office, the same one where I had the interview with him. I sat down, and so did he. I was very much curious as to why he called me.

"I'll go straight to the point," he starts off.

"Basically, I fired my current secretary for valid reasons." I raised my eyebrows slightly as I listened. "One of the staff found her screwing around with some other employee in my building. Obviously, it isn't okay as this establishment is no room for stupid decisions, and for her to casually flirt with other employees like it was her job was enough to revoke her position."

Mr. Shin stands up, placing both arms behind his back, "I know you are satisfied with your place in the Design Department, but I am very much convinced that you fit well as my personal secretary." Instantly, my eyes grew wide.

"Okay, but mind I ask what made you say that I can manage this position?" I tilted my head, waiting for an answer. "I've read through your resume; your background information pretty much shows that you can handle business matters. Plus, I could use another creative mind in my office," he explains. I thought for a few seconds,

Creative mind, huh? So I still get my hands on designing content, and a higher pay too!

"Very well, sir. When do I start?"

"Tomorrow. I'll have your things packed up and transferred to the office beside mine."

I was beyond impressed; he is, without a doubt, the best boss I could ever imagine.

• • •

It's been a month working with Mr. Shin, and it's been nice and all being around him almost throughout the whole day, but sometimes he can get a bit... odd.

The workload isn't that heavy, only a decent amount of reports that needed his approval, and some errands here and there. As he promised, I still did get to be a part of the creation process—from design consultation to product initiation. He would constantly send back those reports that needed tons of revisions, or simply those that didn't please him one bit. Somehow, we are alike; a pair of perfectionists.

Currently, I sat in my own office as I finalized the CEO's schedule for tomorrow. Suddenly, the telephone on my desk rings.

"Y/N, please come to my office," he says and cuts the call. I did as he said and arrived shortly.

"What is it, sir?"

"Help me out with these sketches. The Design team needed approval and I can't exactly give an answer." I made my way to his desk, grabbing a chair and sat down beside him. I took a look at all their work.

"I think this is interesting, though it could use some adjustments for the lower half," I suggest as I went over the sketch I chose. "I actually thought so too," he then reaches for another sketch, "This looks feasible as well, but also needs mininal revisions."

We both sat here, thinking of what's the best option. I grabbed a pencil lying on his desk and tried to revise a couple of details. As I took down some notes, I could feel him staring at me from my peripheral vision. For what reason? I'm not sure. Mindlessly, I dropped the pencil I was using. I bent down and reached for the pencil as another hand also reached for it.

It was his hand.

Our eyes met, searching each others' for a good five seconds. I turned my head to the other direction and so does he, clearing his throat in the process. I then grabbed the pencil as we both sat back up. I went back to whatever I was doing while the CEO scrolled through his phone. It grew silent in the room, so I decided to initiate a conversation,

"I'd like to ask something, sir. If it's alright."

"Go ahead," he sits up straight as I keep my eyes on the sketch.

"Well, I've always wondered how you managed to establish this company, like at a young age. It just kinda amazes me," I said.

"Kinda?" "You know what I mean." We both laugh.

"Way back highschool, I dreamt of creating a company of my own, a fashion company that is. Unfortunately, I had to convince my parents over and over that it was the major I see myself in. They gave me other options, but it just didn't feel right for me. Often, people would also tell me that I'm better off pursuing anything but not fashion designing." I finally looked up at him,

"I didn't care, 'cause I knew that my passion was real. I worked hard, until I became a successful company owner."

"Wow..." was all I could blurt out. He lightly laughed. "Good for you. Those people who looked down on you must've felt so ashamed seeing you run today's leading company of this industry." I commented. "I'm just happy that my parents supported me in the end. I proved them wrong."

I smiled at him. Who would have thought that my boss was so much like me, who continuously fought for their dreams.

"Well, you're doing great so far. Keep it up, sir." I gave him a thumbs up as he simply smiles. After a few seconds, I finished up the revisions. I then handed it to him.

"What would I do without you?" he says with an exaggerated tone. I shook my head.

"I should be saying that. Thank you, for giving me an opportunity to work with you."

• • •

The day went on as usual. Finally, the clock struck six, meaning the day has ended. More employees started leaving the building, and I was here finishing up a couple more of files needed for tomorrow.

After minutes that flew by so quickly, I was finally done with my task. I shut down my laptop and stretched my arms above my head. I fixed my belongings and anything else lying on my desk. Making my way out of my office, I coincidentally meet the person from next door and made eye contact.

"Y/N." "Kyubin."

I mentally facepalmed as I realized the words I uttered.

"Did you just call me Kyubin?" he says, slightly amazed.

"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to-" "Call me Kyubin."

I was confused. Was he out of his mind?

"But sir-" "I insist. This whole formality scheme is just tiresome."

I simply nodded. We stood at our places awkwardly, him tapping on his shoe while I swung my handbag. Then, the elevator chimes as its doors open.

"Let's go?" Kyubin says. I nod and walk beside him. We then reach the groundfloor and stepped out the elevator. Suddenly, Kyubin stopped in his tracks, "Hey, Y/N."

I stopped as well, turning to face him. "Yes, sir? I mean, uh, Kyubin."

"Do you maybe... want to go to dinner with me?" Kyubin says, hands in the pockets of his black coat.

Out of the blue, I made a run for it, and Kyubin followed closely behind. I stopped in my tracks as we reached the lower carpark. He panted, catching his breath.

I faced away from him, standing still in my place. He then straightened his figure, waiting for what I will do.

"As friends?" I blurted out. I then turned around to face him. Slowly, I walked towards him, until we were only a few steps apart.

Kyubin scratched the back of his head,

"Up to you."

I giggled at his answer. I stood closer to him. The spotlight surrounding the place oh-so softly highlighted his visual feautures. He looked absolutely stunning.

I grabbed the ends of his coat, quirking an eyebrow saying,

"What's that supposed to mean, Shin Kyubin?"

He blinked a few times.

"I mean I just really want to know what you feel toward m-" I cut him off with a peck on his lips.

"We'll see."

I plainly said and smirked as I made a run to his car located at the distance. Kyubin scoffs, again chasing after me.

We'll see, my designer.


double update to make it up for the hiatus!

to the requesters, i didn't know if y'all wanted smexy scenes, but i'll make a part two if it's ok for others. so pls let me know! ;-)

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