
Par _ToniaFrancis

898 58 49

Scott McCall and his pack have been fighting for ten years with little victories. He built a world for the su... Plus



20 3 0
Par _ToniaFrancis

Beacon Hills Highschool.

The school bell rang, signaling the end of the day's classes. Tina stood in the hallway, her tongue wrapped around a lollipop. No one had passed by the hallway while she was here, but by the next second doors opened at the same time flooding the hallway with teenagers. It became hard to avoid standing in front of someone's locker.

Tina skipped her last class. She loved the class it was history one of her favourite subject when she learned in her clan. But the teacher bothered her a lot. He was Asian like she was, and he looked at her with accusing eyes no one had used in her in decades. Her actual father used to see her with those same eyes. He knew when she had done something mischievous as pulled a prank on the servants or his guest. Even when there was no proof he always knew.

It had been a week since she enrolled in Beacon Hills highschool. She barely had a reasonable lead, but that was until this afternoon when she heard something in the girl's bathroom. She peaked through the door of her bathroom stall, which was wide open when she heard the growl. It was a girl. The girl thought no one was in here, so she had to blend in.

Looking at the reflection in the mirror, she knew she had seen the girl this morning at the parking lot or even the cafeteria. Tina remembered her. The girls by her locker gossiped about her on her first day in beacon hills. Stacy Anderson, high school junior and queen bee in her own way.

Stacy spent some time trying to tame the wolves inside her. Her growl was loud and haunting; it almost had her fox scared, but she was much older than she was. Tina slowed her heartbeat to near death, which was something she realized she could do with her Kitsune. She avoided making any sounds, knowing Stacy's wolf hearing would pick it up. She watched Stacy struggle with breathing and growling while she held on to the toilet sink. Stacy was either on her period or it was the full moon, Tina guess it was the former know the full moon won't come so soon.

Female wolves had it bad. They had wild urges to maim and kill twice a month, unlike the males. They also had more trouble with control. It surprised Tina that Stacy was in school today; she could have called in sick. Female wolves throughout history have always been mean, they were the real bitches.

Tina expected there would be supernaturals at the highschool maybe even hunters too so she didn't think revealing herself now would matter. Stacy picked up her bag at the sink, ready to go back to class. Tina caught a reflection of the tattoo on her wrists. It was small but she could still see it; two black circles, one inside the other. The symbol of Scott McCall.

Now she waited in the hallway for the Stacy to come out of her class. Stacy walked out of her class. Before she got halfway to Tina, the  Baker brother came up next to her. They were co - captain of the Lacrosse team. She did her homework in blending in. Tina considered the possibility of the boys being in Scott McCall's pack. The way they walked beside her, it was as though they were protecting her from the kids in the hallway or protecting the kids from her.

Tina concluded, wolf or not, the boys knew what she was and what she could do. She plugged in her earpiece, allowing the music to fill her eardrums and walked straight for them. She bumped into Stacy, fake tripping and falling down. Robby picked her up. Some students stopped to watch.

"I'm so sorry I get clumsy sometimes." She feigned scared, taking the earpiece out. 

"Just go,"  Robby said calmly and let her go.

She walked to the opposite side of the hallway, smiling as she twirled Stacy's wallet in her hands. It had been years since she picked a pocket, but it was good to know she hadn't gotten rusty. Tina found a dark spot at the end of the hallway and emptied the wallet on the floor. 

All Stacy had was money and about three credit cards. Tina wasn't looking for money. In fact, if she had a choice, she would want nothing with Stacy's wallet. She just wanted an address, something that would lead her to Scott McCall. Tina searched till she found Stacy's driver's license. She rejoiced mentally while she memorized her address and took the wallet to the classroom Stacy walked out of.

The teacher was at her desk arranging paper scattered around. She had old music on and was swaying her hips to the tune as she worked. Tina watched her terrible dancing for a few minutes before making her presence known by kicking a chair. The teacher froze when she saw Tina at the door. The teacher's face flushed in embarrassment as she cleared her throat and stopped the song playing from her phone.

"Hi uh, I found this in the hallway. I think she came out of this class." Tina told the teacher as she walked up to her.

The teacher took the wallet and pulled out a card from it. She mouthed Stacy's name and frown.

"It's Stacy's, that's odd she's never careless." the woman mumbled. She looked up and smiled at Tina. "Thank you, I'll make sure she gets it."

Tina walked out of the classroom and left the school. She would find Stacy's house tonight and surprise her tomorrow. Things were finally working in her favour. Chloe would be pleased.

                         *   *   *

San Francisco.

Lydia looked at her phone for the second time since she got off the phone with Isaac. She found Isaac and now it seems another dark kitsune would be realised or the old one would. SHe wondered if the spirits had memories of their old host. If they did, then all of Beacon Hills would be destroyed. They would become it a ghost town like the one she had once seen.

"Hi. can I join you?" a chirpy yet shy voice interrupted her.

Lydia looked around the shop to see there were other spaces. She checked across the street to where Isaac sat on his bike waiting for her signal. Everything looked fine. She turned to the girl and smiled.


The girl looked happy to seat with her. She was young, probably eighteen or nineteen. Lydia was curious. Why would she want to sit with her? Was she lonely? The cup in her hand showed she had been here long enough to order, but it looked packaged to go. She hadn't plan on staying. There was something about this girl that made Lydia want to know her more.

"I'm Ellen."

"Lydia," they shook hands.

"I already knew that." Ellen said smiling

Lydia's head went to red alert. She knew her? She was sure she had never met this girl before. Who was she?

"How do you know my name?" Lydia asked in the calmest way.

The girl kept a smile on her face as she looked around them to see if anyone was watching, then she leaned in to Lydia. Lydia felt her breath quicken. She closed her mouth so it wouldn't be obvious.

"I heard you scream." she says and leans back to her chair.

Lydia took it all in. It all made sense, that familiar feeling she had when she was around Merideth Walker. It had been so long and she had mistaken it for something else. But she was right about the lonely part. If she was a Banshee, she would be lonely.

"I followed the voices to find you. I'm sorry if I stalked you, I've never met another Banshee before."

"I have," Lydia told her after a few seconds.

She noticed Ellen was nervous about how she would react. However, she wanted nothing to ruin the mission they were on. Lydia supposed it wouldn't hurt if she had a conversation with this girl.

"My grandmother was one and years ago there was this girl in a psychotic home. I'd like to say we were friends till the end, but looking back now I'm not sure."

Ellen unraveled a lot of questions Lydia buried within. Why she never met another Banshee after Merideth. Deep down, she wasn't sure she wanted to. But seeing this girl, it somewhat relieved her.

She followed Lydia's eyes to Isaac, waiting impatiently outside; she knew. Just in that moment someone of Theo's built only taller and more handsome stood in front of the shop.

"I would help you, but they tell me I'm not a part of your story," Lydia nodded in understanding.

"You wouldn't mind if we spend a day together, would you?" Ellen asked.

Lydia thought about it. Would she have time for this? She surely would not expect Chris or Isaac to understand what meeting another Banshee means for her, and she was sure she could learn something from this girl and she could show Ellen some things. Theo was getting his keys from the Valet when it dawn on her it was time.

"Of course I'll hang out with you, I have to go now." Lydia writes her number and gives it to her.

"If I don't make it her by noon tomorrow, you can call." she told her and got up quickly, leaving money for their coffee.

                        *   *   *

Beacon Hills Highschool.

Today was moving so slowly for her. How could she make the mistake of thinking no one would come for Ryan? Monroe warned her to be careful with anything relating to Scott McCall. It blew her cover. They would know who had been killing supernaturals in the school now. Ashley wondered what they would do with the information. Would they send the sheriff's department after her? Even if they did, they had no proof but the word of a teenage boy.

The boy alive puts her in a dangerous position. The boys knew what she was, the wolves would come for her. They would want to impress Scott McCall by taking her down. She needed to disappear for now.

Ashley sat at her desk and typed out an email to the principal requesting a sabbatical leave. She had to make it believable, as though she was sick. She knew this would get the principal worried. The woman was really nice and caring. There were rumors her daughter went here when she was just a biology teacher.

It was barely two seconds after she hit send on the email when the door to her office opened. She stood up quickly, reaching for the gun in her drawer. She locked her door when she came in, meaning whoever it was wasn't human. They weren't here on a friendly mission either.

"I don't think that's necessary Ashley." A male voice said as he closed the door behind him.

Ashely knew it would come to this, eventually. Scott McCall and Stacy Anderson in her office was something she knew would happen soon. Wait, Stacy was one of them?

Scott smiled at her and took a sit on one of the two chairs. Stacy did the same to the other. Ashley knew he wanted her to sit. She put the gun down and sat in her chair, bearing in mind that Scott had the power to kill her right here in mere seconds. She needed a few seconds to feel like herself; she hated surprises. The silence in her office spoke loudly, especially when Scott got up and skimmed through her office.

"Here for some Guidance Mr McCall" she smirked and crossed her arm.

"Here to give it, actually." he turned to her, a smile still on his face.

Scott look to her table at the gun she left there. His eyes moved to her bag where he was sure she had more weapons.

"Ashley, can we go for a walk?" Scott requested, but it sounded more like an order.

"I'd get moving if I were you." Stacy said, inspecting her nails. Ashley looked at Stacy and noticed her eyes were glowing. Stacy's eyes were cold blue steel. She had taken a life before, and Ashley knew it would bring her nothing but joy to rip her to bits. But she won't until Scott says so. She stood up and walked out of the office with Scott. Stacy followed behind them.

The hallway was empty, everyone was in class, and those with a free period were in the library or out in the field.

"I know you're not surprised by my visit." Scott told her as they walked towards the trophy cabinet.

The case held pictures of the teams that had won medals and Tropies. Ashley found that he was starring at the picture that had him as Lacrosse team captain.

"Those were the fun times." he remarked and Ashley understood he spoke of his time in highschool.

"She should have told you the most important thing about being our enemy," Scott continued. "You walk the shadows forever praying you don't get killed by what you hunt."

Ashley swallowed as she noticed Ashley's growl behind her. Her gun was back in her office, she had no defense. Was this the end for her?

"I will not kill you." Scott assured her, but somehow she already knew that. She suspected Stacy was here to do the job.

"And I promise none of mine will kill you but," He leaned closer to her. "You will remain in the shadows for as long as you live."

Scott and Stacy walked away from her towards the end of the hallway where she saw someone waiting. It was none other than Liam Dunbar. He must have led Scott to her. Ashley knew Liam acting as the assistant coach in Beacon hills highschool was suspicious. He played for state team and he was one of the best players. She should have known he was here to watch over the younger ones.

Liam walked up to her while Scott and Ashley left the school.

"You're lucky he doesn't want you dead for what you did." Liam spat at her. "You should have thought twice before you touched one of us." Liam told her.

He looked really angry, like she was a bull he wanted to kill and eat for dinner. He took a deep breath, then pulled out an envelope from his pocket handing it to her.

"Mrs Martin asked me to give this to you." Liam said. "Whoever you are, never harm kids you are meant to protect."

Liam walked away from her and it didn't take a genius to know Ashley had just lost her job at the highschool. Ashley rushed to her office, her heart racing. What did Scott mean by staying in the shadows? Would he send people after her? No, he probably won't but other packs she had taken from would likely come for her. She needed a way out.

The reality that her time in Beacon Hills was drawing to a close end flashed before her. She prayed she would make it out alive. By going after one of Scott McCall's and failing, she placed herself in a bounty. She couldn't laugh at the humor; the bounty hunter becoming the bounty. Where have you ever heard that?

She planned her next move. She needed to get out of the state, maybe even the country in case the authorities come after her. Ryan's parents would need to file an assault query, but that would only happen if he wasn't fully healed by now. Rushing back to her office, she settled on one sure thought, she had to call Monroe.

Ashley slammed the door to her office, remembering the lock was broken. She was so lost in her thought of escaping she did not notice the girl on her chair fiddling with the gun she left on her table.

"Miss Walker!" she grins. "Your assistant helped me out the other day. What a shame, the vice principal told me so much about you, he literally wouldn't stop screaming." She twirled in the chair.

"Who are you?"

"Tina, the new girl? You're supposed to fix up my schedule I have clashing classes but I'd rather you help me with something else."

                  -  #    #   #  -

Now that Werewolf week is over we are back to updates every Thursday. Please recommend this story to teen wolf fans.

Feel free to comment your thoughts on the story.

Much love,
Tonia ❤️

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