
By _ToniaFrancis

898 58 49

Scott McCall and his pack have been fighting for ten years with little victories. He built a world for the su... More



28 4 9
By _ToniaFrancis

Present day, San Francisco.

Taking off her shoes could not stop her from pacing the sitting room of the pent house. Of all the places the universe reduced her to, a pent house suit was the worse. Nothing disturbed her more than the news of the wolf escaping her again. She wanted to kill him the moment she saw him. He was to blame for her family's demise. He betrayed his kind and worked with those hunter years ago.

Seeing as they found him with yellow wolfs bane, it would not surprise her if he still worked for them. The wolf had no shame or honor. It was no wonder he was an omega.

Her family had done a good job staying hidden. They weren't all that known by even those of the supernatural world. He led the hunters to them. It was his fault her family was gone.

"You should seat down Chloe," Tina voiced lazily from the couch. She nonchalantly flipped through a fashion magazine.

She knew Chloe would eventually sit when she was tired. She should know by now by torturing herself with memories of her family would do her know good. When Tina found Chloe covered dark blood crawling away from the ruins of a burning building years ago, she never thought she would keep her. Kitsune work better alone; it was more fun that way.

However, she saved her. She took Chloe to her clan temple in Hong Kong, where she recovered slowly. It took about a year for her to talk, and when she did; it was because she was hungry. The temple staff had not encountered her kind in years, but they knew just what to do. Wendigos are very hungry things that loved human flesh as she did playing with them. Their appetite is nearly insatiable when they transform.

The temple soldiers had to hunt bears in the snowy mountain to feed Chloe the flesh and still she was hungry. Luckily, she did not eat any of the temple soldier because her father place her in chains like a guard dog.

Her father was the clan chief. He was not so happy about her bringing Chloe into his home. He only accepted her when she fed on the bodies of his enemies instead of the wild beast. Yet he wasn't particularly please with their frequent trips to America either. Which is why now things were getting serious, they lived here?

Facially it would appear Chloe was much older; she had three children before they were all killed. However Tina was older by over fifty years yet she didn't look a day over sixteen. When she was told what she really was, it made total sense.

Her father wasn't really her father, he was actually her nephew, but no outsider knew that. Their clan were ghosts anyway. Known only to those who use their services.

Governments, organization, conglomerates, terrorist groups, security companies; they were the people her clan worked with.

"We'll find it." She encouraged Chole, who took a seat at the other end of the couch. "I know it's still out there somewhere." She dropped the magazine and stretching her small form on the couch.

"How can we do that now," Chloe breathed out. "We have no idea where it is, and you lost our only lead."

"Relaaaax, I just need to go on a little road trip," she smirks and gets up to go to her room.

"Beacon Hills," Chloe scoffs. "For a fox you would be foolish to go waltzing into the wolf's den. It won't work."

"It's Scott Mc call Chloe, he'll have someone at the school at least."

* * *

Months after Alison's death.
San Francisco.

His phone flash light was not bright enough for the foggy room he found himself in. He had searched this house for days and only noticed the door in the wall today. Nobody would be home for another hour, he knew that much from watching this family.

The room was chilly even with his jacket on. It appeared to be a game locker. But why would they have one if they didn't have a habit or hobby of hunting..... The man Chris assigned him to work with did not give him full details. He was to watch and report.

He was fast he could hear and see from a far distance as he was perfect for the job. He agreed to do this bit now that he was in it he wondered how anyone can love like this. Was this how they watched his kind? He didn't even know what they were, but he knew they weren't werewolves.

Isaac rubbed his palms together as he went further into the room. He could hear his own steps on the wooden floor as he moved. The fog seems to increase, making him resort to using his wolf eyes to see better.

He didn't know which was worse: blindness or what he saw. He found plastic bags hanging from the ceiling, but inside them he saw red with his eyes. A life form, human to be precised.

Isaac swallowed the little saliva he had left and drifts towards the bag. Come to think of it, what kind of game locker did not reek of meat. All he could smell in here was hunger, anger and greed.

He placed his phone in his breast pocket, leaving the flashlight part peeking out. His claws were not out, so he found it easy to open the bag. He only went about four inches down when he caught a whiff of the animal. That was no animal. This place it wasn't just the cold that got to him, it reeked of death.

As he went down he got choked up by the smell till he saw a head. Isaac gasped, taking a few steps back. The entire locker carried bodies. Dead bodies. Who were these people?

On their orders he had followed her from work every day, taking pictures of all the stops she made who she talked to, and what she did. When the Whitmoore's were away he spent days searching their house. It took him two weeks before he found their storage.

It scared the daylight out of him. He ran back to his unit leader David to report with most his sanity lost. Working with the hunters gave him a distraction from his sleeping problem. If he ever wanted to sleep badly, he would use pills.

The photos spread on the table included some he took. Not just of Mr. and Mrs Whitmoore but of the kids. Their first child was a year younger than he was. The other were twelve and nine, respectivel. David had confirmed recently that Victoria Argent had killed the Alpha of their target organization while she was here. They found his body in a separate room where Chole Whitmoore was preserving it.

"We need to burn it," David says.

"What?!" Isaac yells when no one said a word. Did these people just go around burning homes?

"Have you Argent's learned nothing?! There are kids living in that house."

"Not kids wendigos and a lot of dead bodies, they killed people. They are not innocent. I wouldn't expect you to understand, you're still one of them." he remarked and turned back the hunters in the room.

"What are you talking about?" Isaac slammed his fist into the table. "It was my sense of smell that led you to them. I found them for you."

"It doesn't change what you are. Your role in this mission is done, you may return to France if you wish it or better go to Beacon hills."

David walks out bumping shoulders with Isaac. The other hunters followed him.

He was foolish to think they would trust him or accept him. In their eyes, he would always be a dog waiting to be killed. They just needed a good excuse. How could this be the end? He did not spend the last few months fighting to see an entire family die. Isaac could not help but think of the Hales, how the entire family burned in the fire. Derek was his Alpha. He gifted him the bite. He took him and trained him to be strong. Sure, he wasn't perfect, but he was there when he need him most of the time.

Isaac growled as his fangs grew out of his teeth. He roared out his frustration, but even that was beginning to sound painful, like that of an omega. He picked up his jacket and went straight to the highschool of Logan Whitmoore the first child. He knew the hunters would wait until dinnertime. He also knew there was a football game at the school tonight. Logan's parents attended none of his games. Everyone would be home except him and he had to make sure he stayed in school.

Logan reminded him of himself and the relationship he had with his father. Both families prioritize grades over everything else. His father unlike Logan's parents came to his games at least. Getting into the Lacrosse team was the only thing his father was proud of him for. He did a lot of awful things to him in the name of making him into a man. He had watch this boy go through similar struggles.

Derek Hale saved him then, he had no one, and he still doesn't but maybe he could give this boy a chance.

The garage of the school was packed with people, so much more filed out through the door. The game must be over. Even better, Isaac thought as he went straight to the boy's locker room, he was certain Logan would be there either celebrating with his team or mourning a loss. Either way, he was bound to take a shower before heading home.

The boys in the locker room cheered each other, laughing at their silly behaviour. They were completely oblivious to Isaac who didn't go to their school roaming the boy's locker room. He tried to stay unnoticed as he avoided being hit by things flying around or bumping into a student. The room smelled of steam, sweat, shower gel and booze; mostly of sweat. It was hard to catch Logan's scent in here, Isaac had memorized it from watching him too long.

His hoodie from the sweatshirt he wore under his jacket cover most of his face from view. Isaac leaned on a nearby wall, far from easy vision. He tried to block out the noise. It took him a whole minute to block out the raving madness in the locker room. Before he dropped his wolf's hearing he picked up a speeding heat beat. Either someone was about to die or that heart beat belonged to Logan. There was only one way to find out.

Isaac tapped the fire drill bell. While the boys rushed out of the locker room, he followed the running heart till he found Logan self trapped in a corner on his knees, his hand over his ears.

"You should have stayed home like your parents told you to." Isaac announced his presence.

"Who are you?" Logan retreated further towards the wall. His eyes held fear of hurting Isaac or himself. Isaac knew what that felt like. He struggled with similar urges when it was a full moon.

"Who am I?" Isaac laughed. "You can call me your guardian angel." He pulled down his hoodie.

"It's you, from the field." Logan exclaimed. "Look, you need to leave now." he warned,

"Oh, don't worry about the drill, I rang the bell."

"That's not what I mean. You can't be around me right now. I don't even know you, man."

"Yet I know you Logan Whitmoore"

Logan managed to pull himself up. He froze at the use of his name, his actual name. His parent did not allow him or his siblings use their real last name under school registration. If this stranger knew his actual name, then he must know.

Isaac stood still waiting for the kid's reaction he seemed still in shock with his back to him. His breathing pace increase, he must be angry.

"I told you to leave me ALONE!!!" Logan roared. He turned around to face Isaac, who took a few steps back. Logan's face grew pale like that of a two weeks old corpse. He looked blind as his eyes glowed completely white. Going on all four he raised his head, showing Isaac his rows of extra teeth. There must have been over thirty-five teeth on the lower row alone, and they were spikey. Isaac could tell they were sharp, really sharp.

"Avoid the teeth" Chris told him.

"So that's what you look like," Isaac said, unmoved yet intrigued. "It's only right I show you mine."

Isaac cracked his neck to the side it made a loud sound through the room even with the bell ring. His face changed as he walked closer to Logan. He spread his arms open, drawing his claws out in one second. His brows adjusted ad unlike before he had facial hair around his jaws.

Isaac roared, scaring Logan.

"I'm not afraid of you." Logan told him. "I'm very hungry and I will eat you."

"You want me," Isaac growled. "Come get me!" he roared.

Logan jumped to the top of a nearby locker and limped off, landing behind Isaac before he could notice. He was fast. Isaac felt Logan's claws at his legs. He dragged him up and threw him across the room, snapping his fangs in excitement.

"I can do this all night Logan, I don't mind knocking you out but you must stay here with me." he told him as he picked up a Dumbell.

Logan came at Isaac again this time Isaac landed a blow to the head while he dug a punch through Isaac's stomach. Isaac reacted by pushing him back by bashing his head to Logan's. The wedingo did not give up he kept jumping back trying to claw and bite through his skin like an insect. He snarled in hunger and hissed with frustration as he fought. Isaac would lose this fight if he could not knock him out or get him to change back.

Isaac found himself pushed to the ground with force Logan was on top of the lockers, climbing comfortably like a spider would. He eyed Isaac as though he was a delicious meal. Before Isaac could get back on his feet.. was on top of him sniffing his flesh.

"Logan listen, I'm sure I would taste good, but you have to listen to me." Isaac changed back to his human form. If hevdidn't stand down, he would have to kill him.

"How do you know my name?" Logan asked calmer.

"My name Isaac, I was hired to watch you and your family. I just want to help you."

That seemed to calm him down because he retreated to a corner. Isaac stood up wonder if to go closer to him when he screamed out his lungs. Logan cried out on his knees. His hand tugged at his hair as Isaac watched his teeth go back into his gums and his human teeth return.

"You can't go home tonight," Isaac told him. "Or any other nights."

The ringing had stopped during their fight. They had made a messed of the locker room. Logan swore under his breath and grabbed his bag.

"Hey where are you going?!" Isaac called after him.

Logan stopped when he was at the hallway.

"Look Isaac or whatever your name is, I have to go, it's really late."

"That's what I'm trying to tell you. You need to run."

"Why would I need to run away from anything other than you?" He turned around and kept walking.

"You never asked who hired me to watch your family," Isaac called, knowing he would hear him.

In a flash, Logan had his hand jacking Isaac's jacket.

"What are you taking about?"

"Your family, they're going to be killed tonight, all of them, let's just say your parents aren't very nice people."

"How are you so sure?"

"The guys that hired me are hunters, really skilled."

Logan's eyes widened. He throws punches at Isaac, who dodges them.

"I'm trying to help you, I don't want you to get punished for the sins of your parents." Isaac caught his hands midair.

"You idiot! My siblings are gonna to die in there too. Let me go!" Logan jack back his hands and runs out the door.

Isaac did not go after him or try to stop him. He knew if Derek could, he would go back to save his family even when running was the best option. Even without a Banshee's help he knew that Logan won't make it out of there alive.

* * *

Present day, San Francisco.

"He didn't make it," Isaac said as Lydia finished treating his wounds to help them heal fast. "By the next morning the building was gone, and the cops came to claim the bodies didn't burn."

"I really wanted a different ending." He says after a while.

"This tells me nothing helpful. Who are these people and what do they want? I need to know." She pleaded with both Isaac and Chris.

"It started when Victoria thought it was wise to move back to America." Chris started. "We had been going around a lot. We agreed one more miso for her and she would spend more time building a stable life for Allison. My wife brought Allison to San Francisco with the goal of ending the night watch pack." Chris explained.

"Only it isn't just a pack it more of a sorority." Isaac cut in. Chris glared at him and he mocked, surrendered within arm painfully raised. Isaac moved to a comfortable chair while Lydia enjoyed story time with Chris.

"He's not wrong, They weren't just wolves as we thought, wendigos and what not. The Alpha was powerful, relentless and cruel. They killed so many of ours. My wife, she killed the wolves including the feared Alpha. After she died, we began receiving news of Night watch activities. We thought it was a fluke, so we investigated. We would have never known an entire family of Wendigos were members of the night watch. My family requested that Allison go down to San Francisco and fix the problem.

"I couldn't send her there, not with all the things you kid had to deal with. So I decided I would tell her after she graduated. You know the rest." Chris concluded and cleared the table.

"Isaac, you said the hunters killed the Whitmoores How is Chloe Whitmoore still alive?"

"You think I know? All I know is she survived somehow, and she wants revenge and she needs the Nogitsune to do it." He said like it was nothing.

"WHAT!!!" Lydia and Chris screamed at the same time.

"You didn't think to mention that before!" Lydia shouted.

"Calm down jeez, now you know."

"Where did you keep it?"

"Only Chris knows now, I found a pack in Spain and asked the Alpha to erase some of my memories. I know where it is, but I don't remember how to get there. That way no one would know." Isaac said.

"This is bad," Lydia muttered. "This is really bad." It froze her.

The Nogitsune brought dark time filled with pain and suffering when she was a teenager now someone foolish was going to release it again. Now she understood what she had been feeling, why she was here.

"Death is coming."

                           - # # # -

Please don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on the story. I love reading your comments.

Much love,
Tonia ❤️

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