Biker Girl

By music0monster

270K 6.1K 404

When Alicia starts a new school after her latest expulsion, she feels no desire to make this one any differen... More

Chapter One - New School
Chapter Two - Payback
Chapter Three - The Fight Club
Chapter Four - Playing Nurse
Chapter Five - Don't Stare
Chapter Six - The Date
Chapter Seven - It Was Nice
Chapter Eight - I'm Not Scary All The Time..
Chapter Nine - It Worked With My Cats
Chapter Ten - Meeting Hell
Chapter Eleven - To Call, Or Not To Call
Chapter Thirteen- Well, You Have To Start Somewhere
Chapter Thirteen- Viva Italia
Chapter Fourteen- Well... Isn't This Fun!
Chapter Fifteen- Oh Crap
Chapter Sixteen- Bye Bye BenoƮt
Chapter Seventeen- The End

Chapter twelve- Couteau? I Think You Mean Asshole

10.5K 255 18
By music0monster

This chapter carrys on from around where Chapter Ten left off so its back with shay + ali :) hope you like. PS if your wondering what language their talking in its italien. I dont trust google translate so I try to rely on my (poor) language skills- so please, tell me if I get something wrong :L



With a small giggle I untangled myself from my amazing boyfriends arms and started pulling on random clothes from my wardrobe, while he pulled his clothes back on, picking them up from around the room. When I turned around he had just pulled his head over his head and was grinning at me.

"What would you like to now then bella?" (beautiful)  I smiled then thought for a moment.

"Can we go to the fight club? I need to see uncle R and do a little practice"

"Certo" (Of course) he replied, his grin growing larger.

True to his word, 30 minutes later we were both practicing side by side.

"So," Punch "you" Elbow "going to" Punch "fight later" kick "tonight?" I fnished, smiling sweetly at Shay, elbowing the punching bag one last time and finishing its short life. Punching bags never last long when I'm around. He laughed quietly at me and put his weights down.

"I don't know babe, I think they want to see you fight again tonight" He replied with a wink just as Uncle R came rushing over with a large breif case.

"Al- I mean Snake! Take a look at this!!!" He shout/whispered excitedly, skidded to a halt then oppened it to reveal a hell of a lot of money. My eyes widened and he quickly snapped it shut before any of the other fighters saw it. We are criminals after all

"The best fighter from France, Couteau, is here on a visit and he wants to fight you!" He continued in another weird wisper/yell "He's cocky as fuck, and if you win he'll pay you 2 million"

I sat down on top of Shane and I knew by the look on his face he'd seen and heard all of that conversation. With a shaky breath and my boyfriends arm's around me, I replied

"Tell him its a deal"

___________________ (*)___________________

"AND SNAKES THE WINNER!" The commentator shouted excitedly, filling me with excitement and disbelief. I'm a little worse for ware, but I won, I actually beat Couteau..... oh my god, I won all that money! Shane ran onto the stage and hugged me tight, being careful not to hit the bruises on my body, He was surrounded by other people congratulating me. If I wasn't so happy I would of noticed the fury in Couteau's eyes, and the faint outline of a gun in his brothers pocket..... I noticed the gun aimed at my chest a fraction too late, and with a drop of Couteau's hand the world went black. The last sense to go was hearing- Shane's worried voice was shouting my name...You know, I always thought I'd die by a bullet.


"AND SNAKES THE WINNER!" The commentor shouted excitedly. Upon hearing that I ran onto the stage and enveloped Ali in a hug. Others took this as their que to run on and congratulate her. I looked at her face smiling, but suddenly her expression changed to panic. I only had to wonder what was upseting her for a split second, before I saw her eyes close, her body go limp and a rapidly growing blood stain appear on her chest. The whole room went deadly silent as everyone looked on to to see my reaction. I used to be well known for my short temper. Surprising everyone, when I saw the blood stain reach under where her limp hand lay I broke out of my trance and picked her up. Nobody in that room thought I cared about her that much, but they were wrong. Very, very wrong. Ronald seemed to know what I was doing, and ran towards the back door opening it for me then running towards my car. I tossed him the keys, and as soon as I sat down with Ali on my lap he started speeding towards the hospital.

Let me tell you, they were the longest 3 minutes of my life........


Beep, beep, beep, beep. With a groan I fluttered my eyes open, trying to figure out what happened. The last thing I remember is.... Holy shit! That asshole shot me! The beeping got faster the angrier I got. Suddenly, I saw Shay wake up in alarm at the noise- he was sat in chair next to my hospital bed. He smiled breathtakingly when he saw I was awake, then kissed me passionatly. We broke apart after a while and I sat in his arms.... Suddenly this hospital bed seemed a hell of a lot nicer. Looking him in the eyes, I could see he was trying to not tell me something.

"Just tell me Shane. Please" I said softly. With a shaky breath he looked back towards me with tears in his eyes.

"Alicia, you've been out for a month, they told me there was a possiability that you'd never wake up..." He replied just as quietly, as a single tear rolled down his cheek. My eyes widened and I instantly brushed the tear away. Pausing for a second I processed all this information.

"Couteau isnt dead is he?" I questioned. Shay's body tensed and he shook his head with a clenched jaw. I gave him a small smile and brushed my hand against his prickly skin.

"Well I have two things to say then" he looked at me curiously and motioned for me to continue. "The first is that my doctor is a dumb-ass if he thought I'd never wake up. I mean, he knows who I am right?" this earned a small chuckle "and the second is that the moment I get out of this hospital, I'm hunting that mother fucker down- and you my lovely boyfriend are coming with me."

"Gladly" was his reply just before a nurse came in and dropped her clip board in shock. We turned to look at her with raised eyebrows.

"Well.... I better go tell your doctor, Dr Hakkoli,  he's an utter imbecile now Miss Smith."


Comment, fan, vote, tell your friends if you like the story. Just be your normal awsome selfs. PS thanks a million to ChristinaBaca !!!!!!

*Couteau means knife in french by the way ;)

Peace out

M.M. xx

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