Love Or Hate

بواسطة xion142

29.5K 1K 470

Sora and Roxas hate each other with a burning passion. One day they both go to a witch to find out who their... المزيد

Why you?
The plot
Honey milk
Stealing love
Selfish Heart
Fixes and Farewells


1.4K 51 36
بواسطة xion142

Xion had figure it out. She knew something had change between Sora and Roxas, specially because the blond was smiling more. She figure they were going out but what she didn't know is why they hadn't said anything.

"If you want great food you should try Sora's cooking" Kairi pointed out. The gang was at school eating lunch.

"Yeah his food is better than anything you'll find at any restaurant" Riku said in agreement.

"I don't believe you. I need proof " Axel raise his hands dramatically just to emphasis his point.

"What!" Kairi grab Sora's shoulders and with a serious expression said " you need to cook for this nonbeliever"

"O-ok" Sora said a bit awkward. He didn't understand what the big fuss was, his mother cook way better than he did.

"Then you have to do it today because I don't know when my next free day will be"

"Ok, you can all go to my house after school" Sora said cheerfully, forgetting a very important date he had. Roxas' reaction to this answer was to step on his toes, making Sora yelp out of agony.

"What was th-.." When the brunet saw the annoyance on Roxas' face he stop talking. "Umm guys what day is today?"

"Wednesday" riku answered

Sora's stomach drop the minute he heard that word. He had completely forgotten about his date with Roxas. Nervously he looked at his boyfriend, who still had that annoyance look on his face. "I've made a terrible mistake! Riku send me back in time!" The brunet said as he grab his Riku by the collar and shook him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Riku asked while trying to stop his best friend.

The blond couldn't stayed mad at Sora for long, he just sighed, grin and said " you better not make something with broccoli"

"I'll make sure to give you a double douse of broccoli"


Sora's house looked simple and small. There was something about it that made you feel like you were welcome. Maybe it was the beautiful flowers growing in the front yard, perhaps the soft blue pastel paint or just the fact that Sora live there. Whatever the reason was Roxas felt right at home.

"So who's gonna help me cook?" Sora asked, he was about to cook for 9 people including his parents, he was not going to do it alone. unfortunetly the only answer he got was silence. " Come on guys you don't seriouly expect me to do this alone."

"I'll help you" Roxas volunteer and everyone looked at him like he had just grown a second head. It was strange to see him do something nice for Sora.

Kairi didn't like it. Just as Xion had notice something was going on, the red head had notice it too, Sora paid more attention to Roxas and he didn't complain about being close to the blond any more. She couldn't admit it to the others but she was starting to get jelous, and with Xion and Namine doing everything they could to keep the two boys together it was beginning to get harder and harder just to watch. She had to stop it.

"I'll help-" Kairi was cut off by Namine and Xion " Great we'll go play in the living room or something"

"Sora has a bunch of video games in his room, we can play againts each other" Riku said a bit too exited.

"And we can form teams!" Axel added, the girls just followed the two enthusiastic boys to Sora's room.

After the brunet made sure they were all gone he ran to Roxas and gave him a bear hug. " I am so sorry, I'm a horrible boyfriend"

hearing the word boyfriend made Roxas blush madly, he was still not used to the idea of them going out. "I already forgiven you, but that doesn't mean you're allowed to do it again" he said with a bashful angry actitude as he push Sora off of him.

"hehe I promise"

"Good, now what do you need me to do"

"Wash the veggies then cut them" Sora instructed him as he took out the vegetables from the fridge.

"Sora, what is that"


"Next to the carrots"

The brunet hesitated for a moment then said "Br-broccoli?" The word made Roxas' left eye twitch. "I hate you"

"Awww I love you too" Sora sai innocently

"Make something else"Roxas demanded

"No, I already told everyone I would make chicken stir fry and I always put broccoli in it"

A very wicked idea came to Roxas mind. He was not going to eat broccoli, not even if it was in Sora's wonderful food. So the blond walked closer to his boyfriend, he held the others hands, made the cutest puppy dog eyes he could manage and said "but Sor you owe me for canceling our date, pretty please make something with no broccoli" and he seal the deal by giving Sora a peck in the lips.

Needles to say Sora was not prepare for this attack. His face turn red as a tomato and his heart felt like it was on a sugar rush. "You are so unfair" the brunet rested his head on Roxas' shoulder took a deep breath and after pulling himself together he asked "so then what can we make with so little ingredients I have left?"

"Pizza! I've always wanted to make pizza"

"I guess it could work, let me find the recipe for the dough" Sora had never in his life made pizza dough, his mother always was the one to make it and he never paid attention when she did. He could make the dough, I couldn't be that hard right?

Easy peasy they made the dough, after 5 fail tries. Now Sora was making the douse while Roxas cut the toppings.

"Roxas come here please" the blond did as told "open your mouth" Roxas was a bit hesitant but he did it anyways. The. sora fed him a little douse with a spoon. "So what do think?" The brunet asked impatiently.

"This is really good"

"Your not being sarcastic.. Right?"

"Not this time"

With every sentence they had shorten the distance between them, so now their noses were almost touching. They started to lean in closer and closer until Kairi came running through the kitchen door yelling "guys, I'm hungry! What's taking so long"

Both boys pulled apart so fast that Roxas almost fell backwards. "Did I interrupted something? Never mind I don't want to know, so what are you cooking??"


"Can I help? Maybe that way we'll finish faster" she knew she was getting in their way but the girl couldn't help it. Her jealousy was getting the best of her.

"I guess" Sora said. He didn't want Kairi there but there was no way of saying no without being suspicious.

After the pizza was ready and they had all eaten. Axel admitted that Riku and Kairi were right and Sora's cooking was fantastic. They said their goodbyes and each one made their way home, all except for Kairi.

"I need to talk to you Sora" She said when the brunet looked at her confuse.

"Ok" feeling that this was a serious matter Sora led her to the living room.

Kairi was scare but she knew that this was the only way to forget Sora. It hadn't been long since she had realize how much she actually liked the brunet, but now it was too late, besides his red string wasn't attach to her.

"I like you, not just as a friend"

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