Stealing love

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"Sora just needs a little push" Kairi mumble to herself. After listening to the boys talk, the red head had decided on helping Sora see who he really like. She headed to her grandma's room. Inside the small room there were objects from different eras and places. Most of them falling apart. She looked through them all until she found a steel ring with a carve in the middle. Kairi stared at the ring, conflicted on weather to use it or not. She remember what her grandmother had said 'this ring was meant to put a stop to feelings of love and make a person have a change of heart'

"This will make everything ok again" she said so trying to convince herself, then in an impulse she took the ring and hid it in her pocket.

Carefully with no one noticing her. She got out of the room and headed to were everyone was. Now all she needed was a distraction so she could put the ring on Sora's finger without anyone noticing. Luckily for her there was a stack of old dusty books inside the room. The ginger pretended to trip and push the books, making them crumble down to the floor and making a giant cloud of dust spread. Between the coughs and confusion she quickly located Sora. She hurried to his side, took his hand and put the ring on his finger. In that instance the brunet felt overwhelmed and lost. He felt like something very important to him was trying to be erase.

After some minutes the air cleared out and everyone calmed down. "Is everyone ok?" Namine asked as she glance at each one of them. When her eyes landed on Sora's pale face. It was clear to see he was not ok at all. The brunet could hardly support himself.

"Sora! What's wrong?" The blond girl asked in a frantic

"I don't know" Sora's voice was weak. he was trying to keep himself from fainting at the same time as trying to keep himself from forgetting.

"Your probably just tired" Kairi's face showed concern and guiltiness.

" I'll take you home" Riku offered as he supported Sora.

"I'll go with you guys, just in case"

"Thanks for helping! I hope feel better soon" A very uneasy feeling washed over Namine as she saw them go.


Things were not going well at all for Roxas. First he had made a decision he was probably going to regret and couldn't stop thinking about it, to top it all Sora was acting strange. He was avoiding and ignoring him. Roxas figure he had done something wrong to make him mad but what?

Now it was lunch time and the 7 teens were sitting together and eating, well not quite. The brunet was not eating, he seem irritated. Roxas felt the need to talk to him, he felt something wasn't right with Sora but he couldn't quite place it.

In a sudden abrupt Sora got up "I cant stand it anymore, I can't be here if he's here too" he said this as he pointed to Roxas, then left.

Everyone looked at the blond boy expectedly. "I haven't done anything this time...... I think" Roxas was flabbergasted, he had definitely done something wrong.

"I think you better go talk to him" Xion whisper, he nodded and followed the brunet.


The brunet had run to the gym, it was the only deserted place in the whole school. He needed the silence to think and hopefully clear his head.

Sora was trying to fight his conflicting emotions. On one part he wanted to be close to Roxas and on the other he wanted nothing to do with him. It was as if his mind was telling him to hate the blond while his heart was not agreeing. Maybe he never actually liked Roxas, maybe he had just been too eager because of those pictures.

"What's wrong with me" Sora asked himself

"That's what I'll like to know"

"Ugh, what do you want?" Being close to his soul mate made Sora's head spin and ache.

"Did I do something or what?" Roxas stepped closer to him, only to have Sora backed.

The more he looked at the blonde the more the hatred in his mind grew, and he spoke without thinking "Don't you get it? I don't need you, I don't love you and I never will"

Every word Sora spoke felt like felt like it was stabbing Roxas. What he was most afraid of, what scare him the most, had just come true. "I'm glad! I don't have to deal with your sorry self anymore." It was he could respond, to stop him from falling into pieces. "I guess this was your way of getting revenge, I hope your satisfied"

"it's over now" Sora murmured, Roxas just nodded and left.


Kairi had waited all day, taking note of everything that had happen. In the classes that she had with both Sora and Roxas she notice their gaze for each other was full of resentment. Her plan was working but she was it really what she wanted.

When school ended she asked Sora to walked with her home alone.

"Kairi about what you said the other day at my house, you were being sincerer right?"

"Yes, I really do like you, but you have feelings for someone else, right?"

"I.." he stopped "Things change"

"In that case, Can you give me a chance?" The ginger knew better than to asked this but she had started this, there was no backing out now.

"Sure" Sora had stop listening when Kairi asked about his feelings, he had just agreed to make her think he was actually listening.


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