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Working as a pretend spy was easy for Namine. Knowing everything that happen at her school was her thing she used it to write stories in her blog, it was also fun to sneak up on people and scare them. Now it was different she was a girl on a mission. The strange feeling of anxiety she had been harboring since her friends helped her clean her shop was eating her. She knew something was not right at all, and Namine was going to found out what it was.

The blond girl had been around the school listening to every gossip she could find. One of all the gossips stuck out the most, everyone kept talking about the 'hot new couple'. Who was this new couple not other than Kairi and Sora. That traitor of a cousin was messing with her plans and fate. That's when it dawn on her, that's why she was feeling anxious. Kairi had done something and it was tangling the string of fate. Her first step was to confront her dear cousin.

"What have you done?" Namine enter raging into Kairi's room.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" the ginger said a bit startle and nervous " also I have no idea of what your talking about" Kairi was trying not sound suspicious but it was not working, she was never a good liar.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You know the red string can't be change or cut" The blond's glared at her, making her even more nevous.

" Sora just had a change of heart and decided to stay with me" That response had slipped out of her mouth.

"A change of heart...?" Namine pause to think, upon realization of what Kairi had done she turn pale " The ring.... you used the ring" Her cousin's silence only confirm what she had discovered. " Do you realize how stupid and dangerous that was? Why would you do that"

" Get out of my room" She pushed the blond and closed the door on her face. She then let her body fall on her bed and sigh " Of course I know that" Kairi said quietly.


Even though the sky was a beautiful mix of reds and yellows, the water sparkling from the distance and the peaceful noise of the trains leaving. Even though it was a calming and beautiful afternoon, to Roxas it felt so dull. So there he was at his favorite place trying to forget his sorrows with ice cream.

"You're going to get fat with all that ice cream" Xion said as she sat next to him

"I take it you heard the rumors?" The boy's voice was monotone

"Yeah, ugh Sora is such a s-"

"Stop" she was cut off by her friend.

"why?" she was starting to get irritated with her friend "You should be furious with him, he broke your heart and left you for Kairi"

"Thanks for reminding me and no, I am not mad or hate him" Roxas was sad, but as much as he tried he wasn't able to hate Sora. In a way he thought it was a good thing this all happen the way it did, now when he left he wouldn't have to worry about Sora. "Beside the last time I talked to him. His eyes didn't show mockery or spite. It was as if they were asking for help"

"It's just your broken heart not wanting to believe this" Xion was feeling partly guilty for setting them up and wishing them to be together

"I guess but does Sora really seem like the person who would play with people's emotions?" Roxas knew Sora, he would never do something like even if he hated you. The brunet cared about others.

"" Xion was not believing it, even if it was Sora, you never fully know a person, or that's what she thought

Roxas just smile at her and they both spend the rest of the afternoon together eating ice cream.


The next day at school sitting at the front yard of the school waiting for his friends was Riku, said boy was thinking and it made absolutely no sense to him. He hadn't talk to both his best friends but he had heard the rumors. Sora had rejected Kairi, why would he change his mind so suddenly. It didn't seem like him t something like that.

"Riku" Namine said pulling him out of his thoughts
"Ah yes?"

"Can you come with me there's something we need to discuss" whatever was that she wanted to tell him sounded serious important , it was hard not to follow her. She led him to the white witch shop, there waiting were Roxas, Xion and Axel.

"What is this about Namine" Xion was annoyed and she didn't hide it, she partly blamed Namine for Roxas broken heart.

"I know you're mad at me Xion but hear me out" Xion calmed down letting Namine explain "As you may have notice there's something wrong with Sora and Kairi. The reason is because Kairi used one of my grandmothers artifacts on Sora" as the blond girl said this Xion looked at Roxas who had a new found interest on the topic.

Knowing too well how dangerous those things could b Riku asked with worry "Which one was it? And what does it do?"

"It's a heartless ring, it makes the person wearing it have a change of heart, whether that person wants to or not. It can be pretty dangerous, I heard of people driven crazy by the ring" her voice was starting to fail her and she could feel herself starting to panic.

"Don't worry my child" a old lady said as she held Namine's hand. "The reason those people were driven mad was because of the conditions" she said calmy

"Conditions....?" Roxas echoed

"There are many routes a heart can take, for the ring to change a heart it takes conditions from person who puts the ring." The grandmother explained "If you guys want to help your friend there's a way, all you have to do is fulfilled the conditions and he will be set free"

"Now we just need to find out what these conditions are" Axel said excitedly "this is like a super secret mission to save a friend"

"Axel, this is serious" Xion exclaimed then turn to Roxas " I can't believe you notice something was wrong, I should have listen to you" she said apologetically, it was amazing how he was able to know something like this.

Namine almost mentally kicked herself upon hearing Xion, of course Roxas would notice. It his string of fate the one that was being tangled. Maybe if they weren't able to find the condition, they could use the red string to break the curse. Before she could even say anything her grandmother asked "Are you by any chance the soul mate of the person with the ring?"

Roxas nodded in respond leaving Axel and Riku shocked and dumbfounded. "What? Why was I never told about this?" Axel felt betrayed, how dare not tell him his best friend had a soul mate and how dare Roxas have someone special in his life before him.

"A lot of things make sense now, your the reason Kairi felt force to use the ring and why Sora rejected her"

"What" everyone said at the same time

"I am so confuse" Axels said scratching his head " Are they going out or not?"

"I don't know anymore" he sad shaking his head

Before they could say anymore Roxas took his bag and made his way to the door. Xion notice and asked " Wait Roxas, where are you going?"

"Home, whatever is that your doing. I'm not helping" and with that he left.

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