Taboo (Mr. Aizawa x student r...

By jessi_54

101K 2.7K 2.9K

Since you were young and got your quirk, you've dreamed of becoming a hero and saving lives. There was no ONE... More

-Results and Recognition-
-First Day-
-First Assignment-
-Trial and Errors-
-Cat's Out The Bag-
-Sound the Alarm-
-We're Here-
-Among the Fallen-
-Date Night-
-Be Prepared-
-Strive to Win-
-Survival of the Fittest-
-Hard Work and Ambition-
-Out With a Bang-
-Stay Here-
-(Sorry, not an update)-
-Name of the Game-
-One Step Further-

-Fight to the Finish-

2.9K 112 117
By jessi_54

(A/N) Sorry for the hold up guys! There were times where I thought I could get this published sooner, but I've been really busy with life and stuff. Well, here it is! Thank you so much for your patience!❤️
((Sorry if this chapter has any mistakes, I hope you enjoy it though.))

"Now, raise those battle cries! It's time for U.A.'s bloody battle! Light the signal fire!" Present Mic shouted through the microphone. You scanned the other teams, looking for any possible targets which was a little hard being that you didn't know everyone's quirk. "Oh! I figured I needed to give you guys code names or something  just in case I have to call on one of you." You gently placed a hand on the clone's head in front of you. "I'll just call you Ni," you turn and point at the clone on your right. "You'll be San," then you turned and pointed to the one on your left. "And you'll be Yon." The clones all agreed with the names you gave them.

"I'm not going to ask if you're ready or not," Present Mic stated making you tense up with nervousness. "Now let's go! Counting down to the brutal battle royale!!"

"Start!" Midnight announced, permitting everyone to move. As soon as it started almost every team on the field came for you first. "Uhhh...okay..We gotta go." You looked for an opening to pass the teams charging at you. Once you found one, you and your team of clones ran for the opening. "Not so fast!" You turned your head towards the source of the voice and saw the ground soften, becoming wobbly, and spreading to you and your team fast. Fortunately, you all quickly dodged the attack and without hesitation you copied the quirk that was just used against you. You swiftly made it past the other teams using Kirishima's quirk to block reaching hands from grabbing your headband. "(L/N) (F/N) and her team of clones got attacked as soon as the battle started! And she safely made it out!" Present Mic shouted. "Alright, It's best to collect a few headbands along the way. Just in case ours get snatched so we'll be left with something." You told your team. They all agreed in unison and the four of you continued running around, making sure your headband couldn't be easily accessed.

A lot of time passed by and you were still holding on to your headband, but you haven't taken anyone else's. You looked around, observing the other teams, looking for quirks to copy. You saw a few good ones you never seen before— you saw one guy blow out air creating shields with them, the guy on the horse that attacked you first had a quirk similar to Kirishima but his skin turned into steel, and there was a girl who could change the size of her arm. "Man I love it here!" You said fascinated by everyone's quirk.

"It's been seven minutes! Let's take a look at each team's current ranking on the screen!" Present Mic shouted in the microphone. You looked at the screen to see where everyone else stood. Shockingly, your team and Todoroki's team were the only two teams from class A with points. "What?? Class A doesn't seem to be doing well. Only two teams from 1-A have points! I don't think anyone was expecting this!"

You and your team continued running around until something told you to duck, to which you obeyed. Todoroki, Iida Yaoyorozu, and Kaminari zoomed passed you with Todoroki's hand just missing your headband. "I was sure it was going to work." Iida told his teammates with slight disappointment in his voice. "Don't worry about it. (Y/N)'s not like a lot of the other students here, so what may have worked on the other teams won't be as effective with her. She's skillful, but we won't give up." Todoroki responded.

"Did you all copy Iida's quirk?" You asked, looking at your clones for confirmation.



"Of course." The clones all proclaimed in unison. "Great. We should get out of here." Ni, San, and Yon activated Iida's quirk and carried you away from Todoroki and the others to the other sides of the field with less commotion. "She got away!" Kaminari whined to his teammates. "Since sneaking up on her at a fast pace didn't work, maybe we could follow her around secretively." Yaoyorozu suggested. Todoroki quietly thought about the suggestion before agreeing with Yaoyorozu.

"Okay guys, we don't have much time left but we steal need to take as many headbands as we-" You were interrupted by the sounds of explosions and quickly turned your head to see Bakugo using his quirk to fly through the air. Once he got close enough, your team quickly moved out the way sending him pass you. Sero used his tape and pulled him back to his horse before they all ran for you planning to attack. You looked passed Bakugo's team and noticed Midoriya's running towards you, and it looked like they had a plan. "Are you guys alright?" You asked your clones. They all replied with some form of 'yes' but you could feel that their time was almost up. Six minutes remained and you thought of the perfect way to finish everything off, but the plan was slightly interrupted as a tall barrier of ice stood between you and Bakugo and Midoriya. You looked over and saw Todoroki's team charging for you once more. You could see Yaoyorozu creating something, but neither you nor your teammates could tell what it was. Once they got closer, you realized it was an insulator sheet, which could only mean one thing. "Ni!"

"Got it!" Ni already knew what she needed to do and copied Yaoyorozu's quirk, creating the same blanket. As soon as Kaminari attempted to shock you and your team, you guys were already protected. Once the wave was over. You dropped the blanket off to the side. 'Should've expected that.' Todoroki thought to himself.  You looked up and saw team Midoriya and team Bakugo coming to join the party. "You selfish Half-and-half bas-!"

"Did you see that!?" Present Mic shouted, purposely cutting Bakugo's sentence short. "Both teams who were blocked from attacking (Y/N) have found a way over the wall!!"

'Great...just...great.' You thought as you let out a puff of air. Things got difficult as you tried to dodge the three teams attacks. "There isn't much time left and team (Y/N) is being cornered! Will she make it out safely like the other times she dodged those fatal attacks? Or will she have to say bye to the ten million points?!" Present Mic commentated. You wanted to show everyone you were determined to keep the lead you held on to so tightly, but you could feel Ectoplasm's quirk slowly running out of time and so were you. Everything was becoming a bit too overwhelming, so you decided to get ready for the final act. You activated Kirishima's copied quirk and your teammates copied Bakugo's quirk then created a huge explosion before they disappeared in thin air. "What's going on over there!?!" Present Mic asked. Most of the crowds attention was on you and the three teams surrounding you. In fact, most of the opposing teams stopped for a minute due to the large eruption.

Once the smoke cleared, you were nowhere to be seen. "Nani?! Where did that copycat go?!" Bakugo asked angrily. "Huh? Wait one of our headbands disappeared!" Ashido pointed out.

"Deku, didn't you have two headbands around your neck?" Uraraka asked.

"It appears you're missing one too." Yaoyorozu stated. Todoroki counted the bands around his neck which went from 3 to 2.

You were using the vanish quirk copied from Kaori's dad. The quirk allowed you to make whatever you touch invisible on command and walk through object to remain discrete. "Less than thirty seconds remain! Who will make it out on top?!" You activated both Uraraka's and Iida's quirks and quickly bounced around snatching other teams' headband, though there weren't many left.  "Time is just about up! Start the countdown!" With Present Mic's said words, the 10 second countdown began. You stood still, wasting time as you watched many teams realize their headbands were gone. You couldn't deactivate the quirk just yet. If you did so before the timer ran out, it would be clear you didn't have a horse for the last minute which would get you disqualified. "Time's up!!" Present Mic bellowed.

"Now, let's take a look at the top 5 teams!!" The loud blond directed. You heard Aizawa clear his throat through the mic, preparing to speak. "In 5th place, team Midoriya. In 4th place team Shinso. In 3rd place, team Bakugo. In 2nd place, team Todoroki. And in-"

"And in first place with 10,001,155 points, team (Y/N)!!" Present Mic announced, cutting off Aizawa and finishing his sentence. The crowd cheered as they heard the top 5 teams that placed to advance to the next round. "Now, we'll break for lunch before we start the afternoon festivities! See ya!" With that everyone got up from the seats and began to leave the stadium to grab a bite to eat. "(Y/N)!" You turned your head and saw Uraraka, Hagakure, and Ashido all running up to you. "You were awesome! But where did you go near the end? You disappeared right under our noses." Uraraka pondered. "Yeah, and then came back with more points. Oh! Did you copy Hagakure's quirk?" Ashido asked.

"It couldn't have been mine," your invisible classmate added. "My body's the only thing invisible. She was completely invisible and we didn't run into her once!"

"My best friend's dad has the quirk. I copied it this morning before coming to school." You explained as the four of you walked off the field with everyone else. "Man! All that running around made me hungry I wonder what they have here to eat!" Ashido stated. Your friends continued to chat but you remained silent. You and Aizawa made a plan to meet up at some point around this time, but you needed an excused to leave. "Uhhh I'll...I'll be right back. I gotta handle a few things, so I'll catch up with you guys later." You said turning around to walk to the waiting room your class was previously waiting in a few hours ago. "Oh I'll come with you then." Uraraka insisted taking a few steps towards you. "ACTually," you paused mid sentence after hearing the suspicious stress in your speech. "Actually, I have to make an important phone call." You told Uraraka then cocked your head to the side a little. She finally understood the hint you were dropping and played along.

"Oh! Okay, meet us at the cafeteria when you're done!"

"Hey! Stop pushing me!" Ashido exclaimed.

You let out a sigh and headed to the waiting room. You opened the door and saw Todoroki sitting at a table with his phone in his hand. "Oh, hey! Nice work out there. We made it to the finals!" You stated cheerfully, trying to see a reaction out of him, but his expression didn't really change much. "Thanks. You too." He responded, then rested his head in his hand as if he were thinking. You walked over to the lockers and pulled out your phone to text Aizawa.


"Hm?" You looked at Todoroki who was now looking over to you. "How do you deal with your dad? I mean, you see him everyday. I hardly see mine and he still annoys me. I actually pretty much hate him." You stood there slightly shocked at the fact that he was telling you something personal like this. 'What makes him think I see my dad everyday?' You thought to yourself. "Well... is your mom still around?" You asked. There was a short moment of silence before he spoke up. "She's in a psychiatric ward." You looked at Todoroki with a puzzled expression plastered on your face. Todoroki let out a small sigh then continued to speak. "My father was abusive to me and my family when I was younger. He basically neglected my other siblings and pushed them aside when I was born. He forced me to train with him to become stronger so I can surpass All Might, but it was more like abuse rather than training. Whenever my mother would stand up for me, she'd get hit. Eventually, the build up of the abuse over the years pushed her into a psychotic break. She told me my left side was unbearable to look at and poured boiling water on me." He explained. As these words left his mouth you realized the two of you weren't all that different. "I'm sorry to hear that. It must've been hard to live with someone that cruel and careless." You knew exactly how it felt to live in a household like that. "I still had my siblings. They always made sure I was okay and took care of me most of the time." There was a slightly awkward silence between the two of you.

"To answer your question," Todoroki looked at you waiting for an answer. "I honestly just try to stay on his good side. Even if it's not something I really want to do, I still try my best." Lies. You were telling lies. Helping with casualties and stopping villains are not staying on his good side. Going to U.A high is not staying on his good side. "That's where you and I differ," Todoroki said as he stood up from his seat. "I refused to give him the upper hand." He stated then walked out the room without another word.

You were still shocked about the information given to you some minutes ago, then looked down at your phone. Aizawa texted you back three minutes ago that he was on his way to you which means he'll be here soon.

~going back in time a little bit~

"Now, we'll break for lunch before we start the afternoon festivities! See ya!" Present Mic moved back from the microphone and leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh. "That's an amazing class you got Shota." Present Mic mentioned as he thought about the talent he witnessed from class 1-A. "I know." Shortly after Aizawa replied, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket and took it out to see that it was you.

Present Mic babbled on about the events that took place so far today, but Shota wasn't really listening in the first place. "Uh huh." Aizawa said not looking up from his phone. "Are you even listening?! Anyways do you wanna go grab- where are you going? I didn't even say anything annoying yet!" Present Mic said as his tired friend got up and stuck his phone back in his pocket. "To the bathroom. I'll be back." Aizawa walked out the booth closing the door behind him.

Once he was a few feet from the waiting room, Todoroki walked out. "Hello Mr. Aizawa." Todoroki said blandly. Aizawa returned the greeting then watched as Todoroki began walking away. "Mr. Aizawa," Todoroki started, stopping in his tracks. He turned back around to his teacher. "What is (Y/N) to you?" Aizawa's heart began to race at the question. He feared that they've been a little too obvious with their relationship. "She's my student." There was a silence shared between the two, but it felt as if Todoroki caught on. "I see. I'm sorry for pestering." Todoroki bowed then continued walking.  Once he was a good distance away, Aizawa walked into the waiting room. "Shota!" You shouted in a whisper and practically bounced to him. He smiled at the sight of you and gave you a hug then kissed your lips. "What was that for?" You asked with a smile on your face. "Just showing you how proud I am of you."

"Aww thanks," You replied. "It was difficult out there. Did you see all that stuff I went through?" You whined and sat on the edge of a nearby table. "And that's why I'm proud of you. You managed to hold on to the 10 million headband and even grabbed more bands near the end. I was pissed off when I couldn't announce you as the winner because of that dumb blond though." You giggled at his response. "Also, I was wond-" Aizawa was interrupted by the sound of a ding and already knew who it was. "Anyways. I was wondering-" Once again he was interrupted by the same ding followed by two more. He pulled out his phone and saw that his hunch was right. Present Mic texted him complaining about how long Aizawa was taking and how hungry he was. Aizawa let out a sigh. "I gotta go. I told Hizashi that I'd be back and now he's threatening me." He told you. "Yeah I should get going too. I told the girls I'd meet up with them at the cafeteria." He pulled you into another hug and placed a kiss on your  forehead, then walked to the door. "I'll see you after the festival's over." He informed you. You said your goodbyes and were left alone in the room. Even though it was just for a short moment, you still enjoyed the time you spent with him.

You walked over to the lockers and put you phone back inside. You heard the door close and turned to see who it was. Todoroki. Being that he walked in shortly after Aizawa, you were sure you and your boyfriend were caught. He's seen you alone with Aizawa a couple of times now, it wouldn't shock you too much if he found out. "(Y/N) are you...Aizawa's secret love child or something?" Todoroki asked with the most serious face ever.


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