trans Yamaguchi!

By SchrodingersKaz

33.8K 1.6K 1.9K

Yamaguchi is trans with a very homophobic mother. Not only is he stressing about his team finding out and kic... More

Training camp
cat and crow
Day after
After (End)


1.8K 92 51
By SchrodingersKaz

We walked up to the gym to see Hinata and Kageyama standing in front, seemingly giving each other pep talks. 

"Moring my liege," Tsukki called out, catching their attention. We both smirked at them, me more so than Tsukki. 

Once stretches and warmups were done Daichi gathered everyone's attention. 

"I'll be playing on Tsukishima's team to make it 3 on 3," He said, causing Hinata to question the fairness of having the team Captain be on our side. 

"Don't worry, of course it's fair. Tanaka's got a lot more attack power than me, I won't go easy on you though," Daichi laughed. I felt a little better having Daichi on the team, this way if I messed up Tsukki and Daichi can cover for me. 

Tsukki continued to trash talk the other team while Daichi just listened, soon Tanaka and Hinata got in on it, throwing evil looks our way. 

The match started and Tenaka kept landing spikes on our side. Eventually, Kageyama set to Hinata, allowing Tsukki to block them, using his height to help. He kept blocking Hinata's spikes, gaining us more points. 

Soon enough it was my serve. I rolled the ball in my hands, trying to get my nerves down. I wasn't great at serving, I rarely get it over the net. 

I threw the ball into the air and hit it as hard as I could, but the net ended up catching it. Tsukki looked back at me and I knew he was mad. 

"Sorry, Tsukki!" I tried, rubbing the back of my head and trying to not let the guilt get to me. 

"Shake it off!" Daichi yelled to me and I returned to my place, getting ready for Kageyama's serve. The ball soar over the net, Daichi was fast at receiving, bouncing the ball back into the air and allowing Tsukki to set for a spike. 

"Tadashi!" Tsukki called, and I ran and jumped into the air. I hit the ball as hard as I could. Hinata couldn't receive the ball, winning us another point. 

Tsukki was back to the trash-talking, sharing the real reason for Kageyama's nickname. I personally didn't see what this would win us, seeing as he was supposed to be our teammate too. 

Maybe he was trying to get Kageyama to set a quick attack to Hinata, trying to get them to play their best. If that was his plan, it was working. While Hinata's spike was out of bounds the first try, they seemed to have grown a certain amount of trust after just one set. I was getting even more nervous than I was before. 

At this point, everyone was trying to help Hinata and Kageyama do a quick attack, but they kept messing up. I was getting more and more caught up in the fact that my binder squeezed my lungs too tight, that it was getting increasingly hard to breath as my heart pumped faster and my lungs required more oxygen. Every time someone stopped the game to talk to Hinata, or when Tsukki decided to talk shit to Kageyama, I used the time to try and get as much oxygen back as I could before the game resumed. 

I was able to get a longer break in as Suga talked to the other team, but that ended when Hinata landed a crazy quick attack. I couldn't even see the ball once he hit it. And on top of that, Hinata's eyes were closed! I could never land something like that. 

I crouched down, taking in as big of breaths as I could while Hinata and Kageyama spoke. 

"You don't look too well," Tsukki said, leaning down next to me. 

"I'm fine!" I said, smiling at him, but I knew it wouldn't work. 

"Do you need a break? I can convince Daichi to call a time out," Tsukki offered, but I just shook my head, not wanting to disappoint him further. 

"I'm fine, let's just end this!" I said, pumping my fist in the air. Tsukki stared at me for a minute before walking off, his face completely void of emotions. I sighed, then returned to my spot. 

The first set ended up going to Kageyama's team, they were able to steal enough points back to win, but we still had the second set to win. While everyone rested in between the sets, I ran to the locker rooms and pulled the binder away from my chest, gulping as much air as I could before the game started again. My chest burned, but the release of pressure was nice. 

"Is Tadashi ok?" I heard someone ask from outside. 

"Yeah, he's just doing his prep," Tsukki responded, making me smile slightly. I was glad he was still covering for me. 

The second set started and I felt a little better than before. I could see Tsukki getting more and more into the game, his seriousness becoming more intense, but it didn't seem to change the outcome of the match. 

I jumped up, attempting to block Hinata, but the ball was too fast. I landed on the ground hard and my knees gave out. Tsukki was next to me immediately, noticing my rapid breathing. 

"You need to slow your breathing, and that stupid binder isn't helping," Tsukki whispered in my ear. 

"Is he ok?" Someone asked from behind me, but I ignored them. 

"Can we call a quick time out?" Tsukki asked and Daichi confirmed. Some people started walking over to me, but Tsukki was quick to help me stand and walk me into the locker rooms. 

"Take off the stupid binder, Tadashi!" He demanded, but I just shook my head weakly. I pulled the binder away from my chest again, finally able to fill my lungs to capacity. 

"You almost passed out! Take it off!" Tsukki was getting louder, and panic started to fill my brain. I looked at him with wide eyes as I placed a finger to my lips, knowing the others were right outside the door. 

"If you need a bigger shirt to help cover-up, you can use mine, but the binder needs to come off otherwise you'll faint on the court!" Tsukki growled out, throwing one of his shirts at me. 

"They'll see, Tsukki," I whispered out sadly as I stared down at the shirt. 

"So? Who cares? Everyone's going to be focusing on the game, not on your chest, Tadashi! You'll break a rib if you keep letting that thing squeeze your chest like that!" Tsukki said before storming out of the locker room. 

"He'll be ready in a minute, just landed on his knee wrong," He explained to the others. 

I looked down at the shirt and made a decision. We were almost done with the match, and I knew playing without a bra on would be painful and shitty all together, but Tsukki would be pissed if I walked out there with the binder still on. 

I slowly took the binder off, not looking at my chest until the oversized shirt was on. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. Even if they didn't see the boobs, they would know something was up with the change of shirts. 

I ran a hand down my face before walking back out to the court. 

"Are you ok, Yamaguchi?" Sugawara asked and I nodded with a small smile. 

"Yeah, just hurt my knee a bit, but it's all good now," I said, subconsciously pushing my shoulders forward and hunching over slightly in an effort to not have my chest showing too much through the shirt. 

If anyone noticed the change in clothes, they didn't say anything. Though, I noticed Tsukki relax a bit when he saw me without the binder. 

"Alright guys, time to show them what we're made of!" Daichi said, pumping his fist in the air. 

It was Kageyama's serve, and Daichi was able to receive it. Tsukki set the ball towards me, and I jumped. I swung as hard as I could, but Tanaka was there to block. My landing wasn't pretty either. I ended up grunting and cringing as the impact made my chest hurt, but everyone else shrugged it off as my knee still causing problems. 

The second set was over in no time, Kageyama and Hinata's quick attacks taking us down. Tsukki and I talked in the corner of the gym while everyone winded down after the match. 

"I know you didn't like it, but I'm sure it felt physically better than the hell you were putting yourself through with that damned b-" Tsukki started, but I quickly covered his mouth with my hands. 

"Can you not say it?" I asked, looking around at our other teammates. Tsukki pushed me off of him. 

"I don't care what you say, Tadashi. You are no less of a man if you don't wear a binder, and I will make sure you are taking care of yourself!" Tsukki glared at me, his anger showing through. 

"I know, it's just really hard!" I cried out, trying to be quiet so the others didn't hear us. 

"But it's an effort that needs to be made! What happened today shouldn't happen again, and if that means I buy you a sports bra myself, then I will," Tsukki growled out, keeping his voice low. I looked down to the ground, not really knowing what to say. 

"I just don't want to get my mother involved," I muttered. Tsukki placed a hand on my shoulder, forcing me to look up at him. 

"You don't have to," Tsukki reassured, his voice kinder than it was before. 

Hinata broke through our conversation, holding his hand out to Tsukki, explaining sportsmanship to him. 

"I'm not shaking your hand," Tsukki said, stepping away slightly, but Hinata pounced, forcing him to shake his hand. 

Kiyoko handed out the team jackets, and I excitedly put mine on. I was so excited to be on the team, even with the whole binder problem. 

"On behalf of the Karasuno volleyball club, welcome to the team!"  Daichi started, then everyone else joined. It was exciting to see everyone with their jackets on. 

Hinata and Kageyama were still set on practicing their quick attack but were interrupted by someone bursting through the door. 

"Hey, we've got it! We got something! A practice game, with one of the area's top four! Aoba Johsai Highschool!" Takeda yelled. 

"Come on" Tsukki sighed, while I muttered "No way!". Hinata seemed especially excited to have a practice game with one of the top four schools. The only condition was Kageyama had to be the setter for the whole game. 

I felt bad for Suga, even though he agreed to still do the game, he was being kicked out of his setter spot. 

Everyone left to get changed, and Tsukki and I waited outside the locker room like we always do. 

"The match is next Tuesday, you think you'll be ready by then?" Tsukki asked, but I knew what was really on his mind. 

"I'll see what I can do, don't worry," I said, smiling at him. I needed to get something other than the too-small binder for the match, but I also couldn't go out there barechested like I did today. Team practices will also be a problem, but I'd have to figure that out later. Everyone slowly trickled out of the locker rooms and Tsukki and I walked in. 

I reluctantly put the binder back on, the confined feeling coming back. I changed into my own clothes, giving Tsukki his shirt back, then we left the gym. Daichi said something about him buying us food, so we hurried to catch up with the team. 

Tanaka called out to us while holding up a paper bag. The store owner seemed to be a little mad at the others, yelling something about fighting. 

Everyone talked for a bit while we walked home, people braking off as their house came up, or turning down a different street. 

Soon enough it was just Tsukki and I again. 

"What do you think about Kageyama and Hinata?" I asked, glancing up at him. 

"They're strong, but I still think they're idiots who think too full of themselves," Tsukki said his voice monotone. 

"You can't deny that their quick attack is powerful, they could be a big weapon for the volleyball team!" 

"Yes, but they still don't exactly work together, and their quick attack is pretty spotty right now. They have a lot of work ahead of them," 

"Yeah, but it's a chance! We could make it far!" I pumped my fist in the air, jumping slightly. Tsukki glanced down at me, then quickly looked away. 

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