Tainted Vision | Levi x Reader

By SecretSinz

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The once blinding light of life dimmed as she continued forward, the thought of her long lost accomplished dr... More

A Taste Of Death | Part 1
Home | Part 2
Lucky | Part 3
The Offer | Part 4
Deal | Part 5
Surface | Part 6
Fight | Part 7
23rd Expedition | Part 8
Lost Words | Part 9
Year 850 | Part 10
The Fall of Trost | Part 11
Confrontation | Part 12
Secrets | Part 13
Titan | Part 14
Humanity's First Victory | Part 15
Gazing at the Same Sky | Part 16
Eren Yeagar | Part 17
Before the Trial | Part 18
The Trial | Part 19
Old Memories | Part 20
Catching the Bait | Part 21
The 57th Expedition | Part 22
Sucessful Capture | Part 23
Trust | Part 25
My Name | Part 26
Tradgedies | Part 27
Before the Battle of Stohess | Part 28
Beginnings of The Battle of Stohess | Part 29
Battle of Stohess: Burden of Battles | Part 30
Battle of Stohess: Titans in the Walls | Part 31
Night Wagon Ride to Ehrmich | Part 32
Inside of Ehrmich District | Part 33
Suspects | Part 34
Suspicions | Part 35
Traitors | Part 36
Battle of Titans | Part 37
Just a Moment too Late | Part 38
Taking a Small Break
Doubts | Part 39
A New Dream | Part 40
Blame | Part 41
Tender Confessions | Part 42
Night in Trost | Chapter 43
Lasting Impressions | Part 44
Conflicting Thoughts | Part 45
What's done to in Order to Survive | Part 48
Revisions To Story

Fragmented Trust | Part 22

1.8K 51 50
By SecretSinz

The expedition was still a few weeks away and our squad was stationed outside the base. Petra and the others were enjoying their time cleaning the base while Levi, Hange and I were rode out from the base near an empty well where Eren was placed into so Hange could conduct her experiments. She'd been itching to finally have permission to conduct them, and I was the unfortunate one that happened to promise her that I would help.

"Ready to start Eren?" Hange enthusiastically asked, peering over the edge of the well, "Once we're ready, we'll fire off a smoke signal. What you do after that is up to you."

I peered over the wall as well to see Eren lift up his hand in confirmation.

"Understood!" He replied from the depths of the well. I turned my gaze to Hange as her eyes lit up with excitement.

"This dry well will be able to restrain a titan even if it's out of control. Probably." Hange whispered the last part to herself and I quickly let out a small sigh as I pushed myself away from the ledge and stood straight again.

"Hange, let's back up." I said, slightly patting her shoulder. She quickly nodded with the same expression on her face as she took a few steps away from the well. We headed to our horses that were stationed a bit father away from the well and quickly mounted them. After taking a few steps back, I quickly grabbed a green flare from the pouch sitting atop of my horse and shot it into the air.

A small bang, followed a trail of green smoke launched into the air. There was the signal, now we just had to wait for Eren.

Everything went silent and even the wind ceased to blow as the tension hanging in the air raised a little. I'd never seem Eren transform before, so my heart and muscles were tense as we stood idle.

We patiently waited for and signs of a transformation, however, after a minute passed, I grew a bit confused. What was taking so long?

"I wonder if he didn't see the signal?" Hange asked, a bit bewildered at the situation. I slightly nodded, wondering if my flare was off and he didn't see it. It was possible.

"No, Y/N's flares are never off, nor were we particularly certain this would work in the first place." Levi answered before tugging the reins of his horse and headed towards the well. My eyes widened a bit at his statement, but Hange and I quickly followed behind him.

"Oi, Eren! The experiment's on hold." Levi yelled from a distance as he got off of his horse and walked towards the well. I quickly headed over and Hange followed right behind me as we walked to stand beside Levi. However, as I reached Levi and peered down into the well, my eyes widened at the sight.

"Is something wrong?" Hange curiously asked as she approached the well, however, as she stopped and peered over the wall, she also was shocked at the sight.

"E-Eren..." I whispered under my breath as I peered down the well in fright. He was covered in blood and some had even stained the sides of his mouth as he held up his hands that were covered in teeth marks. The flesh of his hands were exposed and I could see the straight damage he'd done to them as they were covered with multiple teeth marks.

"Hange...I can't turn into a titan." Eren voice shook as he spoke barely above a soft whisper, staring back up at us in shock. I drew my gaze back to his hands and noticed that there was no signs of healing. No steam or any signs of repair were showing causing me to furrow my brows a bit.

"Eren, don't worry about that. The experiment's called off. Come up here quickly and get bandaged up." I reassured him and he then turned his gaze to me as stilled seemed a bit out of it.

"H-Hai!" Eren quickly replied as he approached the rope and used his tattered hands to climb up the ladder. I watched as he winced when clamping his hands over the rough rope and pulled himself up from the well.

"I'm sorry Hange. I don't know why I couldn't do it." Eren lowered his head is disappointment as he apologized to Hange. She grew a bit shocked, however, recovered quickly and replied, "No, no. There will be other times. This was just a test run anyway." Hange positively reassured Eren, but he still seemed to be dazing off as he didn't answer and stood frozen.

"Oi, Eren." Levi called out as he put his hand Eren's shoudler, "We're heading back. Get on your horse."

Eren only nodded in response as he turned towards his horse that was tied to a nearby tree. I watched as he moped about the current situation, I pitied him a bit, but there was nothing I could do for him. I directed my attention away as and headed towards my own horse. After mounting, we then took off back towards the base.


The sun was setting and many hours had passed since Eren had damaged his hands, however, after we arrived, there was still no signs of any healing. Usually, there would be steam rising from his hands even if they were bandaged thickly. Not to mention, hours has passed and he was still dealing with the pain.

I was patrolling around the fields of the base alone as I contemplated about the events that happened today. We'd made no progress towards our goal, and the expedition was nearing. If we couldn't even get Eren to transform, there was no reason to head out on this expedition anyways...

No. Stop thinking so negatively.

I quickly brought both my hands towards my face and slapped them onto my cheeks before wincing in pain. I needed to stop worrying so much, my only job right now was to watch over Eren, not make plans for the future--that was Erwin's job. I let out a sigh as I dropped my arms back to my sides and walk back towards the base. As I made my way back, I spotted our squad all near a picnic table. Levi and Petra were standing a bit farther away from the table, which I felt a bit jealous as I looked at them. However, I shook the feelings off and approached the table instead of Levi.

"Don't be so depressed Eren." Eld stated trying to cheer Eren up. I sat down next to Eren and joined in on their conversation. They didn't seem to mind as they continued on without acknowledging my intrusion.

"But..." Eren quietly replied fiddling with his cup of tea. He was shaking a bit, but quickly tried to conceal it as he gripped onto his shirt more. I guess that really hit him hard, didn't it? My eyes filled with a bit of sympathy as I gazed at the young boy, he had so much pressure appointed on him to perform feats that no one had ever seen before, and he failed during his first trail. I could only imagine the amount of pressure he felt, everyone was basically forcing their ideals and morals onto him, along with pushing the concept that he was "humanities only hope".

"Well, this only means that you're more human that we thought." Oluo shamelessly answered. My eyes narrowed at the statement as I grew a bit irritated towards Oluo's statement. To think he was indirectly calling Eren a monster like he knew him was absurd. Eren wasn't a monster and he was just as human as anyone else, however, I decided to keep my mouth shut.

"I prefer doing stuff like this rather than rushing things and losing lives. This wasn't meaningless." Eld again tried to cheer up Eren a bit with his comforting words.

"Yeah. You can never be too careful." Gunter contributed and I felt a slight shift in Eren's mood as a silence fell over the table. Eren then tried to pick up the small spoon that was laid upon his cup, however, he grimaced as he did and dropped it onto the floor.

"Careful." I worriedly said as I offered a hand towards Eren who was in pain. He quickly shook it off with a smile on his face.

"It's okay, I'm fine." Eren softly replied with a small smile before bending down to pick up his spoon. I turned back around towards the table as Eren bent down to pick up the spoon, however, as he bent down, I felt a slight shift in the wind and immediately turned around, however, I was too late as I spotted a small lighting strike emerge from Eren's hand as he made contact with the spoon. Shit!

"Watch out!" I yelled, but I, myself, didn't have much time to react as I crossed my arms over my face and turned away as a bright light flashed before my eyes and steam entered my lungs—drying out my throat and slightly burning the inside of my lungs as I sharply inhaled. The next thing I knew, I was pushed off my seat as a large wave of scorching heat hit my body and I fell onto the floor. I could feel the steam begin stick onto my skin that was now drenched as it mixed with my sweat.

I let out a cough and tried to move, however, my legs were stuck under something. I quickly squinted my eyes to see the skeleton and muscle tissue of a titan laying on top of my legs. I tried to shift my legs out of it, however, couldn't. A grimace sat on my face but I yelped in pain as I felt the heat radiate off from the Titan's body and begin to scorch my legs that were stuck under. On top of the titan, I saw Eren desperately trying to pull his hand out from the Titan's body. Did he just transform?

"Why now?!" Eren whined as he was still trying to get his hand out of the Titan's body. However, I felt a sudden overbearing tension causing chills down my body. I turned my gaze away from Eren and towards the oppressive amount of tension that leaked from my squad who were surrounding Eren, visibly shocked.

"Calm down." I heard Levi's voice come from the other side of the Titan's body. I quickly tried to shift myself over as I was on the floor and my eyes widened as I saw what was going on.

"I told you to calm down...All of you." Levi warned as he stood between Eren and our squad members. Not good...I grunted as I tried to pull my legs out, but it only ended up hurting more as the burning sensation dragged across my legs and sent a numbing feeling throughout them. I turned away from my legs as I gazed at the faces of my comrades, they all held grim looks of hatred as they stared at Eren.

Eren seemed shocked as well, seeing that look from people he was beginning to trust. The nature of the world was truly disgusting.

"What are you guys doing?" I directed my question towards the squad and I heard gasps as they they all turned their attention towards me on the floor.

"Heichou! Are you okay!?" Petra frantically asked taking a small step forwards toward me. I saw her hands clench around the handles of the blades as she saw my condition. A cold bead of sweat fell down her temple as she gulped and shot a small glare towards Eren.

"Lower your weapons. That's an order." I lowered my voice as I shot a glare towards them. I saw the others slightly take a step back as their facial expression shifted towards fearful. It took a few seconds, but I saw Petra slightly lower her and and loosen her grip around the handles of her blades.

"Y/N." Levi called out as he turned towards me on the floor. I quickly then let go of my glare and turned towards him, "Can you stand?" He asked.

"No, this thing is laying on my legs." I answered, drawing my gaze back towards the large Titan structure standing on my legs. The pressure inflicted from the weight of the Titan's body had blocked off the burning sensation I felt earlier.

"Y-Y/N! I'm so sorry!" Eren quickly apologized towards me on the floor below his Titan structure. My eyes widened a bit as I drew my attention towards Eren still trying to release his hand from the Titan's flesh.

"No, it's okay." I reassured him as he continued forcefully pulling his hand out of the body, but before I could say anything else, I heard a screech come from the direction of the woods. I lowered my head a bit as I immediately recognized the voice. Everyone drew their gaze towards the woods, however, I couldn't see that far as the titan body was blocking off part of my view.

"Eren, what's the meaning of this?" Eld yelled, breaking the moment of peace that was established. Eren let out a shaky breath as he turned towards Eld.

"What?" Eren's voice trembled under his breath as he momentarily stopped trying to pull his hand out of the Titan's body.

"Why'd you transform without permission! Answer me!" Eld gaze filled with wrath as he questioned Eren.

"Eld, hold on." Levi interrupted the scene turning his gaze towards Eld, trying to calm the rest of them down.

"Answer him, Eren! What were you thinking!" Oluo spouted out another accusation towards Eren and I could see the poor kid's face fill with stress and confusion as he shot his gaze around trying to answer their questions.

"No, save that for later." Gunter said as he took a few steps closer to Eren. His grip around his blades tightened as he approached the Titan mass. "Prove to us that you're not a threat to us--to humanity!"

Eren's face only filled with more confusion as he remained still on the titan trying to release his hand.

"Hurry and prove it to us! It's your responsibility to do so!" Gunter was only about a foot away from the Titan mass as he ordered Eren to answer.

"Don't you dare twitch even try to move that arm! If I see even the smallest movement, your head will be on the floor in less than a second! I'll do it, I'm serious! Want to try me?!" Oluo interfered and frantically warned Eren as a fearful expression came over his features. Fear was driving his system as he continuously made threatening comments towards Eren.

This was only going to get worse. I quickly try again to drag my legs out of the Titan mass. The incredible weight of it was making my legs go numb and if I didn't hurry and get out, I may not be in top shape for the upcoming expedition. Not to mention, my own squad wasn't even listening to my orders. They were too blinded by their own fear to listen or even notice that Eren didn't mean to transform. They were going to kill him if I didn't hurry. However, after pulling for a good 20 seconds, I let out an exhausted exhale as I felt my body heat up from the stress I had just put upon it. Damnit.

"Oluo! I'm telling you to calm down." Levi again interrupted their comments and issued a slight warning with the tone of his voice.

"Heichou! Please take a step away from Eren! Y/N-heichou is already crushed beneath the Titan! Who knows what he will do next! You're too close!" Petra screamed out as her voice rattled with undeniable fear.

"No, you're the ones who should step away. Stand down." Levi's voice sent small chills down my back as his voice lowered a bit while stating his last words.

"Why!?" Petra yelled back as she slightly swung her blades in frustration. I could see why she was scared, they all were, and it was because they didn't trust Eren as much as their previous attitudes showcased. It was human nature though, I could call it disgusting, but they had no choice but to watch over this kid in knowing that he may or may not be our enemy.

"It's a hunch." Levi stated, however, the squad refused to listen as they began spouting out accusation and interrogating Eren once again.

"Tell us Eren!" Eld yelled in fury, "Say something!"

"I'm-" Eren let out in a small voice, however, was cut off again.

"Don't make any funny moves!" Oluo screamed out threats towards Eren again.

"Prove it, already!" Gunter also joined in with the others. They wouldn't stop yelling as I brought my gaze towards Eren who's eyes were darting around in confusion. I couldn't even decipher who was saying what anymore as their insults and threats piled onto each other.


"I'm not sure what's-"

"Answer me!"

"You think we can't kill you?!"

"I'm serious, hurry up!" 

"Can't you hear me!?"

"I'll do it! Test me!"

"To mankind, you're-"

"Please! Shut up for a minute!" Eren raised his voice above everyone else's and it seemed to shup up everyone for a moment as they stared at him in shock. Shit, not good...I watched as the looks on their faces only grew with more fear and hatred as they stared at Eren.

"Levi-" I tried to yell out, but my voice was drowned out by a squeal that came from the opposite side of the Titan mass.

"Eren~!" Hange squealed while darting toward the Titan mass on the ground. I couldn't see them, but I could already envision what was going on, "Can I touch that arm!" Hange pushed her way through Gunter and towards Eren.

"Nee, it's okay, right! I'm only going to touch it!" Hange's voice grew with her usual tone of excitement and craziness as she pleaded to Eren. I sighed as I threw myself back onto the floor, Hange had somehow saved us. I closed my eyes and laid one of my arms over them as my heart finally decelerated.

"Hange! Wait a second!" Eren yelled out, however, knowing Hange, she had probably ignored his statement and was already touching the Titan.

"H-Hot!" Hange yelled as she freakishly danced away from the titan and landed on her knees, "It's damn hot when there's not skin!" Hange let out a laugh as she stared at her hands in amazement.

"S-Squad Leader! You're being too reckless!" Molbit quickly ran up towards Hange in a fritz.

"Say, isn't it hot, Eren? How exactly are you connected to that arm? I really want to see! " Hange asked upon turning back around towards us. I watched as Eren's eyes grew wider, but soon returned to their normal state as he began tugging at his hand.

"O-Oi, Eren! No sudden movements!" Oluo frantically said as he watched Eren. I shot Oluo a quickly glance signaling for him to remain silent before I heard Eren grunt as he pulled his hand out of the titan. A trail of steam followed as he launched himself backwards and off of the Titan.

"Ehh! Wait, Eren, that's too soon! There so much more I-" Hange yelled as she put her hands on her head and watched the titan mass evaporate away. She paused halfway through her statement, however, I didn't pay much attention to it. As I saw the large cloud of steam rise, I felt the body weight of the Titan lighten up. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion as I easily dragged my body out from under the Titan, however, as I tried to stand, I quickly fell over onto my ass and winced as I laid with my arms under my body as I push myself back up. A cool breeze washed over me and I finally felt a stinging sensation in my legs. I threw my head back as I bit my lip. Shit, that hurts.

"Y/N." Levi called out to me and I quickly drew my gaze towards him as he approached me. He squatted down next to me and I let out a sigh as I looked at my legs.

"I'm fine. I just can't walk, I'll most likely be on my feet again by tonight." I informed, putting hands on my thighs as I tried to see if I could feel the sensation of my hands on them. A moment passed and Levi didn't say anything, however, my eyes widened as I felt a pair of arms slip under my legs and one around my back.

"L-Levi!" I yelped out as I felt him lift me off the ground and I threw my arms around his neck to ensure that I wouldn't fall. My face grew a bit red, which I quickly hid as I ducked my head into his chest.

"We're heading to the infirmary." Levi stoically said as he led me away from the group. Embarrassment clouded my system and I drowned out the sounds of their voices and their stares as we heading back into the building.

"That didn't mean carry me." I muttered under my breath with my head still tucked away. I quickly brought my hand towards his ears and pulled them a bit to punish him. A small puff of air escaped through my nose as I felt him jerk a bit and tense up.

"Tch, do that shit again and I'll drop you." Levi firmly stated and I giggle as I put my arm back around his neck.

"Hai, Hai." I respond as a smile danced on my lips.


When we entered the infirmary, Levi gently placed me down onto one of the beds. He then quickly left towards the medicine cabinets that were across the room. I watched as he gracefully opened the cabinet and searched through the different medical supplies.

"Did it burn you?" Levi asked, breaking the silence. I perked up in my spot a bit and gazed at my legs. I carefully brought my fingers up to them and trailed across the fabric that was encasing my legs.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it did." I honestly answered, brining my gaze back up to meet Levi who was walking back over with the supplies. He had a bag of ice and some cream.

"I'm going to your room to bring you some shorts. You can change and I'll apply the medicine to your legs." Levi suggested. However, I felt my cheeks flush as I heard his statement. My throat clogged up for a second as my brain began to stutter, but I didn't have the chance to say anything more as I saw Levi already turn around and head out towards the door.

"Wait-" I tried calling out for him, however, the door had already closed as Levi left. I let out an internal sigh as I dropped my head in embarrassment. I mean, it's not like he hasn't seen my legs before, and frankly, we've seen each other nude before too. As the memories flashed in my head, I harshly brought my hands up to my cheeks and slapped them. Why do I have to remember that!? My cheeks were flushed and I could clearly hear my heart beating intensively as well.

I internally groaned as I threw myself onto the bed and laid my arm over my eyes. I tried to level my breathing, and eventually, my heart rate decelerated with it and I could feel the heat from my cheeks disappear as well.

After a few more minutes of waiting, I heard the door open to reveal Levi holding some clothes for me. I brought myself off from the bed and sat up.

"Thanks." I said, reaching out to Levi as he handed me my clothes. I then took the shorts and saw that he'd brought me a comfortable pair. Thoughtful.

"Turn around please." I ask with a slight giggle following my statement. Levi averted his gaze away from me before turning to face the wall and I quickly then slipped on my shorts. As I finished, I turned to gaze at Levi who was still facing the wall. I tilt over a bit to try and catch a glimpse of his face, however, couldn't. A small pout lifted on my lips as I returned back to my regular posture.

I looked down at my legs. The burns weren't too bad, thank god. My legs were slightly red and some of the layers of skin were peeling off, but it would heal nicely and most likely not leave any scars.

"Done." I stated and Levi was quick to turn around and head towards the side of the bed. He quickly brought over a chair with him as he sat near the edge of the bed. My legs were hanging off the edge of the bed as I faced him. He then grabbed the cream and took some in his fingers. With the light radiating from behind us, I couldn't see his bluish-orbs, however, as I looked at his eyes. They held a soft gaze as he applied the medicine to my legs.

A small, breathy giggle escaped my mouth as I watched him apply the medicine.

"What's so funny that you're making me mess up on apply this?" Levi asked, keeping his focus on applying the medicine correctly.

"I'm being spoiled by you again." I lightheartedly stated, shifting my gaze around the details of room.

"Tch, like always." Levi replied before he took his hands away and grabbed a handkerchief and began wiping away the access cream on his fingers.

"Oh, are you done?" I asked as I drew my gaze back towards him.

"No, I have to bandage it." Levi replied as he put his handkerchief down and reached for a bandage on the table next to the bed. I scrunched my eyebrows in slight confusion.

"I don't think it's that serious." I commented, however, Levi didn't reply as he shifted his hand under my thigh and lifted it while he used his other hand to wrap the bandage around my leg. I gulped as he did this and turned my face away. My face filled with a light pink blush as I felt his hand under my thigh. A weird feeling developed in my stomach as I felt him move his hand around to reposition my leg.
My heart began to race again and I slightly curled my toes and I tried to keep my breathing steady. I can't believe I'm reacting like this.

However, after a grueling few minutes of sweet torture, Levi finally finished bandaging both of my legs. I let out a small breath of relief as Levi backed away a bit and I finally drew my gaze back towards him.

"Stand." Levi ordered. I quickly abided and tried to stand. I grasped onto the table near the bed and Levi was quick to take a few steps towards me to catch me if I fell. It was a bit rough to start with--My legs felt heavy, but I pushed my body to move against it's well. After a minute passes, my muscles soon adjusted and I was able to stand correctly. Good.

As Levi saw me stabilize myself, he drew himself away a bit as I took a few steps.

"I'm sore, but I think I'll be fine." I reassured him, turning around to meet his gaze.

"That kid could've seriously injured you." Levi stated, folding his arms over his chest as he took a few steps towards me. I let out a small sigh as I gave Levi a disapproving look.

"You know he didn't mean to do it." I answered as I nudged my head towards the door, signaling for us to leave the infirmary. Levi simply followed my lead and walked to stand next to me as we left.

"I didn't even know you came back yet. Why didn't you say anything?" Levi's voice filled with a bit of irritation as he said his last statement. My lids lowered a bit as the memory of Levi standing with Petra flashed through my mind. Did I really not go to him because of that...how petty. Petra was such a good person, and to think I grew jealous of the two was disgusting.

"I just wanted to spend some time with the others for a bit. Plus, you—" I stopped myself as a wave of guilt rushed over me. To think that I was about to say something so disgusting. A brief silence fell over us as I halted halfway through my sentence.

"It's really nothing, next time I'll tell you." I replied, turning my gaze towards the windows as we passed them. He probably knew I was lying, but I only heard a him come from his mouth as we trekked down the halls.


Night had fallen and Eren was still pinned on the episode that had occurred earlier today. After having a talk with the rest of the squad, I was able to reassure them that Eren wasn't a threat. It wasn't easy either, it was probably the first time I had difficulty talking to them, but in the end, they trusted my guidance.

I exited my room, stretching my arms out as I walked along the halls towards Levi's room. It wasn't curfew yet so there were a few soldiers still wandering the halls which I didn't mind. Each of them threw up a salute as they passed which I simply replied with a nod.

As I reached Levi's room, I grasped onto the knob and enter, to my surprise, he wasn't there. His desk was empty and I even went into his room that was connected to his office. However, to my avail, it was empty as well. I tilted my head in a bit of confusion, but didn't bother to stay any longer. I quickly left the room and went down towards the cafeteria, I was hungry anyways. As I made my way downstairs and towards the cafeteria, I heard voices coming from a separate staircase.

I lighten my steps as I approached the place, eavesdropping on whoever was there.

"I didn't notice until they really turned on me. To think they had so little faith in me..." Eren whispered, talking to someone else who I couldn't see. I peered around the corner to see Eren sitting on the bottom step of the staircase, his gaze glued to the floor as he held his knees close to his body.

"Obviously." Levi's voice traveled through the staircase and I slightly perked up as I heard it. So he was here comforting Eren, huh...A small smile raised on my lips as I knew Levi would never admit it, but he cared for Eren.

"I picked them because they are such people. It's popular opinion within the Survey Corps that you're not one of us until after returning from an expedition. When confronting Titans, you'll always lack intel. There are far too many situations where you can't make sense out of anything. So quick action and extraordinary determination are emphasized instead. Even so, it's not as if they lack blood or tears. I doubt they felt nothing when they turned their blade on you." Levi reassured, trying to explain to Eren the nature of the Survey Corps.

I felt a bit bad intruding on their conversation and was about to slip away, however, I heard someone call out to me, causing me to freeze in my tracks.

"How long do you plan on hiding there?" Levi called out, causing me to quickly turn back around and show myself. I laid my hand on the corner of the wall and poked my head out with a sly smile raised on my lips as I took a step out of the hallway. As Eren heard my footsteps he turned around to spot me.

"Y/N!" Eren spoke, a bit shocked to see me. I smiled in response as I traveled down the stairs and joined the two. I was about to sit down next to Eren, however, as I was squatting down I felt Levi's hand reach out under my bicep and pull me back up onto my feet. I shot my gaze around back to Levi who was leaning against the wall next to the staircase. His face still held a stoic look, however, a hesitant look dwelled in his eyes as he gazed at me. However, before I could say anything, I heard footsteps follow from behind me causing me to turn around.

"Levi-heichou, Y/N-heichou?" Molbit asked as he stopped in front of us. I felt Levi's hand drift away from my arm and I quickly laid it back down towards my side as I nodded, giving him confirmation to continue speaking.

"Sqaud Leader Hange called for you two." Molbit replied, causing me to sigh a bit.

"Where is she?" I asked, laying my right hand on my hip as I shifted my weight onto my left leg.

"The cafeteria, she has also gathered up the rest of the Levi's squad. I think it's going to be important." Molbit answered, I slightly dropped my gaze and glanced at Eren for a second. A bit of fear and reluctance flowing within his body as he heard who would be attending. As I turned back to Molbit, I replied, "Understood, we'll be there shortly."

Molbit nodded firmly before turning around and making his way up the stairs again.

"Don't worry Eren, it'll be fine. I already spoke to them today after what happened." I reassured, however, even though I may have spoken with them and they agreed, there was no telling what could happen or what their current thoughts surrounding Eren may be.

"Get moving." Levi intervened, directing his voice towards Eren before pushing himself off from the wall and began turning towards the steps.

"Hai." Eren replied, dismay swaying in his voice as he lifted himself and walked past me. I stood, waiting for Levi as he made his way up the stairs as well. As Levi caught up to me, we quickly picked up our pace as we headed down towards the cafe.


As we entered, Eren held the door open for us and I gave him a small smile in thanks as he waited for us to pass through before closing the door. As my gaze fell upon the table, I spotted Oluo and Petra sitting on opposite side of the table while Eld and Gunter stood to the right of it. Hange stood, her hands placed on the table, using them to support her as she shifted her weight upon it.

"Constipated or something?" Levi asked, always making weird jokes during times like these as he made his way towards the table.

"Not at all. It was nice and smooth." Hange replied, pushing herself off from the table and standing upright. I slightly cringed hearing her response, but let a little puff of air escape through my nose as Hange's answer slightly amused me. I quickly joined them, walking up next to Levi.

"Explaining to the higher-ups took some time, but it's finally done. Well, anyways, take a look at this." Hange set down a piece of cloth and laid it out on the table. Judging from the shape of the outline that fell over the object as the piece of cloth laid idle for a moment, it looked like a type of silverware. Hange uncovered the item, revealing a spoon hidden beneath.

"A teaspoon?" Eren asked upon reaching the table as well.

"Yes." Hange answered, picking the spoon up from the table and displaying it for everyone to see. "Eren's Titan arm was holding onto this. Like this, between the index finger and thumb." Hange noted, causing a memory to flash through my mind...right before Eren transformed, he'd dropped his spoon. So I'm guessing, when he grabbed it and transformed, it landed in the hand of his Titan.

A small "huh" left Eren's mouth as he slightly leaned forward confused.

"It's hard to believe it was a mere coincidence. And for some reason, there's no deformation from heat or pressure. Does anything come to mind?" Hange questioned, causing Eren to slightly shift as he recognized where the spoon may have come from.

"I believe I was trying to pick that up when I transformed." Eren answered honestly, still confused over why Hange was wondering about the spoon.

"I see. Then that could explain why you weren't able to turn into a titan before." Hange paused for a moment as she peered into the small teaspoon, her eye darkening before speaking again. "Kill the Titans...Defend against the cannon...Lift the boulder...In every instance, you had a clear goal before you transformed. It's likely that self-injury isn't the trigger on it's own--you need some sort of objective as well." Hange theorized, causing me to slightly nod my head in response. What she was saying made sense...I guess Eren didn't have a true goal when conducting the experiment earlier and he was still confused about pretty much everything surrounding his position. With that in mind, how long would I take before Eren caught onto his situation and play his part?

"It's true that this is similar to when I defended against the cannon. But still...Turning into a Titan to pick up a spoon...What the hell's up with that?" Eren's voice fell, disappointment ringing throughout his tone as he stared at his hand.

"So basically, you didn't act against orders on purpose, right?" Gunter wearily asked, guilt slightly seeping into his system as he drew his gaze to Eren.

"Hai." Eren replied, a bit of confidence running through his voice as he answered. Gunter turned his attention away as he tilted his head back and let out a sigh. I raised a brow as I turned to see Gunter face Eld, giving nods to each other, along with Petra and Oluo doing the same.

As I saw each of them raise their hands up to their mouths, my lips parted in shock as I watched them clamp their mouths over their hands. Biting down hard as I heard clear audible sounds escape their throats as they felt an immense amount of pain. Hange and the others seemed surprised too as their facades of seriousness broke and worry shot through their faces.

"Wait, what're you doing?!" Eren raised his voice, taking a small step forward towards the table as concern flawed his face. As I watched how they finally drew their hands away and began complaining.

I tried to stifle my laugh, however, I ended up bursting out and clutching onto my stomach as I leaned forward letting it all out. Everyone drew their gazes to me, their hands slowly falling from their mouths as I lost my shit, but I couldn't stop laughing for some reason.

They had a million other ways to apologize to prove their guilt and regret towards bashing Eren earlier, and they chose such a silly method. As I calmed down, I quickly let a full smile raise on my lips as I lifted my gaze, my eyes slightly glossy from laughing and their faces were shocked as they saw me.

"You guys are so cute." I lightheartedly joked, placing a fallen strand of my hair behind my ear as my face softened, highlighting all of my features perfectly. Soon after, they also smiled a bit as they turned away slightly embarrassed.

"Ouch..." Gunter hissed as tilted his hand around, gazing at the new markings he'd stamped onto the skin of his hands.

"This is tough. Eren, I'm surprised you can bite yourself like that." Eld stated, drawing his gaze towards Eren who was still shocked at the current situation. As I watched them I felt a nostalgic feeling of happiness fill my chest as they conversed.

"It was the wrong call on our part. This is our modest way of apologizing. Not that it makes a difference though." Gunter replied honestly, a smile raising to his lips as apologized. Eren leaned back a bit as he grew confused again, this naive child...

"Our job is to keep you in check, after all. We made no mistakes about that! Don't get cocky, brat!" As soon as Oluo finished his statement, I quickly walked over and jabbed the side of his head, causing him to look up at me in slight fear, however, his face dropped in shock as he saw a sweet smile encasing my lips. I only let out a puff of air our of my nose as he quickly turned his gaze away and hid his face.

"I'm sorry Eren. We were too on edge. You must be upset with our indiscretion." Petra contributed, slightly turning away as guilt climbed up her throat.

"Despite that though..." I quickly intervened, wanting to add something, "As we grow to rely on you, we also want you to rely on us..." Eren's eyes grew a bit wider as he scanned the room over everyone's features before drawing his attention back towards me. "So...believe in us."

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