Azula Flickering Hope

By Squ_ibby

8.2K 373 114

My story is messy its broken and torn and hard to look at. I'm not the princess, little girls grow up wanting... More

How they look
loyalties Lie
Another choice
Getting in
Forget everything


207 12 0
By Squ_ibby

Azula Pov

The water got closer and closer and for a minute regret set in only to be forgotten by the cold rush of the water.

I let myself sink to the bottom to touch the sand while the bubbles rose up around me. I could see them splash into the water around me with large smiles and there legs tucked into themselves like a ball.

I swam back up to the surface and was greeted by the sounds of there laughter.  I pushed forward to the ground and pulled myself onto the sand.

I smiled and huffed out large gasps of air while trying not to laugh and make my throat sting.

The euphoria had washed away in the water because soon after fear came back in to wrap itself around my throat. I touched my neck and felt how soar it was and looked into the reflection of the water at the bruises forming around it purple and and red blotches with sharp cuts where her nails dug into the skin.

Kumara swam onto shore next to me and saw my rattled state.

" I'm so sorry I didn't stop her sooner, I froze I got so scared seeing your father there I panicked, I'm so sorry this happened"

My actions ran through my head and fear that made me want to get as far away from here as possible returned.

" I... I nEed tO Go BaCk"

My voice sounded hoarse and dry and I felt the bruises squeeze my throat from the inside makeing each word crack and split without me trying.

" WHAT! why would you do that we just started a riot"

"My FAthEr I CaN't LEaVe HiM"

" of course you can he tried to kill you his own daughter"


I coughed into my hand and wheezed to catch my breath again.
" I'm NoT SaFe HeRe, If I Go BaCk I CaN SaVe Him"

The three of them looked at me with confusion and pity that angered me enough to stand up and start walking away.

Zolon ran out of the water and twisted the water out of his hair as he tryed catching up with me.

" Why in the world would you go back up to him, we were just haveing a good time what happened"

" I... He's mY FaTher"

" So what, He dosen't care about you no father lets this happen to them and dosen't do anything"

He looked down at my throat and when I turned to keep walking he grabbed my arm from behind I quickly turned and slapped him across the face.

" What the hell is wrong with you, we're trying to be your freinds"

" Who SaId I EvEr wanted To Be YouR FrIeNd...cough"

Kumara walked over to us and stood in between to separate us from each other

" Look guy's lets not fight we'll figure something out but that was really scary for all of us so let's just take a breath"

" Why dOn't you UndErStaNd I doN't wAnt to be your frIeNd and I never will Be!"

She blinked for a moment processing
" that's okay... but it doesn't mean I don't care about you and what I need you to understand is if you go back in there you will die"

I wanted to set the Forrest ablaze if I had my bending I could storm in there and kill those assassins in an instance.
I felt the anger boil in my chest while logic stopped me from doing something stupid.


" let's get farther away from the prison before Gaurds spread out "

Zulons face relaxed and started walking in the opposite direction of the prison. The other two followed after Kumara stopping to make sure I followed.

We walked in silence the forests echo only made it more noticeable while I tryed not to stumble over any stones.

My shoulder burned but at least the kife had fallen out while I was in the water. It left a deep hole near my back, Luckily it didn't hit bone and it didn't go to far deep in probably because he wasn't really aiming for me.

But I felt the blood run down my back and it felt uncomfortable underneath my already wet clothes.

Father could be dead right now and I'm doing nothing. The prison is in chaos and I won't be able to fight them alone.

What if he's dead what if after I left... because I left they killed him. He could be dead he's all I have left what am I supposed to do now.

I can't feel the ground beneath me anymore I can't hear anything other then my head pounding against my chest like a off tempo drum. I feel my feet and hands shake and I can't get them to stop so I stare at them squeezing them to fists until my knuckles turn white. Am I haveing a heartattack?

I feel like I'm walking slower and slower behind the group and it feels like I'm looking through melting glass. The rapid Thudding of my heart and my face felt it was on fire burning me from the inside out.

He's dead and it's all my fault

" Hey Azula can you hear me... Can you tell me were you are right now"

" I-"

I try and form words but the burning only spreads down my throat I can't feel my own breath and I'm trying not cry but I can't feel anything but fear

" Azula grab my hand and count the tree's with me"

I do as she says but I'm not sure why I slowly count the tree's around me I feel embarrassed but eventually it's like clock work.


I feel my breath return to me and my tunnel vision fade. I don't know what just happened to me. I never do Ive experienced the feeling before but I could never calm myself down until it ran its course leaving me a mess.

I saw her eyes stern but gentle look into mine and felt at peace. The boys stood still infront awkwardly fiddling with there hands.

" I'm sorry I don't know what happened It won't happen again"

" It's okay Azula you just had a panic attack it wasn't your fault"

I wanted to ask more questions but I kept my mouth shut I shook off the remaining feelings of dread and walked passed her.

" Thank you "

I kept on my way while the three slowly tracked behind  I don't know were I'm going but for right now I'm moveing forward and that's a start. I could hear the conversations return akward at first but I couldn't help but listen in this time on there ridiculous rants and theories.

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