Not Something Sisters Do (Cam...

By yeahx5h

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Thank you for reading :) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16: Part 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39: Part 2
Chapter 40
Final Chapter
Author's Note

Chapter 5

67.5K 2K 2.5K
By yeahx5h

The days passed quickly, I hadn't spoke to Camila much since the whole Austin thing. I still don't understand why I flipped the way I did.

After the whole thing I went over to Devon's house and smoked up. I know I told Normani that I would behave and do what I'm supposed to but I just was feeling down and needed to feel high to take whatever that pain in my chest was and make it go away. But it didn't work, it did at first but when I was coming down it made me feel twenty times worse than before. I've been treating Camila the same way I did before, ignoring her, bickering every now and then. It's just not the same as it was when we hung out on Saturday and actually bonded. I missed it, but I was still pissed.

I talked to Normani about it, she was upset that I smoked and started acting up again. She really cared about Camila, more than I thought she did. She also was saying how she wasn't too sure about an older guy hitting on Camila. It rubbed her the wrong way I was glad I wasn't the only one who felt that way about it.

It's now Wednesday, and school is going by so fuckin slow it sucks. This morning's car ride was awkward with Camila. We just sat there with the music playing quietly in the background. She tried to start up a conversation but I shot her down by telling her to stop talking my because my song was on. I didnt even know what song it was.

"Ms. Jauregui, please pay attention," my teacher Mr. Tucker called me out.

I lifted my head up off of my desk and looked up at the board. I felt something hit my head, I looked over to where it came from, Devon was pointed at my desk. I looked down at the crunched up ball of paper and opened it "Party is gonna be fun tonight you better come heard there's gonna be a lot of weed." He drew a little guy with a blunt sticking out of his mouth.

I shook my head stuffing the paper into my backpack and took out my phone to text him, why he decided to throw a paper ball and risk getting caught I have no idea.

I was about to start texting when my phone was ripped out of my hands, "What the-"

I looked up to Mr. Tucker who was holding my phone far from his face trying to look at it. I was thankful to whoever invented screen locks. "You can have it back at the end of class."

He walked to his desk and placed it inside, I turned and glared at Devon who was holding in a laugh.

The bell rang and Mr. Tucker approached me holding at my phone, I reached to grab it but he pulled back, "I don't want to see this tomorrow during class, understood?"

I nodded, because that's what he wants, he placed it in my hand. When I walked out of class Normani was waiting for me, "Hey." She greeted me with a side hug.

I smiled, "Hey what's up?"

"Nothing really, we should go out for lunch," she suggested. I was glad it was finally lunch time and that we could go off campus. It wasn't that the school lunch was gross or anything, well some of it tasted like shit, but some of it is ok, it's just that its the same thing everyday.

"Yeah," I agreed. "Where do you wanna go?"

She shrugged, "I don't really care."

We walked through the lunch room and passed Rocky and Devon who were sitting at the table we usually sat at. "Where are you ladies going?" Devon asked us.

I was about to say nowhere because when we usually go out to eat we end up getting kicked out because Devon being the idiot that he is, starts throwing food around and being loud. But Normani being the sweetheart she is answered him, "Out to eat."

He smiled widely, "Sweet, where we going?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "We?"

He stood up towering over me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Yeah buddy, I'm going with."

I rolled my eyes at him, and looked to Rocky, "Hey, you coming with too?"

He shook his head, "I can't."

"Why not?"

Before he could answer, Devon did, "He's waiting for a girl," he teased wiggling his eyebrows.

"At least I can get one," Rocky shot back. He doesn't usually date which was weird, his dark hair, dark blue eyes and tall, tattooed and muscular body does get him a lot of girls cause he has that 'bad boy' look.

"You're dating someone?" I asked shocked.

"Don't make a big deal out of it," he waved me off.

I lifted my hands up in defense, "Fine fine, but you'll tell me about it later."

He smiled shyly, "Alright. I'll tell you before the party tonight."

I gave him a wave while I was being dragged away by Devon, "Okay! Look forward to it!"

Me, Normani and Devon were walking towards the parking lot when I asked, "Did you drive yourselves here?"

They both shook their head, "My buddy Ryan gave us a ride," Devon told me.

Shit. "So are we just gonna walk?"

"Didn't your prude sister give you ride today though?" Devon asked.

I elbowed him really hard in the ribs, "Don't call her that, asshole, and yeah she did."

He yelped holding his ribs, "Fuck that hurt."

Normani laughed, "Go ask Mila for the keys."

"No," I protested.

Devon frowned still slouched over holding his ribs, "Why not? Go get the keys."

I really didn't want to go talk to Camila after this morning when I was being rude. I had told her Rocky was going to give me a ride, but bailed, I'm guessing now because he had to pick up his girlfriend. So that put me in a pissy mood. The reason for that was because I didnt want to spend any more time with her than I needed to, this morning I had hoped that'd be the last time I'd talk to her and see her today.

Both of my friends were waiting for me to go get the keys to Camila's car, yes her car, not mine. I got mine repossessed for having to many parking tickets.

"Fine, assholes." I mumbled before walking to where Camila's table was at.

I approached her table, there was some people at one table and they all had their homework and text books out studying. Nerds.

"Camila," I called her out.

It was like a movie in slow motion, she turned her head and her long dark brown hair followed in one swift motion showing her beautiful face. I watched in amazement how she just looked so gorgeous all the time.

I couldn't believe I was doing it again, getting lost in her looks again. I wanted to slap myself for being weird this isn't normal, to be looking at my sister the way I have been lately. I just shook my head getting rid of my thoughts.

Camila opened her mouth to speak but Dinah who was just sitting there with her feet prompt up on the table beat her to the punch, "Aye Lauren what up?"

I smiled at her, "Nothin much, enjoying life," I turned to Camila. "I need the keys to your car."

She frowned, "What for?"

"To get lunch."

She dug in her backpack and took her keys out. Holding the keys out to me, I reached to grab them, but she pulled back before I could. What is up with people doing that today?

"Please be careful ok?" she pleaded worriedly. Her brown orbs staring intently into my green ones full on sincerity and care.

I felt my heart flutter at how she still cared about me after I had been rude to her lately, "Will do," I said cooly.

I took the keys and went on my way.


I checked my appearance in the mirror one last time before I headed downstairs. White crop top that said 'Let's Roll', skinny jeans and black boots. Nice.

School ended hours ago. I didnt have to worry about telling Camila where I was going since she wasn't home. We didn't say anything on the ride home. Not a word. It was very awkward even with the radio playing quietly in the background. I expected her to at least say something but she never did, just looked straight forward with a frown on her face.

I was going to ask her what was wrong but she pulled up to the house, and right as I got out of the car she sped away, i'm guessing over to Dinah's house.

I ran downstairs when there was a knock at the door, I opened the door to find Rocky wearing all black and looking hot as usual. He looked like the classic bad boy with a cigarette behikd his ear, "Hey, ready?"

I nodded, "Yep," I grabbed my leather jacket and phone and followed him outside.

We hopped in his truck and went on our way.

"So," I started. "Who's the girl you've been seeing?"

He chuckled, "No one you know."

"Try me."

"Skye Michaelson."

I remembered her being in my math class freshman year. She was shy and quiet and was usually on her own with maybe one or two friends, but very pretty, long blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Oh she was in my math class freshman year," I told him.

He nodded, "Really? I didn't know that."

"Yeah," I said. "So tell me about her."

He smiled widely even though it was getting kind of dark out I could see the red on his cheeks which was adorable, I've never seen him like this before. So I decided to mess with him a bit.

"Aw are you blushing," I teased poking his side.

"Stop stop stop," he said laughing.

"C'mon tell me about her."

He breathed out, "She's amazing, Lauren. I don't know she just always has me smiling, she makes me so happy and when I see her I get this weird feeling inside, its a good feeling that I've never felt before."

"Would you ever bring her to one of these parties?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No way. I know that I would be able to protect her from the shit bags here, its just that I don't want her to be exposed to some of this."

I nodded understanding what he's saying. I want to the same thing from Camila, yeah I told her to live a little but the more I think about it why would I want her to be exposed to this? The drugs. The alcohol. The douche bag guys. Why would I want this for her? God I'm such an idiot.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, I could feel his eyes studying me.

"How badly I want to get drunk," I said in all seriousness.

"Well lucky for you we're here," he said pulling up to what looked like a mansion. It was huge I could hear the music coming from inside the house and the backyard. We both got out and headed inside, we didnt bother knocking since the door was wide open. I immediately was hit the face by the smell of weed and cigarettes.

There were tons of teens everywhere. Luckily, I spotted Normani who was sitting on the couch chatting it up with a few people who I didnt recognize. I tapped Rocky on the arm grabbing his attention, I yelled over the music, "Normani is over there I'm gonna go by her."

He nodded and spoke loudly, "I'll go get the drinks for us."

I approached Normani, she saw me and smiled, "Hey!" The other people she was talking to walked off somewhere.

I sat on her lap since the other half of the couch was occupied by a couple making out, "What's up? Where Devon?"

"I don't know I think he's outside swimming or somethin," she shrugged.

I rose my eyebrows, "There's a pool?"

"Oh yeah. You know Marissa?" She asked taking a sip of her drink. I nodded she's one of the snotty rich girls thats on the dance team at school, "Well this is her house. Her parents are on vacation so she got the whole house to herself."

Just like me and Camila. I shook my head internally. Why do I keep thinking of her?! She just randomly pops into my head! Fuck I need a drink.

Without thinking I took the cup from Normani's hand and chugged it, I frowned when it was only water. "Why aren't you drinking?"

"Cause I'm the DD," she said and took the cup from my hand frowning at the emptiness. "Hey go get me a new drink."

I sighed and stood up, "Fine I'll be back."

I made my way through the teens who were all drunk out of their minds. I recognized some kids from school who threw 'heys' my way I just nodded in response not really wanting to stop and talk.

After what felt like forever I made my way into the kitchen. Which was quietest place of the whole house. I was surprised at the counter that was covered in all different kinds of alcohol varying from Whiskey to Wine coolers to jello shots, beer, rum, vodka of all sorts of different flavors.

I filled the cup I was holding with water. And went over to the counter to fix myself my own drink since I didn't see Rocky anywhere who said he'd get me one.

"Hey," I heard someone next to me say.

I turned my head to see a very very pretty girl. She didn't look familiar but that didn't matter she had blue eyes, straight light brown hair, and a fine body. She was sexy. I never labeled myself as a 'lesbian' or anything, I think if you like a guy or a girl who gives a shit. But I know a hot girl when I see one.

"Hi," I smiled nicely.

She smiled brightly and pointed to the other empty cup in my hand, "Do you want me to make you one?"

I got out of the way, "Sure go ahead."

I watched her pour some shit in a cup.

"Here ya go." The unknown girl handed me my drink.

I took a sip and felt the burn of the vodka slide down my throat and tasted the sweetness from the sprite and cherry. "Mmm this is good."

A blush appeared on her cheeks, "Glad you like it. My dad is a bartender and showed me some things."

I nodded, "That's cool. I didnt catch your name."

"Oh I'm Jessica," she held out her hand for me to shake. I set my cup down and took her hand.

"I'm Lauren," I responded and let go of her hand taking another swig of the drink loving the burn in my throat and the warmness it left in my stomach.

Jessica pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, "What school do you go to?"

"East High."

Her blue eyes lit up, "Really? Me too."

"I haven't seen you before.." I said trying not to hurt her feelings or anything.

"Tomorrow will be my first day."

I nodded and smiled, "That's cool, it'd be nice seeing a new face than all the same ones everyday."

She laughed lightly in response.

"Who are you with?" I questioned taking another drink.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, "My dumb brother Devon."

I almost spit my drink out but I didnt thank god. "You're.. Brother is Devon?"

"Yeah," she sighed. "You know him?"

"He's one of my best friends. He never mentioned a sister."

"Our parents got divorced when we were young, I went to live with our dad in Virginia while he stayed with our mom," she explained like it was no big deal. This was a huge deal, Devon never mentioned his family to us, not once, now that I think about it.

"Wow," I muttered.

"Yeah, me and my dad moved back here. Our parents want me and Devon to be closer before we go off to college."

"Lauren!" I heard Normani's voice shout.

I frowned. Why is she yelling? "Excuse me," I excused myself from Jessica and went over to wherever Normani was at.

"Normani!" I called over the large group of teens who were circling something I wasn't interested in.

I felt a hand grab my arm, I turned around relieved to see Normani, "You need to come with me." She said pushing threw the large group of teens she yelled, "Move!" They parted like the red sea. My jaw dropped when I saw who was dancing on the fucking pool table wearing a crop top and a skirt that covered half her ass.

"Camila! Get down now!" I shouted in anger.

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