Lost (Naruto/Aot crossover an...

By ItzShady_lol

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The fourth shinobi war is lost, Naruto loses everything and is saved by his close friend Sasuke by teleportin... More

Hello and welcome
Chapter 1: A new world
Chapter 2: A Wall?
Chapter 3: Who are you?
Author's Note
Chapter 5: Graduation
Chapter 6: After Graduation/Trost
Chapter 7: Trost Battle/Two Monsters Unleashed
Chapter 8: Live or Die/Trost Battle Pt 2
Chapter 9: Deciding Your Fate
Chapter 10: The Scouts
Chapter 11: The 57th Expedition/Female Titan
Chapter 12: Annie Leonhart
Chapter 13: New Enemies, A New Ally
Chapter 14: Hatred
Chapter 15: It Almost Seems Too Easy....
Chapter 16: Hanji's Experiments
Chapter 17: The Day Before the Battle for Shiganshina
Chapter 18:.....
Author's note 2

Chapter 4: Dark Past, Bright Goals

5.3K 139 78
By ItzShady_lol

Here is the 4th chapter I hope you guys enjoy and I do not own any of these characters or art I use. Sorry for any grammar or punctuation errors that I make.

Third person POV

It's been almost a week since Naruto arrived and he's doing really well in all the training that he's been given. He is really good at hand-to-hand combat and was able to learn to use ODM gear even though he doesn't need it. He got to know everyone else like Jean(Horse-face), Marco, Connie, Sasha(Potato girl), Ymir, Christa, Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt. His chakra network is almost fully repaired so he is trying to use his kyuubi mode and sage mode to see if his network is gonna be able to actually use it at its full capacity.

During the night Naruto would be plagued by nightmares so he usually didn't get much sleep and would stay up all night. So late at night he would sneak out of the dorms to do his sage training to see if he can gather up and natural energy and actually use sage mode.

It's the third time that Naruto actually sneaks out of the dorm to train outside but little did he know that someone woke up and decided to follow him.

Naruto went outside and into the woods and he found a little opening in the woods and he sat down and started trying to gain and nature energy he can find. It's going to be very difficult since there is little to no chakra in this world that he was transported too.

he knew that this would take twice the amount of time or maybe even more. At some point Naruto could feel that someone is watching him but he decided to ignore it because he felt like he knew exactly who it was. 20 minutes later he finally decided to stop absorbing the nature energy and opened his eyes.

"Come out, I know you're there" Said Naruto

Eren's POV

I was hiding behind a tree watching what Naruto was doing and I really don't know what he was doing because he was just sitting there for what seemed like eternity. He finally opened his eyes and I see these orange rings around his eyes and his eyes actually changed fro blue to orange.

"Come out, I know you're there" he says

I come out from hiding behind the tree and I start to walk towards him.

"What else do you even know how to do? Are you even human?" I ask him

"yes I'm human, just like everyone else I can die at any moment...Where I came from there were a lot of people that could do things like this but...they aren't here anymore" he says and I hear that his voice starts to sound a little shaky.

"If you don't mind me asking, How did you even get here?"

"I am not from this world...Someone close to me saved me from dying and everyone that I promised to protect....are gone."His voice sounded full of guilt and sadness

"O-oh I-i'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked"I say in regret

"It's alright...they are all in a better place now, away from this cruel world"

It was silent for about a minute and then Naruto decided to break the silence.

"Eren...why do you get mad at Mikasa when she tries to protect you"

"Because she treats me like her little brother and I feel like I should be the one protecting her...She's all I have left and I...really can't lose here"

"Eren, don't you think that she thinks the same thing....she can't lose you either. when we wake up for a new day it's a gift, it's never guaranteed that we will be able to survive the day and sleep in the same bed and wake up again to see the people we love and care about"

I look down and think about what he just told me and he's right. She's lost her parents and my parents were like family to her. Why do I have to be such a brat to her and try to push her away from me when she tries to protect me.

"Before my mom died she told me to protect Mikasa for once in my life but I felt like I never could because I would always get in to trouble and she would be the one protecting me. She also made Mikasa promise her that she would protect me no matter what, and I don't want her to join the survey corps because she will throw her life away to save me."

"I see, but that doesn't mean that you should yell at her or push her away when she tries to help you or protect you"

I look down feeling really guilty about everything I've done to Mikasa, from yelling at her to pushing her away literally and figuratively.

"You know Eren we're pretty alike you know that."


"Yea, our determination is very alike...When I was born, both my parents sacrificed themselves to protect me and the we lived in village but after I was hated in my village and people wanted me to just stay away from them because of what I have inside of me. My only dream was to be recognized and acknowledged by them and I would fight tooth and nail for that dream and I did eventually fulfill that dream but I feel like I lost it all now....That's enough about me, tell me Eren what is your goal."

"After I saw my mom die in front of me I've had one goal and one goal only which is to exterminate all the titans and finally be free and live a peaceful life."

"With Mikasa?" he says while grinning at me and winked

"W-w-what are you talking about"I say a bit loudly while blushing a bit

"So it is true, I see you're blushing" he says a little mockingly while still having a grin on his face.

I wanted to change the subject and I remembered he said he had something inside of him and he was hated for it..I wonder.

"Naruto, you said there was something inside you and you were hated in your village for it. So if you don't mind me asking..what is it?"

He stays silent for a few moments and closes his eyes, it's like he were talking to someone in his head but then he opened his eyes back up, stands up and faces me.

"I'll show you but promise me you will not be frightened, he looks scary but he isn't here to harm us at all."

I look at him very confusedly with one brow raised and I nod and say "ok" as I stand up to face him. He closes his eyed again and for a few moments its silent until he opened his eyes again and I was terrified.

The whiskers on his face seem to darken and thicken, his eyes were blood red, his teeth seem to sharpen, and his nails seemed to get longer. The scariest thing however is that when I look in his eyes, I see an enormous orange beast or fox with what seemed to be nine tails. It was bigger then anything I've ever seen, even the colossal titan from the day Wall Maria fell wasn't this big and then he spoke.

"Hello brat, My name is Kurama also known as the nine tailed fox and also Naruto's friend." he says but I was frozen in shock and fear. His voice sounded so...monstrous and it was completely different from Naruto's and his eyes were full of evil and bloodlust.

"Am I that scary to you, I am not here to hurt anyone, unless you guys try to hurt Naruto, I'm just here to help Naruto and you guys." He says snapping me out of my shock.

"Sorry, I just wasn't expecting that" I say to him while looking in his evil eyes.

He closes his eyes for a few seconds and then he opens them back up and his eyes are back to blue and his whiskers are back to normal and his voice was back to normal.

"Sorry if we frightened you a bit haha" he said while giving a nervous laugh and scratching the back of his head.

"It's alright, I was scared at first because I've never seen anything like that ever in my life"

"So...I'll help humanity defeat the titans and have a peaceful future, that is my new goal believe it"he says while putting a thumbs up to me and smiling. I couldn't help but smile as I feel way more determined then I have ever felt about exterminating the titans.

"Maybe there is a peaceful future in store for us" I think to myself.

1544 words, I hope you enjoyed this new chapter and please comment your thoughts about this new chapter :)

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