Just For You (izukuxochako)

By dekuscrub203

10K 230 266

As days go by, Ochako Uraraka and Izuku Midoriya become closer and closer. From gazing at the stars under th... More



2.8K 48 32
By dekuscrub203

The cool breeze of the night blows lightly, managing to take a few stray leaves with it. Ochaco set herself on the grass. Stretcing out her legs and setting her hands behind her to lean her weight on, she made herself comfortable. Ochaco gazed longingly at the stars. It's amazing how the sun and moon go together. Both lighting up each others world.

They were meant for each other. Without the other, than the world would be pitch black. It would be nothing. They're better together and nothing can pull them apart. Nothing other than how the world spins. The orbit not allowing the other to see each other. It's kinda sad, but they're better apart.

It's amazing how a single person can light up your world like no other...

"Uraraka?" Just as she was about to let herself get lost in thought, a voice called out to her. A small timid voice that she recognised in an instant. A small smile made its way to Ochaco's lips. Izuku shut the door behind him as he made his way towards Ochaco. He sits down in the soft grass next to her, following her gaze to the sky above them.

"What are you doing out here? It's cold." Deku rubs his arms, trying to keep himself warm. A small smile makes its way to Ochaco's lips. "Then you should've brought a jacket with you." Ochaco's eyes didn't leave the sky. She didn't need to look at him to know how close he was to her. She noticed, but he still hasn't. Despite Deku saying he was cold, Ochaco only felt warmth coming from him.

They sat in silence for a little while longer, the only sound being the others soft breathes. Out of the corner of her eye, Ochaco saw Izuku shivering as he desperately rubs his shoulders for warmth. Ochaco stared at him, worry visibly filling her eyes. "You can go inside if you want." She turned herself towards the cold boy.

"I know." He simply replied. Ochaco sighed and got up from the ground. Izuku looked up at the girl as she stared down at him. "Come on, lets go inside. It's cold out here and none of us have anything that would keep us warm." She started to feel the cold herself once the warmth Izuku radiated left her side.

Ochaco held down her hand for Izuku to take. Pink filling his cheeks, Izuku took the girls hand for her to pull him off the ground. Together, they returned inside the dorms, of course making sure they let go of the others hand first. A wave of warm air hits their skin first thing when they opened the door.

It felt nice after freezing their fingers off in the cold.

Izuku left to go find a blanket while Ochaco joined Mina, Tsuyu, and Toru on the couch. Momo was in the kitchen making tea while everyone else was in their rooms. Mina stared at Ochaco with a mischievous glint in her eyes, making Ochaco uncomfortable. Ochaco shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She could only guess that Toru is staring at her the same way Mina is.

"So, what were you and Midoriya doing outside?" Mina finally asked after staring at Ochako for 5 minutes straight. Uraraka wondered where Deku was with those blankets. "We were just sitting in the grass talking, nothing special." Ochako stated calmly. Mina would've thought it was 'nothing special' if Ochako's cheeks didn't turn the slightest bit pink.

It's true that nothing really happened out there, but imagining what Mina might be thinking happened makes the poor girl in questioning blush the slightest bit. Before another word could leave the pink girls mouth, Izuku returned to the common room with two blankets in hand. Sitting down on the couch next to Ochaco, he handed her one blanket while covering himself with the other.

Mina glared at Uraraka with a look that says, 'We'll continue this later.' before getting up and checking on Momo in the kitchen. Noticing Mina and Uraraka, Izuku questioningly glanced at Ochaco, raising a brow.


Time passed by with laughter and small talks. Some tea has been spilled, literally, no secrets were told. As curfew got closer, the girls ended up returning to their separate rooms, leaving Ochaco and Izuku alone in the common room. Still wrapped up on their blankets, they managed to make small talk with each other, completely abandoning the awkwardness that tends to surround the two of them.

Somehow, Ochaco managed to make it on the floor in a burrito wrap, laughing at something Izuku said while Izuku sits on the floor beside her, his blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He watched the giggily girl, an amused expression on his face. Izuku thought he had no sense of humor, but he guesses he was wrong.

Calming down, Ochaco stared at Izuku from the ground. She always wondered, what was his life ouside of UA like? His mother? His dad? His friends? She wants to know more about Deku. She felt like she knew him already, but did she really?

With a desire to get to the bottom of who Deku really is, she decided to steer the converstaion into his life. But at the same time of not getting too personal.

"Deku, I feel like I know you, but at the same time, don't. Like, you're a mysterious centar and I'm the human still trying to figure out how half human half horse works." Ochaco stared at Izuku as his cheeks go slightly pink. He rubs the back of his neck as he changes his gaze to somewhere on the wall.

"Well, what do you want to know?"

Ochaco looked at the ceiling as she thinks about this question. How much does she not know? She knows that he wants to be a hero, just like All Might, although she would rather him see that he's not gonna be the next All Might, but the first Deku. Should she tell him that? No, that's off topic.

How about his mom? What does she work as? Where is she right now? His dad?

"How about your mom? How is she?" Ochaco changed her view back to Deku. He thought for a minute. "She's doing pretty good..." He thinks about how to answer the question.

Ochaco smiled. "How about what it was like to raise you? Were you a good kid? Bad kid?" She got up off the ground and sat beside Deku. "I want to know all about you, Deku." She crossed her fingers under her blanket, hoping that didn't come off as too weird. Deku's cheeks glow a bright pink as he digests what Ochako just said.

He thinks for a minute before smiling a little. "I think it was a handfull trying to raise me...I was an energetic little kid..." He thinks a little more. "What about when you grew out of that energy, or did you not?" She grinned. Deku glanced at her, a smile tugging at his lips. "No, I'm still running everywhere I go and jumping on every piece of furniture I see...You see that mark on the wall over there," Deku pointed to a random blank spot on the wall, "I did that."

He playfully grinned at Ochako who was giggling. "Anyway, yes, I did outgrow being a child, if you haven't noticed." Uraraka got her giggling undercontrol. "No, I haven't noticed." She smirked. Izuku rolled his eyes and tried his best to look annoyed, but the amused expresson never left his face.

Just as they were about to continue, Iida suddenly showed up behind them. "MIDORIYA AND URARAKA, IT IS FIVE MINUTES PASSED CURRFEW! WHAT ARE YOU TWO STILL DOING OUT HERE?!" Iida yelled, trying to rush them off the ground and towards the stairs. The two jumped in fright at Iida's sudden appearence and booming voice. They scrambled off the ground and ran to the stairs, stopping before they seperate to look back at each other.

"Good night." Midoriya said.

"Night." Uraraka replied before they both ran up the stairs, Iida following after Midoriya.

Uraraka trots to her room, the biggest blush on her face as she can't get Midoriya's playfull smile out of her head.

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