Tmnt Little Sister

By books20000825

42.3K 902 337

For six years Emma has been tortured by the alien race of Kraang as they try to unlock the secrets to her pow... More

Run Away
Lost And Found
Bonding Chapter: Space Heroes
Baxter's Gambit
Enemy of My Enemy
Authors Note
Authors Note
Bonding Chapter: Boo Boo's
Karai's Vendetta
Bonding Chapter: Cooking Diaster

Cockroach Terminatior

4.7K 96 45
By books20000825

"Let's go, Leo! I'm starving!" Mikey whined.

One wouldn't think that Leo could cook, but... he could. If making instant noodles counted as cooking.

Leo scooped some noodles into three bowls, and walked over to the table, where Mikey was waiting excitedly

He hands the bowls to Mikey,Raph,and Emma

"Yeah, boy!" Mikey celebrated. "Ramen!"

Emma looks at the strange looking noddles , she's never seen food like this. The only food that she seems to like is pizza , which she absolutely devoured when she first tried it.

She takes a handful of noddles and puts them in her hand but quickly drops them from it being so hot!

"Ow Ow Ow Ow !" , she waves her hand in pain

Leo couldn't help but laugh at how curious she was on trying new things .

"That's not how you eat noddles kiddo , here I'll teach you".

He picks her up from the stool and puts her in his lap , he puts the chopstick in her hand

"You gotta hold it like this" Leo shows he how to hold the two sticks between her fingers.

"Then you pick it up" she copied him pick up her noddles .

"And you blow", he said blowing his noodles , she proceeded to blow hers.

She takes a slow bite and starts to eat her noddles the new way she was taught.

After a minute or so, something small and brown caught her eye.

The cockroach, which had some kind of gadget attached to its body, Emma looks at giggling at how tiny it is, simply moved along to Raph. Raph was about to put the chopsticks in his mouth, then stopped dead, staring at the cockroach casually sitting on his chopsticks.

Raph leapt back, letting out a very girly scream.

"Roach!" Raph shouted. "Roach!"

Raph stared at the roach with wide eyes, slowly reaching behind his shell for his sai.

With a yell that was way too high to sound threatening, Raph leapt forward, onto the table, trying to stab the roach which just managed to scurry out of the way.

Mikey had pulled his ramen off the table, and he, Leo and Emma just stared at Raph as he tried to stab a two inch long insect with his weapon.

The cockroach scurried off the table, and Raph lunged at it, throwing his sai, which just missed squashing the terrified insect. Quickly getting to his feet, Raph drew his other sai, and chased after the roach, yelling all the way.

Emma and Mikey just managed to duck to avoid a flying bowl, when Donnie ran in, holding his laptop computer, looking frantic.

"Stop! Stop, you'll smash him!"

"Well, that's the idea!" Raph snapped, on the floor, still lunging for the roach.

Donnie bent down, holding out his hand, and the cockroach quickly scurried into it. Donnie quickly stood straight, his other hand cupped protectively over the cockroach, just when Raph ran up to him threateningly.

"You can't smash this roach, ok?" Donnie said indignantly.

He peeked into his cupped hands, and smiled, uncovering the roach.

"He's... special." He pet the roach, and allowed it to touch his face.

Donnie held out the roach, smiling. "Really special..."

Ok," Leo sighed. "I'm gonna regret this, but... why is he special, Donnie?"

"Because," Donnie replied slowly, still smiling proudly. "I outfitted him with a remote controlled camera helmet!"

"Well, that's explains why you're special." Leo crossed his arms, grinning.

We can send him into TCRI and spy on the Kraang!" Donnie explained proudly. "The camera allows us to see whatever the cockroach sees!"

The turtles gathered around Donnie's computer, and Donnie played back a recording of Raph screaming after seeing the cockroach. Raph was the only one who didn't look amused.

Emma hid behind Leo , putting her hands over her mouth, silently laughing.

That is awesome!" Mikey exclaimed. "Big, tough Raph is scared of cockroaches."

"I am not!" Raph protested.

"Oh come on Raph , cockroaches aren't scary, look Emma likes him" , Donnie points a thumb towards her .

She uncontrollably giggling as the roach ran all over her body.

"Stop it !, that tickles!"

Raph looked like he was gonna throw up.

"I'm still not scared of roaches!" Raph crossed his arms.

Oh, really?" said Mikey. "Then let's go to the video..." He rewound the recording. "This is my favorite part right here!" He paused at Raph's scream face. "Donnie, can I get this on a T-shirt?"

"Wanna see my favorite part?" Raph seized Mikey by the arms, and threw him over the counter. The rest of his siblings winced.

"We're going to spy on the Kraang... with a cockroach!" Donnie declared, holding the cockroach in the air proudly.


Emma was currently walking around her new home, curiosity got the best of her as she exploded around the lair.

She walked down the hall looking up at each door. She stopped walking when she reached Raph's door.

Should she go in ?

What if he got mad at her ?

Maybe she could get to know more about him, then maybe he'll like her?

She opens the door slowly and gently, scanning the room she tip toes her way around the room. She picks up a comic book that was on the floor. She opens it to see the words and colorful pictures.

"Ooh pretty" She looks at it in awe.

She turns to see Spike in a tank, stretching like he just woke up from a nap. She admittedly drops the comic and runs to the tank, looking at him with stars in her eyes.

"Hi little guy" Emma coos at him as he lets a little squeak as to say 'hello'

She looks at tank, confused "you dont like being in this big o'l thing do ya?" She knocks on the tank. Spike lays down on his stomach.

"Don't worry bud bud I'll get you out" Emma jumps on the table trying to lift herself up, she knocks something to the ground but luckily it wasn't glass. She picks him up gently and carries him with both hands.

She jumps off off the table and puts Spike on top of her head, Spike yawns as he snuggles into her hair. Emma makes airplane sounds as she stretched her arms out and walks out of the room.


Raph was the hero of tonight, there was no doubt about that. He had taken down mutated Spy-Roach with the freaking laser drill, not to mention stopped New York destruction by destroying the laser drill with its own laser.

Now, was down time back at the lair. Raph was punching the dummy, Donnie was drawing with Leo watching him, Mikey was playing pinball.

"Well, Raph," Leo said brightly. "You faced your fear, and saved the city! Not bad for a Wednesday."

Raph dropped Mikey, who quickly got up and threw an arm over his shoulder. "So you're not afraid of cockroaches anymore, huh?"

Raph shook his head, smirking. "Nope."

"Good, good..." Mikey looked really sneaky. "Then you won't mind the one I just slipped into your shell...?"

Raph stiffened, eye twitching, before taking off around the lair, screaming frantically.

As soon as he realized there wasn't a roach on him, he started to chase Mikey as he laughed his head off.

After 30 minutes Raph was crouch over, catching his breath.

"Forget this I gonna go check on Spike" Raph walks to his room.

The others soon here a loud scream coming from his room.

"What's the matter Raph you see another roach?" Leo laughed to himself.

"No Spikes missing!" Raph started to panic as he looked everywhere around the room, looking for his pet turtle.

Emma walks into the room from the kitchen.

"Whatcha looking for Raph?" She asked.

"My pet turtle Spike I think he got out!" Raph checked under the pillows on the couch.

"Oh you mean him?" She points to her head, Spike pops out of her hair yawning.

"Spike!" Raph snatches him out of her hair and snuggles him against his face. "You ok buddy, did she hurt you?" Raph puts him on his shoulder and scratches his head.

Spike starts to try walking off Raph shoulder but almost falls if Raph didn't catch him, Spike looked like he was trying to walk to something. And that's when Raph realized.

Spike wanted Emma

Raph puts Spike back on Emma's head and he yawns and snuggles back into her hair.

"Huh" Raph couldn't believe it, Spike liked her.

"Haha looks like Spike has a new best friend" Mikey laughed Raph grows at him with a glare and that shut him up.

"I-I wanted to know more about you so I went into your room and saw him in the box, he looked so lonely so I-I took him out." Emma said.

"You went into my room" Raph frowned, if turtles learned anything about Raph it was to never go in his room without his permission.

"I-I thought that maybe if I knew more about you y-you would like me" Emma twirled her shirt, looking away blushing.

"You know if you wanted to get to know me you could of asked" Raph rolled his eyes.

"B-But I thought you hated me."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Emma with concern looks, sure Raph was a tough nut to crack but she thought Raph hated her?

"Whoa Whoa kid I don't hate you." Raph got on one knee so he would be eye to eye with her. "I mean sure I was iffy about you at first, but I grown to have you around" he lightly punches her cheek making her smile.

Emma was glad to her this, she was so scared that Raph wouldn't like her and turns out that he did.

"But don't go into my room without asking or you'll get a visit from captain noogie!" he wraps his arm around her neck and digs his fist into her hair.

Emma couldn't help but laugh as she received the punishment.

Splinter walks and sees the two of them and couldn't help but smile, knowing that the two finally bonded.

"I see that you two are getting along well" he breaks the moment.

"Master Splinter can we talk?" Emma suddenly asked the wise rat.

"Of course" Splinter gestures towards the dojo, Emma gets up and runs towards him, walking inside.

"What did you think they're talking about" Donnie asked.

"Don't know let's see" The boys get up and go towards the door entrance of the dojo, they lean in trying to listen.

"Are you sure it's your choice" Splinter asked

"Yep I'm 3000% sure!" Emma said excited

Splinter chuckles "Very well"

"What do think they're talking about?!" Mikey said loudly, the other three turtles shushed him, trying not to get caught. They hear foot steps and scrambling back to the living room, pretending to do something.

Splinter walks in with Emma. "My sons I have some news to share"

They all turned to their master to listen.

"Emma has decided to join our family" he pats her head with pride.

The turtles look dumbfounded before getting excited, running over to Emma.

"Yeah Boy! I'm not the youngest anymore!" Mikey picks Emma up and tosses her in the air, she giggles with delight.

"Oh this is awesome! I can teach you about Physics and Chemistry and Microbiology-" Donnie starts listing all the different types of science lessons he was gonna teach her.

"I can get you into Space Heroes!" Leo jumped up and down excited. "There's a marathon for the first season tomorrow we can catch you up!"

Emma looks up at Raph who just looks and smiles at her, ruffing up her hair.

"Welcome to the family squirt"

She jumps from Mikey's arms into his arms.

"Thanks Raphie!"

"Raphie?" Raph's mask went up like he was raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah that's my nickname for you, is that ok?" She asked sheepishly

Raph pretended like he was thinking, trying not to laugh at her face, hoping he would approve.

"I guess but only you can call me that" Raph playfully glared.

"Deal!" Emma snuggles up his neck.

Emma felt couldn't help but smile a big fangy smile.

She couldn't believe it

She finally got a family.

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