The Boy With The Skull Tattoo...


313K 6.5K 668

He's got the fire and he walks with it. He's got the fire and he talks with it. Egocentric Drew and his tal... More

Message To You/Trailer
You've Got Mail
1. I'll Make You Better
2. Vengeance
3. Drew. . Is Literally Kissing My Ass
4. Commemoration
5. Die Here In Your Arms
6. Through My Lens
7. And Die With a Smile
Let's Settle This
9. The Wedding Video
10. My Car Breaks Down
11. SnowStorm
12. What's Wrong With Me?
13. Y Cubano Como Yo
14. Oui Oui Oui Paris
15. He's Got The Fire
16. Out of My Mind
17. Are You Doing Okay?
18. Alone You've Become
19. Under The Bridge
20. Under The Bridge: Two
21. Under The Bridge: Three
22. Under The Bridge: Four
23. Back to the Start
24. Under the Bridge: Five
25. Caught In This Pool
26. We Move In Diego
27. Devil May Cry
29. S. K. U. L .L
30. Surprise Me
31. The Anniversary
32. The Anniversary: Dos
33. The Anniversary: Tres
34. Black Beauty
35. All Eyes On You
36. Sad Girl

8. About Damn Time!

8.3K 193 10


       I called Emily as soon as Drew walked out the door. It was raining outside again. He was waiting for a cab with his army green Hunter rain boots wading through a puddle of water. The cab later showed up and away he drove off.

I bit my lip. The warm blood spread through my mouth since it was already bitten. I was smiling with joy. The last time I had my place all to myself was over three years ago when I first purchased the house. Drew was going through financial issues at the time. Instead of moving back in with our parents I decided to lend him an extra room and live with me instead.

I was finally at peace. I get to walk around the house naked without any disturbance. I get to have plenty of sleepovers with Emily. In fact, we both can be naked together. Um. .I'm getting too excited.

It feels really great that I'm all alone for once. I don't have to wake up and complain about the dirty dishes in the sink, smelly feet coming from the hallway, and boxers hanging off the bathroom doorknob. Especially the toilet seat not down when I need to use the bathroom.

Everything I own belonged to me again. 

Showing up moments later with a Dora umbrella shaking in her hands, Emily stepped in from the front entrance to take a look at the place herself and not bump into Drew randomly. She'd thought I be lying. 

"He's gone for real?"

"Yes idiot. He'll be back like later in the month or so I guess. He didn't fully explain but oh well he'll be back." Emily seemed displeased and raised a brow.

"Come again?"

"You heard me!"

"A month isn't enough Elle. He's needs to extend his trip for a year or two." I punched her arm softly. I offered Emily breakfast.

"How did the movie go with that Ramon guy?" I asked. She passed me the egg carton. I took the frying pan from cabinet and set the stove on a normal temperature. She acted like the words that came out my mouth was complete gibberish.

"Hello?" she whined. "Pass me the beacon. I hid it somewhere in the fridge." she tossed me a gang of turkey beacon stacked neatly one over the other in a plastic bowl. "I mean enlighten me here?" I sprayed the pan with Canola Oil so the eggs can glide off the pan easily.

"He's okay." she muttered under her breath.

"Let me guess, his stroke game was-" she cut me off. I grabbed another egg and cracked it with a fork. I watched it fall slowly onto the heated pan.

"Uh no."

"Then what?"

"He's not my type like I thought he was Elle."

"Sure." I said.

"Seriously Elle." She walked over to me. We're about the same height. I looked down, suddenly, saw her, and nodded.

"Okay." I backed off not bothering to ask her anymore details. I stuttered when I saw she wasn't in the mood to be messed with.

She stood by the fridge door occupying the space by her. She looked deeply into the fridge wondering whether she'd get some thing out or close the refrigerator door. She took a little strand of her hair and brushed it under her nose.

"Make some toast!" she tossed me the bread bag on the counter and closed the fridge door. She placed some bread into the toaster, then setting it.

Emily was making hand beats on my KIA silver refrigerator door. I didn't seem to mind it.

"Then what do you want to talk about?" I asked hoping she wouldn't get upset this time.

"I'm not going to kill you beaver," she laughed as her hand covered her mouth from laughing any louder "The look on your face was priceless."

"Suck my ass Em," she laughed harder. " Leave right now!" I pointed the fork towards her chest. She backed away a little bit.

"Dang it's going to take some time being here without Drewy pie." I almost wanted to slap her for a moment.

"Come again?" Why would she ever give him that nickname.

"I mean he's gone right. It's going to take a while for me to not see him around much. That guy is like Harry Potter and that freaking magic cape." She spread her fingers apart mimicking cheerleaders doing spirit fingers. Give me an N give me an O. NO!

 She slammed her hands against the counter. "He literally pops up out of nowhere and then disappears within seconds. Fucking Alien!"


"Why do you hate him so much?" I never expected those words to come out her mouth.

"I don't hate Drew. He just does things that annoy me." Emily nodded her head and didn't say a word.

"How's Lonnie?" she asked looking at the silver toaster. "Sorry about missing out on his birthday. My professor and his assignments over the weekend was hell. H.E.L.L!"

"It's fine. Besides Lonnie is great. He asked for you. He hasn't seen you in a while missy." Emily bent over the counter and stared at the toaster like a bored child waiting for recess. She dazed at the silver toaster hoping the time would end and the toasts would pop out before her eyes.

"Back away from that thing." I commanded pointing the fork at her head. Emily stepped back and met eye to eye with me again.

"Tell him I miss him as much as he misses me. That guy is so tall. He looks quite young for his age." I turned to her. My brows furrowed together.

"Seriously?" I said.


"So your going to avoid telling me about Ramon right."

"Like Oh my God. Totally!" she danced around the counter. "He just didn't turn out to be the guy I wanted to be with. Yea he's cute and what not but fuck it. Waste of my time!" she pushed her hair behind her ears and looked at me with sad puppy eyes. Her head tilted to the side looking for a reason to say something else other than bring up Ramon.

"He was actually cute." I grabbed the bottle of salt and dashed a bit over the cooking eggs.

"Yea but I wish he was a bit more. . what's the word. . " she tapped the tip of her real nails on the counter making a clicking sound. " Mature! Ah there we go. He's immature as hell." She sucked her teeth louder than usual.

"Who was that guy you were grinding on?" Her lips pouted together. She wiggled her brows freakishly. I couldn't help but smile at her.

"What is this language your speaking of?"

"Wow-zers," I turned around to look at her ."He looked really familiar."

"I almost lashed out on him remember."

"Oh that tattooed kid. El oh el. Almost? You did lash out Ells."

"Well. . " Emily didn't even bat an eyelash. "He makes me nervous."

"Everybody makes you nervous." she said.

"But he's one of a kind. We almost kissed you know." Emily's eyes opened wide slightly.

"Careful. Red Bull does give you wings!!" she said being sarcastic. "Isn't he one of Drew's little friends?" I nodded my head. " Don't do it!"

"Do what?"

"I know exactly what your going to do," she pointed her index finger at my nose. "you're going to mess with his little heart and then boom, he gets attached. And then you'll do things," she put her hands together in a fist and slapped her palms together. " and then you'll do this," she looked down at her hands "and then . . someone gets hurt!"

"Get the fuck out of here!" I laughed.

"Ellah I know you."

"I wouldn't do that." Her head was halfway down. She rubbed her ear lobes, later ignoring the conversation.

" Alright Ellah!. Anyways people like me have to get dressed." she began taking little baby steps up the stairs. She looked lost. It was like finding the right passage way to the see the rest of the house.

"I miss him gawd!" she said. I was wondering who she could have been speaking about. I lost sight of Emily when she reached the top of the stairs. I automatically knew when I heard her strong footsteps above the kitchen ceiling. I flipped the last remaining cooked egg and placed it on my plate. I stabbed the fork into the egg and watched the steam come out like smoke coming out of a chimney. I was left alone in the kitchen while the thoughts in my head bounced around back and forth, for a while, until, the toaster scared me. Ding!

Toast popped out of the silver toaster. I set the toaster clicking away another piece of bread. I sat down, waiting, hoping if things will get better. I chewed my toast. The toaster spider-ed out a piece of bread for me. I held it in my hand, feeling obligated.

"ELLAH YOUR BLOW DRYER IS ON FIRE!!!" Emily screamed from upstairs.

"WHAT!?" I responded knocking over my breakfast.

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