I Love You, I'm Sorry

By AdellineD

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-A TRAGIC DRAMIONE STORY- Draco Malfoy got blackmailed to capture Hermione Granger after the death of his for... More

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191 3 0
By AdellineD

I can't believe people actually believed some of this piece of junk that bitch-faced Rita Skeeter wrote. What kind of bloody rumour is this? We both know it wasn't true. Astoria's closests friends would've known she's been sick all this time. Then how would they explain Daphne's death a few years ago? It's a bloody fucking curse for the love of god.

But what can i say? She's just being that bitchfaced Rita Skeeter. Posting rumours and false news just to get ratings from us, to receive fame from a family's loss. I can't handle this, i can hear whispers on the Ministry. How could they even believe anything she said? We all know it wasn't true. But i've been this position before, i need to be strong for Scorpious, all my life is dedicated to him, i know his happiness will worth every second that i've spend by working.

It's been a few weeks after the news from the Daily Prophet was published, and people still can't stop talking about it, especially the Malfoy Scandal. Theese whispers can't make me focused on doing my work as an auror. A few hours later, an owl came to my office. It says Kingsley wants me to be in his office. Oh for Merlin's sake what could this be?

My heart keeps pounding as i kept walking. I don't have a good feeling about this. As soon as i arrived, my heart keeps pounding even louder and louder, i was sweating even though this place is cold as hell since it's underground.

"Ah, Mr Malfoy, have a seat" He said giving me permission to take a seat in his room.

"You wanna see me Mr Shacklebolt?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah yeah. So how are you been? It's been a rough month for you" He stated

"u-um yeah i've been doing good, but yeah it's been very hard for me and my son" I answered politely yet my heart still keeps pounding.

"Mr Malfoy, i didn't expect you to be back so early, if you need more time to heal i'm totally-"

"No i- i had to do this, i need to clear my head from what's been going on". I realized i just cut what he's about to say.

"I-i'm sorry but really im totally fine, if you're asking that" I answered again, he just smiled.

"Draco, ever since the funeral and the news about the daily prophet comes out, you seem distracted with what you're doing right now" He stated again.

"I promise i'll do better sir, it's just those rumors aren't true. We all know the reason of her death was because of a family curse. Her sister died a few years ago because of the same thing" I answered

"No i know i know"

"Then how could you let those those piece of crap posted on the front page, on the front frickin page sir. It's rumors it's not true" I said frustratedly

"A boy lost her mom and still mourning right now, i can still hear him cries, i witness him trying to hide his pain because he doesn't want me to suffer too, and you let this being spread to the public? Don't you guys ever think, even one second how my son would feel once he read this edition?"

"i can take that edition down if you want me to"

"Well you're too late sir! It was already spread, people know already, even if you take them down. How could you let that Rita whats her name stayed in this ministry by posting rumors about people? how come the ministry still hires her as a journalist. A journalist should post things based on facts, not gossip. She isn't capable of being one!"

"I deeply apologize for not paying enough attention to the daily prophet since I've loads of things to take care of too, i never thought that tey would write things about this too" 

Kingsley seem to be out of words. I can see in his eyes.

"Alright, Why dont you, you know took a time off for a few months?" He asked

"W-what? You're firing me?"

"No-no of course not. You're one of our top aurors. We will still be paying your wages, it seems that you need to calm yourself down"

"No s-sir please i need this job"

"Draco, you are not fired. You're still going to recieve payments, you just need a month or two to heal yourself. I care about you, you're a good auror and your dedication to the ministry is admirable, i'm doing this for the sake of your mental health. my descision is final, you are dismissed, i may need to have a word with Rita Skeeter"

"Only giving a word?" I asked. Kingsley raised an eyebrow

"I-i'm sorry i know it's beyond my jurisdiction" I tried to stay polite no matter how pissed of i am

"No, in fact i'm going to fire Ms Skeeter and of course the head of the daily prophet, I've been thinking of reshufling the whole daily prophet system, so that the nes spread by us are not only gossips but based on facts. I'm sorry for taking the actions way too late"

I took a sigh. "Thankyou sir"

I went out of his office, and when i'm on my way to my room i saw her walking right in front of me. If killing wasn't a crime you're a dead woman to me. I looked at her with a deadly glare, i can see that she seem to be scared but she's still holding her prestige high and still show that cocky arrogance to everyone she walk passed by. if only she knew what is coming to get her, she wouldn't have given me that cocky look right now. She would've begged on my knees to let her keep the job. But no, this is way beyond limits, making gossips of a family who are still griefing are not toleratable. 

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