How It Should Have Been: Soke...

By Summer_waves9764

274K 3.3K 12.2K

[Complete] Sophie is a normal elf, with blue eyes and average abilities. She is a telepath and a polyglot, he... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13: (Keefe's POV)
Episode 14: (Keefe's POV) (Possible triggers- self deprecation/being unloved)
Episode 15: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 16: (Keefe's POV)
Episode 17: (Keefe's POV)
Episode 18: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 19: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 20: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 21: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 22: (Keefe's POV) (Tw: verbal ab/se, us/lessness, being unloved)
Episode 23: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 24: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 25: (Keefe's POV)
Episode 26: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 27: (Keefe's POV) (Possible Triggers: Being unloved, verbal abuse)
Episode 28: (Keefe's POV)
Episode 29: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 30: (Keefe's POV)
Episode 31: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 32: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 33: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 34: (Keefe's POV)
Episode 35: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 36: (Keefe's POV)
Episode 37: (Keefe's POV)
Episode 38: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 39: (Keefe's POV)
Episode 40: (Keefe's POV)
Episode 41: (Sophie's POV)
Not a chapter but-
Episode 41.5: (Fitz's POV)
Episode 42: (Sophie's POV)
Episode 43: Fireworks (Epilogue)
Afterword (not a chapter)

Episode 31.5 (Keefe's POV)

4.3K 56 64
By Summer_waves9764

A/N: This one is pretty much a bonus kinda thing, I guess? As in, it doesn't contribute to the story but it's cute.

"My point was, your life might be stressy and depressy and kind of messy, but I know how that feels, so I know what helps." Sophie nodded for Keefe to continue, and he did. "Think about the moments of happiness that bring you joy, that make you laugh. All the people who love you, who you love."

Keefe took his own advice, closing his eyes as Sophie shut hers.

His list would be shorter, probably.

He took a deep breath, letting his photographic memory paint out his experiences.

Alden telling him he was proud of him.

Fitz sitting next to him at lunch for the first time, both of them having been sitting alone for weeks.

Sophie shaking her head at him as he laughed hysterically, watching Dame Alina trigger a hidden effluxer.

Biana catching the bramble ball and whipping it at her brother.

Della entering Fitz's room with a dramatic swoosh of her gown.

Maruca telling him about her new pet.

Sophie sitting next to him, giving him a rush of happiness as she told him she cared about him.

Linh sending water splashing into Tam's face.

Alvar laughing at one of his jokes.

Tam (wait, why was he there?) snorting, shaking his stupid bangs out of his stupid face.

Sophie catching his hand and pulling him away from the angry mentor running after them, annoyance and laughter warring in her eyes.

Marella smirking at him as she twisted one of her braids around her finger.

Dex letting out an excited gasp as his latest machine exploded with glitter.

Sophie staring at his drawings, wonder on her face.

Sophie giggling as Keefe dramatically posed, Biana threatening him with slime.

Sophie telling him it was okay to be sad.




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