
By 524fangirl6741

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it starts off with stony, but I absolutely LOVE winteriron and I feel like there isn't as much about them so... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
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chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71
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chapter 77
chapter 78
chapter 79
chapter 80
chapter 81
chapter 82
chapter 83
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chapter 147
chapter 148
chapter 149
chapter 150
chapter 151
chapter 152
chapter 153

chapter 26

354 10 2
By 524fangirl6741

They got to the carnival and Tony raced out while Bucky was trying to keep up with him. Luckily, Tony was too busy looking around so he didn't notice Bucky paid for both of their wristbands. Bucky rolled his eyes fondly at his hyperactive boyfriend and dragged him "inside" to the actual carnival.

"Bucky! We should go over there!" Tony was tugging on his arm and pointing at a booth. The man obviously wanted to play the game so Bucky followed him.

They got there and Tony was about to ask the person working the stand what the game was when he noticed something. She was looking at Bucky... in a very flirtatious and needy way. Tony growled and grabbed the man's hand, starting to drag him away slightly.

"I thought you wanted to play the game, doll?" Bucky was very confused when Tony started to drag them away. He heard the girl gasp and when he turned to look at her, the girl's face was bright red and she was shuffling on her feet awkwardly. "Where are we going now, love?"

Tony smirked as he decided to go back to the game. It widened when he called him that nickname and the girl started to fidget around even more. He gave her a smug look, "hello."

She shifted awkwardly and shot her head up to look at Tony. She smiled softly at him, "hello, is it your first time here?"

Tony's smug look fell when he heard how nice she was. He turned it into a gentle smile and nodded his head, "yup! What is this game exactly?"

The girl nodded her head and turned to explain, "well... to be honest, it's either very easy or incredibly difficult to win."

Both of them rose a brow at that, "how could it possibly be like that?" Bucky was very confused.

The girl chuckled and smiled softly at him, "depending on the person that is... if the person playing is athletically gifted then it would probably be easier for them, if they aren't as advanced in that area then it would be more difficult for them. It varies on their mind as well. Some athletes are very intelligent but to a certain degree of things. Others have the brain and the brawn to get an understanding of the game after the first two tries."

Tony nodded his head along to her, "so... what exactly do you do in the game?"

She chuckled, "sorry, I never actually explained." Tony gave her a warm smile and she blushed slightly. After she explained the game to them, Tony was very skeptical about it while Bucky really didn't want to play it.

"I don't know... why would they make this game for a carnival? It should be in like a museum for some gifted people." Tony complained, still not sure if he wanted to play.

Both the girl and Bucky laughed at that comment making Tony smile.

The girl gestured to the game, "this game isn't that popular because of how "technical" it is... you don't have to play it. Go and play others and if you want to come back, well, I'm here until we close."

Bucky chuckled while Tony smiled at her, "okay... thank you!" He waved at her and grabbed Bucky's hand, dragging him to another game that looked pretty interesting.

Bucky made a surprised noise at Tony's antics but soon started to walk in step with the man. He turned to him and smirked, "you jealous, doll?"

Tony instantly stopped walking and blushed, "what makes you think that?"

Bucky let out a breathy laugh as he started to walk, now he was the one dragging Tony. "Because... the minute you looked at her, I heard the little growl you made. You were also glaring daggers at her when you saw her... plus, I heard your heartbeat." Bucky shrugged his shoulders and Tony groaned.

Tony blushed even more but continued to follow him, "I hate it when you do that." He whined and then smacked the man's arm playfully when he heard him laugh. "I don't know what you're talking about... I'm not jealous at all, not one bit." He shook his head, trying to sound believable but he knew the man could tell he was lying.

Bucky moved them to a line for food when he brought the man in front of him. He snaked his arms around his waist and buried his face in the man's jaw, "I love you Tony."

Tony blushed some more and groaned, "I love you too Bucky, now stop it because it's almost our turn."

Bucky laughed and moved with the man when it was their turn to order food. He wrapped an arm around his shoulder, hugging him closely, and got up to the person.

The girl smiled kindly at them and then squealed, making both men jump slightly from the unexpected noise and become incredibly confused. She held a finger at them as she called her friend over. When her friend came over, they both squealed and giggled, which confused the two even more. "I'm so sorry!!" She then started to realize how this looked and apologized, "it's just... you guys look SO! cute together!!" At that comment, Bucky smiled proudly while Tony blushed and looked down, making the girls squeal again, "I ship it!!" She pulled out her phone and looked at them, "do you mind? My friend would also find you guys adorable?" Bucky laughed while Tony blushed, but both nodded their heads. She made an excited noise and got a photo of them. When the girls finally calmed down, the original girl shooed her friend away, "alright!... Sorry about that! I just have some guy friends that are very insecure about themselves being gay and if they saw you two, I know for a fact they would forget about all of their insecurities and be more open about themselves!" Both smiled at that and she did a little jump, "okay! Sorry about that, again! You two really are super cute together!" She squealed again and flailed around from the excitement. She composed herself and gave them a fascinated look when she suddenly realized how that looked too, "sorry, you two are just too cute for me to handle!... Anyway! What can I get for you two?"

Bucky laughed and looked at the menu, "what would you recommend?"

The girl perked up at the question and started to think, "well, honestly, I would recommend a milkshake but not any of the food." She turned her head inside the vendor booth and looked both ways. She leaned closer to them and placed a hand to cover one side of her mouth, "between us... the food here ain't that great," she laughed when she heard them laugh at that too. She took her hand away and straightened herself out, "but the milkshakes are delicious!"

Tony perked up and shoved Bucky away from the counter, making the man let out a breath of air and the girl to chuckle, "milkshake!"

Bucky rolled his eyes fondly at him and then moved so he was behind him, "alright, guess a milkshake for him and... I don't know... a soda."

The girl laughed at their little antics and looked at Bucky when she composed herself, "what kind of soda would you like?"

"Surprise me." Bucky shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

The girl went to go make their milkshake when she realized she never got what kind Tony wants, "oh! I forgot, what kind of milkshake do you want?"

Tony pondered this, "what's your favorite?"

"My favorite is the strawberry banana mix." She gave him a kind smile.

Tony nodded his head in conformation, "alright then... that one it is."

She smiled and left to go make them while the other girl came up, "you two really are very cute together!" This girl was also very polite to them. Bucky beamed at the compliment while Tony blushed again. She then looked at them, really looked at them, and thought, "do I know you from somewhere?" She pointed between the two of them and tilted her head.

Tony looked at her and smiled kindly. He pointed to Bucky, "Winter Soldier," then to himself, "Ironman."

The girl's eyes widened and let out a little scream. She called the original girl over and tugged on her shirt when she was giving them their drinks, "Oh My God! Look at them Megan!!" This outburst made both men crack up as they grabbed their drinks.

"What?" When Megan finished handing them their drinks, she glared at her friend.

"They're the freakin' Avengers!" The other girl proclaimed.

Megan scoffed in disbelief and turned back to them to assess the new found information. When she looked at them closely, her eyes bulged out too. "Are you kidding me? I just squealed and fangirled about them in front of them... the Avengers?!" She turned to her friend and both started to question their life choices while both men were having a field day with their reactions. "Wait a second..." once she composed herself she pointed a finger at Tony, "I thought you were dating Captain America?"

At that, Bucky tensed and Tony cringed. He looked at the girl, "I was, yes. But that ended..." he pointed to Bucky and looked at the girl, "because I met him."

Now it was Bucky's turn for his eyes to widen while the other girls squealed. Megan flailed her arms up, "you two are like... soulmates!" She squealed and then leaned on her arms as she leaned closer to  them, "I liked you and Cap together - I mean, don't get me wrong, you guys were cute but..." she pointed her finger between the two of them and beamed, "you two... you two are made for each other!"

Bucky's eyes widened at that too while Tony blushed but nodded his head, "thank you?..."

The other girl came out and walked over to them, "okay so... this is really out of place, but I was wondering if I could get a photo with you two and then one of just the two of you together."

Bucky looked at her and smiled while Tony blushed even more, but both nodded their heads again.

The girl went back into the van and squealed, "the guys aren't going to believe I met you two!" She then turned to them and pointed a finger between them as well, "this... this is the perfect match!"

Bucky beamed and Tony somehow blushed even more at that comment but nodded his head and smiled at her.

Megan then looked at them, "I'm shipping this... hard!" She pointed between the two of them and let out a laugh when she saw Tony blush more and heard Bucky laugh.

Both girls waved goodbye at them and the guys waved at them too. They sat down and looked at each other then burst out laughing.

When Tony composed himself, he moved to Bucky's side of the table and sat next to him, holding his hand as he leaned his head on his arm, "I'm sorry."

Bucky was calming down when Tony sat next to him but was completely lost when the man apologized to him, "what are you sorry for doll?"

Tony hugged his arm and leaned even closer to him, "I know you don't like it when they bring up me and Steve so I'm sorry." He hugged him tighter, hoping the man would forgive him.

Bucky tensed at the topic but made a sad noise when he heard the man apologize to him, "you don't have to apologize doll... I know that you and him dated and yeah it's weird for me to hear about it, but I can't change the past." He then started to grimace, "but if I could, I would've made certain that I met you first." He heard and felt the man laugh at that and he smiled.

Tony hugged him tighter and then started to remember something, "I wasn't kidding you know."

Bucky rose a brow but realized the man was still snuggled up against him, "what?"

Tony somehow moved closer to him and let out a happy sigh, "I wasn't kidding about what I said before... I knew the minute that I met you that either way, Steve and I would've broken up." He smirked when he heard and felt the man choke on his drink.

"What?!" Bucky was very confused and also kind of proud at that comment.

Tony let out a little laugh at Bucky's reaction, "I was very fascinated with you from the moment I met you and I didn't know it at the time, but I liked you." Bucky rose a brow at that information but remembered the man couldn't see him so he went back to taking a drink of his soda. "I knew Steve and I would've broken up because of you but I just thought I would've been the reason."

Bucky was back to being confused, "what?"

Tony laughed and moved away from him to take a drink of his milkshake. He hummed when he tasted it and then turned back to the man, "I just thought that I would've been the reason Steve and I broke up... because I figured that when you got back, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from making a move on you." He smirked when he saw Bucky choke on his drink again.

"What?!" Bucky looked at him and was still very confused, "why are you telling me this Tony?"

Tony smiled softly, "because, you keep beating yourself up about Steve and I breaking up but you didn't do anything." Tony instantly stopped himself and shook his head, "nope!, that's a lie... you did do something and it was completely your fault." Tony nodded his head and folded his arms, "Bucky... you can't look like that and expect me to not not want you to fuck me senseless!" He gestured to the man and laughed when the soldier choked on his drink - again!

Bucky rolled his eyes and groaned as he flopped his head down on the table, "I hate you."

Tony laughed and tugged on his arm to make him look at him. When the man allowed him to turn him, he gave him a goofy smile and kissed him. He pulled away and laughed, "it's all your fault for looking like that... it's a terrible sin, but I will gladly sin for you sir." He made a surprised noise when he was pulled back into a kiss, but both smiled into it.

They shot their heads up when they heard someone's phone click and Tony blushed furiously when he saw the two girls taking a picture of them. But this time, there were others taking pictures of them, as well as, more people looking at them. They then realized the cat-calls and cheers, making Tony groan and now it was his turn to slam his head down onto the table, his face burning from embarrassment.

Bucky laughed and smirked proudly as he looked at all of them. It only grew when the cheers and cat-calls got louder from his reaction. He turned to the girls and laughed as he rose an amused brow, "might I ask, aren't you two supposed to be working and not following us around?"

The girl burst out laughing while Megan blushed and shifted on her feet awkwardly. "We were told to go on break and when we came over here, we saw you two kissing and had to take a picture of that." The girl then widened her eyes fearfully, shooting her hands up in defense, "unless you didn't want us to, we just thought that it would be good for our friends to see that's all."

Bucky laughed at her fearfulness and shook his head, "we don't mind. I just thought you two were starting to stalk us." He laughed when the other girl laughed as well and Megan blushed more.

"We would never stalk you two, never!" Megan flailed her arms around and got elbowed in the side by her friend. "What?!... They're the freakin' Avengers!"

At that, Tony looked up and burst out laughing along with Bucky while the girls shot their heads to them and rose a brow.

They talked for a bit until the girls had to go back. Tony turned to Bucky and suddenly realized the day was almost over. He shot up and dragged the man around the rest of the carnival. They played games, got ice cream, went on rides, and then Tony dragged them to the "Tunnel of Love" ride.

"Un, doll?... why are we going on this ride?" Bucky always avoided these kinds of rides, they were very cliche and cheesy, they were stupid in his opinion.

Tony smirked because he had a plan. He ignored the man's question and dragged him to the next available seat. They were sitting in it for a while until Tony started to get his plan into action. He turned to Bucky and saw the man looking very bored by the ride. He smirked and poked his arm to get his attention. When Bucky looked at him, he gave him a look, "Bucky?... don't move, okay?"

Bucky gulped when he heard the man talk to him. His voice was slightly an octave lower than it normally was and he was giving him a look that he couldn't decipher. He nodded his head and rose a brow when the man continued to look at him, "Tony? Why exactly can't I-" he gasped when he felt the man straddle him.

Tony smirked when his hands instinctively gripped his hips and he started to grind down on him, his smirk never faltering, especially when he heard the man groan. He moved down to his ear and nibbled on it as he continued to grind down on him, brushing his fingers through his hair and tugging on it every now and again. He saw some light and then kissed the man hungrily, but sat back down in his seat and acted as if nothing just happened.

Bucky was in a slight daze after that and he turned to the man. He groaned and moved closer to him, nuzzling his face in the man's neck, "Tony!" He whined, hating how he was making him beg, "Tony!... what was that for?"

Tony smirked and shoved him away when he saw the exit, "too bad... maybe next time we go on this ride, you might actually enjoy yourself." He got out and sauntered away, walking to the car because the carnival was closing soon.

Bucky groaned and bolted out of his seat, rushing over to Tony when he saw the man walking to the car. He spun him around and shoved him against the car, kissing him hungrily and forcing his tongue in his mouth. He pulled away and growled, "don't tease me Stark."

Now it was Tony's turn to be in a slight daze. When he composed himself, he smirked, "you got it Barnes." He threw the man the keys and hopped in the passenger side with a smug look on his face.

Bucky groaned and rose a brow when he was tossed the keys but hopped in the car.

When they got to the compound, Bucky was walking to the sink to wash his hands from the carnival when he was spun around and slammed against the counter. He let out a little gasp and groaned when he felt Tony's tongue inside his mouth.

Tony moved them over to the couch and dragged the man down while he laid down on it. He moved his legs around the man's waist and moaned when he felt Bucky lean his body closer to him. He pulled away and looked up at him, "Bucky... I want you." He gasped when he was kissed again but moaned when he was pulled up against his body.

Bucky was the one to pull away and he rubbed his thumb against the man's cheek, "you sure doll?"

Tony blushed at the nickname but nodded his head, "I'm ready for you Bucky." He yelped when he was picked up and slammed against a wall.

"Promise?" Bucky whispered against his lips.

Tony moaned at the dominance and then looked up at him, "I thought I told you this morning... I'm going to prove to you that I love you! So let me prove it." He kissed him hungrily and then pulled away again, tugging his hair slightly which rewarded him a small moan to slip from Bucky's lips, "I made you a promise, and I'm going to keep it... so... you can do whatever you want with me in whatever way you want and however long you want, until you believe me when I saw that I love you and not Steve."

Bucky moaned when he heard that and buried his face in the man's neck, breathing deeply, "promise doll?"

Tony pushed the man away from him so he could stand. He pulled him back by his belt and smirked when he heard him moan at that. He started to unbuckle his belt in a hurry as he looked up at him, ghosting his lips, "I'm up for it, but are you old man?"

Bucky growled at that comment and trapped the man between his arms as he attacked his neck, allowing the man to take off his pants. "Good... I've been waiting to punish you for some of the things you've done to me... and wanting to ravish you for a long, long, time now." He purred in his ear, smirking when he heard Tony's heartbeat quicken and him moan at his words. He moved his hands down to Tony's shirt and pulled away so he could take it off of him. He grabbed the man's hands when they went to do the same thing to him and pinned them above his head, "naughty, naughty, naughty..." he waved a finger at him and made a "tsk" noise as he did so, "you said I can do whatever I wanted in whatever way I want and for however long I want, and I'm going to go down on you until you think you can't cum anymore for me..." he purred in his ear and smirked when he heard Tony moan, "then, I'm going to lay you on the bed and eat you out, for as long as I want because if I remember correctly, you love it when I do that to you!" He purred and was rewarded with an even louder moan along with the man nodding his head frantically. He moved his real hand down to Tony's belt buckle and started to take it off, "but... now that I think about it... maybe I'll have you do something else for me that you loved so much."

Tony started to try to wiggle free, just wanting the man to do all those things to him and quit talking about them, "Sarge!... please! Please... I want to touch you... I want you... please Sarge!"

Bucky smirked at his reaction, "but... I wasn't finished telling you everything I'm going to do to you." He started to leave light kisses on his neck and shoulder, loving when the man continued to try and wiggle free, "I'm going to be laid down on the bed as you ride my face... remember that love?... you loved it when I did that to you the last time and if you behave, then maybe I'll reward you."

Tony moaned as he remembered how amazing that felt and nodded his head along with his words, "yes Sarge! I loved it!... I'll behave! I promise Sarge! I promise!"

Bucky hummed, "that's my good boy." He cooed, then kissed the man softly. He moved his free hand down to his sides and started to grope him, "and I'm going to slide my metal fingers into you because that's what you've been begging me to do to you, isn't that right doll?"

Tony threw his head back and moaned, "yes Sarge! Please! Please!"

Bucky moved his free hand down to his ass and lifted him up. He kissed him roughly and spanked him, earning a gasp and allowing him to shove his tongue in the man's mouth. He continued to grope his ass and spank him when he pulled away to rub it soothingly, "I'm going to make marks on you that only I can see."

Tony moaned and arched his back, moving his chest closer to the man, "yes! Please Sarge! Please!"

Bucky smirked when he heard Tony's words, "you need to learn patience... and this is the perfect time to teach you." He started to move down to Tony's boxers and pulled them down, still keeping his hands pinned above his head. When he got them off, he moved his free hand to the man's hair, tugging on it to give himself more access to his neck. He sucked on his neck harshly then dragged his tongue up to his ear, "and if you even think about suppressing your screams and moans, your begs and pleas, I'm not doing anything else to you... got it?"

Tony moaned even louder and nodded his head frantically, "yes Sarge! I'll behave! I promise!"

Bucky growled and then kissed him hungrily, "good boy... and don't. disobey. my. orders." He warned, "got it?"

Tony nodded his head even more, "no sir! Never!"

Bucky smirked and then kissed him hurriedly. He kept his arms pinned as he sucked hickey's down his body. He let go when he got down to his cock and lifted his legs over his shoulder. He looked up at him and gave him a look, "no touching."

Tony moaned at that, "but Sarge..."

Bucky growled and gripped his hips harshly, making Tony gasp, "that's an order!"

Tony nodded his head, he really did love his Sergeant voice, and tried to grab onto anything against the wall, "yes sir." Bucky smirked and then went down on him, humming when the man obeyed his order. "Sarge! Please!" Tony was writhing around, wanting to pull him down further but he couldn't disobey his Sergeants orders. Bucky brought his hands to Tony's ass and spread him open as he moved down on him further. Tony screamed and moaned his name, his legs already shaking from the pleasure this man was giving him, "Sarge! Please! Sarge!" Tony writhed around and gripped onto the windowsill so he didn't disobey Bucky's earlier command. Bucky moaned around him and Tony screamed even louder, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he moaned his name louder, "Sarge! Please!"

Bucky popped off and looked at him, moaning as he saw the state Tony was in, "no." He was about to go down on him again when he smirked, "and no cumming until I say so."

Tony slammed his head against the wall and screamed even louder when the man bobbed his head faster and sucked on him harshly. He gripped the windowsill even tighter, writhing around so he didn't cum, "Sarge! Please! Please, let me cum!" Tony brought his free hand to his own hair and gripped it tightly, "I need to touch you Sarge!"

Bucky gripped his ass even tighter and bobbed his head faster, loving the sounds Tony was making for him. He popped off and looked up at him, "not yet doll... I want to hear you just a little longer." He saw Tony nod and he beamed. He went down on him again and moved faster, knowing how riled up he was making him.

Tony screamed even louder and tightened his legs around the man's head, "Sarge, Please! I need to touch you! I need to cum!" Tony screamed even louder when he felt him hum and moan around him, "SARGE! PLEASE!" He was starting to regret telling Bucky, the man could use him however long he wants, whatever way he wants and in whatever position he wants.

Bucky popped off him again and looked up at him. He smirked and let out another moan when he saw Tony looking all hot and bothered, and all because of him! "Alright, you can touch me now doll."

Tony moaned when he heard that and gripped his hair tightly. He felt the man go back down on him and he dug his nails in his scalp, pulling his hair harshly and screaming impossibly louder. He writhed around even more, "SARGE! PLEASE!! Let me cum! I'VE BEEN GOOD! I promise, I've behaved!! SARGE!! PLEASE!!"

Bucky moved off of him again and looked up at him, "when I tap my fingers against your legs, then you can cum... not earlier than that otherwise I'm not going to fuck your brains out, got it?"

Tony nodded his head frantically, "yes sir! I promise! I'll behave! I promise!" He tightened his legs around his head even more when the man went back down on him. He screamed louder and writhed around even more, pulling on his hair even more frantically. When he felt the man tap his fingers against his legs, he screamed Bucky's name, much louder than he wanted to, and slammed his head against the wall as he came down his throat. He was breathing heavily and went limp against the wall.

Bucky moaned when he felt the man cum down his throat and smirked when he looked up at him. He moved up and held his legs, wrapping them around his waist so he could hold him up, "good boy... so good for me doll, so good!" He cooed as he wrapped his arms around his lower back. He carried him to the couch and laid him down, hovering over him as he kissed him softly, "I'm not done with you yet love, I want to hear you some more."

Tony groaned and pulled him down, "yes Sarge... whatever you want Sarge..." he was still breathing heavily, "... whatever you want."

Bucky growled and kissed him hungrily, "good boy."

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