31 Days

By star-3213

178 25 236

A collection of short stories. ~*~ Based around an drawing/writing prompt; I wanted to challenge myself thi... More

1 - Criminal
2 - Mutation
3 - Tasty
4 - Hope
5 - Wire
6 - Rib
7 - Thread
8 - Tough
9 - Drain
10 - Prize
12 - Cunning
13 - Harvest
14 - Transmission
15 - Broken
16 - Imposter
17 - Absence
18 - Forest
19 - Collect
20 - Winter
21 - Crystal
22 - Investigation
23 - Distortion
24 - Die
25 - Light
26 - Deteriorate

11 - Radiation

5 1 11
By star-3213

Warning(s): mild language, mentions of death and the apocalypse

"This better be good, Slick," Eileen - more commonly known as Jet - grumbled, setting down her gun and taking off her protective headphones and goggles. 

Slick was planted where he stood. "I think I would know better than to disturb you if it wasn't important, Jet."

Jet raised an eyebrow at him, then rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Let's hear it then."

"There's a group out in the city."

Jet was so surprised that she felt herself grow dizzy. She forced her head to stop spinning and focused instead on what Slick had just told her. "There's a what?"

Slick looked like he wanted to flinch, but he'd grown used to Jet over time. Slick, whose real name was Trent, had been at Jet's side for nearly two and a half years. It had certainly been one hell of a ride, and secretly, neither of them would trade it for anything.

"There's a group in the city. About 15, maybe 20 people tops. Said they stumbled across the city and figured they could find shelter."

"How in the everloving hell did they survive the radiation?"

Slick shrugged. "Beats me. Wire and Dusty were out there and Dusty came running back. He only heard what I'm telling you now."

Jet sighed. She couldn't tell if she was hopeful or annoyed. She supposed she was a mix of both. Hopeful because maybe they weren't entirely alone. Annoyed because they'd have at least another 15 mouths to feed. It was hard enough to feed 40 as it was. Despite the war in her mind, she came to the conclusion that if they had been in the groups' shoes, they'd want someone to help them.

"Alright, suit up, we're goin' to go get them."

"Should we bring the vans?"

Jet paused. "Sure. They probably wanna be off their feet, huh?"

Slick looked like he agreed with her point. "I'll go let Rusty know."

Jet nodded once in affirmation, then turned back to the shooting range. She hovered her hand over her gun to make sure the muzzle had cooled down enough to not burn her, and when she was satisfied with the lack of heat, shoved it into her holster. She left the room, and headed for her quarters.

She remembered when she first had to go on the run. There'd been about ten of them in total, all lifelong friends. When the "apocalypse" - Jet laughed scornfully at their former innocence, knowing more now that the young group had then - had begun to start, they went on the run together, just trying to survive another day, all the while hoping that it would all be over soon. Oh how naïve and ignorant they had been. The radiation grew worse quickly, and other calamities began occurring in the world. And now...

Now she was the only one left.

She forced the painful memories away as she began to pull on layer after layer of protective clothing. They'd finally managed to nail down the technique to get lightweight, breathable clothes that still protected them from the radiation, but didn't cause them to pass out the minute they stepped outside. She was beyond grateful for that, she couldn't deny. Five years had taught her a lot, and she was internally grateful for every new thing she learned that enhanced her survival and brought her to today.

As she pulled a hood and goggles over her head and strapped her staff to her back, there was a knock. "It's me. Slick."

"Come in."

Slick entered slowly, not wanting to see anything he didn't want to see. Jet rolled her eyes.

"I'm decent, Slick, I promise."

"Oh thank God," he said, relieved.

If Jet rolled her eyes any harder, they might get stuck in the back of her head.

"Vans are ready to go, and I'm ready to head out."

"Great timing. Let's go help those newbies."

They jogged down the corridor and exited their base. The sun hadn't gotten any cooler in years, and though it looked normal, they knew all too well that even the slightest exposure to the radiation could kill them.

"Care for a jog?" Jet asked. "I haven't stretched my legs in a while, might be nice to change it up a little."

Jet could sense Slick's grin under his protective-wear. "I was hoping you'd say that."

And off they ran towards the long since ravaged city and the first sign of outside life they'd sighted in years.

A/N: Surprise update! A nice little short story (finally) semi-inspired by Maze Runner and Danger Days. Imagine that lol

I'm so sorry for my inactivity! My life has been kicking my butt this week, but I'm trying my best to get back on track. I'm currently posting this at 10:50pm and possibly staying up later to write more or do homework. I'll decide in a minute haha. But yes, I still have two more sections until I'm caught up, but I'm hoping I can get myself back on track by tomorrow!

Thank you guys so much for your patience and support, they've meant more to me and motivated me more than I could ever hope to express in words. I'm so grateful for each and every one of you guys, truly!

You are loved! ❤️

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