Quiet On Set (GirlxGirl)

By cold_french_fry

5.5M 225K 288K

"Dumbass" "Blind bitch" "Shut up and kiss me" More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapters 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Final Chapter 107

Chapter 67

46.2K 2K 2.5K
By cold_french_fry

Narrator's pov


"Danmit" Kate muttered under her breath

The brunette bit her lip nervously as her eyes trailed over the actress next to her. Her plans didn't include making Autumn feel that way but it was just a small white lie that had to be played

"Autumn" Kate whispered

"Mhm" the girl hummed, her attention still on the road

"Autumn" Kate whispered again

"What" the raven hair girl groaned

"AUTUMN" Kate giggled, snapping the girl's eyes towards hers

"What Wilson!" She yelled

"You're cute" Kate grinned

Autumn's lips parted to speak but not a word left, her brows were tightly stitched together as she gave the girl a questioning look, only resulting in a small giggle from Kate

The brunette took it a step further to brush her fingers against Autumn's. The raven hair girl hung her head low when she felt a tingle run through her body. Her ehes landed on Kate's pinky intertwining with hers.

It was just a small gesture but it made her heart leap in her chest. A small feeling ran through her fingers and shot up her body, followed by a warmth filling her veins.

Kate intertwined their fingers and stroked her thumb in Autumn's palm, making the feeling in her body even worse.

Autumn closed her eyes tightly to allow the electric feeling to run through her body, her heart felt light with its flutter and her lips trembling slightly, being overwhelmed with her own emotions at just a simple touch

Autumn's eyes fluttered open to see a smile plastered on the brunette's lips, Kate giggled as she leaned her head against Autumn's shoulder, nuzzling her face slightly into the crook of Autumn's neck

The raven hair girl closed her eyes again, feeling an electric feeling run through her body and taking over her existence. Kate's hot breath on her neck makes her head spin and the girl's fingers with hers made her heart race faster than it already was

Autumn could never explain what it was that she felt towards the girl, the obvious sparks that filled the air when she was near, the electric feeling she felt when she touched her skin, the way her smile always seemed to settle in the pit of her stomach and explode with a giddy feeling, the way she craved to be in the company of Kate. It was different, almost pure in a way, despite her other images of the girl

But what could she do about it. Kate wasn't interested, she knew that by the way she reacted when Lisa asked they were a couple. Or so she assumed

"We're HEREE" Ethan squealed from the front seat

"Amen! POP THE DOORS" Jamie screeched

"SHHH YOU'RE GONNA WAKE HIM" Ethan hissed at the girl

"Oh, my bad" Jamie pouted before slipping out of the car, following with Lisa and Ethan, leaving the two actresses in the car

"We should go" Kate mumbled as she pulled away from Autumn's body, reaching towards the door but was pulled back into Autumn when she felt the girl's hands grip her shoulder

"No. Wait" Autumn muttered as she pulled Kate closer

"What?" Kate giggled as she turned her head towards the girl

Her brown orbs locked with blue ones and her grin reached her cheek. Autumn exhaled deeply as she examined Kate's face.

Her eyes sparkled, the light making them look alive. Their light brown color was soft, the exact shade of a latte. A ring of gold hung inside her iris, adding another layer of depth to her already beautiful eyes. Autumn's eyes landed on the girl's pink lips, The way her lips lifted upward. The way her one dimple crinkled. The way her teeth were perfectly aligned. The warm glow her happiness gave. Her smile was a ray of sunshine in the night, melting Autumn's heart

"Stay with me for a bit" Autumn whispered

"Autumn, it's twelve in the morning and we're in a car in an empty parking lot" Kate chuckled

"Your point is?" Autumn asked

"Oh my God" Kate chuckled

"Come here" Autumn whispered as she extended her arms for the girl to take

Autumn shook her head smiling but still leaned in. Her cheek landed flat on Autumn's chest while her arms reached behind the girl. Autumn's arms wrapped around Kate's waist and she held the girl on top of her, Kate's breath on her skin made her shiver. Autumn closed her eyes to contain herself before resting her chin on the top of the girl's head

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?" Autumn whispered

"I- yes?" Kate mumbled

"Oh... Well you still look beautiful" Autumn smiled

Kate felt the girl smile above her, those soft cheeks of hers burned red as she adjusted her face into the girl's chest. It was a dream she was living in and she hoped it was actually happening. To have Autumn's arms around her body, to hear her heartbeat thumping against her own skin from how close they were. It was one thing to live with the girl she had a crush on but it was another to actually have your fantasies come through

"Are you okay?" Kate mumbled

"Why'd you ask?" Autumn questioned

"Because you just skipped out on a dinner with your parents-"

"They're not my parents" Autumn said sternly

"Sorry. Your birth givers" Kate corrected, earning a small giggle from the raven hair girl

"You may continue"

"You ran out there, I'm sure they're worried about Lisa"

"No. They're not" Autumn said

"How would you know that?"

"Because Lisa has her phone and they haven't called it once"

"They're fucking morons" Kate spat, earning another chuckle from the raven hair girl

"Look at you, cursing and shit" Autumn smirked

"I'm serious. They're fucking morons who literally need to get a fucking life and grow up. All they do is hurt people and they don't care. They're so stuck up!"

"Yes. Yes and yes. Keep talking dirty to me, I'm almost there" Autumn smirked

"Shut up" Kate playfully hissed as she slapped her hands against Autumn's shoulder

"I'm accustomed to it. You have no idea how used I am to that shit. And I may not know Lisa but she's a kid and they're treating her the exact fucking way they've been with me. You can see it on her face from literally miles away. She looks like she hasn't smile for months until tonight when she was with you.. That's.. Exactly what I felt"

"What do you mean?" Kate asked, lifting her head to face the girl

"It means.. It didn't feel like I truly smiled before I met you" Autumn admitted

The dark blue ocean eyes that reminded her of the pricky ice of a cave, fell onto her own. Her small smile causing Kate's heart to thump even harder even her chest. Then the small touch of Autumn's thumb, stroking her cheek made her skin tingle

"I never had the guts to say it before but I'm sorry, Kate" Autumn mumbled, her eyes still piercing through the girl's

Kate tried her best not to leave her body in that moment as she tried to remain as calm as she possibly could

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you when we first met. I was a bitch, I still am but.. You're changing me Kate. I didn't want to admit it before but you're changing me. I don't know if you've noticed but.. You've helped me find myself again. And I know there's still more work to do but I have to thank you for bringing me to where I am right now in my life. I'm happier now, and that's because of you. So I have to apologize with my entire heart, I'm.. So sorry for everything I've done to you Kate. I hope you don't see me as that person I was and I hope you can see me as I am now. Someone that's trying. Someone that's better. And someone who owes it all to you" Autumn muttered

Kate stayed frozen on the girl's chest, her brown eyes melted like chocolate in the heat, running over the cold blueberry orbs of Autumn's stare. Her lips parted to speak

But Autumn leaned in with her lips and left the girl silent

Good morning children 👁👄👁

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