The Hidden Bionic (~Lab Rats...

By kate8800

310K 6.1K 1K

Destiny Lilac has been through a lot of stuff but when her best friend, Leo Dooley, gets a step-dad, her life... More

A/N: Before Jumping In
Creating Lab Rat D
Surprise Training
Weird Upgrade
Splitting of the Davenports Part 1
Splitting of the Davenports part 2
Mission Creek High
Dooley Leo Dooley
Birthday Movie Night
Re-meeting Donald
Meet Destiny Lilac/Dooley-Davenport
Thanks (little fake extra chapter)
Crush Chop & Burn
Commando App
Leo's Jam
Rats on a Train
Smart And Smarter
Exoskeleton vs. Grandma
A/N: Lent Holdup
A/N: Guess Who's Back?!
Death Spiral Smackdown
Can I Borrow the Helicopter?
Back From The Future
Chip Switch
Drone Alone
Chore Wars
Dude, Where's My Lab?
Air Leo
The Living Virus
Mission Invisible
Concert In A Can
Mission: Space
Book 2!!

Bionic Birthday Fail

6.1K 142 18
By kate8800

February 2015

~Edited July 9, 2015~

^Destiny's POV^

Leo, Davenport, and I were watching the trio fight in the simulator. It looked like the one I did when I was training. Three enemies came and they quickly defeated them. Although the mission was to interrogate the leader, it still counted as a victory! They were then transported out of the simulators and they took off their goggles.

"Adam, that was the rebel leader. The whole purpose of today's mission simulation was to interrogate him." Davenport told Adam.

"I did, and his answer was 'AAAHHHH!'" Adam replied while waving his hands in the air. I smiled at his joke and the trio came to the cyber desk.

"Hey, next time could you maybe throw in a cute, blue-eyed rebel?" Davenport looked at her weirdly, "What? I'm just sayin' It's not gonna kill you to add a little somethin'-somethin' for the ladies. Am I right, Destiny?" She looks at me with pleading eyes and I smile.

"Bree, it's cute, but not necessary." She frowns and the boys give me high-fives for my remark.

"Step aside, amateurs. Come on, Destiny! Big D, set it to 'Awesome!'" Leo says while handing me a goggle. We both step on the simulator but I didn't put on my goggles. I turn to see Davenport running towards us and I hand him my goggles.

"Leo, these goggles are not a toy!" He said while taking them off of Leo's eyes.

"Come on! Our birthday is coming up-globally known as 'Dia De Leo Y Destiny!'" Leo argued.

"Leo, without bionics they could easily take us down! You won't even survive a second in there!" I throw back.

"But with you in it, I'm sure you can kick some butt! They told me how you stalled the exo and you were killin' it!" Leo tried to drag me in.

"No. I designed the mission simulator to fine-tune their bionics, not to go on 3D joyrides. Besides, you're not trained for it." Davenport told Leo.

"What about me?" I ask pointing towards myself.

"You have no bionics, but you can be back-up at a tough situation for them."

"Sweet!" I say pumping my fist in the air.

"Well, how about as a birthday gift, you give me and Destiny a bionic ability?" Leo asks Davenport. My eyes widen and I rush over to Leo.

"Knowing how clumsy and how you are, you could expose your bionics, reveal it to everyone in the world, and bad things could happen! Besides it seems hard having a bionic ability!" I tell him.

"Yeah or maybe I could gift-wrap reality and you could play with that for a while." Davenport joked. He left us and the trio stood up from their table.

"So you two are having a birthday. What are you, like, nine? And you what are you? 17?"

"Fifteen." We reply together. They laugh and ask again.

"So how are you guys going to celebrate?" Bree asked.

"We're all gonna celebrate! Every year my mom throws us a big surprise party."

"Really!?" Adam looks at us like something was on our face.

Last year, she baked a cake the size of me! And she baked Destiny, a real life size of Pikachu from Pokémon! I'm not gonna brag but Pikachu and I were delicious!" Leo bragged. I nodded with him and we all smiled, knowing Tasha would throw a party.


Leo and I were watching Davenport type some stuff into his computer, but Tasha came into the lab.

"Guess what?! I just found out that I won an award for my undercover reporting on expired produce: 'Something In The Crisper Can Kill You.'" Tasha told us. Davenport congratulated her, but then she had bad news.

"Oh, thank you. But the awards banquet is the same night as Leo and Destiny's birthday. I'm sorry, guys. I'm gonna miss it. If I don't show up, I'm afraid that they're gonna give my award to that overdramatic screen hog Linda Montieres." Tasha told us sadly.

"It's okay, mom. Go have fun. You deserve it." Leo told Tasha. Leo went over to the trio while I congratulated Tasha.

"Congrats Tasha! I'm glad you're getting an award!" I say.

"Thanks, Destiny! Are you sure you and Leo are not mad?" She asked while bringing me to Leo and walking towards him. "We've never been apart on your birthdays!"

"Oh, please! They'll have plenty of birthdays, but who knows if you'll ever win anything again!" Adam told her while putting his hands on our shoulders.

"Go get your award, you deserve it!" I say. Leo fakes a cough and says 'chocolate frosting' afterwards.

"I promise we will celebrate the following night!" Tasha promised.

"Hey, why haven't we had a birthday party?" Bree asked pointing at herself and her brothers.

"Donald! You never celebrated they're birthdays!?" Tasha asked Davenport.

"Of course I celebrated their birthdays. Remember when we- When we went to the- Yeah I never celebrated their birthdays." Donald admitted after trying to lie about the topic.

"Did you also eat all the cookies before Santa came down the chimney?"

"What's Santa?" Bree asked innocently. Tasha and Davenport left and we turned to the trio.

"This is going to be the best birthday ever! The size of the party is equal to the size of the excuse! I'm gonna go work on my surprise face!" Leo told them.

"Same here! But this time we have to actually gasp. Remember last time, it was a fail!" I told him while smiling. We both pretended to be surprised and we left the lab. This is going to be super fun! Especially with Adam, Bree, and Chase in our lives.


Leo and I worked on some surprised faces and went downstairs for a break to see Davenport in a tux.

"Wow! A tuxedo! You are really committing to this thing!" Leo smiled. I also smiled too and put my elbow on his shoulder.

"Look, guys, I'm really sorry we're missing your birthday, but wait till you see the gift I got you two. It's one gift, but you guys are going share it. It is 'whoa-amazing-I-can't-believe-he's-my-stepdad-tastic!'" Davenport made up.

"Is it a robot snake?" Leo guessed.


"Is it a remote-controlled tank that fires real lasers!?" I guess. Davenport looks weirdly at me and shakes his head.

"Is it a real tank that fires fake lasers?" Leo replaced. Davenport tilts his head, as if thinking, and shakes his head.

"Then I hope you kept the receipt." I say. Leo nods and we both leave and wait for Tasha or Davenport to say we could come out.

"Guys, we're leaving!" We hear Tasha call out.

"Okay, here we come!" Leo replies. We both jump out expecting people but we were disappointed to see nothing.

"We're on our way out." She told us.

"Ohhhh! Well, we'll just walk you to the door then!" We both walk towards the door and we stopped near it.

"We're approaching the front door. I have my hand on the handle. I'm gonna open it!" Leo then opened the door and jumped out of the house. I turn my head around the door way to see nothing. We turn to the couple and they look weirded out by Leo.

"Thanks for the play by play. Shall we?" Davenport complimented. Tasha and Davenport exited the house, arm-linked together and entered the car.

"Ohh!! I see. They're gonna get in the car, drive away, turn around, then everyone's gonna hop out of the bushes." I assume. They start the car and drive out of the driveway.

"That's right, convincingly pull out of the driveway..." We both waved at them while smiling.

"Look at them, getting on the freeway like they have somewhere to be." I joke with Leo. When they skipped the turn to go around the house we suddenly got mad.

"Hey, where you going?! It's our birthday!!" Leo shouts. We both sadly walk to the lab and once we enter it, Chase screams and Adam lies down on the cyber table, clearly hiding something.

"Guys, my mom is actually going to an awards banquet. She's not throwing us a surprise party." Leo told the boys.

"Awww." "That's awful!" They both say. They quickly leave the lab and close the doors.

"Hey! It's our birthday!!" I rush towards the closed doors and try to open them, but no avail.

"Eddy, open these doors!" Leo tried to command Eddy.

"Oh, but if I did that I'd ruin the surprise party they're planning for you two!" Eddy accidentally revealed.

"They're throwing a surprise party for us?!" I ask him.

"Yeah, what a bunch of lame-o's. I wouldn't expect much." Eddy told us. We wait till they gave the signal to release us. After a while we were getting annoyed.

"What is taking them so long?!" I exclaim.

"Eddy, bring up the great room on the monitor!" Leo commanded Eddy. It showed a bunch of people in it and a limbo contest that was being held.

"What!?" We both exclaimed in unison.

"Eddy, unlock this door."

"Not until I get the signal. Otherwise it could ruin the surprise!" Eddy told us.

"But they're celebrating without us!" I shout at him.

"That's nothing. Wait till they start opening your gifts."

"Eddy! Unlock the door!" Leo shouted pounding on Eddy's monitor.

"Ugh! What are we supposed to do!?" Leo asked me.

"Umm..." I looked around the lab and saw Davenport's computer. "Maybe I can hack into Eddy's mainframe and make it so that I can open the door!" I bring up.

"Okay! Hurry!" I start typing on the computer but there were many firewalls in the way.

"What's taking you so long!?!" Leo asked me, yelling into my ear.

"You try taking down these firewalls!" I snap back.

"Just hurry!!" I continue to type but I was stuck on a firewall, which was the last one. Eddy comes back and shows us the screen.

"Speaking of which, where is Leo and Destiny?" I hear Tasha ask.

"They're right here!!" Eddy reply.

"Where we've been for the past three hours!!" Leo tells them. They look angry at themselves so I gave them something bad as well. I managed to hack into the last firewall and I put in something in their capsules.

"Oh and guys!" Leo scoots over so I could be in the camera. "I hope you guys like your clothing and other stuff mixed up in your capsules, 'cause I just hacked into your capsule mainframe! I hope you like showering in expired milk!!" I tell them. They groan and they look back to the adults.

"Yep, just waiting for the signal!" Eddy says.

"Eddy, let them upstairs now!" Chase told him.

"All right! There's my signal!" The doors open up and we use the elevator to get upstairs into the living room. When we reached the living room we were greeted with a surprise by everyone. Me and Leo looked glum and angry so we didn't pretend to be surprised.

"I thought our first birthday with you guys was gonna be awesome, and you know what? It probably was, but we wouldn't know, because we weren't invited!!" Leo shouted at them. Leo left the room and they were all looking at me.

"You know, I was taught to keep my anger in so that's why I'm not that angry like Leo. I hope you boys like getting bras and I hope you guys love showering in expired milk because that's what you're gonna be showering in until I stop it. And Davenport or Chase can't hack into it because I used the highest hacking skill that is almost impossible to hack. I hope you guys had fun." I tell them while walking to where Leo left. I was super angry at them but when I can hit them I would.


Me and Leo were eating cereal and Tasha was trying to cheer us up.

"I know your birthday was a bit of a bust, but I think I know what will make it better." Tasha told us.

"Letting me hack into more of Donald's stuff! I'm really good at that!" I beam. I look at Davenport and he had wide eyes and was shaking his head furiously. He continued drinking his drink and reading whatever was on his tablet.

"No, Donald, give them your gift!" Tasha told him. He did a spit take and Leo raised his head up.

"Yea, Big D. Maybe your awesome-tastical gift can cheer us up after being totally forgotten!" Leo said the last part towards Adam and Bree who were eating at the breakfast table.

"What, that gift? You don't want that gift. You know what? Just give me the number that'll keep the tears back. What do you say?" He said while taking out some 20's out of his pocket.

"I want access to all your mainframes and letting me troll Adam, Bree and Chase for a little bit." I reply. Davenport looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Mr. Davenport, just give them your gift." Chase said.

"You know, I would, but I forgot where it was." He lied. He kept stuttering about the subject so he was definitely lying.

"Oh no. It's right here. It's in the closet behind a bunch of stuff." Adam told him while going to get it.

"Thanks, Adam. Good eye." He thanked Adam, monotonous. Adam pulled out a box that said 'hexacopter' on it and placed it on the breakfast table. Me and Leo rushed towards it and we both open it to reveal a broken hexacopter. Leo picked it up and we both looked at Davenport with a confused look.

Well, great, Leo. You broke it!" Davenport said. I groan loudly and left the room.


Adam, Bree, and Chase dragged us to the lab and stopped us near one of the cyber desks.

"Let me guess. You're gonna lock us down here while you guys including Tasha and Davenport are going on a cruise to Hawai'i." I guessed.

"Leo, Destiny. It's time for you birthday mission." Chase said while handing us goggles.

"But Mr. Davenport said we're not supposed to play with these." Leo said.

"But Davenport isn't here..." I conclude.

"Let's go!" We both say as we run towards the simulator and put on the goggles. We get transported to a white area with nothing in it but us.

"No offense, guys but this is a seriously expensive let-down." Leo told them. The world then generated and it was the same place that the trio were on.

"Now we're talking!" I say. Ninjas surround us and I place myself into a fighting stance as well.

"Guys, a little help here!!" Leo screamed. The trio get transported in and Chase was transported somewhere else.

"Chase, show Leo how it's done. Destiny you can fight whatever!"

"Sweet!" I start fighting a ninja and I take him down. I watch as Leo uses a force field to protect himself from a ninja. Leo uses his bionics while I just use my skill. I take down multiple ninjas at once and don't even bother about using the bionics they programmed me to have. I watch as Leo throws Adam through the air and then a ninja approaching him. I move to his side and the ninja does some weird stuff.

"Oh, you want some of this? Welcome to Dia De Leo!" Leo tries to punch the ninja multiple times but the ninja deflects all of them without effort. Leo falls to the ground and it was my turn.

"Alright. Time to meet your match!" I start attacking the ninja but he keeps dodging every move. He starts punching but I nearly dodge each one. We start doing close combat with each of use delivering and deflecting each other's moves. Everyone watch in amazement as I match every attack of the ninja.

"I don't understand! This rebel is programmed with more sophisticated moves than I've ever seen!" Chase said.

"Well, what I don't understand is how I'm able to not fall down by this guy!" I reply while trying to kick him. Leo comes in on the side and gets knocked down by the ninja.

"It's not cool to make Leo lose on Dia De Leo Y Destiny!" I say to him as I make eye contact with him. He tries punching me with his forearm but I also block it with my forearm.

"Yeah, and it's not cool to steal someone's cyber key, and hack into someone's mainframe!" He said while taking off his mask. I stand up from my fighting stance and reply with a small 'sorry.'

"Oh, man, you were supposed to e good-lucking!" Bree said disappointed. Davenport and I helped Leo up and Davenport looked at Bree with a surprised face.

"I mean, no offense. I'm sure you're eye candy to old people." Bree tried to clear up. I shake my head and Davenport turned back to himself again.

"I told you two to stay out of the simulator! You're not prepared for it!"

"Big D, watch out!" A ninja tried to throw a punch but I caught his fist. Leo kicked him in the stomach and I flipped him over.

"Oh, not prepared! Really? At least I was neck-at-neck with fighting you!" I remark.

"Maybe you two are prepared! That was great, you two! Awesome!" Davenport said amazed. He high-fived us and Leo tried to persuade Davenport.

"So does that mean we get to use the simulator whenever we want?" Leo asked.

"No! That just means I have to crank up the difficulty about 100% to make it challenging for these guys, who are in big trouble!"

"We're sorry we took your cyber key. We had to make it up for Leo and Destiny for messing up their birthday."

"And Big D, if you would given them a party of their own, they may not have had to hijack mine." Leo told him.

"I got it. Birthdays matter."

"And presents! Which you still need to give us." I peep up while crossing my arms above my chest.

"Yeah, you should know. You've had a lot of them. What are you, like, fifty?" Chase asked Davenport.

"I'm thirty-eight!" He said seriously. The others laughed and Chase had to say the same sentence that bugged me, "No, seriously."

"Ha ha. Okay, who's up for some kick-boxing on Mars?" Davenport brought up. We all cheered and I smiled happily.

"See, this is what birthdays are about!" I say first. Leo nods and finishes my sentence.

"Kickin' butt as a family! Come here. It's time for a hug." We all hugged and got out of the simulator.


Davenport was dragging me and Leo into the living room and was smiling like crazy.

"All right. I know you guys wanted the hexacopter for your birthday so I spent all week studying the broken one, and I reverse-engineered this one from scratch!" Davenport took off a cloth from the table and revealed a new hexacopter.

"Woah!" "A davenport original!" We both say at the same time.

"We could sell this for a fortune!" Leo said.

"What?" "Wait a minute..." Me and Davenport said at the same time.

"I mean, thank you!" Leo covered up. Davenport put the mind controller on Leo's head and turned it on.

"Put this on, and you control it with your mind! Happy birthday." Davenport smiled at both of us.

"Sweet!" "Awesome!" Leo made the hexacopter fly up and accidentally made it crashed to the wall.

"Leo, what were you thinking?!" Davenport asked him.

"I was thinking I hope it doesn't crash into that wall." He responded awkwardly.

"Aww, man! There goes our fortune!" I say putting my hand on my forehead in agony. Davenport looked at me with a confused face and I sat on the couch. There goes our present.


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