A What Now? A Nightmare X Rea...

By Kitti_alt

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HEY there will be cussing in this - you have been warned. This is my first ever Undertale-related thing, and... More

Chapter One, I guess.
Chapter 2: How to Save a Blueberry...?
Chapter 3: Never Went to Swim Class
Chapter 4: Brothers, huh?
Chapter 5: Differences
Chapter 6: I'm Going to Kidnap Senpai~
Chapter 7: Nightmare's Castle
Chapter 9: Selfie
Chapter 10: Unique
Chapter 11: Bite
Chapter 12: Jars
Chapter 13: Talents and Ideas
This is a Message from Author-chan.
Chapter 14: The Forbidden Room
Chapter 15: Smol Bean
Chapter 16: Forever... soon
Chapter 17: Waking Up
Chapter 18: Of My Very Own
Chapter 19: To Protect and To Recall
Chapter 20: The Epilouge
Thank You
Quick Announcement

Chapter 8: Lunch With The Bad Sanses

2.4K 91 226
By Kitti_alt

[Still (Y/N)]

The tour wasn't really anything special, the castle was pretty big so there wasn't a big push to remember anything just yet. Nightmare even admitted that he'd gotten lost a few times. So, the tour mainly consisted of me teasing Nightmare with as many nicknames as I could think of, and him complaining about it. It was great fun.

When the tour was over though, I was pretty tired. The castle really was big, and I wanted to sit down. Also, I was hungry. I really wanted to eat. My stomach growled, and Nighmare growled back. I stared at him as he glanced around, before he caught sight of me staring.

"What?" he looked a little confused at this point. I didn't think he realized that my stomach made that sound.

"You just growled back at my stomach." I informed him, straightfaced.

He kinda froze, a horrified look on his face, as a bright cyan spread over it... was he blushing? Oh my gosh, that is adorable! I giggled, which caused his face to thaw into a scowl.

"Why are you laughing at me?"

I giggled again. "You're cute when you blush," I said, offhandedly. "It's cyan, which I wouldn't expect..." I paused. It was the same color as his eyelight... "Is that a thing?"

Nightmare looked confused again. I didn't blame him, I'd always had a bad habit of switching topics too fast, and most people had trouble keeping up.

"Is what a thing?" Yeah, I'd definitely lost him.

"Skeletons blushing the same color as their eyelights. You blush cyan, like your eyelight, and Blue's blush is the same color as his eyelights, and so is Dream's, and Ink blushes rainbow, whitch is pretty much the closest you can get to his. And Error's is yellow, and he's got some of that in his..."

Nightmare shook his head. "I... guess? It's not really something I've thought about?" I cringed a little at his baffled tone.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry, I do that sometimes. My mind goes weird places at the most random times..." 'God, this is so embarrassing.'

Nither of us spoke for a second. I felt my face heat up, and I was sure I had turned into a tomato. Nightmare chuckled then, and said, "You blush pink. Your stomach made that noise?" bringing us to a full circle. I grinned a little, relieved that he wasn't dwelling on it.

"Yeah, that happens when I get hungry. It's a stomach thing." He laughed, and I relaxed again. I had been worried for a minute there; most people can't handle my weirdness, (be yourself, but also don't be weird or different, or else we'll shun you and make your life hell!) but then again, Nightmare doesn't exactly fit into the 'most people' category, like, at all. It was so refreshing.

"Well," Nightmare spoke, interuppting my thoughts, "It's lunchtime anyway, so we should go to the dining room anyway. The others are probably waiting already, and you still need to be introduced to everyone."

I nodded and followed him to the dining room. 'Lunch with the Bad Sanses', I thought, 'Papy would be mortified.' I laughed at the thought, catching Nightmare's attention. "What's so funny?"

I giggled again. "I was imagining the look on Papy's face if someone were to tell him I was having lunch with the Bad Sanses." I could barely get it out between my laughter. Nightmare looked thoughtful for a moment, then chuckled. "Maybe we should send him a picture."

Just imagining it, Papy recieving the picture, and the rage spreading across his face... It would be a selfie, which would make it a thousand times better.

I was laughing so hard, doubled over, I thought I was gonna die. Instead, I fell over, still laughing. 

"Can we?" I asked Nightmare, wheezing. "Can we please?"

He grinned. "Sounds like fun. I bet the others will get a kick out of it, too."

I hopped to my feet. "Awesome. Let's go!" Nightmare laughed and we continued on our way.


{a few minutes later}


 We arrived at the dining room and, as Nightmare had predicted, there were already several skeletons at the table, eating. There were only two empty chairs, the one at the head, which was obviously Nightmare's, and one next to it, which looked newer than the rest, but still matched the rest of the funiture, for some reason.

(I would quickly realize that it was necessary to keep a lot of extra chairs handy. The boys broke things a lot.)

Nightmare lead me to the new chair and pulled it out for me. I sat, thanking him quietly. I was a little nervous about all this, as I've said, people didn't really like me much, and that tends to make meeting new people very nerve-racking. I thought about that as I figeted under the curious gazes of the other skeletons.

I had let my guard down a little with Nightmare back there, because I already knew that, for some reason, he doesn't find me to be disturbing or disgusting. At least, that's how he's been acting. It was easy for me to laugh and be loud an a little crazy, because I knew we had at least a little bit in common. But now, I've reverted back to a quiet little mouse. I hated this feeling.

"So," One of the others at the table spoke up. "You gonna introduce everyone to your new mate, Boss?" 

Nightmare glared at the one who spoke. He was one of the ones who had laughed at me before, I had seen him in the corridors. He didn't have any eyelights, and some black substance running down from his sockets, like tears. His soul floated outside his chest, and it was shaped like a target. He could have looked pretty badass, if his demeanor didn't scream dumbass

"They're not my mate, Killer. Watch your mouth." I was amused by how much it seemed to annoy Nightmare. The way he said it reminded me of all the times my brother insisted, "He's not my BOYfriend (Y/N)." when it was so obvious they were into each other. But uh, without the last part. We haven't known each other nearly as long as Kyle and my bro knew each other.

Nightmare glanced at me as memories of my brother flashed through my mind, as if he could tell. And maybe he could. My memories of my brother affected me greatly, and it was hard to keep my composure when I thought about him. I knew Dream could sense people's emotions, so it made sense that Nightmare could too.

Nightmare cleared his throat. "Anyway..." and then he proceeded to introduce everyone, starting with the one who'd spoken before, who's name was Killer.

He then pointed a Cross, who was seated beside me. "You already met Cross." Cross smiled at me a little.

Nightmare continued around table, and the remaining introductions went as such:

Dust, the other one who laughed, was wearing the exact same thing as when I last encountered him. Like Killer, he gave off the dumbass vibe, but not so strongly. Then again, he hadn't said anything stupid yet. He winked at me when Nightmare introduced him.

Horror, who had a large hole in his skull, a wide grin, and his hoodie was bloodstained and frayed. He gave of the same vibe that Dust did, the vibe of someone who's seen some shit. Unlike Killer, he didn't give off the dumbass vibe. He reminded me a lot of some of the homeless kid I'd seen. I felt bad thinking about that. Despite his potentially frightening appearance, he didn't actually seem like someone I should be afraid of. His demeanor was a little nervous, as if he was waiting for the next outburst of craziness. He waved at me when Nightmare introduced him. 

"And that's every-" Nightmare was cut off by muffled shouting from the other side of the door, which then slammed open, revealing two skeletons.

One was Error, who I knew. The poor haphephobe was fighting off the other guy, who was holding his fist about an inch from his face. I didn't know whether to laugh or to pray for the new idiot. They were both screaming. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" "I'M NOT TOUCHING YOU! IT'S FREE AIR!"

The screaming continued for several seconds, until Cross jumped out of his seat and ran towards the newcomers. "DUDE! YOU'RE HERE!" The new guy immediately left Error alone and turned toward Cross. "BRUH!"







"SHUT UP!" Nightmare roared over them, and they both looked at him a little sheepishly.

Nightmare sighed, rubbing his temples. "You already know Error," he said, turning to me, "Cross's brofriend is Epic."

"Nah, bruh." Epic called over. "Cross us my bruhfriend, and I'm his dudefriend. And Dream is his future hubfriend-" "Shut up!" Cross hissed at him, punching his arm, his face flushed. Nightmare shook his head, clearly frustrated. 

Horror hopped up and disappeared, probably to get more chairs. While he was gone, the chairs were shuffled around to make room for the newcomers, and when Horror came back, I discovered that Epic was being seated next to me, where Cross had been before. He winked at me as he sat down.

(I'm feeling lazy at this point; I'm at 1550 at this period. So I'mma just put a picture for Epic. The art is not mine, all credit to the artist.)

"Error is an honorary Bad Sans," Nightmare told me. "He hangs with us sometimes, and we help him empty universes so he can destroy them. He helps us, and we help him."

"You're also all a huge pain in the ass." Error said, looking at his phone.

"And Epic is only here because he is friends with Cross." Nightmare continued, not even batting an eye at Error's comment. "Everyone," he turned to the group now. "This is (Y/N). They will be staying with us for a currently undertemined amount of time and they WILL be treated with respect. Anyone caught behaving otherwise will be punished." He said it matter of factly, and I felt flustered.

"You don't have to do that..." Nightmare looked at me now, still stern. I wilted a little. "I haven't done anything to deserve anyone's respect."

Nightmare smirked a little as Cross spoke up. "And the fact that you admit that makes your statement invalid." He looked up from his food and held my gaze. "You admit that you don't deserve unconditional respect, and that makes you better than a lot of people." 

I smiled a little. I knew that the Stars were being judgy, but I really didn't expect the environment being presented to me. These were just a bunch of idiots who have seen too much for their own good. Well, they're mostly idiots, I thought, glancing at Nightmare.

"Eat up, (Y/N)!" Horror called across the table. "We don't want you going hungry!"

I smiled as an easy chatter fell over the room.

Lunch with the "bad" sanses, my ass.

If you couldn't already tell, (Y/N) doesn't really think like other people do. (or should I say you? Let me know, I'm kinda new to the reader POV thing) I feel like it makes sense for the Bad Sanses to just look like a bunch of idiots to them/you. They/you are not really scared of them, because you/they have an innate talent for getting a sense of people's personalities. Not as like, a magic thing, but just as a result of your/their personality, like your/their brother's aura. It's your/their little special thing, (like his aura). You/they can't sense people's emotions like the Joku brothers do, but you/they have always been good at reading microexpressions and other cues. Your/their brother was the same way, but he was never quite as good at it. BTW, I am planning to do a name reveal of the brother later, but I haven't decided what the name will be yet. Suggestions are welcome if you want to.
Sorry for the long explination, but I felt like this info would be helpful.

Love, Author-chan

(2047 words)

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