Chapter 5: Differences

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[(Y/N) P.O.V.]

I sat up quickly, a shriek escaping me even after the nightmare was over. As I caught my breath, I realized that my scream had attracted unwanted attention. I could see that the so-called Star Sanses had arrived. Blue was there, which wouldn't be so bad if it were under different circumstances, and Ink and Dream were there. I still didn't like them that much. They just rubbed me the wrong way, I guess. Nightmare was still there, over next to them, which was a bit comforting for some reason.

I got to my feet, grabbed my stuff, and walked over to them, preparing for the lectur-


I flinched at Blue's loud volume. He was loud when talking normally, but when he was 'actually' yelling, like now, he was deafening.

I shrugged. "I didn't feel like-"

"I already told them about the lake." Nightmare cut me off, and I turned to glare at him.


"Yeah." he didn't even blink, and I sighed. Ink was taken aback.

"He was telling the truth?" he sounded so suprised even I was insulted.

"I supposed that depends on what exactly he said," I snapped at him. "either way, you sound a little too suprised, and I think that's really rude."

All four of them were staring at me now, and I kept my chin up. Ink shook his head in disbelief.

"He said you got thrown into a lake by a bunch of cheerleaders and that he pulled you out." his tone was the same one you bestie would have when they were telling you what 'she was saying about you to so-and-so'. I was disgusted.

"Well," I was ready to go off on the lot of them. "that's exactly what happened, so you can get off your high horse, Mr. 'I'm better than everyone else'!"

Ink was speechless now. Dream was the next to try. "(Y/N), is everything alright? why are you behaving this way?"

I opened my mouth, and paused. Why was I so adamant about standing up for Nightmare? After a moment of thought, I came to a conclusion. "Because Ink is being a Regina."

Blue and Dream seemed taken aback, and Ink looked pissed. He raised a finger at me. "You-"

"NO," I cut him off. "YOU are being-"

I stopped because I was hearing weird noises from my right. I looked to see Nightmare doubled over, wheezing so hard it sounded like he was having an asthma attack.

"He's- Regina-" he couldn't even put together enough syllables to coherently explain why he was laughing. It was hilarious, especially since I got why he was laughing. I giggled a little.

"You sound like a dying fish," I told him, and that seemed to help, except now he was actually laughing, so hard that he couldn't stay on his feet. At that moment, his little posse arrived. They looked at him, and then at me. Needless to say, they were a little concerned.

"Um... Boss?" One of them spoke up. He looked a lot like Classic, but his hoodie was coated in a layer of what looked like flour, (but I knew it probably wasn't) and his eyelights were different, too. the one on his left was red ringed around blue, causing it to have a purplish glow. I knew just by looking at him that this guy had seen some serious shit.

You are filled with EMPATHY

Nightmare looked up from where he was on the ground. "Oh.." he said, still laughing a bit. "you guys are here." he got to his feet and patted my shoulder. "You're not too bad, (Y/N). You're actually kinda cool." 

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