Chapter 13: Talents and Ideas

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I looked up at the bright lights for a moment, my hands shaking. I couldn't believe I let Cole talk me into doing this. They were all just gonna laugh at me, like they always do...

I didn't want to be up on that stage, I didn't have the talent for it, not really. My singing was mediocre at best... But Cole wanted me to do it, so I did. I couldn't say no to him; I would always put his happiness before my own.

So, I breathed in, and when the cue came, I sang. The song echoed through the room, the same way it resonated through my chest every time I sang it. The lyrics made me sway, and I almost forgot about the stage, the people, the lights, and it was just me and the song.

I was brought back to reality when I finished, and I was met with polite clapping, and the sound of Cole and Kyle cheering from their seats. I smiled at them a bit before I got off the stage. I knew I wouldn't win anything, but I had made them happy, and that was reward enough.

After the show, we went to Kyle's place. Cole slung his arm around my shoulder and congratulated me. He was happy, so I was happy.

"You did such a great job, (Y/N)." he said, smiling at me.

"Yeah," Kyle chimed in, "You were awesome (Y/N). You totally should have won."

I just laughed. I knew the people of this little town wouldn't have given me anything if I had sounded like an angel's choir. Because I was (Y/N), the $&^% #*$^)%##, they would never give me anything if they could help it. But it didn't matter. I had Cole, and that was all I needed.

We hung out on Kyle's porch for a little while before we headed home. On the way, Cole slung his arm around me again.

"I know you don't believe it (Y/N), but you really are talented. And beautiful, and smart..."

"Alright, alright! No need to exaggerate, Cole." I smiled at him.

He frowned. "I'm not exaggerating (Y/N)! When will you accept that you are perfect, just as yourself?"

I shook my head. "You wouldn't know the difference, Cole. You're my brother, so I'm what you're used to."

He sighed. "I'll convince you one day, (Y/N), I swear I will."

I just chuckled. "Whatever you say, little brother."

"(Y/NNNNNNNN)! We're twins!" Cole wined, retracting his arm.

"My soul formed first!" I called, singsongy, as I ran ahead towards home.

"(Y/N)! Wait up!" Cole called.



I woke up confused, and warm.


... Nightmare. Right.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes. We were still on my bed; Nightmare had tucked me in with my comforter, and he... stayed. It made me really happy for some reason. He kept an arm around my waist as I sat up, watching me with a little smile on his face.

"What were you dreaming about?" he asked softly, tilting his head ever so slightly. It was cute.

"It was... a day with my brother. He'd talked me into participating in a talent show. I didn't win anything, I had never expected to, but... I made him happy. It was good enough for me." I smiled thinking about it, and met his gaze. His smile widened.

"You sang in a talent show?" he asked. I blinked in surprise. "I didn't mention singing."

Nightmare chuckled. "You were singing in your sleep."

My face warmed. "Oh," I said quietly. Nightmare touched my cheek with his free hand. "Don't be embarrassed," he said. "I thought it was cute..."

He startled as he realized what he'd just said, and turned cyan. But, he didn't look away, or take it back either. My face probably looked like a strawberry at this point. But he was blushing too, so I didn't feel so bad about it.

There was a moment of awkward silence.

An idea popped into my head, and, before I had the chance to talk myself out of it, I leaned over and pecked Nightmare on the cheek. He froze, and I quickly slipped out of the bed and started getting the stuff together for a shower.

"I owed you," was all I said before I went into my bathroom to take my shower. I locked the door behind me, and after a few more seconds, I heard Nightmare leave my room. I leaned my head against the door.

'Jeez, what was I thinking?'

What a silly question. I wasn't, of course. But the deed was done. And I did owe him for yesterday. I knew it probably wasn't the right way to handle it, but what was? I didn't exactly have a lot of experience with this kind of situation.

'What kind of situation is this anyway?'  I thought to myself as I got in the shower. The hot water was soothing, and the pressure just right. It relaxed my muscles and helped me think.

'I haven't really thought about it before now... It's kind of weird. Nightmare and I have gotten close pretty quickly. We seem to have a lot in common, and we like a lot of the same kinds of things. He's all around pretty cool to hang out with and after what he did for me last night... I don't understand why someone would dislike him.'

'Of course, I also know how stupid and irrational people can be. I think he looks pretty cool, and even cute sometimes, but I know other people would see him as frightening, or disgusting... they would never give him a chance.'

That thought really resonated with me; I could relate.

'Do I like him? Definitely. Could I see him as more than a friend? ...'

I instinctively wanted to shy away from that thought, it was scary. Opening myself to someone like that was dangerous...

'But I've already revealed pretty much everything. Does that risk still apply... of course it does. If I were to let him into my heart like that... but he's already proven that he cares... ugh, I don't know!'

So, I definitely liked Nightmare, and the idea of "more than friends" sounded appealing, but... I knew it was a risky prospect. Could I afford the consequences if things went sour? I didn't know what to do about it.

I had already tucked it in a jar before I realized what I was doing. I decided, instead of just letting it out, I'd put it up in my head, for evaluation. But I could tell it wouldn't want to stay there, already the cap was coming loose, and the jar had broken, and this little idea was running around in my head, whispering silly little things I could say to him, things that would embarrass me if anyone else were to hear.

I knew I couldn't let this little idea get out of hand.

Halloween is coming up; I might do a little silly thing for it, I might not. I'm gonna have five days off school starting Thursday, so we'll see. I have a lot of ideas for what will happen later in the story, but I need to get to that point first. I'm really excited about that stuff, but I'm also super distractable, so I don't know how much I'll actually be able to get done... hehe.

Love, Author-chan

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