Each Other's End Game. (Hisok...

Por _S_Writes

45.8K 1.9K 1.6K

"Even if I tried, I could never forget you." Being in your final year of high school, you rapidly get sucked... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 23

674 33 85
Por _S_Writes

"Pweedy what's all these things!" Killua pointed to all the feminine hygiene products and essentials.

Putting a pack of pads in the trolley, you innocently blushed and squeezed Killua's cheeks. '' U-uh I'll tell you later! " You brushed the explanation, leaving a smirking Hisoka next to you.
Hisoka was oddly quiet for the first 10 minutes after what happened, but it seemed he snapped out his thoughts and returned back to normal - or so you thought.

Just as you were about to move on, you heard two girls scream your name. Looking straight ahead you saw it was two blonde girls that work at the club dressed in the shortest of dresses and highest of heels.

"Oh guys hi!" You warmly greeted back, embracing them in a hug.

"Lord girl, I knew you always had a secret child! Who's this adorable little man!" They screeched, causing Killua to frown a bit.

"Oh no, no, this isn't mine, I'm just babysitting for a friend of mine." You quickly clarified.

Averting their gaze from the child, to Hisoka, their body language instantly changed. Especially their eyes, sex eyes to be specific.

"Holy shit are you two together?" The other girl pointed at you and Hisoka

"O-oh! No we aren't." You oddly seemed to struggle to say that.

"Hear that KK? He's still on the market." As if telepathic twins, both of them walked closer to Hisoka and started trialing their fingers dangerously low on his body.

"You ever smashed him Y/n?" Getting a bit uncomfortable for Killua, you backed away and nervously smiled.

"No I haven't." You replied as you discreetly placed your hands over Killua's ears.

"Oh y/n you don't what you missing. This guy really knows how to fuck a girl. Best sex of my life with him."

"Oh and me too Sia." The other agreed.

"Oh yes he also fucked you, what you say we both give this bad boy a good time KK?"

"Mmm I like that idea, what you say big boy, you up to handling both of us? A threesome, right now?" The girl named Sia started to rub his manhood and place kisses alongside his jawline. While the other went and took a stack of condoms off the shelf and slipped it in Hisoka's pants.

Watching Hisoka, you saw his eyes grow dark with lust, feeling out of place and this odd pang of pain stab your heart, your lips tugged slightly downwards.
Not really wanting to watch how this plays out, you turned to Killua and put on a warm brave smile.

"Come let's go to the toy section since we got everything we need?" You whispered shakily.

Right before you turned from the aisle, you glanced to the side and saw Hisoka was aggressively kissing one of the girls already. Ravishing their lips a bit surprisingly too roughly.

Averting your gaze away from that scene, that odd stabbing through the heart grew stronger.

" Agh, I guess it's just because of that little incident. No serious meaning behind it.." You muttered to yourself.

"Mm what you said Pweedy?" Killua's icy blue looked at you.

"O-oh nothing."

'Expectations lead to disappointments.'

"You seem sad." Killua's cutely concerned voice mused you out of your thoughts once again.

"Oh no I'm not my love. Don't worry about me." You kindly assured him.

'Y/n listen to your mother.. Don't involve yourself with guys. It'll only end in heartbreak. Just study, study hard. Better yourself and your life. Become independent make the world yours instead of the world and the people in it making you theirs to control and abuse. '

Advice your mother gave you many years ago, made more sense than it ever did right now. Being human, you naturally expected Hisoka to be solely interested in you, but today, being in such a intimate position with him made you weak. It made you forget that Hisoka is a f-boy. That he doesn't take interest in woman on an emotional and mental level, just sexual. He just wanted your virginity. Not you. And you remembered that today when you saw how easily he gave in into lust with other women.

That was his nature. You had to truly accept it now. Accept and remember it because you never wanted to be made a loose fool again. Never wanted to be 'just another girl he got'

You were just more upset at yourself than him to be fair. You were supposed to be smart and not indulge in such inappropriate things or be gullible to immature boys. You were highly annoyed that you let the first time a guy hold you like that be an open gate for your feelings to get involved.

Right now you wanted to cry because you felt like a whore, but you had to stay strong so Killua wouldn't notice.

Taking in a deep breath to calm yourself, you finally reached the toy section. "Come, uppy." You stuck out your hands in front of Killua to motion him to lift up his arms.

After playing with each other like silly kids for around 30 minutes with every single toy, Killua told you he was feeling a bit sleepy.
Looking at the time on your phone it read 18:13. Assuming it was probably his afternoon nap, you lifted him up and put him back in the trolley seat.

Seeing no sign of Hisoka anywhere, you decided you couldn't delay a child's afternoon nap, especially since he wasn't yours. The last thing you wanted was to mess up someone else's kid's sleeping schedule.

Looking at the trolley that was quite full till the brim, mostly of Killua's things he wanted, you nervously bit your lip.

'I think I might make it to pay for all this..' You did a rough mental calculation with all the prices.

"Well I guess if I can't, I'll dip into my education savings.." You muttered somewhat reluctantly. However remembering how happy Killua was that he got to pick whatever he wanted convinced you to use your education savings if you had too.

'Oh, last time I'm ever shopping at Walmart. This place literally has everything and anything for anyone.'

Sighing in defeat, you made your way to the cashier till.

"A lot of kiddy stuff here miss." The friendly lady commented in admiration of how much you were willing to spend for Killua.

"Tell me about it, can't say no to this little guy." You distantly replied, only because you were still a bit skeptical about the spending.

'I guess it was always the plan to pay for myself anyways. Yeah that's right! This was the plan. Just like my mother told me, be independent..' You tried to ease your concern that kept bubbling up after every click you heard from the scanner, a clicking sound that sounded endless.

"Okay that will be $1786 miss."

' Holy Shit.. '

Keeping a poker face despite the panic attack you were having inside, you took out your wallet and stared at two things. The cash that was neatly in its pouch and your card, the card that had your savings. Doing an extremely fast mental count of your cash to give the impression that you weren't freaking out, it added up to only $570.

'Guess I'll have to get another job besides the club to make up for this..'

Reaching for the card, you painfully slid the it in the slot and punched in your pin.

Realzing you had to order an Uber to get back to Hisoka's mansion since he was your ride that is now MIA, you decided to order a strong coffee and donut while you waited.

"I think I deserve this. What's another $20." You defeatedly muttered as you plonked yourself on the bench.

"Pweedy can you read me this story book you got me tonight!?" Killua dug into the packets and dangled the book in front of you with an infectious smile that made you smile too. Making everything okay again.

"Of course little one. ''

'W-wait little one? That's what I would call my baby brother..'

"... I guess that's why I can't say no to you huh? Trying to fill that void.. I'm sorry I failed you years ago.." You looked down at your lap in utter sorrow, trying your best to not cry at the memory of seeing your dead brother laying on the floor and then in your arms.

" Pweedy why you crying! "Killua dropped down his book back in the trolley and wiggled his arms out to try and reach you depsite being secured in the trolley seat.

Swiftly wiping your tears, you smiled painfully at Killua and carried him in your arms.

" He would've been your age right now you know?"

Being the kind soul he is, Killua started wiping your wet cheeks and pouted in displeasure of your sad eyes. "Who pweedy?"

Finding comfort in such tender gestures, your pained smile widened. "My baby brother.. I had a baby brother but, h-he's no longer here." Your replied with much strain in your voice.

"Where did he go?"


"Heaven. He definitely went to heaven."

"Heaven? Aw then why you cawying. Heaven is the best place to be!" Killua's innocently beamed.

Upon hearing that, you stopped crying and lightly giggled at Killua's words that was actually.. Assuring.

"You know what, you right.. He's literally in the best place anyone could be.. I shouldn't dwell in the past."

Stroking Killua's soft hair, you hugged him tightly in appreciation.

"Miss your order." The guy broke up the moment. Placing Killua back in the seat, you collected your order and waited outside.

"Can I have someee?" Killua cutely asked.

"Uh huh mister, sorry not this time. Otherwise you won't sleep for the whole night!" You politely rejected.

Talking about random and silly things for 5 minutes, your uber finally arrived.

With the help of the uber driver, Killua and yourself, all the packets were finally in.

"Illu!! See all the things pweedy bought meee!! '' Killua ran around all his packets as Illumi stood there.

" U-uh sorry Illumi, it's hard to say no to him. He melts my heart too much." You truthfully admitted, although you were slightly nervous that Illumi would be pissed off that you got so many things for his baby brother that was expressing the emotion 'happiness.'

" Oh no that's okay, but did my brother say you bought all of this? "

Standing there on edge, you stopped Killua from running and placed your hand ontop of his head.


"Yesss! She bought me all these cool things! And we played for so long in the toys section! And we ate! And -"

"O-ohh quite the chatterbox aren't you. Why don't you go the the lounge and play with your stuff before I put you to bed mm?" You encourage Killua so you could get rid of the innocent blabber mouth.

"Hm, children don't lie." You saw Sabastian appear out of no where and lean against the wall - staring at you very closely.

"I see that an Uber dropped you off too. Why didn't Hisoka pay like he said he would and bring you back?"

For the first time, your heart stopped and your blood ran cold. Clearly hearing a subtle trace of anger in Illumi's voice was highly unsettling. Although him and his family were trained assassin's, void of emotion, this moment right here - you could tell that Illumi loved his brother dearly and was extremely protective over him.


"Please don't lie to me."

"Illumi..its not a big deal really.." You couldn't help but look away from his intimidating stoic eyes.

"If it's not a big deal then tell me what happened."


"H-hisoka was with me, but um.. Two girls from the club where there, and obviously they screwed before.. S-so they were talking and touching a-and decided to - go at it again. B-but don't worry! I made sure Killua didn't see or hear such foul language. And when he started kissing them, that's when I took my leave. N-not wanting to invade. So in the time being, I took Killua to play around in the toys section, but eventually he told me he was tired, a-and seeing Hisoka didn't return yet and I didn't want to ruin Kil's sleeping pattern. I w-went to pay for everything and ordered a ride back here. "

" So in other words he forgot about you and my brother? "Illumi bluntly put it.

Panic stricken, you walked to Illumi and looked up at him with pleaing eyes.

"Illumi please don't be mad at him. Really it's not his fault. And I made sure Killua was always right in front of me and kept my eyes opened for any shady looking characters around. I would never let anything happen to h-him. Please don't be upset with Hisoka, he's your friend.."

"He hurt you yet you still defend him?" Sabastian interjected.

"H-huh? Hurt me? I'm not hurt." You looked at Sabastian with a confused yet stern look.

"You are. I can see it in your eyes. His behavior hurt you."

'It did.. But I got over it once I realized what man he will always be. ' Is what you wanted to say, but couldn't.

"You seeing wrong then Sabastian." You averted your gaze away from him, not liking the fact he could see through you.

"A-anyways, Illumi please just let this go. Whenever Hisoka comes back please don't even mention this.. Act like everything is fine. I don't want to cause any trouble between the two of you.. Please Illumi, Hisoka is just being Hisoka. And it was my idea to take Killua out anyways. Not his. Please let this slide.. "Your plea sounded sadder than usual.

Staring down at you in intense silence and stillness. Illumi finally blinked at least once and relaxed his body as much as his could.

'' Fine. '' He decided.

" Anyways wait here. "Illumi instructed, leaving to go outside.

Standing alone with Sabastian, you sighed and rolled your eyes at him

" Oh my god why are you still looking at me like that. "

"Hn, I'll stop looking at you with such scrutiny if you admit you are hurt."

".. Sabastian I'm not hurt."

"You went out with someone, and got ditched for two other girls. You hurt. '


"When you put it like like that, yeah I did a little but that applies for anyone. Not specifically for Hisoka. If I went out with any other person and that happened it would equally suck. No one likes being ditched. But it's fine because I understand that that's how Hisoka is. "

Sabastian stood there quietly, processing your words. There was something too observant about his eyes out of the group. He reminded you a little of Uta. The ability to read the eyes. A gaze so deep you could feel his pair of eyes wonder through your soul.

"Your unconditional acceptance and none judgmental trait you have will be the downfall of you Y/n."

Before you could even let such a deep comment process, Illumi returned with a elongated rectangle royal blue box.

"I noticed that your other style of dressing besides the one for school is edgy, so I got this for your birthday yesterday. I waited in hope to catch you before midnight ended, but you didn't. So take this as a birthday gift and a thank you for taking care of my brother. "

Looking at him and down at the box in confusion but also appreciation of him going through the trouble of getting you a birthday gift, you cautiously took the flat box and opened it.

" Holy crap Illumi! " You tried to speak through your difficulty of breathing.

" It's real diamonds. 1 carat each. " He added simply.

"REAL DIAMONDS?!" You finally yelled in disbelief.

With complete delicately and hesitance, you trailed the black serpent armband that was covered in black diamonds that sparkled such exotic colors of the light spectrum underneath light itself.

"I-Ilum-mi. I-I, cra-ap. T-This -" You started rambling incoherently because your mind was completely gobsmacked. It was impossible to think straight right now. Never in your life have you ever seen a real diamond, yet alone so many all at once. Now all of a sudden you own a piece of jewelry covered in real diamonds.

"I-Illumi I can't accept this-so. This is- oh my God. Wow. Flip are y-you crazy?! Wait no you are crazy. Everyone here is crazy!" You continued to ramble on quickly. Realizing you need to calm down, you took in a very long deep breath, mediating for a bit.

Feeling only a tad bit calm, you opened your eyes and close the box.

" Illumi I can't accept this! "You seemingly still yelled but at least your words were clear.

" Why not? Don't you like it? " Illumi titled his head curiously at you.

" OH MY GOD NO! It's not that I don't love it, it's s-so pretty. Like damn. It's beautiful Illumi. But something this extravagant for a birthday and thank you. I-it's ALOT."

"But according to social cues, on someone's birthday or if you want to thank someone, you give them a gift. So I got you one."

Standing there getting mind blown by each passing second, you rubbed your temples vigorously trying to comprehend this situation.

" Y-yes that's true. B-but like something like a dinner or a small gift maybe under $100 is acceptable, not this! Like - Like you s-said each diamond is 1 carat. One carat is l-like $6600, there's like fifty diamonds in there so... OH MY GOD! That's like $330 000! "

" Shit. I need to sit down before I faint. " You quickly made your way to the lounge.

Illumi followed you and sat down next to you, looking peculiar at you.

" Illumi why would you get me something like that when you barely know me!"

By this time everyone arrived at the house and took a seat down in the lounge as well. Everyone but Hisoka.
You heard voices ask about what's going on, but you blocked it out - you were too focused on Illumi and your shock still hasn't passed.

" Oh but I do know everything about you. I'm sure Killua has mentioned my family and I are well trained assassin's. It's our job to find out everything about someone."

"W-wait wait a minute, why would you find out about me? Were you planning on killing me!" At this point your eyes were going to pop out.

"Well yes, if you posed a threat to any one of us. It's my duty to get rid of the threats." Illumi bluntly confessed.

"Jesus.." You whispered, closing your eyes you felt like just leaving right now for a long cold night walk. Everything that happened in a space of 5 minutes was too much to take in.

The man that bought you at $330k jewelry piece also was going to kill you.

'This people are crazy..How did I even become apart of their lives. Oh are these -'

"Are these blood diamonds!?" You voiced out your internal thoughts very panic stricken.

"Mm no, not these ones. I paid for them to have this personally made for you. You don't strike me as the person that would enjoy wearing blood diamonds." Illumi casually spoke even though he openly admitted that he does have blood diamonds.

'Okay.. Okay just flipping stay calm y/n!'

" You had these personally made for me? "

" Yes so you have to accept it because it's not meant for anyone else. '

Instantly your frenzy disappeared and your heart melted.

' How can someone so emotionless and dangerous be so bluntly sweet and innocent at the same time? '

"Oh Illumi.." Out of no where you started to become tearful.

"Does my gift bring you sadness? I shall make a new one then." Illumi reached for the box but you immediately stopped him and held his hand tightly.

"No you silly man. The gift is beautiful. I'm just tearful because... It's really such a precious gift. And I appreciate it so much. I guess I just need time to accept someone just gave me a $330 000 piece of jewelry."

"Hn, I didn't know girls cry when they appreciate something. Interesting."

Smiling warmly at him, you leaned forward to give him a hug, which he automatically hugged you back just like the last time.

"You are definitely crazy, dangerous and surprisingly scary, but you are oddly very sweet Illumi. Thank you so much. I promise to treasure this forever." You whispered to him before pulling away from him.

"May I put it on you to see if it fits?" He simply asked.

Taking in several deep breaths to mentally prepare yourself for wearing real diamonds for the first time in your life, you nodded your head and slipped off your leather jacket that covered your sleeveless dress.

Quivering upon feeling the cold metallic base sliding up your arm, your chest started to tighten and you seemingly stopped breathing the higher he went. These diamonds managed to somehow make you feel like they were wearing you, not you wearing them.

"It fits."

Still not breathing, you nervously peered your eyes to your upper arm to see the black diamond serpent perfectly wrapped around your upper arm.

"W-woah..." You shuddered even more from its beauty.

"Illumi.. Damn.." Your voice gradually started to fade into nothingness by being so mind blown. Seeing the armband was one thing, wearing it was on another intense level.

"I will admit, you definitely have great taste in knowing what edgy things I like to wear. Because this is so COOL."

"Lord have mercy.. It's stunning Illumi!" You went for another heartfelt hug.

With a random possibility hitting you, you instantly looked back at Illumi with skeptical eyes.

"Wait, this isn't some secret wedding gift you giving me for your plans to make me your bride?"

Hearing you becoming Illumi's bride, Killua's attention broke from his toys and ran up to you, wrapping his arms around your leg. "You going to marry Illumi?!" He cheerfully beamed too happily for your comfort.

"Illumi?" You asked once more getting really nervous now.

"No it's not, but I should have a tailored made ring for you."

Widening your eyes to the max, you rapidly shook your head dismissively. "NO!!"

"Illumi I absolutely love this gift you got me and I'm in debt to you for eternity but we are not getting married!"

"Why not? I'll treat you like a queen. You'll have butlers to do everything for you and I'll pamper you in gifts like this everyday. All you have to do is swear to love me and only me forever, stand strong by my side and bare my children. You say you the type to want an emotional and mental connection with a guy, know everything about him. Spend your time always with me then so you can learn. Isn't it all that simple? "

Feeling your heart speed up, you knew your cheeks were noticeable turning all shades of pink and red.

'Damn he's so romantic. He made love and life seem so simple and easy with him. No complications..'

Unable to hold his gaze you looked to the side to try and get your fluster to dissappear, but your eyes only met with several other pairs that were quietly looking back at you with a smirk on their lips. Clearly enjoying this entertainment.

"In addition, you seem very fond of my brother. Someone whom I care about a lot so it matters a lot if you do. Which makes me want to make you a Zoldyck even more. You perfect for me."

'Dear God..' Your lightheadedness grew immensely. Not caring whose tall glass of water was on the table, you took it and gulped the whole thing down fast, hoping it cool down your hot temperature. This man was definitely going to be the death of you. Not because he was an assassin, but because he was unbelievably romantic in the most blunt and odd way ever to exist.

"B-but isn't your family t-the type to have suitors already set for you from their assassin f-families to keep the business and secrets going." You genuinely replied.

Slumping his shoulders a bit, Illumi averted his gaze from you. "Oh yes. You are correct."

Although it was all extremely crazy, you were truthfully being drawn to such a beautiful life Illumi promised to give you. Despite how different you may be, you were still a girl that wanted a fairy tale ending in the end. That life Illumi described rarely existed, of course his sweet words got to you. However hearing him say you were right, did disappoint you a little since you were caught to in a whirlwind of his words.

"But I can kill her, and kill any other girl they make me marry until there's none left, thus I can marry you. I can make their deaths all look like an accident. " Illumi sadistically worked a way around the issue.

'Gosh I'm totally getting influenced by these people bad ways if I find killing like that for me romantic.'

Shaking your head in disapproval and to get rid of terrible thoughts, you warmly smiled at Illumi. "No. Please don't kill them. Get to know them, make you will actually like one of them." You gently let him down.

"Mm, that's also true. I guess I'll do that then."

Sighing in relief, your body could start returning back to normal.
Ruffling Killua's hair, '' Come let's put you to bed. " You informed a much disappointed child that heard you weren't marrying his elder brother.

Letting Illumi slip down the armband and place it back in the box, you got up and carried the mini Zoldyck in your arms. Before heading upstairs, you packed everything away to keep the house neat and skilfully picked up a few packets in your one hand to take with you upstairs.

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