Logophile [Yoonmin]

By Ilove1D1237

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"You look so dead." "Well you did find me on Tumblr." More

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3.7K 423 159
By Ilove1D1237

"Can I help you?" The tall girl asked.

Namjoon kept staring at them perplexed. Had they been...? Of course they had. What a stupid question to even wonder.

"I just needed to use the bathroom. Sorry." He mumbled wanting to walk away.

"No, no, you can...you can go." Jin quickly spoke up holding her hand pulling her out.

She looked slightly offended and moved her hand away. Namjoon waited for both of them to get by before heading in.

He closed the door behind and inspected the place. The bathroom looked pretty clean. It wasn't messy. No signs of them having sex or anything.

"Why couldn't he use another bathroom?" She asked out loud.

Namjoon wasn't trying to be nosy but he was by the door. It was impossible to not overhear when she was being so loud.

"This is not the place I wanted to have sex okay? I don't want to get caught. You never even talk to me if it isn't for this."

"That's obviously the point of this. What's wrong with you? You were way more adventurous before. We had agreed to just be friends. Don't tell me you want something else?"

"I don't want to be caught and blasted on the internet for fucking in a bathroom. That's all." Jin sternly replied.

The girl rolled her eyes with a huff, "You're so no fun now. Bye. Text me when you're adventurous again."

Namjoon then pulled his zipper down to empty his bladder. He had been there so long he had forgotten why he went there in the first place.

When finishing he washed his hands and got ready to go back out. Before opening the door he glanced at himself in the mirror.

Jin wasn't into guys.

There's no way he'd like his manly facial structures compared to that girl. Her face was smaller and refined. His was sharp and too squared in his opinion.

The only thing they had in common was that they they were both tall. Except he was way taller and super lanky. No dimensions to his body at all.

After harshly criticizing himself he opened up the door. Jin was still standing there waiting for him.

"Thanks for at least knocking." He said awkwardly smiling.

Namjoon didn't reply and simply brushed his hands on his jeans. He was waiting for him to move out of the way so he could proceed.

"Hey I'm sorry about the game. I was just really
upset we lost. I know that's no an excuse, but...yeah."

"Oh I know. The whole team made that pretty clear."

"Sorry anyways."

"Sure. I need to—"

"It's not always like that. She's sweet." He said in attempts of defending her.

"I—I don't really care." He chuckled sounding as confident as possible.

"Okay. I just feel like you always walk in at the wrong times."

"Right. That's me. Always walking in when I'm not supposed to."

"Don't think wrong of her, okay?"

"Why does my opinion matter so much to you?" Namjoon asked confused.

"I don't know." He admitted. Saying this out loud made him feel so stupid. Why did he care? Namjoon was just like any other.

"I think I got it. You like her and she only wants you for sex. That's not all you're looking for. You want something deeper than that. You want to connect, to feel, to talk about everything and nothing. She's too focused on you taking off her bra she doesn't see this."

But I do. I see you. He wanted to say. Jin kept staring in awe. "Am I wrong?" He questioned once he didn't reply.

Jin simply looked down at his shoes. Namjoon felt bad for him. He really did. As much as he wanted to stay and comfort him he couldn't.

How could he stay and comfort him for breaking his heart?

So instead, he walked by him without even turning back.

While this was happening Jungkook was outside inside his car rubbing his arms. Not even his car heater and jacket warmed him up.

He was a cold natured person. Fall and winter were his favorite seasons despite his hatred for the cold.

At the party he didn't take his coat because he didn't want to look super weird. Plus, it was only a bit chilly nothing unbearable. Jungkook was just so fragile to the slightest change of temperature.

After glancing at his clock he soon became concerned. He had sent Yoongi a text message five minutes ago.

He hadn't even read it. That was unusual. All he had to do was pee. How hard was it to find the bathroom?

The sudden thought of his friend being in trouble instantly came to mind. He quickly turned off the car and got out.

It was a bad idea to leave him in there alone. Just as he was about to go up the stairs he thought that maybe he was with Hoseok.

Would he just be cock blocking then?

"Your friend is fine."

Jungkook gasped turning around. Taehyung stood behind him with a blank expression. "How-how do you know?" He asked confused.

"Because he can take care of himself. There's only like ten people in there."

"I should still look—"

"Believe me he's okay." Taehyung told holding his arm.

Jungkook looked down at his arm and gulped nervously. Taehyung's hand was twice his size. His heart and mind were both racing because he was that close.

He walked back afraid that the thoughts in his mind would continue. He had forgotten about the steps behind him. So he almost tripped.

Taehyung grabbed him before he fell. "Clumsy boy. Why am I always saving you?" He asked slightly annoyed.

How could he remain emotionless when he was starting to care for him? To make things worse this boy was super clumsy and frail. Taehyung had to protect him at every cost.

"I didn't ask you to save me." He whispered taken back.

Taehyung let go of him and sighed. "I know. I just want to. I guess I haven't been the nicest to you."

He scoffed in response, "You think? You've been nothing but rude. You're so arrogant and think you're always right."

"I don't know how to express my feelings without coming off as an asshole, okay? I'm just this way. Don't think I'm only an ass to you."

"Yeah. Agreed. You're pretty mean." He mumbled crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm trying to be nice to you though. Can't you acknowledge my efforts?"

"Writing threatening comments on my tutoring paper is not so nice. I could've gotten jumped by some jock. Or by whoever wrote on my old advertisement."

"Well...shit. I hadn't thought about it like that."

"Exactly. You don't think before you act. I don't have the same power you do. You're Kim Taehyung and I'm just a pre calculus nerd."

"I did it because I care. It angered me that someone said that to you. I wanted it to stop."

Jungkook suddenly softened up to his words. Just like that he melted into a puddle right then and there.

His cheeks were turning red warming up the rest of his body. Taehyung smiled staring at him.

"What?" Jungkook nervously asked. His gaze was always intimidating no matter what.

"You do look like a pre calculus nerd."

Jungkook looked down at his puffy orange coat which made him look ten times bigger. His blue jeans and boots also did not match.

"The coat is really warm, okay? They didn't have other colors." He embarrassingly told.

Taehyung chuckled making him blush even more. "Stop it! You're bullying me!" He accused. He felt dumb for having a lump on his throat and wanting to cry.

But having a gorgeous human like Taehyung laugh at him was not pleasant to the stomach at all.

"I'm sorry. You just look so cute." He said reaching over to touch his cheek.

Jungkook blinked rapidly feeling his warm fingers slowly caress his cheek. It felt nice. Guilty nice.  Feeling these emotions with another man that wasn't his boyfriend was sickening.

"I have to go." He said quickly grabbing his keys. He'd call Yoongi instead. Maybe he was with Hoseok and right now he couldn't even think straight.

His hands felt so clammy that he dropped them on the grass. Taehyung kneeled down to pick them up.

"Gosh. Do you even have use of your hands?"

Jungkook took them without saying a word. Typically he would argue, but not at the moment. If he stayed any longer he'd do things he'd regret.

"Wait." Taehyung calmly said.

Jungkook slowly looked at him. He didn't know why he stopped walking when he should've kept going. It was the right thing to do.

"I wanted to give you this." He said pulling out a pack of three chocolates.

"For what?" Jungkook asked. He kept his hand extended so he took them to not be rude. The act did make him feel some type of way.

"Jimin suggested for me to give you chocolates. Namjoon wanted me to give you a fruit basket but that's fucking dumb. I mean, the damn chocolates are dumb as hell too. I would've much rather sent you a dick picture and they both disagreed."

Jungkook gasped. If he ever receive a nude from Taehyung he'd lose his damn mind. If he had this effect on him without the nude he couldn't even imagine with a nude.

"I like you Jungkook."

His breathing was unsteady. Why was he so happy to hear this? Why couldn't he just walk away? Dammit.

"I have a boyfriend." He quietly said.

He smirked, "Really? I don't see him anywhere."

"He—he goes to another school."

"Ah. Long distance relationship?"

"Yeah. We're so in love." He added.

Taehyung stepped closer to him, "Are you really?"

He nodded his head slowly. He had held his breath when his face came that close. "So then I can't give you a kiss?" He whispered.

Jungkook curled his toes anxiously. Taehyung kept leaning closer so he just closed his eyes afraid fo look.

Taehyung softly pecked his cheek and then stepped back. Jungkook opened his eyes slightly perplexed.

"I would only kiss you if you wanted me to. It's okay if you don't like me now. Destiny has a weird way of reuniting people."

With that being said he walked away. Jungkook stood there with the chocolates at hand. He has been gripping them so tightly and he hadn't even realized.

His words lingered his mind. Destiny has a weird way of reuniting people. Oh, how that was true.

Because two people were being reunited at that same exact moment Jungkook was experiencing this.

Those two people happened to be in Jimin's bedroom.


sorry for the yoonmin cliffhanger guys ;o i needed to update namjin and taekook lol. thank you for reading and voting. means so much to me <3

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