Female Celebrities X Male Rea...

By theflashfan52

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Another imagines book by moi. I decided because I wanted to write for other female celebs. I take requests. N... More

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Surprise (Kylie Jenner)
From the moment (Sofia Carson)
Gamer Boy (Vanessa Moe)
Delievery Boy (Cindy Kimberley)
Professor Gomez (Selena Gomez)
What Did I Do Wrong (Hailey Baldwin)
Closer (Halsey)
You Like That? (Jessica Kennedy Parker)
My Bestfriend's Mother (Taylor Hill)
Mate (Gigi Hadid)
Head Over Heels (Madison Beer)
Come Back To Me (Corinna Kopf)
Ice Cream Selpink review
A/N Reason for not posting this weekend
New Author A/n
Positions the album review

Secretary Y/LN (Madison Beer)

11.9K 101 7
By theflashfan52

General POV

Y/n heard his name being called by his boss. He quickly got up with his iPad and ran into his boss's room. He put his head up looking at his boss's angry face.

Madison: Y/n what is the meaning of this?
Y/n: What is the meaning of what Ms. Beer?

Madison held up her coffee cup pointing to it. Y/n looked at the coffee cup confused.

Madison: I asked for a ice tea not a matcha tea.
Y/n: Oh I'm sorry Ms. Beer I didn't realize they got your order mixed up. I'll go and get you an ice tea.
Madison: Good and make it quick. I have a meeting in 30 minutes and I need my secretary with me.

Y/n nodded leaving the room. He put his iPad on his desk and ran out of the building going to the nearby local coffee shop. Y/n walked in greeting the cashier, Sam.

Sam: Y/n what can I do for you?
Y/n: I need a ice tea in a medium cup.
Sam: Coming right up.
Y/n: Cool.

Y/n found a table and sat down. He sighed putting his head down looking at his watch. Being Madison Beer's secretary was very rewarding but it was stressful. Madison Beer one of the youngest self made multi millionaire, she was extremely stunning no doubt but she had extreme mood swings. One moment she could be nice and the next she could be cruel. Y/n's seen a far share of mood swings but most of the time Madison is nice to him, which cause other employees to be jealous since they didn't get the same treatment as he does. But he was her secretary both of them being around each other most of the day.

Y/n would be lying if he said he didn't have a crush on Madison. He had a massive crush on Madison but he was able to hide it very well. Y/n was lucky enough to see the side of Madison that not everyone saw. He's heard Madison sing multiple times which isn't a common thing for the public to hear.

As Y/n was thinking about Madison, Sam put the drink on his table. Y/n didn't notice until Sam waved her hand in his face. Y/n shook his hand getting out of the faze he was in.

Sam: So thinking about your boss?
Y/n: Wait...no!

Y/n blushed looking down at the ground he was caught and didn't know what to do. He heard Sam's laughing like she just watched the most funniest video on planet earth. Y/n looked up at Sam with a angry face.

Y/n: Hey at least I don't stutter over my words when Aya talks to me.

Sam looked at Y/n swinging her fist punching Y/n's arm. Y/n rubbed his arm in pain making Sam leave in victory. Y/n shook his head getting up and made his way over to work.

Madison POV

Maybe I was too harsh on Y/n? It's just today I have an important business meeting and it's got me stressed. I know I have pretty bad mood swings but today is a lot worse.

The only way I don't have bad mood swings is when I'm in the presence of Y/n my secretary. He's cute he makes me laugh and he's one of the only people beside my family that's ever heard me sing. He's been my secretary since I was 21 and now I'm 25. He's only a few months younger than me. I wouldn't be lying if I said that I had a slight crush on Y/n. I know it's wrong of me but I just can't help myself. Obviously I keep it professional but sometimes it's hard to especially when he's concentrating on work, his nose scrunches up in a cute way when he works.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I kissed him. Would he kiss me back?

General POV

Madison stared out her window in her own little world when she heard a knock on the door.

Madison: Come in!

Madison looked at the door to see Y/n with her ice tea.

Y/n: Here is your iced tea Ms.Beer sorry about the mishap this morning.
Madison: Thank you Y/n and it's quite alright. I'm sorry that I was harsh on you it's just you know this is a big meeting and if I mess up I don't know what will happen.
Y/n: Don't be stressed Ms.Beer-
Madison: Call me Madison.
Y/n: Okay Madison. Don't be stressed you will do perfectly. I'll be there if you need any help.
Madison: Thank you Y/n. You are one amazing secretary.
Y/n: Thank you Ms.Be—I mean Madison.

The two stared at each other before Madison cleared her throat.

Madison: Okay let's go.

Madison got up from her chair with her laptop and phone making a hand gesture telling Y/n to follow her. Madison walked quickly so Y/n had to speed up a bit. They got into the private elevator that is only for the boss. Madison walked in first followed by Y/n. Y/n kept his distance from Madison so she doesn't feel uncomfortable. Madison pressed the button to the designated floor for the meeting.

Madison: By the way Y/n, you look handsome today.
Y/n: Oh...thank you Madison you look beautiful.
(1st outfit is Madison's and 2nd outfit is Y/n's)

Both of them looked at each other blushing. Both of them walking closer to each other, but was interrupted when the elevator doors opened. Madison walked out immediately while Y/n stood frozen a bit before walking after Madison. They arrived to the meeting room. Y/n opened the door for Madison. The room was filled with women and men talking amongst themselves.

Madison: Good morning everyone. It's good to see everyone. Let us begin our meeting.

Madison took a seat at the head chair opening her laptop beginning the meeting. Y/n had his iPad open writing down important notes.

Time Skip

It was nearing the end of the meeting and Y/n started to fall asleep. He's been taking as many notes as possible but throughout the meeting his eyes were droopy cause he didn't have much sleep and had no coffee.

Everyone left the meeting room except for Y/n who at that point was completely out. Madison looked up from her computer looking at Y/n. She smiled taking a picture of the sleeping Y/n who looked cute. Madison got up walking over to Y/n. She poked his cheek causing him to slightly open his eyes. Y/n eyes widen when he saw the beauty in front of him. Madison stepped away with a smile.

Madison: Your up good.
Y/n: How long was I asleep?
Madison: A few minutes come on let's go.
Y/n: So did it go well?
Madison: Better than expected but there a few problems I need to fix.

Y/n nodded getting up following Madison and they continued their work day.

Time Skip

It was now 11:00pm and Y/n and Madison were the only ones on the floor. Everyone leaves work around 9:30pm while Madison leaves much later and Y/n stays until Madison is ready to leave. Madison always tells him to leave but he insists that he should stay to make sure Madison doesn't over work and gets home safe.

Y/n was watching some YouTube videos when he heard laughing. He knew it was coming from Madison's office. He decided to ignore it but he heard Madison calling his name. He got up and walked into Madison's office knocking on the door.

He entered the room and saw Madison laying on the couch.

Y/n: Madison are you alright? You were calling me?
Madison: Ahh...yes Y/n come lay with me.
Y/n: But don't you think that's a little inappropriate.
Madison: I don't care Y/n I'm your boss you have to listen to me. Now come lay with me I wanna talk.

Y/n walked over lying down on the couch right beside Madison. Madison laid her head on Y/n's shoulder.

Madison: You know Y/n, your a really good secretary. You keep everything organized, your smart, your funny, your sweet, your a gentleman, and your hot.

Y/n was shocked by Madison's words. Why was she saying this now? Perhaps since it's late at night and Madison's tired that she is speaking like this.

Y/n: Umm...thank you.
Madison: Gosh Y/n your so adorable. That's why I like you.
Y/n: Madison don't you think this is unprofessional?
Madison: Aww Y/n stop being such a goody goody. I don't care if it's unprofessional to have feelings for your secretary but I don't care it's my company and I make the rules.

Madison sat up a bit looking down at Y/n. The two looked at each other leaning in.

Y/n: May I kiss you?

Madison laughed connecting her lips to Y/n's lips. The kiss went from a short kiss to a heated kiss in seconds. Madison straddled Y/n wrapping her arms around his neck. They soon pulled away when breathing became a problem.

Madison: I like you Secretary Y/Ln.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Vote and Comment!
Today starts my Thanksgiving break so obviously updates hopefully. But unfortunately I still have school work to do over the break. Hope you guys have a safe thanksgiving break.

Next Imagine is ZENDAYA

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