Harry Potter and the Slytheri...

By FreerSpirit

205K 6.7K 2.6K

Due to his childhood, Harry was left with the idea that he was a freak and unloved. After receiving a mysteri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note

Chapter 16

5.7K 259 162
By FreerSpirit

Chapter 16

Since the yule holiday is quickly approaching, the common rooms have sign up sheets for students that are staying at Hogwarts for the break. Harry, knowing he won't be staying at Hogwarts, ignores the list posted there. He's excited to spend the break with the Malfoy's since he's never actually celebrated Christmas before.

~~~~~~~~~~~POV: Dumbledore~~~~~~~~~~~

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore sits in his office staring at the master list of students staying at the castle for the yule break. The absence of one name stands out the most: Harry Potter. He knows that the boy doesn't want to go back to the Dursleys for the holidays and yet, his name is missing. He has been worrying about this for a while now, especially with how close he and the Malfoy boy are becoming. He just knows that the boy is planning to spend his holiday there.

When the boy had walked into the great hall, he'd been exactly as Dumbledore had expected. Small and nervous, yet eager. Exactly as he needed him to be. What he wasn't expecting was for him to be hanging around Lucius Malfoy's brat. The boy shouldn't be making friends that he can't influence.

He assumed that when Harry was inevitably sorted into Gryffindor, their friendship would fall apart. But the boy had the audacity to be sorted into Slytherin, and he seemed to be thriving. Not to mention, Severus isn't acting how he is supposed to. One day he's ranting and raving about the boy and the next, nothing.

With that thought, he writes the boy's name on the list. Maybe he won't notice, at least not until the list can't be changed.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~

Two weeks after the list is posted, Professor Snape sweeps into the common room, reading off the list of students staying in the castle for the holidays. He has done it every year since he started teaching, it allows any students to confirm their choice. It is a surprisingly large number of students, at least in Harry's opinion. He takes a moment to consider why that would be. He knows that not many of the students in other houses are staying over the break, so something must be different about the Slytherins. As he contemplates, it comes to him. He's read about this. Well, not exactly, but it makes sense. In the book Lucius had bought him on pureblood traits and traditions, there is a section detailing the high expectations of pureblood families. 'All of that pressure probably makes for a rubbish home life.'

"Mr. Potter, why is your name on the list?" Severus questions. He knows that Harry is meant to stay with the Malfoy's for the break and, considering that the boys won't shut up about their plans, Severus assumes he knows it as well.

"Sir? I didn't put my name on the list." Harry states. Severus can't deny the absolute confusion in the small Slytherin's voice as he says those words. Clearly he hadn't added his name.

"Would you like me to take it off?"

"I would appreciate it, sir."

"Very well. Would anybody else like to change their choice?" Snape calls as he removes Harry's name. When he receives no reply he leaves the room just as dramatically as he came in.

"How does he do that?" Draco asks, breaking through the silence. Laughter breaks out amongst the Slytherin student body as they go back to what they were doing before Snape entered.

At the end of each week Snape enters the common room and repeats his action of reading the list, and each week, without fail, Harry's name is there. They determine it has to be a teacher because the list had been taken from the common room after Snape went over it the first time. A week before break they find out who it is. Severus finally realises where he's seen this elegant handwriting before. He's caught it just in time.


The expression on his face must be thunderous as Severus stalks toward the headmasters office because students and ghosts alike scramble quickly out of his path. When he had recognized the writing on the list he couldn't help but think how much of an idiot he was for not recognizing it sooner. With the amount of times the headmaster has summoned him to his office with those foolish notes, one would think he would have recognized it.

What he can't figure out is why the headmaster keeps adding Harry's name to the list. The boy obviously doesn't want to remain in the castle. In the potions master's eyes, the headmaster is trying to take away something that will make Harry happy. That is completely unacceptable.

"Twizzlers!" Severus sneers at the gargoyle. He storms up the steps, stopping only briefly to knock, entering the office before Dumbledore can acknowledge him.

"Ah, Severus, my boy. What can I do for you today?" Dumbledore inquires cheerfully.

The potions master's blood boils at Dumbledore's use of "boy". He refuses to be demeaned in such a way. "What is the meaning of this, Albus?" The ex-death eater asks, slamming the Slytherin list on the table, pointing to Harry's name.

"It seems young Mr. Potter wants to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays." The headmaster says innocently, his eyes twinkling brighter.

"Don't give me that Albus! That boy has told me multiple times he does not wish to stay. As a matter of fact, he can't shut up about it. And you know as well as I do that this is not his handwriting.'' Snape snaps. "Why do you keep replacing his name."

"He is not safe outside of Hogwarts Severus. I have decided that it's best that he stay here for the holidays." Dumbledore says attempting to placate the irate potions master.

"And under what authority do you make that decision?"

"As the boy's magical guardian th-"

"Who gave you the title of magical guardian?" Severus interrupts. He knows that Lily wouldn't have left Harry's guardianship to Dumbledore. More than likely it would have been the mutt or wolf. 'Possibly myself before our fifth year.' he thinks sullenly.

"As Sirius was arrested, young Harry had no magical guardian, and given Remus' condition, Mr. Potter was left without one. I appointed myself as his magical guardian." The headmaster says, as if breaking wizarding law isn't a big deal.

"Albus, a magical guardian is not self appointed. There are rules and just claiming the boy is not one of them. As such, you have no right to force the boy to stay here. He will be leaving for the holidays and that is final. Good day headmaster." Severus finishes and stalks from the room.

Dumbledore sits behind his desk, stunned that Severus has the gaul to say that to him. Above the headmaster, the portraits give a silent round of applause to the young potions master, proud that he's stood up to the old fool who has the audacity to meddle with young Harry's life.


Harry is reading in the common room when a prefect tells him that Snape needs him in his office as soon as possible. As he walks out of the portrait, his mind shuffles through the hundreds of different scenarios as to why Snape would need him. At best, he just wants to talk and at worst, even though he hasn't done anything(that he knows of), he is being expelled.

By the time he reaches the room he has worked himself into a panic. He knocks, timidly entering at Snape's harsh call to enter.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Harry inquires, not quite managing to keep the nerves from his voice.

"Yes, Harry. Are you alright?" Severus queries.

"Honestly sir, I'm a little nervous."

"And why is that?"

"Well, I'm not entirely sure why I was sent up here, sir."

"That idiotic, insufferable..." Snape's voice trails off as he presumably continues to insult the prefect. He stands up from his desk before coming to stand before his student. "Harry, you aren't in any trouble. I am simply informing you about the problem with the holiday sign up. It seems Headmaster Dumbledore had decided that you were required to stay in the castle for your safety. I then, politely, informed the headmaster that, as he is not your Magical Guardian, he has no say in where you will spend your holidays. As such, you will be joining the other students on the train."

Harry jumps from his seat and unexpectedly hugs Snape. The potions master freezes at the unanticipated touch. Both from the fact that he is being embraced and that it is Harry initiating the contact. After recovering from his shock, he slowly raises his arms, encircling the child as he squeezes him briefly.

"Thank you, sir!" Harry exclaims, voice muffled as it carries to the potion master's ears from the child buried in his robe.

"You're welcome child." Severus says as they pull away from one another. "Now, off you go. I'm sure you have other things to do."

Harry runs from the room with a call of "Goodbye, professor" sent over his shoulder, closing the door softly in contrast to his excited exit.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

"-ou manage to get lost in your own bedroom?" Harry askes, his voice echoing down the castle corridor outside of the Great Hall.

"I was three and my room is huge!" Draco defends, a pout, that he will deny 'till his last breath, resting on his aristocratic face.

There is a week of classes left before yule break and the student body is practically buzzing with excitement. As the boys head toward the Slytherin table, Harry briefly glances to his right, making eye contact with the twins. At his questioning head tilt they grin and nod briefly. Harry shows almost no outward reaction to the buckets of excitement filling him.

Dinner had appeared on the table moments ago and the hall is now filled with the sound of clinking silverware and the chatter of the students.

All of a sudden, laughter breaks out in the hall, starting at the Gryffindor table and quickly sweeping through the other house tables as, slowly but surely, three students from every table have had their hair transformed into a different color(the opposite color from their house).

"WHY THE BLOODY HELL IS MY HAIR GREEN!?" Ron Weasley shouts, his face quickly flushing, clashing horribly with his new look. "Change it back! Change it back!" Someone obviously isn't happy with his new hairdo.

Harry turns to Draco, who is still laughing at Weasley's misfortune, before bursting out into a fit of giggles. Harry hadn't known which students were picked for the prank as he and the twins had asked the house elves to pick three random students from each house, only specifying Ron as one of the victims. But now, looking over at his friend, he wishes that he'd thought of it himself. He also has a nagging suspicion that the house elves chose Draco on purpose. Harry will have to go down to the kitchens and thank them later.

The students at the Slytherin table turn toward the familiar sound before chuckles filled the air. Draco Malfoy, the grade A diva of Slytherin, has his hair color changed to a bright, Gryffindor red.

Draco looks at Harry in confusion before a red lock falls into his face. He screams, a very manly scream I assure you. "My hair!" before turning to Harry, knowing he has to have had something to do with this tragedy. He had mysteriously disappeared a few times last week and wouldn't tell Draco where he'd gone, only giving an ominous smile before changing the subject.

"Harry," Draco starts, barely concealing his anger; He really doesn't want to upset his friend over a small prank. "Did you do this?"

"Draco," Harry gasps, playfully offended. "How could you! I would never do something like this." Harry replies, his innocent face and big, green, puppy dog eyes almost making Draco cave (like all the other times) but this time he steels himself, but only just.

"Harry, I'm going to kill you." Draco growls back.

Harry, of course, doesn't take this seriously, sticking out his tongue before replying, "No you won't, you love me too much!"

Draco sighs before asking in a resigned tone, "And how long will this last?"

"Approximately a day... Maybe two?" Harry says. Draco gives Harry a horrified look before thunking his head on the table, muttering something that sounds suspiciously like "This is it; My life is officially over. May my reputation rest in peace." Harry laughs and locks eyes with the Weasley twins. The trio grins at each other. The prank has worked perfectly.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~

Harry and Draco are currently lugging their suitcases toward the Hogwarts Express, their eleven year old bodies struggling with the weight. "I swear my trunk was not this heavy at the beginning of the year." Harry puffs out as he heaves his trunk onto the train.

"I completely agree," Draco's trunk makes a loud thumping sound as it is loaded into the train car, "Maybe someone hexed us. I wouldn't put it past Weasley."

"Come on, Draco. You and I both know that Weasley isn't smart enough to pull off something like that." Harry clambers up the steps to the train, wiping his hands together to alleviate the stinging sensation brought on by carrying his heavy luggage. "His head would probably explode." Harry adds, pulling his and Draco's belongings further into the car to make room for Draco to step up.

"Ah, you're right, how silly of me." Harry and Draco collect their things and begin the short trek to their designated compartment. Blaise and Theo are supposed to meet them in the Slytherin car, but plan on accompanying Harry and Draco to their compartment after an hour or so.

The two friends reach the compartment quickly and set their items down for the last time. Harry slumps into the seat, heaving out a sigh of exhaustion. "Don't get too comfortable. We still have to meet the others."

"Oh, I'm sure they'll manage without me." Harry flops down so he's laying on his back across the bench. "Besides, I'd really rather not watch Pansy get all up in your space. It's desperate, annoying, and attention seeking."

Draco takes Harry's hands and tries to pull him into a sitting position. "No, they most certainly will not manage without you because you're going. Do not abandon me, Harry Potter."

"Abandon you? Now who's being dramatic?" Harry goes full dead weight, almost resulting in Draco sprawling on top of him.

"Come on, Potter. You're too heavy for this."

"Are you calling me fat, Malfoy!?" Harry squawks indignantly, finally taking his own weight and sitting up, sending Draco off balance for a moment.

"You are absolutely impossible, you know that?" Harry crosses his arms, turns up his nose, and sniffs, disgruntled.

"I know," Harry declares in a posh and aristocratic manner, unabashedly mocking his blond friend's usual tone. Draco rolls his eyes and sticks his hand out for Harry to grasp. Harry takes the proffered hand and heaves himself upright, making Draco take more of his weight than absolutely necessary in a final attempt at petulance.

"Alright, alright. Let's go, crazy." Draco drops Harry's hand, turning away, heading toward the car holding the first-year Slytherins. Harry follows close behind, the ravenette imitating a lost puppy as he hovers over Draco's shoulder. Draco is still taller than Harry, but since Harry began receiving a constant source of nourishment and regular treatment from Snape and Madame Pomfrey for his malnourishment and other various afflictions, he has been quickly catching up to the blond pureblood. The two friends now only have an inch difference in their heights. Needless to say, Harry is planning on taking full advantage of his increased height. 'Mm, the possibilities; They are endless.' Harry ceases his plotting when they reach their destination, taking in the hushed conversations of his fellow first-years.

"Hiya, Harry!" Blaise calls out animatedly to Harry once he and Draco enter, sending an eccentric wave toward the pair. Harry grins and returns the gesture.

"Draco!" Pansy's shrill, screeching voice pierces the dull rumble of conversation, grating on the group's nerves. She scrambles toward Draco-in a rather undignified manner, Harry might add, and seizes his hand, tugging him toward her seat. Harry feels an itch prickling at the back of his mind at the sight and he attempts to suppress a growl. He fails, just in case you were wondering. Theo notices the rumbling coming from his friend's throat and takes in his tense and coiled posture. He decides to step in before Harry reduces Pansy to dust in retaliation to her forwardness, having no doubt that Harry not only has the ability to do such a thing, but that the green-eyed boy would have no qualms about doing so. When it comes to Draco, Harry has a protective streak a mile wide.

"Here, Harry, take my seat." Theo slides over so there is space for Harry to sit next to Draco, reducing Harry's growl to a glare as the boy slides into the seat. Once Draco and Harry are seated Pansy begins talking a mile a minute, arms gesturing wildly. Draco only barely saves himself from being hit in the face by Pansy's flailing limbs.

Conversation resumes soon after everyone is settled. Harry tunes into Crabbe and Goyle's conversation and immediately wishes he hadn't.

"How much you wanna bet that something's living under his hat thing."

"Turban." Harry amends Crabbe's statement offhandedly, barely paying attention.

"Turban, hat thing, whatever. Either way, I think Crabbe's got a point, don't you?" Goyle sounds genuinely worried, as if the idea of something living underneath Professor Quirrell's turban isn't preposterous. 'Honestly, why do I associate with them? They're bloody idiots.' Harry hums in response to Goyle's question before returning to his thoughts. 'Oh, right, now I remember. You need to have the right connections, Harry.' Draco's voice slices through his musings, reminding him of his intentions with Crabbe and Goyle. 'Ugh, the sensible prat.' Harry glances at Draco who is still locked in a one-sided conversation with Pansy. Draco meets Harry's eyes, shooting him a pleading look. Harry shrugs his shoulders at the blond, as if to say "not my problem" before turning to look at Blaise and Theo.

His two friends are locked in a riveting conversation on quidditch techniques and Harry finds himself intrigued. He has heard about quidditch, of course(He is friends with Draco Malfoy), but the game has never been explained to him in depth. He decides to ask Draco about it over the winter holiday.

Draco stands abruptly, pulling Harry to his feet in the process. "We're leaving." He says tightly before dragging Harry from the train car to their private compartment. Draco flops onto the bench, groaning dramatically and combing a hand through his hair. "Thank Merlin we have a private compartment. I don't think I could've stood another minute of Pansy's chatter."

"I'm so glad she doesn't like me." Harry replies, sitting down far less dramatically than Draco had. The brief silence that falls over the compartment is interrupted by a sharp knock on the door. Whoever is on the other side doesn't bother to wait, sliding the door open to reveal Blaise and Theo.

"So, Pansy, huh?" Blaise says, leaning in the doorway with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up." Draco grouses, resisting the urge to throttle his friend.

Blaise and Theo laugh, fully entering the compartment, taking their seats across from Draco and Harry.

The four boys feel a jolt as the train puffs to life and moves away from the station. Almost immediately they hear a distinctive call coming from just outside their compartment.

"Anything from the trolly?!"

Draco and Blaise scramble out of their seats, glancing toward Harry and Theo when they don't follow. "Do you two want anything?" Draco tilts his head slightly in an inquiring manner.

Harry nods. "Three chocolate frogs, please."

"What about you, mate?" Blaise calls to Theo, receiving a polite "No thank you" in response.

With that, the boys leave the compartment in search of their sugary treats, leaving Harry and Theo alone. There is a brief lull in activity, where neither Harry nor Theo say anything. Theo takes a deep breath and turns to Harry, eyebrows creased in concern. "Are you okay?" Theo whispers, hoping not to attract their other friend's attention, despite them being outside the compartment.

"Yes, of course." Harry seems confused, unable to place what prompted Theo's line of questioning. "Why do you ask?"

"I heard you growling at Pansy earlier. What was that about?"

Oh. That. Yes, that would be cause for concern, wouldn't it. "Can I be honest with you?" Harry runs a hand through his already messy hair, causing it to stick up at odd angles. If Draco sees his hair like this, Harry will never hear the end of it.

"Of course you can!" Theo throws all sense of caution out the window, taking on an affronted posture.

Harry doesn't say anything for a moment, painfully aware that his window for having this conversation is closing rather quickly. "I don't know. I really and truly have no idea. I don't like it when Pansy is close to him. It makes me twitch and then I start to feel this uncomfortable tingling sensation behind my eyes. And sometimes it's almost as if I actually know what he's thinking or feeling without having to even look at him. I just... Ever since we met at Madame Malkin's I've felt protective over him. And I know he feels the same. I just don't know why."

Harry stops speaking and the compartment lapses into silence once more. Theo is deep in thought, agreeing with his friend that his and Draco's bond is indeed unique and confusing. Theo decides that he's going to find out exactly what's going on. It's the least he can do to help Harry, and Draco for that matter. The two boys have been amazing friends to Theo throughout the year, helping him through his anxiety, defending him(especially in what the four of them have dubbed 'The Weasley Incident: Halloween Edition'), and encouraging him to be confident and outspoken. They are changing his life. And yes, he still has to go back to his family over the holidays, but this year he knows that it will be different. This year, he knows that he matters. And right now, that's all he really needs.

Theo goes to respond to Harry but is cut off when the compartment door slams open. Blaise and Draco appear in the doorway with armfulls of sweets, both smirking like mad. "This is going to be awesome." Blaise, still standing in the doorway with Draco, winks at Harry and Theo, making the pair giggle.

Theo sighs as the two boys file in and dump their treasure onto the seat between them and begin to divvy out shares. Theo looks around at his friends, his family. And, for the very first time in his young, he is unafraid. 

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