Ellie's pregnancy

By whofan19766

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a sequel to Amy's pregnancy, but this time it's Ellie's turn More

Chapter 1:Ellie's appointment with Rose
Chapter 2 :telling Amy
Chapter 3: Ellie meets Danielle
Chapter 4 :making Danielle's nursery
Chapter 5:Ellie and Danielle talk to each other
Chapter 6: Rose helps Ellie about her pregnancy
Chapter 7:transported to the Big Bang Theroy show part I
Chapter 8:Transported to the Big Bang Theroy show part II
Chapter 9:Transported to the Big Bang Theory show part III
Chapter 10:Ellie's in her first month of pregnancy
Chapter 11: Ellie talks to Danielle
Chapter 12 :Angel Allergies
Chapter 13: Padme 2nd birthday part I
Chapter 14 :Padme 2nd birthday part II
Chapter 15:Ellie and Amy's night out
Chapter 16:Amber comforts Ali
Chapter 17:Danielle visits Ellie in the Men of Letters bunker
Chapter 18:Dakota and Kate goes clothes shopping part I
Chapter 20:hearing Danielle's heartbeat for the first time
Chapter 21: Danielle's thanksgiving visit
Chapter 22:Bedrest for Ellie
Chapter 23:Ellie and Amy's Christmas gifts
Chapter 24:Danielle's birth part I
Chapter 25:Danielle's birth part II

Chapter 19:Dakota and Kate goes clothes shopping part II

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By whofan19766

the minivan arrived at the store as Dakota and Kate gets out of the minivan as the rest of the Todd women exits the minivan as Dakota helped Ellie out of the minivan as Ellie smiled at Dakota as Dakota smiled back.

"Dakota, why you help Ellie and be by her side." Amber told her.

"ok Mom." Dakota said.

Ellie holds Dakota's arm as Dakota helped her.

"you going to be alright Aunt Ellie?" Dakota asked.

"I am Dakota." Ellie answered.

as they enter the store, Kate looked around the store.

"what you looking for Kate?" Amber wondered.

"bookbags for me and Dakota." Kate reply.

"I think it's at the school supplies section." Amber said.

"ok." Kate also said.

"why get you and Dakota's clothes and picked whatever you want." Amber told her.

"you sure Mom?" Kate wondered.

"I'm sure Kate and let your twin sister be with your Aunt Ellie." Amber said.

"ok." Kate said.

Dakota is still with Ellie as Ellie yelp a bit as Dakota heard her.

"what's wrong?" Dakota asked.

"is just Danielle kicking and her kick tells me that she wants to go back home." Ellie reply.

"how you can tell?" Dakota wondered.

"Dakota, she has a way to tell me that either she's happy or hates it when I leave home." Ellie explained.

"she does?" Dakota asked her.

"yes." Ellie answered.

"I never heard you yelp before." Dakota told her.

"I have yelp before and Danielle have a soft kick where or that's her way saying sorry, like she is doing right now." Ellie said.

"how soft is her sorry kick?" Dakota wondered.

"a little soft." Ellie reply.

"your going to be a great Mom to Danielle Aunt Ellie." Dakota said.

"thanks Dakota." Ellie also said.

"your welcome." Dakota reply and kissed Ellie's cheek.

"and it's going to be great that she will look up to you and your twin sister when she is growing up, just like Emma with Padme right now." Ellie said.

"how so?" Dakota wondered.

"you know how Padme wakes up and goes to Emma and Scarlett's room and kiss Emma's cheek?" Ellie asked Dakota.

"yes, and I seen it early this morning." Dakota said.

"is a sister bond between those two and also Padme is really close to your Aunt Wanda also." Ellie said.

"so, Aunt Wanda is her guiding light?" Dakota wondered.

"not exactly, you know your Aunt's vision about Padme right?" Ellie asked her.

"no." Dakota answered.

"well, when Padme turned 1 last year your Aunt Wanda had a vision that Padme will grown up from age 5 to 25 and be a witch just like her." Ellie told Dakota.

"and that's it?" Dakota asked.

"no, also your Aunt Wanda had a another vision that Padme will found a true love in her life and be married to her true love, and as for who Padme loved that only your Aunt Wanda knows Dakota." Ellie reply.

"so, your saying that my grandmother Jenny, Aunt Amy and Aunt Sam along with Padme will be important to our family?" Dakota wondered.

"yes, first it was your grandma Rose and your grandpa Matt and still are, but your grandmother Jenny along with your Aunt Amy and Aunt Sam and Padme along with your Aunt Michelle are very important to our family and think of it as the charmed ones you seen on tv, the original charmed show not the reboot." Ellie told Dakota.

"got it and where our guardian angel fits in?' Dakota asked.

"you mean Mary?" Ellie also asked as Dakota nodded her head yes.

"Mary and as you know is our family guardian angel and she really close to our family and protecting us and sometimes her angel powers can go heywire." Ellie said.

"she has no control over her angel powers?" Dakota wondered.

"she does, but like I said her angel powers can go heywire sometimes." Ellie told Dakota.

Kate walked towards to Dakota and Ellie as Dakota sees her twin sister.

"where's Mom?" Dakota asked her.

"she is getting our school supplies and I found something that you will like Dakota." Kate told Dakota.

"what?" Dakota wondered.

Kate hands Dakota a leather jacket as Dakota gets an impress look on her face.

"where did you find this Kate?" Dakota asked her.

"it was at, I think near the women's department and I seen that leather jacket and just thought that you like it." Kate said.

Dakota hugged her twin sister and smiled.

"thanks Kate." Dakota said.

"your welcome Dakota." Kate also said.

"is Mom still at the school supplies department?" Dakota wondered.

"last I checked Dakota, she is." Kate answered.

"want to go with us Aunt Ellie?" Dakota asked her.

"yeah, and Danielle is now calm down and I also need your help Kate." Ellie reply.

"sure." Kate said.

as Dakota and Kate helped Ellie up as Kate looked at her twin sister.

"what did Aunt Ellie mean that Danielle is getting calm down?" Kate asked her.

"I will tell you that when we get back home." Dakota told her.

Amber walked to Dakota, Kate and Ellie as Amber gets a worried look on her face.

"is Aunt Ellie all right?" Amber wondered.

"she is Mom and is just Danielle kicking her hard that's all." Dakota said.

"oh, Danielle's way that she hates leaving home." Amber said and now remember.

"and she is now stopped kicking and is resting Amber." Ellie also said.

"you sure?" Amber asked.

"I'm sure Amber." Ellie said.

"good." Amber also said.

"oh, Mom can you put my new leather jacket in the cart?" Dakota asked her.

"sure, and who brought that leather jacket for you?" Amber wondered.

"Kate did." Dakota reply with a smile on her face and kissed her twin sister's cheek.

"that's very nice to do that for your twin sister Kate." Amber told her.

"thanks Mom." Kate said.

"by the way, where is Rose?" Ellie asked.

"she is changing Padme's diaper." Amber answered.

"and is Padme talking yet?" Dakota wondered.

"she is, but she is still learning some words Dakota." Amber told Dakota.

"like what?" Kate also asked.

"like baby and she knows who her parents are and like I said Kate, she is still learning some words." Amber reply.

"cool." Kate said.

Chapter 20 soon.

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