Harry Potter: A Durmstrang Fe...

By reader7445

25.4K 453 122

Give this fan-fiction a chance! I don't own any characters, plot, or pictures. They belong to the people who... More

Author's Note
Character's Profiles (more coming soon)
Chapter 1- The Beginning
Chapter 3 - A Magical One
Chapter 4-School and Home Lives
Chapter 5-Hogwarts
Chapter 6: Arguments

Chapter 2-A new life with the Dursleys

2.6K 73 19
By reader7445

Chapter 2- A new life with the Dursleys

Harry's POV- 8 years old

This, right here, is the new beginning to my new life. I will start to grow up with muggles and be a person I am not. I hope this isn't as bad as the Potters. I can't even consider myself a Potter for all the neglection and hate I have been getting for the past 7 years of my life.


I look down at the ground, feeling disappointment in me. Like, Adam gets all his attention, fame, and luxuries while I get hate, neglection, and nothing. What a great balance. But I mean, he is the boy-who-lived right?

"Oh hello... What are your kind doing here?" Petunia Dursley asked, after she opened the door.

"Hi, I am your sister's husband, James, and can you please take Harry? We have to take care of Adam because-" James didn't even get to finish his explanation.

"YOU ABANDON ONE CHILD FOR ANOTHER! ON SECOND THOUGHT, I WILL TAKE THE CHILD!" Petunia grabbed mine for-arm , and pulled him forward. "GOOD DAY!" She slammed on the door as hard as she could. I felt anger and sadness in the center of my chest as the door slammed. I just wanted to cry my eyes out, because my family didn't want me anymore.

Petunia let go of my fore-arm to only hold my hand. "Harry, you will feel safe here, and we will love you as if you were our son," Petunia said. She explained that she has always wanted her Dudley to have a sibling, but after her own son, she couldn't have any more children, breaking her heart. She would do anything in the world, just to have another child.

"Dudley, Vernon, come down here!" Petunia called. The older man walked to the front door, while Dudley ran down the stair.

"Yes mom," Dudley answered, slightly out of breath for rushing down the stairs.

"This is your new brother, Harry. He might not be your brother from blood, but I just want you to know that you have a brother in the house," Petunia explained, hoping her son would approve.

"Mom... you said I could have anything I want for my birthday, right?" Dudley asked. Short moments past and Petunia nodded. "THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY GIFT EVER!" Dudley screamed as her charged towards me and gave me a hug.

"Petunia, I don't know if this is right option for us," Vernon said in a sorrow voice.

"But Vernon, it's a win-win. Harry gets to be with the family he dreams of, and Dudley can have the brother he always dreamed of," Petunia pleaded, but with puppy-eyes and a sad smile.

"Alright alright," Vernon said with a happy smile. He has never seen Dudley or Petunia like this.

3 weeks later- 3rd Person

"Dudley, Harry. Can you get plates ready on the table for dinner please?" Petunia asked the boys with a shout as they were upstairs playing God knows what. She was only cooking dinner while Vernon was watching the telly.

"Coming mom," The boys chanted and rushed down the stairs. Dudley and Harry always had a smile on their faces for the past 3 weeks now. They were inseparable. 

Petunia turned around, watching the scene while Vernon ran in the kitchen as Dudley was floating in the air. The plate shattered and was on the ground.

As Dudley tries to climb the counter to get some plates, he accidentally dropped a plate. In the process, Dudley falls down from the counter. Harry saw this in complete fear. He imagined Dudley just floating in the air, smiling and enjoying himself instead of falling, trying to get rid of this fear within. As he looked at Dudley, he start floating in the air. Instead of landing of his face, he started running through the air, around Harry, then returning to the ground.

The plate on the ground was shattered in piece. As Petunia started to get the broom, Harry felt the plate, how the pieces were turning into one piece. He picked up the plate and gave the plate to Petunia when she walked in with the broom. 

All eyes were on Harry and Harry looked down. Petunia just hugged him,"Thank you Harry"

"Yeah thanks Harry! I could have been in a hospital if it weren't for you!" Dudley said excitingly.

Vernon didn't like anything out of the unordinary, but Harry did save Dudley's life and a hospital bill, so he was grateful. He would finally accept Harry as his son. 

Not a nephew, but a son.

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