true love always wins a hosie...


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i do not own these characters - 5/10 chapters done hope and a Josie have a kiss in the woods and the story ta... More

chapter 2 / the party
chapter 3 / not again
chapter 4 / silly wolf
chapter 5 - part1 / what did you do
chapter 5 part 2 / its always you
the end ahah

chapter 1" its not what it looks like''

709 9 4

Hopes pov

I was looking for Josie, I can't believe I kissed her. I guess I always kinda liked her but when she got involved with Penelope I knew I was too late , and to just move on i eventually when i got involved with Landon but now that i know Jo has feelings for me or at least i think she does maybe me and her will have a chance together . as i'm walking to her room i feel someone grab me from behind and push me into one of the closet for a second i thought it was Josie but when i turned around it was Penelope . I was shocked because she was supposed to be in Belgium for her mother's work but i guess she's back the first thing that came to my mind was Josie because with her first love but before i could think of anything else i notice Penelope is giving me the death stare i say.

"What on earth do you think you're doing? Why am i here?"

She ignored everything and replied with

"you need to leave Josie alone you're not good enough for her"

she said it flat as day . I was in shock what did she mean, had Josie told her about the kiss? I was just standing there in complete shock for about 30 seconds before saying

"what are you even talking about ".

Penelope rolls her eyes

"look i know u kissed my girl and its whatever who wouldn't wanna kiss her but your gonna leave her alone from now"

I'm still honestly in shock that she knew i genuinely wanna know how she found out and even more why she thinks i would just let go of josie that easily but that's when she said

"And before u try and come up with a reason to stay in her life id think about all the people you would lose and hurt if it word got around to school about you guys little kiss i don't think that bird boy of yours would be to happy"

Penelope got turned around quickly smiling ear to ear as she walked out of the door . I was just standing there in complete shock. Who does she think she is? I'm Hope Mikaelson, THE TRIBRID daughter of Klaus Mikalson and Hayley Marshall. Does she know that? ugh i was so upset what do i do ? I can't let Landon find out about the kiss from Penelope . But i can't just kiss Josie and never talk to her again i mean she kissed back so she obviously feels something for me . But what if Penelope was right, I don't deserve Josie. She's such a kind hearted person and I would eventually end up hurting her and I don't know if I would be able to handle that . Without realizing it tears started rolling down my eyes I couldn't stop crying. I have to pick between Landon and Josie . Honestly it's such a easy answer its Josie obviously it's Josie its always been her but i can't be with her me and her just would never work im a tribrid and one of these days i might have to make a decision like i did with the malavore pit and i would never want to put her through the pain of losing someone so as much as i hate it i'm gonna let Penelope win . I wipe my face when Landon comes running to me.

''Hope are you okay?

he clearly saw the tears

"yea im good i quickly say"

as i try and leave before i could walk two steps he grabs my arm and looks me in the eyes

"Hope whats wrong"

I wiped a few of my tears off my face

"i think we need to break up".

Landon's eyes widen. I hear a gulp in the back of his throat


his eyes start to water he was obviously holding back tears , i touch his am when he sofly says

''What do you mean break up''

he looked down and pulled his arm away from me

"If that's what you want, hope then ok".

I know this will hit him but he's strong and hell overcome it. I'm sure of it . i walked out of the classroom finally i was thinking of going full wolf form and to cool off some steam but first i wanna plug my phone in . I walk into my room and find my charger. I feel my heart ache at the sight of Josie's hoodie on the back of my chair . I walked over to it and picked it up. I cast a quick spell so it'll go back in her room and hopefully freak lizzie out . I finally make it out of my room and with just my luck, I see Josie at the end of the hall talking to Mg. I try to walk by kinda quickly when I hear her tell she Mg will catch up with him later . i start walking a little faster hoping that she'll get the hint and leave me alone because i don't think i have the heat to face her right now . i was about to turn the corner when josie finally said

"Hope, wait up, I need to talk to you , I heard about you and Landon are you okay?"

I stop in my tracks and turn around and say "i'm fine". She's standing in front of me. I can't help myself from staring at her amazing lips . I can feel her trying to look me in the eyes. I finally cave and look up. She wasn't physically saying anything but her eyes told a million words.

"Josie i said i was fine"

I was hoping my subtle attitude would give her a hint and just go but it was the opposite . Because before I knew she's pulling me into one of the empty classrooms , pushing me against the wall and kissing me hard as much as I wanted to kiss her back, I pulled away . Josie looks at me and puts her hands in her face

"Hope im so sorry its too soon u and Landon just broke up".

Nobody will ever realise how badly i just wanted to take her back to my room and have her all to myself . But instead I hacked out.

" It's not that i just ended things with Landon it's because i'm not into you like that that kiss yesterday was a mistake , i don't want you in my life anymore".

After those words left my mouth i could feel tears start to form in my eyes so I just walked straight out of the door and went to the woods to calm down . I can't believe i just told Josie the love of my life that i don't want her in my life anymore . And worse im letting Penelope Park win

Josie's pov

She broke up with Landon the day after we kissed .I was so stupid to think Hope Mikalson would want to be with me of all people. I can't believe she just told me she didnt want me in her life anymore . I thought Penelope broke my heart when she went to Belgium but this was a whole new pain I felt in the bottom of my chest . I was hurt that I didn't even cry , I just kinda stayed there staging in space . Before I could think of what to do next I felt myself walk my way to my room . I prayed that Lizzie wasn't there because as much as I love my twin she can be a bit much sometimes , and i didnt have the strength to deal with her . I saw the hoodie I left in Hopes room a couple days back and it was now on my desk . And with that sight I finally broke . I couldn't help the tears from running down my face , it felt like I was crying for ages . I needed something to get my mind off of her , or better someone and with that in mind someone knocked on my door . I thought it was Hope actually what am I kidding? I was wishing it was Hope but when i opened the door i was in total shock.


she ran into me wrapping her arms around me squeezing me tight for a second

"jojo i've missed you so much "

she grabs my face with both hands and her smile fades

"what's wrong have you been crying".

I don't respond. I look at her for a second and push my lips into hers . She kisses me back, wrapping her arms around my waist . when she suddenly pulls away

'Jo as much as i'm loving this, you are clearly upset and i'd be a bad person to take advantage of you like that''

I look up at her not wanting to tell her about Hope because I knew at the mention of her name is break and that's honestly the last thing I'd want to do in front of Penelope . "I'm sorry pen, I'm ok i was just thinking about bio mom just been missing her alot extra ", i say quickly as i try and lean back to kiss her again . This time she kisses back pushing me against the wall . As much as I wanted Hope, I had been in love with Penelope for most of my life and love like that didn't just go away . But at this point I just didn't wanna feel anything . Penelope's hands were sliding up and down my back , she started to kiss my neck. She knew that's my soft spot. I started to moan , when I started walking over to my bed saying a quick spell under my breath so Lizzie couldn't come in . She threw me on the bed , her hands wandering around my body lifting my shirt up above my head.

"I've missed you so much,"

she says before planting more kisses on my neck and leaving hickeys everywhere while she takes my pants off . going lower and lower till she gets to my underwear and starts teasing me like she used to do . When I heard a knock at the door I froze , me and Penelope being completely silent not knowing who it was

"Josie we need to talk"

I heard in an all too familiar voice . my heart sunk to the bottom of my chest so many things flying through my head

"Josie, I know you're in there please open up we need to talk about Penelope''.

My eyes shot straight to her and mouthed

"what is she talking abt"

she shrugs . i'm still a little confused but before I could say anything back to Hope , Pen yells

"she's a little occupied at the moment''

The door busted open and Hope's face was just in shock .

"Hope i- it's not what it looks like''.

Hope's face turns bright red but doesn't look sad she just nods her head and walks out of the door slamming it behind her . I push Penelope off of me and start to run after Hope before I realise I'm half naked . I turn around planting my hands on my face and mumbe


I race to put my clothes back on so i can find Hope when Lizzie opens the door ,

''Josie party at the lake house u coming OH MY GOD NO - your back''

she says with a huffled tone, eyeing penelope . Pen gets off the bed and walks towards me putting her arm around me trying to reach for her phone which surprisingly ended up on my desk . It slides up the back of me which even though I was all about Hope it still sent shivers down my side . Before she leaves she looks at me and winks

''well be at the party"

and blows lizzie a sarcastic kiss as she shuts the door behind her . Lizzie turns to me

"You to are NOT getting back together ,

Hopes pov

I'm walking towards the woods when it hits me , why does it matter if i kissed Josie me and Landon already is broken up . I started running back to the school faster than I've ever run before . I race past everyone hoping i can find her in time before i talk myself out of not talking to her . The first place I checked is the classroom where me and her talked before but she wasn't there . I check the kitchen when i bump into Raf

"Raf have u seen Josie"

he shakes his head

"what makes you think i should help you"

. I roll my eyes and walk away from him when I hear him yell out

"I saw her go into her room about 10 minutes ago"

I turn around and thank him before rushing to her room. I'm standing in front of her door for about 30 seconds before I get the courage to knock . it says silent i think about walking away when words just come out of my mouth

"Josie, I know you're in there please open up , it's about Penelope".

Before I could say anything I heard the one person in the world I hate the most , Penelope park

"she's a little occupied at the moment" .

Without thinking I opened the door in reality I should have just walked away and not thought another thing about it but as i open the door i see the worst sight possible Park sitting on top of Josie . I feel my face turn bright red. All I wanted to do was scream but how could i

"it's not what it looks like'

Josie said everything inside me wanted to say something but I couldn't , it's my fault. If 30 mins ago i would have just been honest maybe i could be with her instead of park but no . I didn't have the strength or courage to tell Josie the truth anymore so I just shook my head and walked out slamming the door behind me. I only managed to walk half way down the hall when I ran around the nearest corner and collapsed putting my hands in my face and tears started rolling out of my eyes . i felt someone sit on the side of me and put their arm around me. I opened my eyes to see who it was hoping it was Josie but it was Jed, one of the wolves; he didn't say anything; he just held me. It was nice I hadn't been held like that since I was younger. I was kinda shocked me and him never really talked much but i know he was caught up on allysa chang for a while but that's all i knew about him . he looked at me

"Hope whats wrong"

i looked up at him and broke i don't know why but i felt like i could trust him i told him everything from Josie to Penelope with the landon and how i just walked in on Jo with Park.

"I hate myself Jed , I let her in. I don't let people in , i should have known it would come back and get me in the end i don't deserve to be happy i don't deserve Josie"

Jed stood up and reached for my hand and pulled me up and said.

"enough with the you don't deserve to be happy bullshit you deserve the world Hope i swear now we're gonna go to your room and find your best outfit and were gonna go to this party tonight and you hope mikaelson are gonna have the time of your life with me by your side"

"But what if i see Josie with Penelope again i dont think ill be able to handle it"

"Well if you said she tried to kiss you after you dumped landon right?


"Then she's clearly into you and just fell into penelope trap again so if she sees you with me shell freak thinking you moved and face reality and realize what shes missing"

"But what if it drives her away more"

"Trust in the process" Jed says with a smile "now you have to go to your room and change into something hot and get ready to get smashed meet me in the cafe at 8"

You got it , I jump into Jeds arms and whisper thank you in his ear and that'll see him soon

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