the end ahah

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 ok so i got a few comments asking me to finish  this but tbh i have like no motivation so im just gonna use my notes from google docs so u guys can see what happends and stuff and then ill add what i had so far chapter 7 ahah

"Chapter 6" - happy birthday my wolf

Hope's birthday

Josie brings her to the movies , ice cream and walk then rents a hotel for the night

They do it for the first time

Everything's good

"Chapter 8"- i can't lose her to

Monster (idk what yet) shoots josie w sum and the only way for her to survive is for to become herotic

Hope gives her blood to josie

Alaric gets a note from the necromancer ''did u really think u guys could do blackmagic without me finding out bring me josie or i'll tear your school down to the grown

"Chapter 9"- is it really them ?

Alaric calls his bluff and calls damon and bon jer and freya to for back up

The school has a fight w the monsters and the necromancer

Josie kills kai "this is for jo"

Hope and lizzie do a spell to take away all the magic in the field and put it into something only the ppl out of the "orb" get affected

The necromancer makes a deal that if they promise to give him his magic back after the spell hell bring back whoever they want

* Jo , hayley , stefan , enzo , klaus and cami ,elijah and anna*

All of the monsters disaperai

They trick him and after everyone's back Hope kicks him out of the orbe and he can't come back bc of the second spell so he dies for good

"Chapter 10"- the end

Jo and alaric finally get a happy life

We see a elena and stefan reunion and a stefanie meet

Stefan and caroline reunite

A klaus and caroline reunion ( just friends )

Elijah and hayley have there last dance

Enzo and bon are back travel the world and have a kid

Klaus and cami are back

Jer and anna have kids

Rebekah and marcel kol and elijah and klaus are back

Hope and josie graduate together get a appt and have a future together Hope and jed are still bsf

before readinf this was just the first draft so its prolly trash lmaoao 

"josie and hopes first time"

Josie overwhelmed with pleasure that she tried to pull away but hope moved Josie's body back on her tongue . Josie not knowing what to do with their hands so they just grip the sheets with their thighs trembling helplessly. It had only been a few minutes but she was almost about to cum and they both knew . She wrapped her legs around Hopes head pushing for her to go faster but instead she slowed down not knowing what move todo next Hope started to tease Jo moving her face from her girlfriends wet core back up to her lips letting her taste herself

"make me cum hope"

hearing those words come almost made Hope finish right there

"say it again"

She said playfully

"hope mikaelson if u don't make me cum right now i'll be forced to take other actions to make you do it"

i loved this side of josie

"oh yea like what"

Before I could think twice she was on top of me pinning my arms down onto the bed kissing me up and down she brought her core up to my face and sat on it. I licked around her edges wanting her to beg for it .

"hope i need you now please"

without a second thought i slipped my tongue in her wet flap sucking every drop of wetness out she josie was grabbing the edges of the bed frame i could hear her moans start out soft but get louder and louder with each stroke of my tongue and that's when it happened she came on my face it tasted so good josie tried to move her head off of me but i wasn't done i grabbed her ass and pushed it down on my face licking her like crazy all i could hear was "oh hope" "hope don't stop" "your gonna make me have a double organism" i knew she was getting tired so i let go of her and she flopped herself onto the side of the bed they both had no words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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