chapter 3 / not again

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Hopes pov

I woke up and reached my arm out hoping to feel Josie but all I felt was cold sheets . I shot straight up. I had the biggest headache and I needed water but that meant I would have to walk down to the kitchen and that's a long walk . i looked over to whee Josie had been laying and saw a note

"Hey hope I got a text. Lizzies sick i have to go help her me sorry for leaving you like this . i'll find you in the morning to talk"

Xoxo Jo"

Of course it would be Lizzie who made Josie leave but I'm kinda glad she did. I would not have had the courage I had yesterday to tell her about Park . I finally found my phone that was on the floor near my bed . to many notifications all from Jed

JED :11:28 pm Hope where are you?

JED : 11:32 pm Im getting worried i checked the bathrooms your not there

JED :11:48pm HOPEEE????

JED :11:52pm : i just overheard penelope talking to MG about being w you sooo our plan worked i'll come find you tomorrow morning .

ME : 4:24am * Yea i guess it worked. We fell asleep in my bed but we didnt do anything . besides talk a little we agreed on talking more this morning i'll lyk how it goes

ME: thankyou for being there for me yesterday i appreciate it

Ok so now that i've been sitting here for sometime i finally get the strength to just walk downstairs to the kitchen . When I made it there the lock was open which was kinda surprising. I swung the door open to see Park sitting on the counter making out with Josie who was standing in front of her . i can't believe she would lie to me like that she left me to go makeout with josie i couldn't do anything but sit there and stare at them for a second i guess they finally could sense someone was in there besides them they both look at me Park had a huge smirk on her face and Josie looked like a deer in the headlights again

"Not again"

"No its all good i was just gonna grab a water and head back up to my room you love birds can continue"

"Hope it's not like that"

I really can't get over the fact i walked in on them again it's like park knew where i was gonna be it was strange but i was too tired to be sad so i just walked to the fridge grabbed a water and left but not before saying

"Tell Lizzie i hope she feels better"

That was the last straw. I can't just watch Josie be with her anymore. I need to do something bigger . something that will make her question why she keeps shoving her tongue down that dirty witches throat and i know exactly how to do it. I rush back to my room and pop a few more Tylenol and rush back to sleep . to wake up a few hours later with someone banging on my door . I get up to answer it to see Jed . i opened the door and didn't say a word but he could tell by my face something had happened '

'what's wrong you won"

"Oh yea then how come last night i went to the kitchen to get a water and i saw josie with her tongue down parks throat again"

"Are you serious"

"I wish i was joking Jed"

"Well what are we gonna do"

"How far are you willing to go with this"

"As far as you want me to"

"Well then how about being my fake boyfriend"

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