Always Number 2

De BL_Sins

14.1K 1.1K 193

This is a story of one person's one-sided battle against another, and the other person's one-sided love towar... Mais

Number Two
Suspicious Behavior
The Distraction
A Strange Encounter
Signs of Love
Lovers' Quarrel
My Heart Beats for You
Did That Really Happen?
The Unchanging Fact
At Last...Number 2

It's Only Just Begun

1.2K 101 19
De BL_Sins


Chapter 2

It's Only Just Begun

"Arthit! Open the door!" An impatient voice shouted my name, muffled through the door. I was immediately awaken by the racket caused by the loud commotion outside. It sounded like someone was trying to kick my front door down.

What the...0_0

I wiped my eyes before getting out of bed. I looked at the alarm clock next to my bed. OH SNAP. The alarm had already gone off by the looks of it. And I was at least 10 minutes late. Usually Nat would wake me up on time, so we could both make it to class on time, but apparently today he didn't. I couldn't believe it.

I stumbled out of the bed and looked at the top of the bunk. No Nat. 

All that was left was a note on the table. 

'I've gone first to get some matters sorted. Hope you can hear the alarm and wake up on your own!'

Well clearly I didn't!!! Damn Nat!

"Arthit!! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" the impatient voice bellowed louder outside. I immediately knew who the voice belonged to. 

My self-acclaimed best friend.

"Max, what the hell?" I screamed as I opened the door to my dorm and faced the rude intruder.

"HEY! Why are you still in your PJs! You're freaking late!! No, WE are freaking late!" Max shouted as he pointed to his watch. "Nat told me you would be late! I've been banging on your door for so long!!" he continued irritably.

I quickly got into my school uniform and rushed out of the door with Max. We ran across dorms to the school. It was a good thing the dormitory was located very close to the school. Otherwise, we would've never made it on time. We just narrowly managed to slide through the school gates which would automatically close every morning to prevent intruders from entering school grounds.

"Phew..." Max sighed as he took the bag that he had chucked over the fence. "Arthit, you totally stuffed me up," he said, huffing and puffing.


I took an open seat in the classroom, still trying to catch my breath. Just in time for my name to be called. After catching my breath, suddenly the hairs on my neck stood up.

I slowly twisted my head sideways and was met by Kongpob Suthiluck staring at me intently. Again. Damnit, it was true! This guy is watching me ALL the time. Was he looking for a staring competition now? I stared back at him trying not to blink. My eyes were starting to water, but thankfully he was the first to blink.

"Hah! I won!" I shouted in triumph, but somehow I felt that I was the only one who took it as a staring contest.

"Won what?" Kongpob asked, his face expressionless. He was really good at concealing his emotions because his face never showed anything other than amusement or teasing smiles. And right now, I couldn't decipher anything.

"The staring contest," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Staring contest? Who was playing that?" Kongpob questioned, looking really confused. Was he just pretending?

"What? Just because you lost to me, you don't want to admit defeat?" I protested.

"I wasn't aware of any staring contest," he continued, looking at me with an entertained expression painted on his face. 

I give up... Why do I have to prove I'm better with lame attempts?

"Well then quit looking at me!" I spat angrily. I took a book from my bag and held it up near my face to cover it from his view. I heard him make a "Psch" sound as if I was insane. I was half-asleep through the whole class, my head lolling up and down, and was just about to fall completely asleep on my table. Just in time, the bell rang waking me up. I grabbed my shoulder bag and hurried out of the door first.

"Arthit, wait!" I could hear Kongpob call after me as he caught up to me.

"What's your problem?" I asked, clearly annoyed.

"We have the same classes. We could walk there together, you know," he said innocently, as he adjusted his bag on his shoulder. I quickened my pace. Having him trail behind me was troublesome.

I walked around all sorts of obstacles and made unnecessary turns in the middle of the hallways just so he would get the message, but it didn't seem to work. He followed me like bees to honey. Just as I rounded the corner, Kongpob attacked from the side, grabbing my tie. Holy cow, is he trying to strangle me?!

"Slow down, Arthit." 

Slow down? Of course I had to! I had to stop completely! If I had moved any further, the tie would've strangled me to death!! My eyes were murderous as I faced him but he didn't seem to catch it.

I wanted to shout at him for trying to suffocate me but I didn't expect what he did next. He was fixing my tie up and flattening my collar over it!

"Model students have to set an example," he commented casually as he finished and gave my shoulder a pat. 

What?? Was he saying I didn't dress properly? Clearly, Kongpob was making fun of me! And he didn't have to near-strangle me just to prove his point!

He smiled at me, but I pushed him away. He balanced himself before taking a step closer to me as if trying to intimidate me with his slightly bigger built. He was no longer smiling, but that didn't intimidate me. I gave him a hostile glare. My eyes were always like this around this guy - angry and glaring.

We stood there for at least a minute, glaring at each other defiantly. Or maybe I was the only one, since his eyes were as emotionless as ever. After a few more seconds he blinked and looked away as if he couldn't stand looking at me anymore. As if I could stand looking at him any longer!! Who would want to stare at him at all!!! PFFT..

Suddenly he turned his back on me and started walking away. What is wrong with this guy?!

"HEY, KONGPOB SUTHILUCK! First you want to walk with me to our classes, and now you just leave me here?" I shouted after him, furious of how he was teasing me again!

He was a clear 10 meters or so away from m,e before he turned back round and shouted back at me "Hurry up then!" 

Fuck. It was then that I realized that he was walking to the direction of our next class and I...well I had gone completely wrong. I ignored him completely as I muttered swear words under my breath. Stupid moron.

"We're going to be late for class!" he exclaimed as I saw him racing towards me, grabbing my hand and running towards the Maths building. The wind blew against out faces as we ran to the other side of the school to make it in time for class. I was so busy running and trying to breathe that I didn't even notice that Kongpob had grabbed me hand into a tight hold until we had arrived at our destination and he finally let go.

Aish, How humiliating!!

I was then reminded about yesterday's discovery. I had to keep watching Kongpob veeeery closely for any of his weaknesses that I could attack. But of course, I couldn't appear too suspicious when fulfilling my secret plan.

"Arthit Rojnapat! You're more than ten minutes late! Sit down immediately!" the teacher commanded as she spotted me gasping for my breath in the doorway.

I hurried in and noticed that there were only a few seats open. Kongpob Suthiluck had rushed in first and chosen the seat near the window, which happened to have one vacant spot behind it. 


I strode to the seat and sat down. Taking out my Maths book, I began work like the rest of the class. Well, to pretend like I was working. Kongpob Suthiluck was scribbling something non-stop in his notebook. Peering from behind him, I tried to make out what he was writing, wondering if he really was able to do all the assignments so easily. 

And this was where I decided to put my plan into motion and find his weakness. 

By acting stupid.

Genius right?

I tapped him on the shoulder, breaking his train of thoughts. "Can I see your book? I don't know how to do this problem." I asked, almost in a whisper. 

If anyone caught that, I would be so dead. Why would someone ask help from their biggest rival? Shit, so embarrassing!

Kongpob turned around and looked at me in utter disbelief. He was definitely suppressing a laugh, but handed me his notebook anyway before facing towards the front of the class again. I flicked through the pages, hoping I'd find some errors, stupid scribbles, mistakes, anything! To my disappointment, all the exercises were completed in a neat and orderly fashion. Nothing at all!

Gees, this guy is unbelievable! Doesn't he have any weaknesses???

I poked the book at him and scowled. How was I ever going to find his weakness that would secure a first position for me?

"Kongpob, can you please help me with this?" Tiffany, the two-faced rich girl of our class, who sat right beside him, leaned over to his desk and showed him the question. "I keep getting stuck here and here," she pointed to two questions on the book, fluttering her overly fake long eyelashes at him.

Pfft, why so desperate?

Wait...that was it! 

A distraction! That was the answer to all my problems! All I had to do was to give Kongpob Suthiluck a distraction that will prevent him from studying. 

If he doesn't study, his rank would be at risk and mine will be at the top!!!


Author's note: It's silly, I know. But I love it.

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