How To Save A Life

By Teddy006

5.1K 188 202

Racetrack Higgins has lived a fairly normal life for a New York newsboy. That is until Jack brings home a ne... More

Chapter One: An Eventful Begining
Chapter Two: Learning Sign Language to Make Fun if That One Bitch
Chapter Three: Quibble is a Real Word you Slut (also: Snow!)
Chapter Four: Merry Chrysler (the christmas special in august)
Chapter Five: Like a birthday but make it depressed
Chapter Six: A Rat Bastard Baby Boy Determines the Plot
Chapter Seven: We actually get to canon time (fucking finally)
Chapter Eight: Racey to the rescue
Chaoter Nine: i put way to many things in one chapter
Chapter Ten: She Lived (id be a monster if she didnt)
Chapter Eleven: They Won!! (Who could've guessed)
Chapter twelve: insert funny chapter title here
Chapter 13: things go from bad to worse
Chapter 15: Nightmares, what a bitch
Chapter 16: inster title here (shut up i know theres already one like this)
Chapter 17: Im running on three hours of sleep and spite
Chapter 18: anxiety *jazz hands*
Chapter 19: i dont know how court proceedings work and it shows
Chapter 20: Embrace for impact

Chapter 14: *a v gay person realizes there story is v heteronormative*

225 7 19
By Teddy006

Race POV

"-- And I'm looking for my sister."

Diem froze.

"Your brother?" I said quietly.
'Does he look like me'

I nodded.
'I guess he has made his return, highly unusual considering he is supposed to be dead'

We listened as Jack kept talking to the man.
"Well I've met a dame or two named Diem before. None a dem woulda been caught dead be workin as a new boy."

"Perhaps I could look around in your ranks, to see if she is hiding among them?"

Diem carfully and quickly tucked her braids up into her hat.

"Isnt dat a violation of my rights or somethin?"
"Just a quick look? I really must be finding her. She ran away last year and never came back, I'm worried for her."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Fine, look at 'em aint no goil in the bunch."

Diem let go of my hand as he made his way over examining the faces of all of us.
"Ya wanna stop starin the kid down. Ya makin 'im nervous." Blink said as Samson stared at Diem.

The man moved on and Diem breathed a sigh of relief.
"Listen man, we gots to go start sellin. Clearly she ain't here so just leave." Jack said.

Everyone nodded and started out of the square.
The man left in a huff and Diem let her hair fall free.

"So your brother?"
'Is supposed to be dead. There was a fire,  he never made it out. I got sent to the refuge.' she signed.

"If you thought he was dead why aren't you relieved to see him?"
'Lots of reason. When our parents died i was 8, he was 19. Lets just say he wasn't the best at taking care of me. I just assumed he was dead cause they brought me to the refuge right away.'

I nodded "Well, come on, if he wants you back in his custody he has to go through me, and all the boys. Plus I gotta feelin the sheepshead aint gonna be the first place he looks."
She nodded and we kept walkin.

"Excuse me, I'd like a newspaper."

I turned to see Samson standing there.
"Ya Dont even know da headline."

"Doesn't matter, I buy a paper at a 250% markup, you give me information, deal?"

I ran the numbers, he'd be given me a quarter. Which was a lot due to the fact that it woulda been a penny.

"What kinda infamation."
He held out the quarter, which I took in exchange for a pape.

"I'm looking for someone, I have reason to believe she is hiding out as a newsboy in this city."

"Yeah ya sista, youes were at the circulation gate, dis mornin, I still dont know nottin." I started to turn away when he grabbed my arm.
"I have reason to believe that you and your newsboys are lying."

"Ise gotta reason to believe none of the newsies no nottin and youse just bein a creep."

Over his shoulder I could see Diem hair still out of her hat makin sales.
"We had a deal, just tell me what I need to know."

"I cant tell ya nothin I i dont know nottin."

Samson's face grew angry "A girl, little shorter than you, dark hair, dark blue eyes, doesn't talk much, looks like myself, have you seen her?"

I shook my head "Not round 'ere. Thought I saw a dame like 'er over in Brooklyn, hidin wit dem newsies."

"I have already check Brooklyn, and the outer boroughs, most said nothing, Bronx said Manhattan, Brooklyn nearly killed me for goin over the bridge, let alone askin for some one."

I silently cursed, damn Bronx kids, never know when to shut up.  "Well I haven't seen anythin."
He gave me a nasty look "Maybe, some other news boy will tell me."

Samson walked away looking for another newsie.
I stood nervously waiting, hoping Diem would stay relatively hidden.

I sold my papes in record time that day, before quickly going off in search of my girlfriend
All of her normal spots were empty, which made me worry more, but eventually I found her.

Diem was sitting in between two men in the middle of the stands.
"Need something kid?"
"Yeah dats my goil." I said pointing to Diem.
"Yeah sure she is." The man on her other side said.

Diem rolled her eyes.
'This is my boyfriend'
"Oh sorry kid."

She stood up and smiled at them 'thanks boys, i will try to bring the papers even faster tomorrow'

"No need kid, we'd help ya anyway."

As we walked away she began to sign 'I have known those guys for a while, some of my regulars, I saw you talking to S-a-m-s-o-n and they let me hide there for a while'
I nodded and when she was done signing I took her hand again.

On the way back to the lodging house I kept an eye out for Samson.
'Calm down, I'm sure it will be fine, I doubt he will find me'

"I'm just makin sure he ain't tryin ta kidnap ya."
'You are being paranoid'
I continued at glance around as she signed.
"I ain't bein paranoid. I'm bein careful, I don't wanna lose ya Perla."

Diem POV

Samson was back.
My dear big brother, back from the dead.
I'd rather have Jack as a big brother than Samson.

"Whatda hell is you doin here? I already toldja we aint got no goils 'ere." I heard Jack almost yell from the door.

Everyone froze around the poker table.
I quickly pulled my hat onto my head, tucking my braids in.

"I would just like to take a look around, if you don't mind."
"Yeah I would mind, leave da premises or I call da police."

I could almost see Samsons crooked creepy smile as he spoke "And you believe they would take your word over mine, a childs over a mans. The voice of a convict over the voice of an older brother in search of his lost baby sister."

Jack sighed "Fine, youse can look around."
We went back to the game, trying to act natural as he came into the room.


Around the table everyone called Alberts bet when it got to me I just grunted and through a penny in.
Mush who was on my right raised the bet and so we went around again calling the bet, except for Elmer, who folded.

After I threw in my money again Samson looked at me suspiciously.

"Why is it that he doesn't talk?"
Blink who was sitting on the window sill watching the game glared at him "He do, just not wit random people round."

Samsons gaze shifted back to me.
"Can't he tell me himself?"

I glared at him over my cards.
"You just slipped up, Diem."
In a flash he was behind me, ripping off my hat, letting my braids fall.

"Finally. This was all I needed boys, we'll be going now." He grabbed my arm and pulled me roughly from my chair.
I began to shake as he started dragging me towards the door.

Blink, Mush and Jack all stood blocking the door.
"Youse aint goin anywhere."

"Stand aside."
Jack's brow furrowed "No!"
Samsons grip on my arm tightened, his nails digging into my skin.

I whimpered slightly at the flaring of pain, which was enough to get Race going.  "Let go a 'er."

Samson just glared at him.
"Why should I?"

"Ya hurtin her, I aint gonna letcha do dat."  Race was in his face at this point.

"My sister is fine, if she had a problem she would say something."
"On acount dat she cant talk I dont tink she will."

I could tell Samson was about two seconds away from snapping, and I really don't want to be around when that happened.

"I would think I would know my own sister better than some random child!" He began to raise his voice getting louder with each word. I couldn't help but shrink back.

"Didja see that? Youse start yellin she gits scared, dats why she aint goin with you." Jack said.

"She is going with me, and none of you will stop me, so stand aside, or I involve the police!" 

That was enough to scare Jack one again and he stepped out of the way.
Mush and Blink moved to the side, but very reluctantly.

Samson grinned wickedly, he had won.
"Thank you gentlemen."
He began to pull me out the door.

I turned to Race for a moment, he looked like he didn't know who to try to soak, Samson for taking me or Jack for letting him.

'I love you'
He almost smiled.
I immediately understood.

As soon as I crouched Race lunged at Samson jumping over me to land on him.
As Samson was knocked to the ground he lost his grip on my arm and I pulled away.

Samson threw my boyfriend off of him.
Race stood up calmly "You aint goin anywhere wit my goil." 

Samson stood as well, "I am going to the police."
He marched out the door.

It was only then that I realized there were small tears running down my face.
Race quickly pulled into his arms "Toldja I wouldn't let 'im take ya."

Jack sighed "it's not over yet. I'm going to find Kathrine, Sarah and Davey, they'll know what to do."

After 10 minutes he returned, the group  in tow.
"So you brother who you presumed dead is back and trying to regain custody of you?" Sarah asked.

I nodded 'he wants custody so that gets checks from the government again, he doesn't care about me, it is about the money'
Race translated what I signed.

"And when you were in his custody before he would abuse you, verbally and physically?" Katherine asked this question.
I nodded again.

"Well that makes for a decent case-"
Before she could say anything else there was a knock at the door to the lodging house.
One of the boys opened it, "They're in the dining room."

Samson entered, followed by an officer.
"Which one of you is Jack Kelly?"
"I am."

The officer looked at him then back to Samson, "He doesn't look like much of a threat or a convict."
"Trust me, officer he was."

Davie cleared His  throat calling attention to himself "Actually, Jack doesn't have a criminal record, you can check for yourself."

"That is not the reason I am here, can you explain the conflict?" He asked.
"Well, I am simply trying to get my sister back. These boys seem determined to keep her away from me."

The man gave me a look, "Was she kidnapped by these boys?"
Jack scoffed "No, saved 'er from some thugs a while back, she ended up stayin 'ere, by choice. Ya could say I'm 'er guardian now."

"That true?" He asked looking at me.
I nodded.

"So this has become a custody battle?"
"It shouldn't be, I am legally her guardian, and therefore she is coming with me."

The cop actually rolled his eyes "Mr. Galspy I unfortunately cannot solve this issue for you. This will need to be taken to a court."

"I cannot wait for a judge!"
"But you will have to. Unfortunately Miss Glaspy, until this issue is resolved you cannot stay here, nor with your brother."

"Den where is she sposed to stay?" Race said somewhat angrily.

"In police custody, unless you have another option."
"She could stay with me, my father shouldnt mind." Kathrine said.

"That will suffice, I will arrange a court order. Good evening." The man left with Samson close behind.

"Don't worry I will sort everything out. You guys can stop by tomorrow." Kathrine pushed through the door, pulling Jack Sarah and Davie with her "We'll give you two a minute." She added.

Race just looked at me for a moment.
"Wes gonna fix dis, they 'ill help us fix this. You'll be back 'ere in no time, I promise."

'I hope you do'
His arms wrapped around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love you Perla."
'I love you too' I know he couldn't see I was signing but I still did.

"I told my father the situation and hes says you can stay here as long as you need. This is the guest bedroom, my room is just down the hall."
I smiled at Kathrine grateful.

"So, I think the first step is a lawyer. I might know a few people."

We were sitting on the bed in the guest room trying to work out a plan.
I grabbed the paper and pen she had given to me. 'I know someone too.'

"Really? Who?"
'His name's Bradford Mannor met him at the races he'll agree to help'

"We'll find him tomorrow. If not one of Darcy's friends should help. I doubt the court order will be for any time in the next few days."

I nodded and adjusted to be sitting cross legged.
"After that during the hearing all you need to do is tell the truth, maybe write it and have someone read it. If they hear that they'll have to let you stay with the guys."

'Lets hope so' I wrote.

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