Assassin's Creed Oneshots [RE...

ะ’ั–ะด IOwnHell

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Taking Requests!
Imagine #1: Altaรฏr
Imagine #2: Thatch ("Blackbeard")
Imagine #3: Leonardo Da Vinci
Request prompts
(REQUESTED) Jacob Frye x Reader
A/N Please read, its really important for everybody to know
(REQUESTED) Altaรฏr Ibn-La'Ahad x Reader
๐Ÿ‹Well, haven't the tables turned: Ezio Auditore
Imagine #4: Desmond Miles
Time: Evie Frye
You didn't even fight for me: Arno Dorian
Important A/N about these oneshots, please read.

What a bit of wishing can do: Haytham Kenway

125 1 0
ะ’ั–ะด IOwnHell

Prompt/Request: Haytham saving you after a mission gone wrong.
Pairing: Haytham Kenway x Reader
Relationship: Co-workers-to-Lovers
Requested: Nah
Warnings: Violence and a FABULOUS Tricorn Hat
Notes: So I saw this and I immediately had to write it. For story purposes, He isn't 55 like in the game he will be 45 and you will be 42, and (E/N) stands for Enemy Name.
Pronouns: She/Her

     You an Haytham have been in the Templar Order for as long as you both can remember, both you and him remember being young, around 10 or 11 and being broken into the Order. You remember Haytham being broken into this. His father had been killed in the Kenway mansion, and yours were killed in a hurricane. You basically and literally grew up together at a young age. You two had a lot in common, no parents, older siblings, were the troublemakers in the family. And when the time came to kill the old Templar grandmaster. You held him down while Haytham killed him. Both of your minds were two halves of a whole, whatever you thought, he did too.
     It broke your heart when you found out he had a lover and a child a few years back and he didn't tell you until he had Ratonhnhaké:ton come into the Order's base. You didn't talk to him for about a month, he had known when you got upset because he felt your heartbreak for some reason. He got angry after a while of you ignoring him and cornered you and demanded you tell him what he did to make you upset. You lied at first and he knew you were lying. You told another lie but this one was more convincing and he believed you.
     You knew he loved the mohawk woman so you didn't interfere. You had lived with a broken heart for years until Ratonhnhaké:ton didn't come in for a while and Haytham no longer talked about Ziio. You had wondered what happened but you didn't get told anything. You were never to question, you got your orders and never questioned.
Back to the present, you and Haytham were sent on a mission to get rid of (E/N). You and him were standing above the church scouting out where your targets of information were. Haytham found them and pointed them out and turned and jumped off the building. Both of you parted ways to gather information. You stayed on top of the church for god knows how long. You were thinking about how to approach the targets, the first is a lumberjack has a history of being violent so you should be cautious. The second is a tavernwoman, she is known to carry weapons.
You think this over and decide you should go see the lumberjack first, you walk to the outskirts of Boston and start looking, now you don't have Eagle Vision like Haytham but you have a different 6th sense. It guides you to your goals like a little small blue trail on the ground. You follow the trail up to a brick house a little ways away from Boston. You walk up to the front door and knock. There's no sound or movement. You knock again. No answer. "Hello?" You ask. Still no answer. "I'm coming in!" You shout as you try to open the door, surprisingly it's open, the moment you open the door, the Lumberjack lunges at you with an axe over his head ready to attack.
     You jump back and immediately go in defence mode. He swung at you again and you immediately dived into a roll behind him and kicked the back of his knee. He yelped in pain and quickly turned around to face you. "I just want some information!" You said quickly.
"I ain't givin' any!" He shouted as he swung at you again, you rolled your head to the side quickly enough, as the ace was lodged in the wood right where your head was a split second ago.
     You kicked his chin as hard as you could, you heard a small crack. He let go of his axe and went to hold his chin, blood dribbled down to his chin, You must've broken a tooth or two. You immediately rolled up and dusted yourself off before you put your arms behind your back, mimicking Haytham to hopefully seem more intimidating.
     "Are you ready to talk yet?" You asked in a pompous voice, trying to mimic Haytham again. The Lumberjack spit at your shoes, "I will take that as a no" You sighed before walking up to him and grabbing the scruff of his shirt and hauled him up and shoved him into the wall. "What about now?" You ask again. He curses at you, you sigh. "I wish it didn't have to come to this" You say before grabbing his hair and bashing his head into the wall a few times. You then haul him back up again and let your hidden blade slide out of the bracer and put the cold metal against his neck. "How about you tell me what you know before your usefulness thins and I get rid of you permanently." You say threateningly.
     "Okay, okay, fine, only because you have a strong kick." He sighed as he spat out blood. "I know (he/she/they) are a redcoat, (he/she/they) are/is higher up the laddr' you need access to the barracks" He coughed. You smiled in satisfactory and pulled out a handkerchief and hand it to him. You retract your blade and dust off your clothes.
     "Now that wasn't so hard now was it?" You say with a sickly sweet smile. "Now for the tavernwoman" You mumble as you walk out. Little did you know, the Lumberjack heard you. Once you left he immediately left and took his horse to the tavern to get there before you.
     You gently opened the door and immediately froze. There was a double-barrel shotgun put to your forehead. You sighed and put your hands up behind your head. The Lumberjack, who is now all bandaged up, pushed you in the tavern, you stumbled but he held you up with an iron grip. "Now I heard of what you did to my friend 'ere" She hissed. "The jaw shot was a low move, now I know what you're here for, just letting you know now, you ain't getting what you're looking for." She said sternly.
     "I am very persuasive" You said calmly. "How does gold sound?" You asked.
     "I don't need gold that bad, try again." She huffed as she hit you in the top of the head with the butt of the shotgun. You gripped the top of your head as you fell to the floor.
     "How about I settle your gambling debts?" You ask again. "How about I get you your children back? T-They were kidnapped right?" You asked. She faltered, you struck a nerve. "Me and my associates can get them back! Give me a few hours!" you pleaded as you sat up and held your hands in front of you in surrender.
     "Three hours. You have three hours before we hunt you down and kill you." She said as she leaned on a table weakly. The Lumberjack walked over and pulled you up.
     "Bring our children home ma'am, please, we will give you all the information you want to know" He said. It clicked in your head. They were a family, they were husband and wife. You nodded and ran out. You thought deeply of who and what you wanted to find, soon enough a small blue trail appeared before you.
     You grabbed a horse and followed it. You followed it out of Boston, you followed it for over half an hour outside of Boston, it led you to a new-looking shack. You opened got off your horse and walked over to it and knocked you fixed your posture and put your hands behind your back, mimicking Haytham yet again. You see why he does this, it's fun!
     The door was opened a few seconds later to reveal a teenage boy. You spoke. "Good day sir, I am (Y/N) (L/N) from Boston I am here to talk about two-" You were cut off by a door to the face. You looked confused. You knocked on the door again, no answer. Again, no answer. You sighed and walked around the house and found cellar doors. You opened them and walked in, you looked around and found very mundane things, crates, sacks of potatoes, flour.
     You walked up the stairs and ended up into a kitchen you looked around and saw the teenage boy talking to two little kids, one boy, one girl. "Excuse me? You closed the door on me earlier, that wasn't very respectful." You said with a small head tilt.
     "Get out!" The teenager yelled as he grabbed a cleaver and threw it at you. You stumbled out of the way. "I'm not giving them up! They are all I have left!" The teen shouted.
     "What do you mean? Are they your siblings?" You ask. "What about your mother and father?" You ask again.
     "They don't care about me! They gave me up to some order to train me for something!" He shouted. You froze.
     "What was that order called?" You asked "Maybe I can make sure you don't go back there!" You said, inching closer.
     "I-I don't know, they said one phrase" He explained. You thought carefully for your next question. You asked what they said and he started to try and remember what they said while you inched closer. "I think they said 'Nothing is True', I don't remember" He said looking back at you.
     "Trust me, I am not with them, I won't take you back to them, I'm with the Templars. We go against the Assassins, we will make sure you are safe. But please, we need to take you back to your parents." You pleaded. He looked angry.
     "No! I won't go back! My parents brought me to the Assassins because they didn't have the things to train me at home!" It clicked yet again. His parents were assassins. This could've been a trap! You were late to realize this because the door opened to reveal the Lumberjack and Tavernwoman. You look back at the children and they were smiling. You tense
     "Shite." You mumble. "Look, I'm not going to harm anyone here if you let me leave, just let me walk out and no one will get hurt." You say, holding your arms in the air at your sides in surrender.
     "You aren't going anywhere." The Lumberjack said. "Achilles will want to talk to you" He said grumpily.
     "I am not going to tell any of you anything! I would rather die!" You shout before thinking. You pause. "W-Wait I didn't mean it like that." You stuttered before the Tavernwoman walked over and hit you over the head with the butt of her shotgun. You blacked out.

     You wake up with bruises and blood littering your body. You look around and go to speak to see if anyone can hear you. You couldn't speak. It hurt your throat. You quickly came to the conclusion that you had been screaming. You put the pieces together and realize what went on. You sigh and go to sit up but you are in pain.

     You didn't know how long you had been laying there. Hopefully Haytham was alright, you weren't one to wish for a knight in shining armour but at the moment, you are right now. You are in so much pain, you are dehydrated from crying. You are just plain and simply tired.
     You wished for Haytham to find you. Or even Shay, maybe Charles (Lee). God you wouldn't complain if Thomas (Hickey) found you. You just wanted out.
     You were about to fall back into the sweet world of unconsciousness when banging on the front door startled you. You tried to get up but yet again were unable to. Your muscles had tensed up from lack of use. You sighed and tried again and would've cried out in pain, but you still couldn't use your voice. You kept trying to call out and only got out small hushed words.
     You soon enough gave up and almost let the darkness consume your vision but multiple gunshots made you aware of what had gone on. You jolted when the door to the cellar opened and two sets of footsteps had followed. "Oh (Y/N), what have you gotten yourself into?" A very pompous voice said. Haytham.
     You felt two arms pick you up gently. You opened your eyes and was met with a navy blue suit. You knew it was Haytham, as soon as you heard the footsteps you knew it was him. You mumbled out his name in relief with a sigh. You barely shifted and leaned against him.
     "I knew I should have sent Charles with you" He sighed. "Just hang in there and we will get you help." You mumbled an 'mhm' and just relaxed. You felt safe. Haytham kissed your forehead. You opened your eyes and looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and walked out of the shack and over to his and everyone else's horses(yours included). John (Pitcairn) was holding the reigns to your horse. Haytham handed you to Charles before getting up on his horse. Charles handed you back to Haytham. You got comfortable again as they rode back to Boston.
"Um, (Y/N), Grandmaster?" Hickey asked.
"Yes Thomas?" Haytham asked as you shifted to look at him.
"So we've all been talking.." He started. "Have both of you ever thought of courting?" Haytham looked confused and was about to say something but Thomas cut him off. " 'ear me out, Have both of you not seen the way you look at each other? And (Y/N), 'ave you not realized that 'aytham came to find you, the moment you didn't show up to where you were supposed to be meetn'? he lost it and started searchin'." Thomas explained. Haytham's cheeks dusted pink in embarrassment. Your cheeks went red. "And Haytham, have you not realized (Y/N) has been pining over you for years since we've all been togethr' guaranteed even longr'" Thomas said.
Your face was red, redder than before. "Continue on men, we shall catch up soon enough." Haytham said as the guys snickered and continued on on horse. Once they were out of earshot. Haytham looked down at your red face. "Is this true (Y/N)?" he asked.
You didn't answer, nor look at him. He sighed and made you look at him. His strikingly blueish silver eyes looked into your gentle (E/C) ones. You noticed his face get closer and closer to yours.
You felt his rough chapped lips on your swollen ones. He kissed you gently and passionately. You kissed back and barely moved your arms to gently grip the front of his one-shoulder cape.
He pulled away and chuckled. "Come on, love." He said as he put some pressure on the horse's side and continued on the way to Boston. Both of you eventually caught up with the other Templars and they started to laugh and clap at seeing you cling to Haytham.
"Cough it up Charles." Thomas chuckled as Charles sighed and pulls out a coin purse and handed it to Thomas. You let out a weak chuckle and stay clung onto Haytham as you all ride back to Boston. This is definitely what a little wishing can do.

(Didn't turn out how I wanted but it's not bad, This is the longest oneshot so far! Also can you tell me if there is any spelling mistakes, I am too lazy to reread over this at the moment)

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