31 Days

By star-3213

178 25 236

A collection of short stories. ~*~ Based around an drawing/writing prompt; I wanted to challenge myself thi... More

1 - Criminal
2 - Mutation
3 - Tasty
4 - Hope
5 - Wire
6 - Rib
7 - Thread
8 - Tough
10 - Prize
11 - Radiation
12 - Cunning
13 - Harvest
14 - Transmission
15 - Broken
16 - Imposter
17 - Absence
18 - Forest
19 - Collect
20 - Winter
21 - Crystal
22 - Investigation
23 - Distortion
24 - Die
25 - Light
26 - Deteriorate

9 - Drain

6 1 12
By star-3213

Warning(s): slight language, elements of fear and horror


"And you're telling me, this...treasure...is just down there?" Andrew asked, turning back to his friend.

"Yessir," Dan nodded.

Andrew raised an eyebrow. "Promise?"

Dan rolled his eyes. "Yes, dummy, I swear it's at the very end of it."

Andrew still wasn't convinced.

Dan had claimed that there was some sort of hidden something in a nearby storm drain pipe, and that he wanted Andrew to go check it out. Something about pre-Revolutionary War treasure hidden in a chest or something. Andrew thought the whole story was kinda sketchy, but Dan had managed to convince Andrew to come along.

Now, standing in front of the storm drain, Andrew didn't have a shred of belief left.

"Dan, I don't know about this..."

"C'mon man, you're not scared, are you?"

"No, I'm not. I just don't think this is legit. I mean, why would it be in a storm drain if it was from before the Revolution? The whole thing is just sketch, man."

"They might've moved it afterwards, or maybe it was relocated. Just go check it out dude, c'mon," Dan urged.

Andrew rolled his eyes. "Okay fine, but you're coming with."

"Oh hell no, I'm staying right here."

"You mean to tell me you're sending me in there by myself? Are you nuts?!"

Dan shrugged. "Not a fan of storm drains, bro. Sorry."

Andrew rolled his eyes and threw his hands up exasperatedly, turning and storming into the pipe entrance.

"Make me go in by myself, why dontcha?"

His footsteps echoed loudly in the drain, and the daylight disappeared quickly so he had to turn on his phone flashlight. He briefly turned around to check the entrance. Dan was nowhere to be seen.

Andrew swore. Of course, the wuss. That's what Dan was best at; running away when he was scared.

He would've turned around and left immediately, but Dan would only get him to return again and again. He groaned frustratedly, the noise echoing loudly in the tunnel. He kept trudging forward.

The tunnel had grown eerily quiet, except for his footsteps and his breathing. His heartbeat pounded in his ears, making him think it was echoing off the walls, too. But he knew better. There was no semblance of daylight left, the only light came from his phone.

"Dan, I swear, I'm gonna murder you when I get out of here," he mumbled as he batted away a spiderweb.

Suddenly, a loud bang rang through the drain. Andrew froze.

What the...

Another loud noise, but not quiet a bang. It sounded more like incredibly aggressive footsteps.

Andrew swore his heart stopped. He couldn't turn, couldn't move, could barely breathe. He fought the urge to call out "Hello?", knowing that he'd be safer if he remained quiet.

With a gulp that seemed deafening, he forced himself to take a small step backwards. Then another. Then another. Just as he was about to turn, he heard a voice that chilled him to his very soul.


Andrew turned and sprinted, cursing Dan, high pitched laugher and quick, heavy footfalls echoing after him. The end of the tunnel was nowhere in sight.

"You can't run from me, Andrew!" the voice stopped laughing to screech.

Where is the end of the tunnel?! Andrew thought, panicked. I should at least see the light by now!

The voice spoke again, but it sounded like it was right behind Andrew.


Andrew screamed.

A/N: ...yeah I spooked myself writing this XD sorry y'all haha

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