Jack Kline x Reader One-shots

By JackCowboyKelly

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A book of one-shots about the adorable little Nephilim we know as Jack Kline. Most of the time you'll be Dean... More

Quarantine (edited)
There's a Naked Man! (edited)
Moriah pt.1 (edited)
Running Home to You (edited)
4 pt. 2
Jack in the Box (edited)
12 Pt. 2
15 pt. 2
Crazy Bitch (edited)
17 pt. 2
First Date (edited)
20 pt. 2
Family (edited)

Last Holiday (edited)

915 20 21
By JackCowboyKelly

Based on the newest episode because my mind is empty. I have another imagine on the way, I just don't know how to end it, but it's basically done. Sorry this took so long. School is messing up with my posting schedule, and on top of that, I got my phone taken away almost two weeks ago, and I still don't have it. I've been working on my school computer. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this!


~3rd P.O.V~

"Jack?" Y/N said, knocking on the door. There was no answer. "Come on, Jack. It's been days. You've gotta come out at some point." Still no answer. "I know you don't wanna talk about it, so I just brought some food for you. I thought that you might be hungry." Once again there was no answer. Y/N let out a sigh.

"Jack, please just open the door. I know... I know getting your soul back must be tough... actually, I don't since I've never gotten my soul taken away, but you gotta get out of your room at some point. You could at least say something." Silence. Y/N sighed once again, placing the food at the door. "Fine. I'll check on you later, Jack." She stood at the door for a moment, hoping he would say something before walking away.

Y/N walked into the library to see Sam sitting at the table, reading a book while Dean was standing up, wearing an apron and carrying a spatula. Y/N let out a small chuckle at her father's appearance. "What's with the apron?" She asked. Dean looked at her and raised his hands up in the air before setting them back down at his sides.

"What is it with you two? I'm making burgers, you got a problem?" He asked. Y/N raised her hands in defense before taking a seat across from Sam. "The kid come out of his room yet?" He asked.

Y/N sighed then shook her head. "No." She responded.

"I mean, can you blame him? His soul's back, you know? Everything's hitting him- everything he's done, everything he has to do, Amara..." Sam said, butting in.

"Yeah. Well, I mean, even Billie said it- to kill Chuck, you gotta kill Amara, too." Dean said.

"Yeah. Cas is still looking, but you know what? Say- say one of his angel contacts does find her. What then?"

There was a moment of silence before Dean answered. "Then we do what we gotta do."

All of a sudden there was a clanking noise coming from the bunker. Dean let out a frustrated sigh.

"Oh, come on. Now the air? Alright. Well, let's go." Dean said, annoyed as he took off his apron.

"Go where?" Sam asked, confused.

"To- Dude, we fought the devil, okay? I've killed Hitler. I think we can handle a few old pipes." Dean took off his apron and threw it on the table along with his spatula.

"Alright, I'm in. I can't wait to witness the disaster that's about to happen."

Dean sent his daughter a glare. "Hey, I killed Hi-"

"Yeah, you killed Hitler, I know. But fixing a bunker from the thirties is completely different." Dean only rolled his eyes before walking out of the room.

Dean and Y/N followed Sam throughout the bunker since he was the only one who decided to actually look around the whole place. Sam opened a door to the basement and the three began to walk downstairs.

"The gas and water converge down here. Maybe. It's too bad we can't just call a plumber." Sam said.

"Oh, yeah- 'Uh, hey, Mario Brothers? Yeah, could you come to the most secretive, secure, supernatural hideout in the world? Great, thanks. Go, Luigi!' What is this?" Dean asked, walking to what looked like a control panel.

"This is the bunker... grid-control... center thing- I- thingy." Sam said and Dean nodded sarcastically.

"Yeah. Of course. 'Reset' 'Standby'." Dean read out loud.

"What?" Sam asked, flipping through his book.

"Well, hey. What do I do when, uh, you know, my computer has too many pop-ups? Turn it off, turn it back on again. Hmm?" Dean said.

"Dad, this bunker is really old. Who knows what that button could do? It could send the whole bunker on shut-" Y/N was interrupted by Dean pressing the button and the lights turning off.

"-down. You should really let me finish my se-"

"Shh." Dean said, interrupting her. She sent him a glare. A few seconds later the lights turned on. "Ha-ha!" Dean laughed, putting his hands up in victory. "Victory! Now... burger time. Meat man! Comin' to town!" Dean then began to walk back to the kitchen. Y/N pinched her nose and slowly started to shake her head.

"I really wish he would quit calling himself 'Meat man'." Y/N said.

"Yeah." Sam said, nodding, agreeing with his niece. They both then walked upstairs, wanting to go to their own rooms.

After a few minutes of being in her room Y/N suddenly heard Dean call hers and Sams name. She quickly got off of her bed before running out of her room, almost bumping into Sam on the way. He called once again, and they ran into the Library.

"Yeah, hey, I was, uh... uh... hi? Wh-" Sam stopped when he saw the random woman standing only a few feet in front of them.

"Who the hell is the lady?" Y/N asked. She sent Y/N a glare before saying

"Language!" Y/N's eyes widened in surprise and Dean just gave her a shrug.

"Yeah, apparently she doesn't like that word." Dean stated sarcastically.

"What's going on?" Sam asked, changing the topic.

"Well, I was walking into my room, about to, uh, dive into my Dean Deluxe. I look up and there she is, folding my, uh, underthings." Y/N tried not to let out a chuckle at Dean's uncomfortableness.

"Your underthings?" Sam asked.

"My-" Dean was interrupted.

"Well, if you'd folded them properly to begin with." Dean threw his hands up in defeat.

"I'm sorry. Who are you?" Sam asked, changing the topic once again.

"My true name is- Oh, it's hardly decipherable in your tongue. Mr. Ganem called me Mrs. Butters." She said, letting out a giggle.

"Oh. Mrs. Butters." Dean said, nodding his head.

"Wait. 'Our tongue?' So w-what? You're not human?" Sam asked.

"Oh, no. No, no. I'm a wood nymph." She said.

"Okay, well, shouldn't you be in the woods, somewhere, nymphing?" Dean asked.

Mrs. Butters sighed. "Well, alas... that is a young one's game. But, no, no, I have much more important things to do. And besides, I live here." She said.

"So... you're a lady of letters?" Y/N asked, speaking up for the first time in a while.

"Oh, God, no. I was never a member, no." Mrs. Butters said, laughing. "I was more of a helper. I, uh, took care of the cleaning and laundry and the cooking. The Men of Letters, though highly intelligent, were oblivious to the necessities of life. But they were my boys. My family."

"Well, that's very progressive. Uh, okay, well, we don't want any trouble, so you can just leave." Dean said.

"Leave?" She asked, beginning to cry. "But this is- this is my home. Well, I have worked for the Men of Letters since before the war." She continued.

"The war? What year do you think it is?" Sam asked.

"1958." Mrs. Butters said hesitantly.

"Oh." The three Winchesters said simultaneously, none of them wanting to tell the poor wood nymph. "Well, afraid to tell you, but it's, uh- it's 2020." Dean said.

"It... Well... then... Well- Where is Mr. Markhas? Mr. Ackers? Where- Where are the rest of the Men of Letters?" She asked.

"You're looking at 'em. Plus the only Lady of Letters, Y/N. The rest of 'em are, um- they're dead."

"How?" She asked, her voice breaking slightly.

"A demon named Abaddon killed them, all of 'em."

"Oh." Was all Mrs. Butters said before gripping onto the table and letting a few tears slide.

"That's why they didn't come back. When the lads left for the ceremony, I was told to stay behind, guard the bunker. But they never returned. So, to keep the bunker safe, I placed it and myself in standby mode. I never dreamed... it would take this long to be reactivated."

"Yeah, we don't totally know everything about this place yet." Sam said.

"It's kinda been one apocalypse after the other." Dean commented, trying to find a good excuse.

"Oh, no, it's fine. I know how busy your work can be. If you're anything like the others, then it has been an age since you had a home-cooked meal or celebrated the holidays or-" Mrs. Butters took a step forward only to take another step back, holding her nose for a second. "Oh. Washed your clothes."

"Hey, I wash my clothes. I don't know about them, but I do." Y/N said defensively.

"I'm sure you do, dear." Mrs. Butters said with a warm smile.

"Yeah, we're not really holiday people." Sam said, ignoring Y/N.

"It's worse than I thought." Mrs. Butters sighed.

"You said, uh, that- that we were on standby mode. So, this entire time, we've been operating on, uh, like, half power?" Dean asked.

"The Men of Letters used my magic to give the bunker an extra oomph." She snapped her fingers and the room with the telescope lit up and there was a beeping noise behind the three.

"What's that?" Sam asked, looking towards the table in the war room.

"Oh. The radar, of course." Mrs. Butters answered. The four of them walked into the war room to see a red, flashing dot on the table.

"We have a... monster radar?" Dean asked.

Mrs. Butters let out a laugh. "The chime indicates something relatively nearby. And by the color... it looks to be a nest of vampires. 50 miles away. 725 Black Drive." She said.

Dean stood there for a moment before speaking. "We have a monster radar." He said, impressed.

"Yeah. Well, if you three hurry, I imagine you can clean out that nest and make it back here in time for supper."

"Oh, hell yeah!" Dean yelled, excitedly.

"Oh- Ooh." Mrs. Butters sent him a disapproving look.

"Heck- Heck yeah." Dean corrected with a small smile.

"That's right." She said before walking away.

Dean was checking out the table, and Y/N was about to leave the room when Sam stopped them. "Guys, hold up. How do we know we can trust her?"

"Look at her. It isn't that big of a stretch to think that the Men of Letters wouldn't have found somebody to help out. I mean, they were basically a bunch of uppity, preppy bachelors, you know? Having a... whatever she is- it's almost required." Dean said, defending the wood nymph.

"Besides, do you really think that if she was evil, she wouldn't make fun of Dad for having Scooby Doo underwear? Not even I can resist making fun of him for it." Dean elbowed his daughter in the stomach which caused Y/N to let out a pained grunt.

"Yeah, but-"

"Look, why don't- why don't we go check it out, alright? If the nest is real, then she's telling the truth, and know we just caught a serious break, and we have not been catching those lately."

"And if it isn't?"

"Then we deal with it."

"What about Jack?" Sam asked.

"I'll stay here with them. You two can handle the case on your own. Besides, I don't think I can go on a hunt due to my own father elbowing me in the stomach." Dean only rolled his eyes.

"You sure?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Besides, incase Jack decides to come out while you guys are gone, I think it'll be good to have a familiar face instead of just someone he's never met." Y/N said with a shrug.

After that the boys went to get ready to go on their hunt and Y/N walked over to Jack's room, knocking on the door for the second time that day.

"Hey, Jack. Just wanted to tell you Sam and Dad are going out on a hunt. I've decided to stay, but we've got company. She's making some snickerdoodles. They smell really good. If you want some, all you gotta do is ask." No answer. "Alright. I'll, uh... be in my room if you need me." She said.

Y/N noticed something on the ground and let out a sigh. Jack hadn't even touched his food. She bent down and picked up the dish, walking into the kitchen to throw away the sandwich. She put the dish in the sink and went to go to her room, but stopped when she heard Mrs. Butters call her name.

"Y/N? Why did you just throw away a perfectly good sandwich?" She asked.

"Uh, I left it for Jack. He hasn't been out of his room for a few days, and he hasn't eaten either."

"Well, why don't I give it a try?" She asked with a smile. Y/N let out a chuckle as if what she said had been a joke.

"Sure, go ahead. Let me warn you that Jack... he can be stubborn, so if he doesn't come out, don't beat yourself up about it. He's, uh... he's been through a lot." Mrs. Butters nodded, and Y/N walked to her room.

About an hour later Y/N walked out of her room to hear someone blasting what sounded like Christmas music. It was a few months passed Christmas and they never really celebrated it anyway, so she knew that this was the work of Mrs. Butters.

"What the..." She said, walking into the war room. There was a Christmas tree on the table with a train moving all around the tree. There were lights on the stairs and railing. Y/N then heard the front door open and Sam and Dean walked in. Sam gave her a confused glance while she just shrugged. Just then Mrs. Butters came into the room with a big smile on her face and a plate full of cookies.

"Merry Christmas!" She said cheerfully while doing a little dance. She then began to laugh and spun around in a circle. Y/N couldn't help but smile. It was hard not to catch the wood nymphs happy attitude. She was practically spewing out gumdrops and rainbows.

Soon after, it started getting late, so everyone got ready for bed. The next morning Y/N had woken up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. She walked into kitchen to see Sam and Mrs. Butters talking. She sat next to Sam as Mrs. Butters was going on and on about what they were going to celebrate.

"Jack, hey." Sam said, noticing the nephilim walk in. Y/N gave him a smile.

"Uh, this is, uh..." Sam began.

"Oh. This is Jack." Mrs. Butters said, interrupting Sam. Jack gave her a little wave and smile.

"What are you?" Mrs. Butters asked him. Sam and Y/N shared worried glances.

"He's a millennial. Don't let that throw you. He's a good kid." Dean said, walking in. Y/N held in a laugh, seeing Dean in a nightgown.

"Are you wearing..." Sam began to say, but was interrupted by Dean.

"Oh. Dude, you gotta see this thing. It's like I'm wrapped in hugs. You gotta feel this thing. Look at this." Dean said, lifting up his gown. Y/N and Sam made the mistake of looking down.

"Oh my God, my eyes!" Y/N yelled, covering them as Sam just made a disgusted noise. Dean looked at them, confused before looking down.

"Oh." He said, letting out a laugh. "I don't know where you got this, Mrs. B, but... best gift ever."

"Yeah, maybe for you." Y/N said, rubbing her eyes, trying to get the image out of her head.

"Ohh. You're welcome, dear." Mrs. Butters then looked at Jack, letting out a small sigh. "Well, if they vouch for you, then it's okay by me. Oh, good heavens, you must be starving."

"Uh, I'm not that hungry." Jack said, speaking up for what was probably the first time in days.

"Oh, poppycock. A young boy like you. Here." She said. She went to grab something from behind her and a smoothie magically appeared out of nowhere. "Try this. You'll love it." She said with a smile. Dean sat up straight, seeing the smoothie in Jacks hands.

"Smoothie! I want one." Dean said with a small smile.

"You... may have tomato juice. I'm worried about your cholesterol. Tsk-tsk-tsk." Y/N and Sam chuckled at Deans reaction while Jack only smiled. Just then the alarm began blaring, signalling that there was a monster nearby.

"Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho! We got one!" Dean said, running out of the room right behind Sam and Y/N right behind him. The three of them quickly changed into some clothes, getting ready to hunt. Y/N walked out of her room to see Sam in front of her and Dean in front of him.

"No crusts." Mrs. Butters said, handing them each a bag with their first initial on it.

"Ohh! Mrs. B, you're the best." Dean said, rushing towards the car.

"Samuel, the radar says it's a lamia. I put blessed knives in the trunk. And tell Dean to take it easy on the car. I just waxed it." She informed the sasquatch.

"Should I come or...?" Jack asked, looking at the two Winchesters.

"Wha- No, no. Jack, it's fine. We got it." Sam said, then walked away.

"Don't worry, Jack. We'll be back soon. How about we watch a movie when I come back? We haven't done that in a while." Jack smiled at the idea and nodded. Y/N then waved goodbye before rushing out of the bunker, into the garage.

After her, Sam and Dean got back from their hunt Y/N and Jack watched a movie. They decided to watch Spider-Man: Homecoming. It was a good movie, and Y/N would be lying if she said that she didn't have a thing for Tom Holland.

"You know... You and Peter are actually a lot alike." Y/N said.

"Really?" Jack asked, looking at Y/N before turning his attention back towards the movie. Y/N nodded.

"Yeah, I mean you both have been through a lot, and even though most people would have quit, you both keep fighting. The only difference is that you're real and Peter isn't." Y/N said.

Over the next few weeks Y/N, Jack, Sam, Dean and Mrs. Butters celebrated different holidays, Y/N, Sam and Dean went on different kinds of hunts and Y/N and Jack watched different movies, catching up with each other for the first time in what felt like forever. Everything was beginning to go back to normal, or as normal as it could get. This was the first time that they had been happy in a while.

Okay, this is part one of two. I'll post part two as soon as possible. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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