Princess Amelia

By JinxOneHunit

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Welcome to a world of tantalizing and scandalous royal life... Since the tragic death of her mother 10 years... More

Princess Amelia
Chapter 1 Runaway
Chapter 2 Damsel in Distress
Chapter 3 Blake
Chapter 4 The Truth
Chapter 6 Timing and Execution
Chapter 7 The Painful Truth
Chapter 8 Judgement Day
Chapter 9 Amnesty
Chapter 10 It's Too Late to Apologize
Chapter 11 The Truth Will Set You Free
Chapter 12 You are Mine and I Am Yours

Chapter 5 Back to Arcadian

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By JinxOneHunit

I awoke in the late evening when it seemed everyone was quietly snoozing. I grabbed my satchel and what little I had brought to Kaaden Falls was inside it; I gripped the letter I had wrote just for Blake tightly in my hand. I quickly gathered my things and as quietly as I could left the rooms. I tiptoed to Blake's rooms, which was right across the hall from mine. I contemplated just slipping the letter under the door, but I wanted to see his face just one more time.

Soundlessly, I opened his door and nervously, I stepped inside. And there he was; looking every bit as a king should. His head was propped on a pillow, slightly turned away from me; a book lay there, across his chest; his right arm lay across his flat belly, his left at his side. Leaving the door open I tiptoed farther into his room, making my way over to his bed where his small drawer lie. I took the letter and placed it quietly there. I took one last look at Blake and found a pair of eyes staring right back at me. Startled, I gasped and took a step back. I was completely and utterly confused, here I thought that I was as quiet as a mouse and yet, he still knew I was there.

Slowly, he sat up and rose from the bed. He took one look at me and then at the letter and still looking at the letter, he said, "I don't know what's written inside that letter, but whatever it is I don't want it."

"But, Blake I--"

"No, Amelia I refuse to accept it, I don't want your letter of apologies and good-byes. Whatever it is you have to say you can say it right here and right now." He picked up the letter and handed it to me, swallowing hard I took it from him, looking down at it to avoid his piercing gaze.

"Well?" he urged impatiently.

"I don't know what to say Blake. I'm sorry."

"I don't want your apologies Amelia, I want you to tell me what you're feeling, what you're thinking about right this minute. Because for some reason I feel I am drawn to you, like a moth to a flame and I don't want you to leave without telling me exactly how you feel about me, about us. I--"

I felt his hesitation and I found his captivating eyes once more and saw in them that same vulnerability I saw the second time I took interest in the death of his father.

"I think I've fallen in love with you Amelia." And as he continued to look deep into my eyes, that I thought he was looking into my very soul; he closed the distance between us and tears fell from my eyes at how great it felt to hear him say what I had felt the very moment I saw him.

"I've fallen in love with you too, Blake and by God, I don't want to leave you anymore than you want me to, but I can't just stand by and let that witch destroy my father's life anymore, I have no choice." He brought his hand up to brush back a strand of hair from my face and brought his hand down to rest upon my cheek. "Then, go my fair beauty and promise me you'll come back. Promise me you will." But before I could reply he kissed me, desperately I tried to get closer to him and I wrapped my arms around his waist as I stood on my tiptoes trying to taste more of him. Soon, he broke the kiss and we were both breathing hard and I felt very dizzy.

Blake took my hand and lead me down the stairs and out of the castle to the stables, he went straight to the stall of his stallion, Philip. He let go of my hand and went to stand there with a whimsical look on his face. "I suppose you two have already met," He replied with an adorable smirk on his face.

I blushed, embarrassed that I had been caught; I never get caught, "She wasn't supposed to tell you."

He stood leaning on the stall door, about ready to open it. "I know. Let's just say she didn't exactly release the information voluntarily."

I laughed aloud and walked over to him. "Are you saying that you forced your only sister to tell you what I was up to?"

Suddenly, he had his hands on my hips and he pulled me to him, causing my breathing to become ragged and shaky as I stared into those eyes that seemed to hold me prisoner with their beauty.

"Well, 'forced' would be a bit strong of a word to describe it. More like persuasion got her to tell me."

I was surprised by how serious and sad his face had gotten and I realized what was wrong. I brought my hand up to cup his cheek and looked so deep into his eyes that I thought I was looking into his soul.

"I will come back to you, Blake," I told him all joking aside. Still he looked glum.

"I promise I will." He smiled sweetly and took my hand from his cheek and kissed the inside of my palm.

"I know you will, I just don't think I can take being without you for so long."

I smiled and kissed his luscious lips, loving his masculine taste. And he held me oh so tight, like he would never let me go, not even if the world was ending.

The kiss was broken and he opened the stall door and let me walk in first. His horse was happily chomping on his hay, so completely enthralled in it he hardly acknowledged us as we walked in. Walking over to me, Blake took my things and went to his horse. He gently patted Philip's neck and began to put my things in a sack already fastened to the horse.

"I've packed some provisions and whatever you will need for your journey back home."

"Ok." I was standing slightly behind him and he turned around to face me.

"I have also assigned two men that I know and trust to escort you there."

Shock was painted all over my face and then it turned to anger. Ever since I was a child I was escorted here and there, to and from the kingdom by someone I absolutely detested, and it was always someone who thought flattery would get them anywhere with me, but it never did.

"What? No, Blake, I ca--"

"I don't want to hear it Amelia, you nearly died the last time you ventured out into the woods alone. Besides you'll enjoy having these two around, they can be simpletons at times, but they don't joke around when it comes to a fight."

"But Blake, I--"

"No, 'buts', these men will escort you back to Arcadian, safe and sound; and that's the end of it." The tone of his voice held something fearsome that I instinctively knew was not to be provocked. It was almost as if he were daring me to challenge his superiority. So instead I hung my head and accepted defeat. He sighed heavily at my dramatics, but I could tell he felt bad for having taken that tone with me. He used his index finger to lift my chin enough so that I was looking into his eyes.

"Amelia, I'm sorry, but I want you to be safe. I know I should have told you first, but I knew you would object and I love you too much to let you go unprotected. Can you understand that?"

He knew exactly what to say and when to say it, but honestly he hardly needed to say words; his eyes spoke them for him and I very clearly got the message as well as held in his mind-blowing trance. He could make me do and go with anything he wanted me to with those breath-taking eyes of his.

"Yes, I love you, too."

He laughed when I hungrily licked my lips and gave me a peck on the mouth.

"We better get going they'll be waiting for us down by the gates."

He grabbed my hips and lifted me onto the horse, almost effortlessly, it seemed. He swiftly and smoothly got onto the horse and settled in behind me, tighly grasping the reins. He nudged Philip onward with his foot and steered him left towards the exit and then right towards the gates. With me sitting in front of him it was easy to lean back and rest my head on his chest and I listened as his heartbeat remained steady.

As we came closer to the gates, Philip slowed down to a slow jog and then a moderate walk. Suddenly I could see two horses tied off and two boys rolling in the dirt. Unless I was mistaken it seemed they both had red hair. Blake pulled the reins back gently, but hard enough to bring Philip to a halt. Blake hopped off landing lightly on his feet and tenderly took my hands so that I could hop off as well. The red-haired boys were still grunting and rolling around in the dirt. "Gentleman, is this any way to behave in front of a lady," Blake's tone was loud and serious, but I could tell by his expression that he was amused. The boys immediately got to their feet and picked up their hats, and gracefully bowed before us, "Apologies, your highness, please forgive our beastly behavior," they both recited in unison. And I could tell right away they were irishman, I smiled in spite of myself. Both had the same height and build, same eye color, which was a honey brown, and identical features. They were twins.

"All shall be forgiven, if you can tell me your names."

They smiled with silly grins. "Aye, that not be all we can tell you, miss, but we be the magnificent Art and Adam, at your service, my lady." I couldn't help, but to laugh at their ridiculous gestures.

Quietly, to Blake I asked, "Are they of royal blood?"

"Yes, they are my cousins," he replied with an impish grin. He laughed at my quizzical expression. "They are my father's sister's children. She married an irish prince."

I looked back at them and they were curiously staring at us, I could tell they did not hear a word we had said.

"Shall we get a move on then, I'm dreadfully parched," said Adam and with a flick of his wrist he brought his hand up to push his hat back enough to wipe his forehead in order to demonstrate his misfortune. Blake looked to me and replied, "I don't see why not, are you ready?"

"Of course." And with that Blake pressed a kiss to my hair and lifted me onto his horse, "Be careful."

I smiled and said, "I will."

He took my hand and kissed it.

I grabbed the reins and nudged Philip onward to follow Art and Adam's horses out of the kingdom. I looked back at Blake and his face still looked sad, but as Philip got closer to the gates; it became harder and harder to his face until we were outside the kingdom and I could not see him at all because the gates had closed behind us. I had to think less about my charming, Blake and more about how to confront the conniving whore on my way back to Arcadian.

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