Broken Saviour/TWD-Negan

By bigvibingfics

542 5 1

-I don't own any of the original characters or their stories of the comics or TV show. I do own Maddie and he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

42 1 0
By bigvibingfics

I trotted up the stairs and back out into the tranquil street, all was dark apart from the occasional oil lamp trailing down the sidewalk. I pulled myself up the house stairs and stopped halfway before whispering a 'goodnight' down to the steel bars, 'night kid' returned as quietly as I'd said it. I continued my journey into the house and up into my cozy room before flicking the lights off and burrowing down for the night.

Orange light spread into the room as I batted my eyelids open. I sat up and looked out at the sun rising above a sea of trees. I quietly slid my foot into my boot and then the other before pulling my jacket over me and heading out the door, I grabbed myself a couple of slices of bread with peanut butter lathered on and made my way down the stairs and into the basement. 'good mornin' his voice grumbled as I stopped infront of the gate, 'you alright?' I asked. He sighed and walked over to me, 'just four walls and a bed pan, I could be alot better. What you got there?' he looked down at the two bits of buttery peanut bread in my hand, I lifted a slice up to the bars as he reached his hand through and took it, 'thank you sweetheart' he returned back to his bed and took a bite, 'where you and the 'gang' headed today?' he inquired, 'Michonne said we're goin to a place called hilltop, gotta take some people or something' I shrugged, 'be safe kid' he instructed as he finished the last bit of bread.

I climbed back up to the outside world and met Michonne, along with a cart full of people I'd never seen and Sadiq already mounted up. Judith popped up beside me, 'mom said most of the horses are being used, so I'm gonna ride with you' she insisted. 'you sure you couldn't ride in the wagon?' she rolled her eyes, 'mom said she doesn't want me with people she doesn't know she'd prefer for me to ride with you' I smiled at the thought of Michonne trusting me as we walked over to the group.

I slid my left foot far into the stirrup and swung my leg over, I hadn't ridden for a long time. But I hadn't forgotten, its like riding a bike it always comes back to you. I sat comfortably and adjusted my reins before Judith climbed onto the fence, I grabbed hold of her wrist as she did mine and helped her up and infront of me, she rested nicely on the withers. It was easier to have small kids infront, that way if the horse reared or kicked I'd be able to keep her on. I turned my head and saw Michonne watching from her horse, I tensed my thighs slightly as a command to walk on, we did so to the gate. We stood next to Michonne with the wagon behind us while waiting for the gate to open. I rested my arms around Judith's tiny torso and passed her the reins. Michonne questioned my sanity, but I reassured her with a warm smile and a 'I know what I'm doing' head tilt. The gate was wide open as we started to walk down the barren road, 'you've ridden before?' Judith looked up at me.

'yeh, my dad used to own horses when I was just a lil younger than you, as soon as I learnt to walk he strapped me to the back of one. Its nice to do something that was normal for me back then' I replied, 'while we're walking we can keep the reins loose, but if your horse is too cheeky you can tighten them a bit when picking up speed' I taught her, she held her hands loosely along the horn of the saddle while swaying to the steady pattern of his hoofs planting down on the concrete. I looked to my right at Michonne as she gave a bright smile, 'thank you' she mouthed.

After 20 minutes I gently took the reins back as her head leant against my chest, her hat sliding off and inbetween us, I picked it up and threaded a leather loop through one of the holes and kept it safe on the side of the horse. She breathed lightly as we continued to walk through a deserted road in the middle of a forest. Suddenly, two riders flew around the corner and stopped as soon as they reached us, 'those spears, you're from hilltop?' Michonne questioned, they both nodded and replied, 'we're to send a message to alexandria. We have one of them, Rosita, she's injured' Michonne rolled her eyes, she didn't want to go but now she had to, 'Michonne' I tilted my head to sleeping Judith infront of me, 'should we head back to alexandria with them?' I asked. She thought for a minute before nodding, 'be safe' she answered. I nodded goodbye at Sadiq, before turning the reins tightly and following the two guards from hilltop.

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