Azula Flickering Hope

By Squ_ibby

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My story is messy its broken and torn and hard to look at. I'm not the princess, little girls grow up wanting... More

How they look
loyalties Lie
Another choice
Getting in
Forget everything


251 12 0
By Squ_ibby

Azulas POV

The night was long and none of them bothered to wake up and offer to take shifts so I could get some sleep.

There either incredibly rude or have never been on the run and I'm dealing with a bunch of amateurs.

Bugs attacked my arms and legs like a feast I tried to keep myself from scratching at them I didn't want to risk accidentally reopening my wound.

Usually I would just hold a fire in my hand and the bugs would leave me alone. But I can't do that now,

I put in the last amount of sticks into the fire that would hopefully last until morning. I couldn't risk freezing to death out here if I did nobody would even search for my frozen body.

trained for the military I was already used to long shifts but I haven't had to pull an all nighter in a long time.

I remember My fighting instructor Kagami Sensei would make me stay up in a room alone while doing work problems until my eyes felt like stone and my vision spinned.

The practice was to keep me awake during attacks so if I was ever in battle I could stay up for days without it affecting my decision makeing skills.

I made it ten days on caffeinated tea and digging my nails into my arm he said I was the longest lasting student he had, but he still looked at me with contempt when I let my cheek rest on the table and shut my eyes as if I wasn't so tired My thoughts felt like memories.

I remember the moment my eyes snapped open and he smacked my hands with a baton. I told Father about the awful experience and I never saw Sensei again.

Tea never had the same effect after that

I don't like being up this late makes my head run wild, I get impulsive and my thoughts wonder to dark places I can't get out of.

Last night I almost died From letting those thoughts in for to long.
My spine shivers thinking of what I did of what almost happened and how nobody would ever know what really happened last night.

If anyone found out they're are words people would call me a quitter, crazy, depressed. Nobody would see me the same it's not like my image is any better at the moment but people still respect me I can't loose that.

I recall those cold winter mornings when I was younger and my mind started to turn on me.
I would spend days locked in my room not bothering to even leave my bed. I felt heavy and empty I was always filled with purpose but those days I couldn't find a reason to eat.

eventually I would pick myself back up again even if it meant I had a few sleepless nights. I geuss you could say it was one of my few weaknesses.

I could never name why I was so upset the servants would try everything to make me smile bring flowers and art but nothing worked I was just empty.

The nurses said I was just a young woman and these emotions were normal. I didn't have many teen freinds so I didn't have much to compare it to anyway.

As if I ever would have told tylee and Mai about what was going on in my head they would have called me crazy or worse pitied me.

The worst of it was after Zuko was banished. I'm not really sure why I wasn't upset by him leaveing infact I was overjoyed to be rid of him for a few months until he'd eventually return.

I was positive father would call for him back in just a few months and that this was just a short punishment to put him in his place.

But that month turned to three then nine then a year and then two, and then I was sent to go fetch them but of course by then it was to late he didn't want to stay.

my father's face when he burned my brother, it will never leave my memories I can still hear the cheers while I was caught up in the moment like a fire the excitement kept building know one had seen my father fight in years.

I was delighted that dad was finally putting him in his place I remember how the men in the room looked at me like so was one of them and Zuko was the child. It felt good to be the child not being punished,
To be the good one

Zuko rested his head and I wanted to yell at him to get up and fight, I was embarrassed seeing him cry like that He didn't get it he had to fight, but he didn't and father let out a large flame so bright I squinted it was all so funny until it wasn't

I smiled Finally Zuko would understand that he didn't have what it takes to be fire lord I half expected father to crown me heir right they're in front of everyone.

My smile fell like a stone to the floor

This wasn't a small bruise or burn you got from touching a hot pan. He didn't get up and ask for a bandage and a towel so he could lick his wounds.

No that didn't happen at all...He was Scorched

You couldn't tell where face began and burn ended he was melting like a candle and everyone was rather laughing or to disgusted to help.

I smelled smoke no.. not smoke the smell was to strong putrid and heavy like leather and oil it was so thick it was almost a taste it made me feel sick.

Then he started crying and screaming I froze unsure of how to feel or act he was clutching his face as if his hand was stopping any of the pain. I stepped closer leaning down to help or maybe it was to get a look at the burn I'm unsure, He slapped my hand away and glared through his glassy eye.

Uncle Iroh rushed to his side gently touching his hand to shield half of his face his cry's were heavy and mixed with screams I stood they're on the platform listening to the men in the room laugh and gossip.

Iroh yelled at me loud it made me jump I'm not sure why I remembered it so clearly he had just told me to "Leave your making it worse !" he wasn't the type to raise his voice but when he did it made you freeze up like stone I'd never been scolded by anyone but my mother

My cheeks flushed red with embarrassment how dare that old coward raise his voice at me when I was trying to help. Father pulled me away and smiled.

That entire night Zuko cryed and screamed and I watched as the nurses ran back and forth with bowls of water and bloody towels.

It was hard to sleep that night and Ironically after that I slept far to much. I stayed in my room thinking over what happened. It brought me ease of knowing I was fathers favorite prized child and he would never hurt me like that as long as I didn't make mistakes like Zuko.

I didn't speak in meetings for a long time just in case if Zuko being gone meant he'd take his anger out on me.

Without Mother and Zuko around I was scared to look him in the eyes during dinner.
The table felt so empty but he hardly seemed to notice.

I had an irrational fear that at any moment a mistake would lead me to where Zuko was,
I knew he would never do that to me but I was concerned.

Of course that never happened I worried for nothing, I was my father's pride. Of course he would never have hurt me, I learned it didn't even matter that Zuko spoke out at the meeting.

He had been waiting for him to make a mistake could have been an injury or even dropping a plate if it came down to it. Father just wanted him gone.

I shouldn't be thinking of all this I need to stay focused theirs nothing to be done of it now.

The Sun eventually rose and brightened the forest I could see the birds chirping and beginning to wake. The air felt cold and nice and I couldn't see the hospital anymore, So I geuss yesterday we made some distance.

I streched my back and stood up from against the tree. I yawned and cracked my knuckles and neck until they didn't feel like I layed on the forest floor all night.

The idouts were still sleeping and I decided I should at least make breakfast for myself.

I walked until the Forrest became open enough I could see down the mountain side a small town. I could climb down grab some food and come back up before they noticed I was gone.

I scooted down the rocky ground and the stones destroyed my shoes. I slowly climbed my way down hoping I wouldn't miss a ledge the rocks were still slippery from last nights rain.

My foot slipped and I snatched the closest rock above me to catch myself. My breath hitched and I didn't breath until I found another spot for my foot.

I made it to the bottom and scanned over the small village it was still morning and I could see that many people weren't awake yet.

The farmers were out already working out on the feilds and I sneaked my way behind the houses so they wouldn't catch me.

There was a large bucket full of dirty carrots and potatoes and a tree with delicious looking pears growing.

I ran over to the tree and started picking fruit by the handful since I'm here I might as well get food for the other's don't want them complaining for the rest of the walk and slowing me down.

I picked five pears one for each of them and two for me. I struggled to balance them all in my arms and when I turned around and old women stared at me surprised.

Crap ok think of something

" Oh hello mam how are you this morning?"

" I'm doing just fine dear, are you hungry you looked starved"

She gasped and looked me over and walked over to look over my dirty uniform.

" You must be one of those poor kids from the fire, Come here I'll get you something to eat you poor thing"

I was surprised but I couldn't say anything as she dragged me into her home. She smelled like earth and had brown hair with gray streaks at the top.

She grabbed a leather bag from the coat hanger and Filled it with food fruits and vegetables and even some tea and cups.

I stood there awkwardly in her kitchen when some children peaked there heads thrue the door.

The house was small for firenation homes but I could tell from the decor they definitely weren't poor. I don't think I've been to these levels of the fire nation in years

" You poor things there must be a whole lot of you and good on you for trying to get them something to eat, next time just come on down and I'll feed you"

she handed me the now heavy bag and I smiled she was very nice and naive. She isn't benefitting at all from doing this, so why is she.

" Thank you so much I'm very grateful and I'm sure my freinds will be to"

" anytime deery, children like yourself shouldn't have to worry about food"

My stomach grumbled while I walked out the door and waved behind me still in a state of shock. That was a pleasant surprise I won't have to worry about food for the next three days.

I hurled the bag over my back and started my climb back up the rocky hillside. Before, this climb would have been easy but my muscles had turned to heavy and useless limbs that couldn't climb this wall without haveing me take a breath every few seconds.

The bag tryed to slip from off my shoulder and I had to focus before I lost all the food. I scratched my hands on the rocks but held my grip until I pulled myself up to the top.

Shaking my hands I walked in the direction of the group. The forest was much brighter out and I saw that the group was awake. Kumara stirred and rubbed her eyes and blinked in my direction.

" Azula were did you go?"

She asked as if them wakeing up at this time was normal " I went to get some food you should all eat we've got a long day of walking"

I sat down and they all scooted in closer to see what I brought. I poured out the bag and took another pear for myself and two dragon fruits for father when I saw him again.

"Why do you get three fruits that's not fair"
" There for my father when we get to him, and you shouldn't complain you could be eating bugs right about now"

Pokku took the bell pepper from the bag and gave it to Zulon to cook over his hand.

They were strangely close and I'm trying to understand why they would want to be in a relationship. Father told me it was from evil spirits messing with humans. They didn't seem like they were under any spirits control they just looked comfortable around each other, Gross

Kamara spit out the seeds of her slice of melon like some kind of savage. How did I manage to get stuck with these three freaks. I mean Tylee was in a circus but even she had class.

Kamara and the rest of them opened there medication and I debated on whether I should take them, I geuss I wouldn't want to have an episode in front of father.

I grabbed my bottle from off the floor and swallowed The pill it was hard to swallow when my throat was so dry so I squeezed some pear juice down my throat.

Kumara smiled at me while she combed out her hair with her fingers. She really was beautiful. I'm surprised she was in this hospital not because she was beautiful but because she seemed unbelievablely normal I wonder what she was being treated for.

I looked away from her and picked up the bag and dusted off my lap from the forests dirt and grime that had coated my clothes and skin. I smelled like dried blood and rain and I really wanted to shower.

I can't expect to show up to father looking like this, breaking in won't be easy if I smell like death.

" We should find a spring or lake we smell like a pack of animal's"

Zulon smelled himself and and then looked down at Pokku " I don't think we smell that bad I took a shower like ten days ago"

"I-  Okay let's go"

I grabbed my things and started in the direction of the nearest water source. The three of them quickly collected there things to catch up with me.

I felt the humidity in the air as we got closer to the sounds or rushing water. I had memorized all of the firenations geography mostly important lakes rivers and mountains. Shojiki falls was large and encased the large mountains that surrounded the prison.

I pushed past a few more branches until I saw the beautiful rushing waterfall. It was powerful and brilliant and carried itself with tranquility and stillness despite the ever going roar of the water. I read that in a text book but the words didn't do it justice.

I looked behind me and the three of them looked just as memorized. I smiled seeing them with there jaws dropped to the floor and eyes glimmering with Excitement.

" This my fellow travelers is Shojiki falls, sacred and is said to make you come to great realizations some avatars came here to meditate and train.

" This place is stunning I can't believe I've never seen it"

Kumara quickly took off her shoes almost tripping over herself, She ran into the water holding no hesitation to splash and kick until she dived in"
The two boys looked at each and ripped there hospital shirts off there heads and followed her into the water. Kumara used water bending to splash the boys with waves makeing it rain over them.

" Hey that's not fair!"
She smiled and dove back into the water wipping her long brown hair out of her face. She looked really pretty when her hair was wet and the ends floated at the top of the water.

I walked to the corner of the pond and step by step balenced myself across the narrow rocky path near the edge of the lake until I made it directly infront of the waterfall.

" You mind"
I looked back at Kumara who once realizing stopped the water just enough for me to walk behind the waterfall without getting wet.

I took my shoes of that felt dirty and torn from the hours of walking in the rain and not to mention mountain climbing.

I took off my shirt that felt crunchy from the dryed blood and smelled like a dead wet animal. I took off the rest of my clothes and started washing them off in the water I didn't have any soap so this would have to do.

The water turned a little red and brown but it was quickly faded from more water falling behind it.

I pulled my matted hair out of my messy top not that in honesty looked more like a sad pony tail. I scrubbed the grime viciously out of my hair that no longer felt silky and clean like before.

I felt the ends of my bangs that now were long enough for me to pull back into a bun. I had very short bangs for a time because of my little breakdown causing me to cut them lopsided.

My scalp felt so good just getting water against it I pushed my head thrue the falling water and let it run down my hair.

" You always had such beatiful hair"

I jumped forward and swam far from the falling water to the rocky edges behind refusing to look into the waters reflection.

I looked at my own arm there was a lot of dryed blood scabbing over the scar It clearly needed stitches to keep it from  reopening. I washed the dirt off my arm and let my hair go under water.

I let myself stareback at my reflection and for a moment saw mother's face frowning back at me I splashed it away from me.

" You haveing a water fight all by yourself back here"

I looked up and saw Kumara raising the water over her head with her arm makeing a small door for her to swim through.

She swam up to me smiled and looked back at my arm

"Can I touch your arm" I nodded and she gently held my wrist and traced her finger down the cut. I could feel my own heart beat in my chest and I wondered if she could hear it to.

" They got you really good, huh I'm sure the prison will have some medical supplies so we can stitch it up no problem"

She smiled and let go of my arm I couldn't help but notice the many scars on her own arms but I decided against commenting on them.
She went underwater and washed her hair I did the same after swimming a few feet away from her.

" So you're seeing your dad soon, You nervous"
" No... I mean I geuss I'll have to tell him about my bending"
" Yah that sucks, but he's your dad so I'm sure you'll feel better after telling him"
" Whatever"

We continued like this in comfortable silence it felt nice to be able to trust her. She might fear me but at least I trusted she wouldn't back stab me, if she wanted me dead she could have killed me last night"

She was shivering and her teeth started clicking while she tried rubbing her arms as if that would help her warm up while still being in the water

" Come on let's get out if you're so cold, I thought you were from the northern water tribe shouldn't you be more adapted to frigid ocean water"

" Well no actually my mother was from the southern water tribe but I was raised in the firenation"

" How didn't anyone notice you weren't fully firenation, I know for a fact no one would allow a watertribe girl to live anywhere near other fire nation children"

" Oh that's the worst part my father dyed my hair black and straightened it weekly to keep me safe, and my skin was a little darker but most people just thought I was tan"

"So you lived your whole life in secret"

" Well yah, but I don't mind to much I grew up in the firenation so that was just what was normal, and it's not like I ever met my mom"

" I geuss that makes since, your lucky moms aren't all they're cracked up to be"

" neither are fathers, family stuff it's hard I geuss"

" I suppose so"

We stood there floating in thought unsure of how this conversation would end it was torturous.

Why was I acting like this I could feel my heart in my ears and not a single word came out to ease the tension.

She lifted the water above her head and motioned for me to swim through. Pokku and Zulon were still splashing each other with water.
" Come on idouts let's get going the sooner we get there the sooner we can go back"

" Your going back"

" well yah back to the hospital or whatevers left of it"

" don't you want to get as far away from there as possible"

" well no... I want to get better and these guys are like my faimly"

She pulled the water out of her clothes and returned it back into the lake I carried mine quickly and ran behind a tree to get changed.

When I walked back out she pulled the water out of my shorts and shirt it felt weird all of a sudden being dry.

Her bending was messy and slow untrained for sure, it must have been a miracle she was able to blood bend and save me.

I jumped from the weird sensation and she laughed seeing me pat myself over I straightened my posture and tryed not to smile back at her

" I geuss we should be on are way then"

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